Lots of hits and click throughs but why aren't they calling?

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Bo, right on! I agree with everything you said on the design and seo. I don't agree about the Reviews though, let them review yes, but won't beg..
We had guests who have said they chose us because of the reviews!
We had guests who have said they chose us because of the dogs!
We had guest who chose us because of our website!
We had guests chose us through word of mouth!
So not everything is off... and I know we are doing better than last year and better than our competitors (both by the way are selling). I guess I really am so ready to quit my (demaning and stressful) day job, and only do the B&B and volunteer one day a week. I want the B&B to pick up and do more business so I can do this and I get a little hmmm impatient.... sometimes. I think opening a third room is good and will help.
I really do appreciate all the suggestions made here. I'm working on it!.....
Thanks Guys!
You have to keep the things that are working, just tweak them. As an example...the 'tickertape' thingy does nothing for me, but the INFO contained in there is important. Have it just be a static sentence or two on the page. Highlighted with a different background so it stands out. Not 'gaudy' standout, just a different color or font color.
Bo, right on! I agree with everything you said on the design and seo. I don't agree about the Reviews though, let them review yes, but won't beg..
LOL.. Joey,
OK - the begging part was inspired by the promenently featured k9's on the website. our cav are not permitted begging, but will retreat to her basket, keeping quiet while sniffing each wif of bbq about once a week.. she know she will get a bone later but....
About the reviews though, my point is that dis-satisfied guest are 10x times more likely to blog, yelp, google, TA etc their feelings about their stay.. this is why reading about a "shitty" camera on a webforum is somewhat meaningless, as all the happy users simply don't write about it. ( case in point, apple have sold close to 3 mill (thats 6 zerros) iphones, everybody is bitching, yet there is no line at any store I have been to with people returning the phones, only a line of people wanting to buy)
So. it gives big rewards to keep track of the real happy guests, send them a polite and personal email, thanking them, then saying, "I normally send a email asking guests to please rate my B&B , I have copied and pasted the links I normally use at the bottom of the email, please if you have the time, take a moment rate us and or review us on any one of these links, if you have a particular website which is more meaningful in your country for travelers to my area, that may be a ever better place for a review or rating, Joyce and I appriciate you time and thank you." (something like that anyway)
As far as I am concerned, that is begging on the web, but it results in a shocking amount of positive ratings and nice reviews from people who otherwise would never remember to write a review.
I would say that more than 30% of my bookings state something like "we read several reviews about your place and are very excited about staying with you in Los Angeles"
and a big amount of request emails say "we read the reviews about you are really hope you still have rooms on oct 15 2010"
I cater to a younger international crowd 25-45 ish, they cary crackberries and iphones and crave free wifi... and they check ratings before booking. providing the information they want have been key to staying roughly 95% booked all year.
EDIT - OMG - there is a prudency filter for shitty LOL... Im going to like this forum. :)
Bo, right on! I agree with everything you said on the design and seo. I don't agree about the Reviews though, let them review yes, but won't beg..
LOL.. Joey,
OK - the begging part was inspired by the promenently featured k9's on the website. our cav are not permitted begging, but will retreat to her basket, keeping quiet while sniffing each wif of bbq about once a week.. she know she will get a bone later but....
About the reviews though, my point is that dis-satisfied guest are 10x times more likely to blog, yelp, google, TA etc their feelings about their stay.. this is why reading about a "shitty" camera on a webforum is somewhat meaningless, as all the happy users simply don't write about it. ( case in point, apple have sold close to 3 mill (thats 6 zerros) iphones, everybody is bitching, yet there is no line at any store I have been to with people returning the phones, only a line of people wanting to buy)
So. it gives big rewards to keep track of the real happy guests, send them a polite and personal email, thanking them, then saying, "I normally send a email asking guests to please rate my B&B , I have copied and pasted the links I normally use at the bottom of the email, please if you have the time, take a moment rate us and or review us on any one of these links, if you have a particular website which is more meaningful in your country for travelers to my area, that may be a ever better place for a review or rating, Joyce and I appriciate you time and thank you." (something like that anyway)
As far as I am concerned, that is begging on the web, but it results in a shocking amount of positive ratings and nice reviews from people who otherwise would never remember to write a review.
