Website without online booking?

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I do not have online booking. I like to have the personal one on one communication. I want to hear their voice. I can tell alot about a person just by their voice and how they communicate with me when I ask certain questions. I have a "no children" policy, and a "no pet" policy. My rooms are "couples only". If someone books online and then shows up with children or dogs, or more people than I take....this would pose a problem. I prefer to do all of my own booking. So far so good!.
hiddencove said:
I do not have online booking. I like to have the personal one on one communication. I want to hear their voice. I can tell alot about a person just by their voice and how they communicate with me when I ask certain questions. I have a "no children" policy, and a "no pet" policy. My rooms are "couples only". If someone books online and then shows up with children or dogs, or more people than I take....this would pose a problem. I prefer to do all of my own booking. So far so good!
How do you know "so far so good"? I have only booked one room where there was no online reservation and that was because of the price and it was located where I wanted to turned out to be pretty much a dive. I'm too busy to wait to make the call, have to leave a message and wait for the Innkeeper to call me back, I would rather just book online and be done it.
I do not have online booking. I like to have the personal one on one communication. I want to hear their voice. I can tell alot about a person just by their voice and how they communicate with me when I ask certain questions. I have a "no children" policy, and a "no pet" policy. My rooms are "couples only". If someone books online and then shows up with children or dogs, or more people than I take....this would pose a problem. I prefer to do all of my own booking. So far so good!.
Maybe you don't want to do on line bookings..but you absolutely should consider on line availablity at the very least! You are living in the dark ages .... people want to know when they are on line that there is a room available. If so, then they would call you and you could talk with them.
In the beginning, many have felt just like you..but once they make the move....they NEVER look back.
I do not have online booking. I like to have the personal one on one communication. I want to hear their voice. I can tell alot about a person just by their voice and how they communicate with me when I ask certain questions. I have a "no children" policy, and a "no pet" policy. My rooms are "couples only". If someone books online and then shows up with children or dogs, or more people than I take....this would pose a problem. I prefer to do all of my own booking. So far so good!.
Maybe you don't want to do on line bookings..but you absolutely should consider on line availablity at the very least! You are living in the dark ages .... people want to know when they are on line that there is a room available. If so, then they would call you and you could talk with them.
In the beginning, many have felt just like you..but once they make the move....they NEVER look back.
catlady said:
In the beginning, many have felt just like you..but once they make the move....they NEVER look back.
This is a good point, and perhaps the better example would be, what percentage of innkeepers tried online booking and then abandoned it? I'm not aware of any, but that doesn't indicate anything.
I do not have online booking. I like to have the personal one on one communication. I want to hear their voice. I can tell alot about a person just by their voice and how they communicate with me when I ask certain questions. I have a "no children" policy, and a "no pet" policy. My rooms are "couples only". If someone books online and then shows up with children or dogs, or more people than I take....this would pose a problem. I prefer to do all of my own booking. So far so good!.
We are also couples only and I've had online booking since we opened 7 years ago and we have never had anyone show up with pets or kids. That doesn't mean it couldn't happen, nor does it mean that it won't, but I think there is a fear that the odds of it happening increase with online reservations.
Here is the clearest way to describe the scenerio.
Guest A calls you and books a room after passing your screening process and verbally aggreeing to the policies you describe over the phone. Guest A shows up with a child. Guest A says "You never told me we couldn't bring kids" and you say "Yes I did." Your word against theirs.
Guest B books online and checks a box that they agree to all policies described in writing at the time of their booking. When they show up with a child Guest B says, "I didn't know we couldn't bring kids." and you show them the policy in writing and the fact that they had to agree to that before making the reservation. They have no recourse.
I do not have online booking. I like to have the personal one on one communication. I want to hear their voice. I can tell alot about a person just by their voice and how they communicate with me when I ask certain questions. I have a "no children" policy, and a "no pet" policy. My rooms are "couples only". If someone books online and then shows up with children or dogs, or more people than I take....this would pose a problem. I prefer to do all of my own booking. So far so good!.
hiddencove said:
I do not have online booking. I like to have the personal one on one communication. I want to hear their voice. I can tell alot about a person just by their voice and how they communicate with me when I ask certain questions. I have a "no children" policy, and a "no pet" policy. My rooms are "couples only". If someone books online and then shows up with children or dogs, or more people than I take....this would pose a problem. I prefer to do all of my own booking. So far so good!
You obviously have as much business as you want. What you might consider is thinking about having a calendar that shows guests whether there is room or not so they don't waste anyone's time in calling if they specifically want a particular date. Now this may not be an issue where you are but for me having guests calling all day and night for weekends we are totally booked would not work at all. I'd much rather they looked at the calendar and decided not to call!
That said, less than 50% of my bookings are online. 95% of my repeat guests call me or email me to book the dates they want because it's faster if I do the booking than if they have to type everything in for themselves. So, that means I DO speak to over 50% of the guests who stay here. Many of the others are from Europe and they don't want to spend tons of money making a booking because they have to call me. And the rest of them want to hear MY voice and vet ME first to make sure THEY like ME and not the other way around. If you are planning a very personal relationship with your guests, then yes, you want to speak to them first to make sure they will fit into your business model.
So, guests who want to make sure YOU fit the bill will call. Guests who just like the sound of your place will like to book online. I've yet to have an online booking give me any more trouble than a caller.
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

rezplanet said:
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

you are not really making any sense. what is the question you are asking? are you asking if guests think online reservations are impersnaol? if guests think websites are impersonal? if b&b owners think online booking is impersonal? what's the question?
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
I have been so against a reservation system, although I am "forced" to use one through our CVB but that is another story alltogether. I am afraid that if a guest cannot find a cottage with me for the exact dates they put in, they are going to another place to book. If I have them on the phone, 85percent of the time, they can wiggle a bit and shift their vacation days. I often have some funny spots to fill and this way I most often get it done so that it really fills in holes in the ressie schedule.
Is that stupid on my part? I am beginning to think it is when I read here how nearly everyone has a reservation system up and running and loving it.
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

rezplanet said:
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

you are not really making any sense. what is the question you are asking? are you asking if guests think online reservations are impersnaol? if guests think websites are impersonal? if b&b owners think online booking is impersonal? what's the question?
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
rezplanet said:
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
many small property owners do think the online reservations are too impersonal. for many owners they want to *vet* the guests before they arrive to weed out undesirables. tht doesn't work but they think it will.
MooseTrax said:
rezplanet said:
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
many small property owners do think the online reservations are too impersonal. for many owners they want to *vet* the guests before they arrive to weed out undesirables. tht doesn't work but they think it will.
ummm, what makes you think that it doesn't? It works pretty well for us. except of course the pillow thieves, grrrrrr...
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

rezplanet said:
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

you are not really making any sense. what is the question you are asking? are you asking if guests think online reservations are impersnaol? if guests think websites are impersonal? if b&b owners think online booking is impersonal? what's the question?
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
I have been so against a reservation system, although I am "forced" to use one through our CVB but that is another story alltogether. I am afraid that if a guest cannot find a cottage with me for the exact dates they put in, they are going to another place to book. If I have them on the phone, 85percent of the time, they can wiggle a bit and shift their vacation days. I often have some funny spots to fill and this way I most often get it done so that it really fills in holes in the ressie schedule.
Is that stupid on my part? I am beginning to think it is when I read here how nearly everyone has a reservation system up and running and loving it.
I am afraid that if a guest cannot find a cottage with me for the exact dates they put in, they are going to another place to book.
This is why most of the good systems include a visual calendar that lets people see what is available in the period of time they queried.
We find that the holes fill in magically...often while we are sleeping, cleaning, shopping or doing a host of other things other than being on the phone.
Its not stupid on your part, just one detail that you want to look for when contemplating a reservation system. You want one that offers a calendar in the event that what they searched for was not available.
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