I would say that more than 30% of my bookings state something like "we read several reviews about your place and are very excited about staying with you in Los Angeles"
and a big amount of request emails say "we read the reviews about you are really hope you still have rooms on oct 15 2010"
I cater to a younger international crowd 25-45 ish, they cary crackberries and iphones and crave free wifi... and they check ratings before booking. providing the information they want have been key to staying roughly 95% booked all year.
EDIT - OMG - there is a prudency filter for shitty LOL... Im going to like this forum. :)
Yeah, we figured sometimes we just have to cuss, but not everyone wants to read EXACTLY what cuss word someone used!
Bo, right on! I agree with everything you said on the design and seo. I don't agree about the Reviews though, let them review yes, but won't beg..
We had guests who have said they chose us because of the reviews!
We had guests who have said they chose us because of the dogs!
We had guest who chose us because of our website!
We had guests chose us through word of mouth!
So not everything is off... and I know we are doing better than last year and better than our competitors (both by the way are selling). I guess I really am so ready to quit my (demaning and stressful) day job, and only do the B&B and volunteer one day a week. I want the B&B to pick up and do more business so I can do this and I get a little hmmm impatient.... sometimes. I think opening a third room is good and will help.
I really do appreciate all the suggestions made here. I'm working on it!.....
Thanks Guys!
I also think having an additional room will help. You could try to optimize one page for 'your town, your state lodging' as all that shows up for that are the hotels. Also try to show up well for that trail nearby. When you have time (har, har, I know) try to start a blog that talks about some of the local activities. That helps to get you some traffic. It may be minimal, but it may be just the extra oomph you need.
Sometimes quitting the day job is all the impetus you need to really jump start all the ideas you've been kicking around!
Bo, right on! I agree with everything you said on the design and seo. I don't agree about the Reviews though, let them review yes, but won't beg..
LOL.. Joey,
OK - the begging part was inspired by the promenently featured k9's on the website. our cav are not permitted begging, but will retreat to her basket, keeping quiet while sniffing each wif of bbq about once a week.. she know she will get a bone later but....
About the reviews though, my point is that dis-satisfied guest are 10x times more likely to blog, yelp, google, TA etc their feelings about their stay.. this is why reading about a "shitty" camera on a webforum is somewhat meaningless, as all the happy users simply don't write about it. ( case in point, apple have sold close to 3 mill (thats 6 zerros) iphones, everybody is bitching, yet there is no line at any store I have been to with people returning the phones, only a line of people wanting to buy)
So. it gives big rewards to keep track of the real happy guests, send them a polite and personal email, thanking them, then saying, "I normally send a email asking guests to please rate my B&B , I have copied and pasted the links I normally use at the bottom of the email, please if you have the time, take a moment rate us and or review us on any one of these links, if you have a particular website which is more meaningful in your country for travelers to my area, that may be a ever better place for a review or rating, Joyce and I appriciate you time and thank you." (something like that anyway)
As far as I am concerned, that is begging on the web, but it results in a shocking amount of positive ratings and nice reviews from people who otherwise would never remember to write a review.
I would say that more than 30% of my bookings state something like "we read several reviews about your place and are very excited about staying with you in Los Angeles"
and a big amount of request emails say "we read the reviews about you are really hope you still have rooms on oct 15 2010"
I cater to a younger international crowd 25-45 ish, they cary crackberries and iphones and crave free wifi... and they check ratings before booking. providing the information they want have been key to staying roughly 95% booked all year.
EDIT - OMG - there is a prudency filter for shitty LOL... Im going to like this forum. :)
Yeah, we figured sometimes we just have to cuss, but not everyone wants to read EXACTLY what cuss word someone used!
Morticia, point taken.
I had no need for the cuss part, was just repeating a oft stated sentiment which probably would be considered kosher by most and got a kick out of the filter as it was a complete surprise.
hey you said "we" you part of making this fine forum.?
Bo, right on! I agree with everything you said on the design and seo. I don't agree about the Reviews though, let them review yes, but won't beg..
LOL.. Joey,
OK - the begging part was inspired by the promenently featured k9's on the website. our cav are not permitted begging, but will retreat to her basket, keeping quiet while sniffing each wif of bbq about once a week.. she know she will get a bone later but....