rezplanet said:
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

you are not really making any sense. what is the question you are asking? are you asking if guests think online reservations are impersnaol? if guests think websites are impersonal? if b&b owners think online booking is impersonal? what's the question?
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
I have been so against a reservation system, although I am "forced" to use one through our CVB but that is another story alltogether. I am afraid that if a guest cannot find a cottage with me for the exact dates they put in, they are going to another place to book. If I have them on the phone, 85percent of the time, they can wiggle a bit and shift their vacation days. I often have some funny spots to fill and this way I most often get it done so that it really fills in holes in the ressie schedule.
Is that stupid on my part? I am beginning to think it is when I read here how nearly everyone has a reservation system up and running and loving it.
I am afraid that if a guest cannot find a cottage with me for the exact dates they put in, they are going to another place to book.
This is why most of the good systems include a visual calendar that lets people see what is available in the period of time they queried.
We find that the holes fill in magically...often while we are sleeping, cleaning, shopping or doing a host of other things other than being on the phone.
Its not stupid on your part, just one detail that you want to look for when contemplating a reservation system. You want one that offers a calendar in the event that what they searched for was not available.
Very good point Swirt... I do have online booking through Webervations but currently do not use the availablity have me rethinking that...Thanks - I will sleep on it tonight.
I have a friend planning a getaway and one of the places in the loop on her road trip does not have online bookings. So what do you think will happen? I mean she it at her computer planning the drives and where to stop each night. Do you think she will stuff around with that one place? She will if she really loves the place - but most of the time it is just another stop on the vacation route. No, she will pick some place else most likely. If you are a "destination" you might fare better with people calling and not getting upset with the lack of online availability and booking.
I tried to book a week on the west coast of FLA in cabins/cottages and got so fed up we just booked a hotel.
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

rezplanet said:
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

you are not really making any sense. what is the question you are asking? are you asking if guests think online reservations are impersnaol? if guests think websites are impersonal? if b&b owners think online booking is impersonal? what's the question?
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
I have been so against a reservation system, although I am "forced" to use one through our CVB but that is another story alltogether. I am afraid that if a guest cannot find a cottage with me for the exact dates they put in, they are going to another place to book. If I have them on the phone, 85percent of the time, they can wiggle a bit and shift their vacation days. I often have some funny spots to fill and this way I most often get it done so that it really fills in holes in the ressie schedule.
Is that stupid on my part? I am beginning to think it is when I read here how nearly everyone has a reservation system up and running and loving it.
I am only semi-with it. I have Webervations with the calendar but I do not take cc numbers. I call for those. I would not change back to no online reservations. Will I eventually go to cc numbers? I do not know. I do know that I had an e-mail conversation about availability and the e-mailer changed the dates because the room they wanted was not available with the original date (getting us on the way back instead of on the way to). Most times when people go to make a reservation they have THEIR dates and that is it.
I know when I can/must make a trip. Your dates do not matter to me unless you have availability. No availability? I move on because I must.
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

rezplanet said:
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

you are not really making any sense. what is the question you are asking? are you asking if guests think online reservations are impersnaol? if guests think websites are impersonal? if b&b owners think online booking is impersonal? what's the question?
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
I have been so against a reservation system, although I am "forced" to use one through our CVB but that is another story alltogether. I am afraid that if a guest cannot find a cottage with me for the exact dates they put in, they are going to another place to book. If I have them on the phone, 85percent of the time, they can wiggle a bit and shift their vacation days. I often have some funny spots to fill and this way I most often get it done so that it really fills in holes in the ressie schedule.
Is that stupid on my part? I am beginning to think it is when I read here how nearly everyone has a reservation system up and running and loving it.
I am only semi-with it. I have Webervations with the calendar but I do not take cc numbers. I call for those. I would not change back to no online reservations. Will I eventually go to cc numbers? I do not know. I do know that I had an e-mail conversation about availability and the e-mailer changed the dates because the room they wanted was not available with the original date (getting us on the way back instead of on the way to). Most times when people go to make a reservation they have THEIR dates and that is it.
I know when I can/must make a trip. Your dates do not matter to me unless you have availability. No availability? I move on because I must.
gillumhouse said:
I am only semi-with it. I have Webervations with the calendar but I do not take cc numbers. I call for those. I would not change back to no online reservations. Will I eventually go to cc numbers? I do not know. I do know that I had an e-mail conversation about availability and the e-mailer changed the dates because the room they wanted was not available with the original date (getting us on the way back instead of on the way to). Most times when people go to make a reservation they have THEIR dates and that is it.
I know when I can/must make a trip. Your dates do not matter to me unless you have availability. No availability? I move on because I must.
I agree with you on that, but booking a cottage or cabin for a week it is all preliminary work, example I am looking for a cabin for next year (summer) we will look to see what is available, most don't allow booking until 1 year ahead. So we can adjust the dates slightly. Not much leeway though. One or two nighters I would not bend, I would move on to the next lodging choice.
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