About the reviews though, my point is that dis-satisfied guest are 10x times more likely to blog, yelp, google, TA etc their feelings about their stay.. this is why reading about a "shitty" camera on a webforum is somewhat meaningless, as all the happy users simply don't write about it. ( case in point, apple have sold close to 3 mill (thats 6 zerros) iphones, everybody is bitching, yet there is no line at any store I have been to with people returning the phones, only a line of people wanting to buy)
So. it gives big rewards to keep track of the real happy guests, send them a polite and personal email, thanking them, then saying, "I normally send a email asking guests to please rate my B&B , I have copied and pasted the links I normally use at the bottom of the email, please if you have the time, take a moment rate us and or review us on any one of these links, if you have a particular website which is more meaningful in your country for travelers to my area, that may be a ever better place for a review or rating, Joyce and I appriciate you time and thank you." (something like that anyway)
As far as I am concerned, that is begging on the web, but it results in a shocking amount of positive ratings and nice reviews from people who otherwise would never remember to write a review.
I would say that more than 30% of my bookings state something like "we read several reviews about your place and are very excited about staying with you in Los Angeles"
and a big amount of request emails say "we read the reviews about you are really hope you still have rooms on oct 15 2010"
I cater to a younger international crowd 25-45 ish, they cary crackberries and iphones and crave free wifi... and they check ratings before booking. providing the information they want have been key to staying roughly 95% booked all year.
EDIT - OMG - there is a prudency filter for shitty LOL... Im going to like this forum. :)
Yeah, we figured sometimes we just have to cuss, but not everyone wants to read EXACTLY what cuss word someone used!
Morticia, point taken.
I had no need for the cuss part, was just repeating a oft stated sentiment which probably would be considered kosher by most and got a kick out of the filter as it was a complete surprise.
hey you said "we" you part of making this fine forum.?
It's Swirt's 'baby'. Some of us helped him at the outset with drafting some policies. The 'cuss filter' came up, I think, when we had someone who did a lot of that.
The smiley list has been added to a couple of times, especially the
smiley. And
. And
I hear ya Bo. I concur. You know the saying (in our current www world):
"A satisfied customer will tell 1 million, a dissatisfied will tell 6 million"
Bo, right on! I agree with everything you said on the design and seo. I don't agree about the Reviews though, let them review yes, but won't beg..
We had guests who have said they chose us because of the reviews!
We had guests who have said they chose us because of the dogs!
We had guest who chose us because of our website!
We had guests chose us through word of mouth!
So not everything is off... and I know we are doing better than last year and better than our competitors (both by the way are selling). I guess I really am so ready to quit my (demaning and stressful) day job, and only do the B&B and volunteer one day a week. I want the B&B to pick up and do more business so I can do this and I get a little hmmm impatient.... sometimes. I think opening a third room is good and will help.
I really do appreciate all the suggestions made here. I'm working on it!.....
Thanks Guys!
We had guests who have said they chose us because of the dogs!
We had guest who chose us because of our website!
Proof, but not proof positive. Joey has a better quote for this.
Someone may tell you they booked because of your website. Someone may tell you they booked because of your dogs. The problem is that you will almost never hear from ones who chose to go elsewhere for exactly those same reasons.
I won't beat the drum further regarding a reservation system. Everyone else has done a great job on that.
The quicktime alert people were getting is coming from the little music thing at the bottom of your site.
Homestead is making a mess of code and redirects and requests for images that do not reside on your domain. It is making it a very slow site to respond. The navigation method is also not doing you any good from an seo perspective. Free is rarely free. Yes it costs nothing to start...but the cost is likely longterm losses.
So while we are at it, basic search engine food, for thought. 20 hits a day is web-talk for not very much. So, quick moment to think about optimizing your page.
1. every page should have the words B&B, your city, best accomodation etc. But don't copy the same line to each page.
2. important links should also have a link tag, that is tag which can contain a more detailed description of what will be found on that next page.
3. MORE pages, create a thoughtful page for each room, again, this page need to contain point 1. you don't need to link it from the main menu, better to link from the rooms index page.
4 google maps, google anything, google.. well you get the point
5 make a google local business page, link it to your website, keep updating the wording about every 3-4 weeks just a little to keep it fresh and current.
.... search engines HATE stale websites.. update... make changes, change the copy under a picture. the engine will scan your site every month, making little edits tells the engine the site is active and current.. automatic higher listing.