rezplanet said:
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

you are not really making any sense. what is the question you are asking? are you asking if guests think online reservations are impersnaol? if guests think websites are impersonal? if b&b owners think online booking is impersonal? what's the question?
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
I have been so against a reservation system, although I am "forced" to use one through our CVB but that is another story alltogether. I am afraid that if a guest cannot find a cottage with me for the exact dates they put in, they are going to another place to book. If I have them on the phone, 85percent of the time, they can wiggle a bit and shift their vacation days. I often have some funny spots to fill and this way I most often get it done so that it really fills in holes in the ressie schedule.
Is that stupid on my part? I am beginning to think it is when I read here how nearly everyone has a reservation system up and running and loving it.
I am afraid that if a guest cannot find a cottage with me for the exact dates they put in, they are going to another place to book.
This is why most of the good systems include a visual calendar that lets people see what is available in the period of time they queried.
We find that the holes fill in magically...often while we are sleeping, cleaning, shopping or doing a host of other things other than being on the phone.
Its not stupid on your part, just one detail that you want to look for when contemplating a reservation system. You want one that offers a calendar in the event that what they searched for was not available.
swirt said:
I am afraid that if a guest cannot find a cottage with me for the exact dates they put in, they are going to another place to book.
This is why most of the good systems include a visual calendar that lets people see what is available in the period of time they queried.
We find that the holes fill in magically...often while we are sleeping, cleaning, shopping or doing a host of other things other than being on the phone.
Its not stupid on your part, just one detail that you want to look for when contemplating a reservation system. You want one that offers a calendar in the event that what they searched for was not available.
Gosh, that makes too much sense. I NEVER looked at it that way. I am looking at our CVB system and I think it leaves a lot to be desired, including the visual calendar feature
Since it is a free thing for the lodging owners who belong to the county's CVB, I will suggest that this be implemented and then see how this works. Although, that particular system only lets the guest put a hold on the rooms until the lodging decides that, yes, they have availability. It is a messy situation. It might be worth it for us after all to get our own
Thank you for your insight :)
I have a friend planning a getaway and one of the places in the loop on her road trip does not have online bookings. So what do you think will happen? I mean she it at her computer planning the drives and where to stop each night. Do you think she will stuff around with that one place? She will if she really loves the place - but most of the time it is just another stop on the vacation route. No, she will pick some place else most likely. If you are a "destination" you might fare better with people calling and not getting upset with the lack of online availability and booking.
I tried to book a week on the west coast of FLA in cabins/cottages and got so fed up we just booked a hotel..
Joe Bloggs said:
I have a friend planning a getaway and one of the places in the loop on her road trip does not have online bookings. So what do you think will happen? I mean she it at her computer planning the drives and where to stop each night. Do you think she will stuff around with that one place? She will if she really loves the place - but most of the time it is just another stop on the vacation route. No, she will pick some place else most likely. If you are a "destination" you might fare better with people calling and not getting upset with the lack of online availability and booking.
I tried to book a week on the west coast of FLA in cabins/cottages and got so fed up we just booked a hotel.
Ok, that makes sense, except I am not looking for those kinds of guests. This area is a destination, that hopefully will be a tradition and that will happen each and every year. So you see it is like friends calling you or to see if you have a bed for them. We hug when we see each other

The county didn't have a major hotel chain until 2 or 3 years ago for those travelers that just want to spend the night and head on out. We have maybe 3 or 4 bnbs. In order to come to our little nook you have to want to be there, there is no major road to take you here.
Most of the resorts around here are much like mine or they are condos and private homes. You mustn't get upset with us who are still operating behind the moon. Give it another try ;)
I have a friend planning a getaway and one of the places in the loop on her road trip does not have online bookings. So what do you think will happen? I mean she it at her computer planning the drives and where to stop each night. Do you think she will stuff around with that one place? She will if she really loves the place - but most of the time it is just another stop on the vacation route. No, she will pick some place else most likely. If you are a "destination" you might fare better with people calling and not getting upset with the lack of online availability and booking.
I tried to book a week on the west coast of FLA in cabins/cottages and got so fed up we just booked a hotel..
Joe Bloggs said:
I have a friend planning a getaway and one of the places in the loop on her road trip does not have online bookings. So what do you think will happen? I mean she it at her computer planning the drives and where to stop each night. Do you think she will stuff around with that one place? She will if she really loves the place - but most of the time it is just another stop on the vacation route. No, she will pick some place else most likely. If you are a "destination" you might fare better with people calling and not getting upset with the lack of online availability and booking.
I tried to book a week on the west coast of FLA in cabins/cottages and got so fed up we just booked a hotel.
Ok, that makes sense, except I am not looking for those kinds of guests. This area is a destination, that hopefully will be a tradition and that will happen each and every year. So you see it is like friends calling you or to see if you have a bed for them. We hug when we see each other

The county didn't have a major hotel chain until 2 or 3 years ago for those travelers that just want to spend the night and head on out. We have maybe 3 or 4 bnbs. In order to come to our little nook you have to want to be there, there is no major road to take you here.
Most of the resorts around here are much like mine or they are condos and private homes. You mustn't get upset with us who are still operating behind the moon. Give it another try ;)
IrisoftheWayfarer said:
Joe Bloggs said:
I have a friend planning a getaway and one of the places in the loop on her road trip does not have online bookings. So what do you think will happen? I mean she it at her computer planning the drives and where to stop each night. Do you think she will stuff around with that one place? She will if she really loves the place - but most of the time it is just another stop on the vacation route. No, she will pick some place else most likely. If you are a "destination" you might fare better with people calling and not getting upset with the lack of online availability and booking.
I tried to book a week on the west coast of FLA in cabins/cottages and got so fed up we just booked a hotel.
Ok, that makes sense, except I am not looking for those kinds of guests. This area is a destination, that hopefully will be a tradition and that will happen each and every year. So you see it is like friends calling you or to see if you have a bed for them. We hug when we see each other

The county didn't have a major hotel chain until 2 or 3 years ago for those travelers that just want to spend the night and head on out. We have maybe 3 or 4 bnbs. In order to come to our little nook you have to want to be there, there is no major road to take you here.
Most of the resorts around here are much like mine or they are condos and private homes. You mustn't get upset with us who are still operating behind the moon. Give it another try ;)
We have a friend who operates an extremely successful 'resort' which is what it sounds like you may have. Up until about 5 years ago he didn't have a website. Then he got one with one page so you could find the phone number. Now he has photos and prices. He does not have and does not need an availability calendar or online booking. His guests are what you want/have. They have been coming there since the now grandparents were the children coming with their own parents. Some families have the same cabin for the same week that they have had since 1940. Everyone books 'their' week on the way out the door. He rarely has openings other than one night here or there. You almost have to wait for someone to die to get a full week there.
I have a friend planning a getaway and one of the places in the loop on her road trip does not have online bookings. So what do you think will happen? I mean she it at her computer planning the drives and where to stop each night. Do you think she will stuff around with that one place? She will if she really loves the place - but most of the time it is just another stop on the vacation route. No, she will pick some place else most likely. If you are a "destination" you might fare better with people calling and not getting upset with the lack of online availability and booking.
I tried to book a week on the west coast of FLA in cabins/cottages and got so fed up we just booked a hotel..
Joe Bloggs said:
I have a friend planning a getaway and one of the places in the loop on her road trip does not have online bookings. So what do you think will happen? I mean she it at her computer planning the drives and where to stop each night. Do you think she will stuff around with that one place? She will if she really loves the place - but most of the time it is just another stop on the vacation route. No, she will pick some place else most likely. If you are a "destination" you might fare better with people calling and not getting upset with the lack of online availability and booking.
I tried to book a week on the west coast of FLA in cabins/cottages and got so fed up we just booked a hotel.
Ok, that makes sense, except I am not looking for those kinds of guests. This area is a destination, that hopefully will be a tradition and that will happen each and every year. So you see it is like friends calling you or to see if you have a bed for them. We hug when we see each other

The county didn't have a major hotel chain until 2 or 3 years ago for those travelers that just want to spend the night and head on out. We have maybe 3 or 4 bnbs. In order to come to our little nook you have to want to be there, there is no major road to take you here.
Most of the resorts around here are much like mine or they are condos and private homes. You mustn't get upset with us who are still operating behind the moon. Give it another try ;)
IrisoftheWayfarer said:
Joe Bloggs said:
I have a friend planning a getaway and one of the places in the loop on her road trip does not have online bookings. So what do you think will happen? I mean she it at her computer planning the drives and where to stop each night. Do you think she will stuff around with that one place? She will if she really loves the place - but most of the time it is just another stop on the vacation route. No, she will pick some place else most likely. If you are a "destination" you might fare better with people calling and not getting upset with the lack of online availability and booking.
I tried to book a week on the west coast of FLA in cabins/cottages and got so fed up we just booked a hotel.
Ok, that makes sense, except I am not looking for those kinds of guests. This area is a destination, that hopefully will be a tradition and that will happen each and every year. So you see it is like friends calling you or to see if you have a bed for them. We hug when we see each other

The county didn't have a major hotel chain until 2 or 3 years ago for those travelers that just want to spend the night and head on out. We have maybe 3 or 4 bnbs. In order to come to our little nook you have to want to be there, there is no major road to take you here.
Most of the resorts around here are much like mine or they are condos and private homes. You mustn't get upset with us who are still operating behind the moon. Give it another try ;)
Oh no, I totally understand, I once was where you are and now I only want to try to convince how wonderful and useful this "amenity" is for your guests. I was a hard sell and now I am shaking my head why I didn't do it sooner. It is not for "the lazy innkeeper" as someone here once said, it is for the GUESTS. They can book any time from any where. There is a trial basis on most online booking systems - like webervations, so just a thought. It is a great feature. If you have add ons you can put them on there as well. I would like all lodging estab's to have online rez avail to guests.

To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

rezplanet said:
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

you are not really making any sense. what is the question you are asking? are you asking if guests think online reservations are impersnaol? if guests think websites are impersonal? if b&b owners think online booking is impersonal? what's the question?
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
I have been so against a reservation system, although I am "forced" to use one through our CVB but that is another story alltogether. I am afraid that if a guest cannot find a cottage with me for the exact dates they put in, they are going to another place to book. If I have them on the phone, 85percent of the time, they can wiggle a bit and shift their vacation days. I often have some funny spots to fill and this way I most often get it done so that it really fills in holes in the ressie schedule.
Is that stupid on my part? I am beginning to think it is when I read here how nearly everyone has a reservation system up and running and loving it.
Good Morning Iris
I use webervations, and while guests have to enter particular dates to check availability, if there is no availability for their chosen dates, they are automatically given the option to see a two week calendar. This has resulted in many guests choosing slightly different dates, or even taking one room for part of their stay and another for the rest. It really does help to fill in the odd "holes" in your availability. Without that calendar option, guests wouid just think we were full and move on.
I also use the webervations html calendar option on our "Specials and Packages page", since I'm offering a deal on extended stays. That allows guests to search for stretches where five or more nights are available for the special. While webervations is simplistic, you can also configure it to suit your needs.
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

rezplanet said:
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

you are not really making any sense. what is the question you are asking? are you asking if guests think online reservations are impersnaol? if guests think websites are impersonal? if b&b owners think online booking is impersonal? what's the question?
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
I have been so against a reservation system, although I am "forced" to use one through our CVB but that is another story alltogether. I am afraid that if a guest cannot find a cottage with me for the exact dates they put in, they are going to another place to book. If I have them on the phone, 85percent of the time, they can wiggle a bit and shift their vacation days. I often have some funny spots to fill and this way I most often get it done so that it really fills in holes in the ressie schedule.
Is that stupid on my part? I am beginning to think it is when I read here how nearly everyone has a reservation system up and running and loving it.
I am only semi-with it. I have Webervations with the calendar but I do not take cc numbers. I call for those. I would not change back to no online reservations. Will I eventually go to cc numbers? I do not know. I do know that I had an e-mail conversation about availability and the e-mailer changed the dates because the room they wanted was not available with the original date (getting us on the way back instead of on the way to). Most times when people go to make a reservation they have THEIR dates and that is it.
I know when I can/must make a trip. Your dates do not matter to me unless you have availability. No availability? I move on because I must.
Huh? I don't get why you don't have the credit card feature on there. Webervations is secure (John has certainly told us about all their work on that). I would much rather book via a secure web site than to give my cc number over the phone. I don't understand the advantage of not getting a credit card to guarantee the room.
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

rezplanet said:
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

you are not really making any sense. what is the question you are asking? are you asking if guests think online reservations are impersnaol? if guests think websites are impersonal? if b&b owners think online booking is impersonal? what's the question?
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
I have been so against a reservation system, although I am "forced" to use one through our CVB but that is another story alltogether. I am afraid that if a guest cannot find a cottage with me for the exact dates they put in, they are going to another place to book. If I have them on the phone, 85percent of the time, they can wiggle a bit and shift their vacation days. I often have some funny spots to fill and this way I most often get it done so that it really fills in holes in the ressie schedule.
Is that stupid on my part? I am beginning to think it is when I read here how nearly everyone has a reservation system up and running and loving it.
I am only semi-with it. I have Webervations with the calendar but I do not take cc numbers. I call for those. I would not change back to no online reservations. Will I eventually go to cc numbers? I do not know. I do know that I had an e-mail conversation about availability and the e-mailer changed the dates because the room they wanted was not available with the original date (getting us on the way back instead of on the way to). Most times when people go to make a reservation they have THEIR dates and that is it.
I know when I can/must make a trip. Your dates do not matter to me unless you have availability. No availability? I move on because I must.
Huh? I don't get why you don't have the credit card feature on there. Webervations is secure (John has certainly told us about all their work on that). I would much rather book via a secure web site than to give my cc number over the phone. I don't understand the advantage of not getting a credit card to guarantee the room.
Two reasons. #1 I like cash and checks - no credit cards fees and if they are going to use a debit card I can encourage the check. If I have already taken the cc online, they feel like they already paid.
#2 - if hackers can get into some of the places they have gotten into.... And because that is how I want to do it.
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

rezplanet said:
To be honest, we don't have a solution to this at all, we just have a standard impersonal reservation system. But it made me think when someone mentioned it. Just wanted to get some opinions on how big an issue it was. (not necessarily with just our system)
Personally, when booking accommodation I want to get it done as quickly as possible, so having to call a number generally puts me off. But I could see why the owners of smaller properties might want to chat with the guest first?
Or is this a total non-issue?

you are not really making any sense. what is the question you are asking? are you asking if guests think online reservations are impersnaol? if guests think websites are impersonal? if b&b owners think online booking is impersonal? what's the question?
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
rezplanet said:
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
many small property owners do think the online reservations are too impersonal. for many owners they want to *vet* the guests before they arrive to weed out undesirables. tht doesn't work but they think it will.
MooseTrax said:
rezplanet said:
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
many small property owners do think the online reservations are too impersonal. for many owners they want to *vet* the guests before they arrive to weed out undesirables. tht doesn't work but they think it will.
ummm, what makes you think that it doesn't? It works pretty well for us. except of course the pillow thieves, grrrrrr...
IrisoftheWayfarer said:
MooseTrax said:
rezplanet said:
Sorry, I'm asking if guesthouse owners think online reservations are too impersonal such that they won't use them.
many small property owners do think the online reservations are too impersonal. for many owners they want to *vet* the guests before they arrive to weed out undesirables. tht doesn't work but they think it will.
ummm, what makes you think that it doesn't? It works pretty well for us. except of course the pillow thieves, grrrrrr...
There are several reasons we have found that don't allow for vetting of guests over the phone. Some guests are rushed when making the reservation so they seem short and snappish and not the sort of people you want around. And then that's not the case when they arrive. Some take forever to make up their minds and you're on the phone forever trying to get an answer out of them and then we never see them when they're here and we thought they would be glued to our sides. Some are very pleasant on the phone because they are home and relaxed and then they turn into zombies when they have ONE WEEK to enjoy everything they wanted to see while on vacation and they are grumpy all the time.
The same issues that happen on the phone happen when a guest books online. They forget they have children. They do this on the phone as well as online. Asking how many in the party does not always elicit the correct answer. Guests have shown up many times with more in the party than they booked with us on the phone. Adults and children.
Your place sounds like they will stay with you for long periods at a time so you need to make sure they understand what there is and isn't there to do for that week. How breakfast works, how dinner works, if they get a lunch packed for them or if they have to drive 20 miles to find a restaurant. We're just a regular B&B so trying to vet guests generally doesn't work. After meeting some guests in person we may decide to be more of a presence in the inn in the evening or make sure everything is locked up as some guests just don't put off good vibes.

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