.... LINKS... to you... sites are judged on how many meaningful sites like this site.. so how many important websites can you get to make a link to your website. call 10 friends with websites this week and get a link somewhere on their website. it can almost be a hidden link, but you want links to make it clear a lot of people are interested in your site.
You really need to set aside a afternoon 2-3 hours to massage your site at least once a month.. keep it organic and getting more interesting, this WILL grow your site trafic and your bookings... get something to capture bookings on the site, this is the web, nobody want to have to wait and find out if the room is avaiable. let them put their card down and make a payment.
All good advice, with the exception of the thing about search engines hating stale content. I'm not saying "don't make changes". I'm just saying that making changes for the Search engines "fresh" purpose is faulty logic. There are just way too many sites that have changed nothing on their home page in years that are holding solid positions for it to be true.
Changing some minor text under a photo on your home page does not trigger an automatic higher listing. Time is much better spent tweaking text for guest purposes or adding new pages. What search engines do like is NEW unique content. This is why a blog can be helpful and why people have misinterpreted that a fresh page does better than a stale page. A blog can do well not because its homepage is constantly changing, it can do well because it has a growing supply of new unique content (new fishing hooks in the water). Often the constantly changing homepage of a blog is hurt by updates as any given post appearing on a homepage may be out of tune with the original target of the blog.
I say this not to change your thinking on it, but only to squelch a myth before it becomes so entrenched that I spend a lot of time trying to dig it out of clients' heads. Unfortunately, this myth is pretty well entrenched already. There are subtle facets of truth to it, but most are taken out of context and prevent people from understanding what is really happening. I have seen too many innkeepers who go and fiddle with a word on every page for the sake of having the page be "technically" fresh, or others who put a date at the bottom of the page and update the date to convince the search engines it has been touched. It is all for not ... and sometimes the minor changes end up doing more harm than good.... like when the innkeeper is trying so hard to make a wee change that they end up altering the wording so that their target phrase no longer exists on the page, or the words Bed and Breakfast no longer appear.

So while we are at it, basic search engine food, for thought. 20 hits a day is web-talk for not very much. So, quick moment to think about optimizing your page.
1. every page should have the words B&B, your city, best accomodation etc. But don't copy the same line to each page.
2. important links should also have a link tag, that is tag which can contain a more detailed description of what will be found on that next page.
3. MORE pages, create a thoughtful page for each room, again, this page need to contain point 1. you don't need to link it from the main menu, better to link from the rooms index page.
4 google maps, google anything, google.. well you get the point
5 make a google local business page, link it to your website, keep updating the wording about every 3-4 weeks just a little to keep it fresh and current.
.... search engines HATE stale websites.. update... make changes, change the copy under a picture. the engine will scan your site every month, making little edits tells the engine the site is active and current.. automatic higher listing.
.... LINKS... to you... sites are judged on how many meaningful sites like this site.. so how many important websites can you get to make a link to your website. call 10 friends with websites this week and get a link somewhere on their website. it can almost be a hidden link, but you want links to make it clear a lot of people are interested in your site.
You really need to set aside a afternoon 2-3 hours to massage your site at least once a month.. keep it organic and getting more interesting, this WILL grow your site trafic and your bookings... get something to capture bookings on the site, this is the web, nobody want to have to wait and find out if the room is avaiable. let them put their card down and make a payment.
All good advice, with the exception of the thing about search engines hating stale content. I'm not saying "don't make changes". I'm just saying that making changes for the Search engines "fresh" purpose is faulty logic. There are just way too many sites that have changed nothing on their home page in years that are holding solid positions for it to be true.
Changing some minor text under a photo on your home page does not trigger an automatic higher listing. Time is much better spent tweaking text for guest purposes or adding new pages. What search engines do like is NEW unique content. This is why a blog can be helpful and why people have misinterpreted that a fresh page does better than a stale page. A blog can do well not because its homepage is constantly changing, it can do well because it has a growing supply of new unique content (new fishing hooks in the water). Often the constantly changing homepage of a blog is hurt by updates as any given post appearing on a homepage may be out of tune with the original target of the blog.
I say this not to change your thinking on it, but only to squelch a myth before it becomes so entrenched that I spend a lot of time trying to dig it out of clients' heads. Unfortunately, this myth is pretty well entrenched already. There are subtle facets of truth to it, but most are taken out of context and prevent people from understanding what is really happening. I have seen too many innkeepers who go and fiddle with a word on every page for the sake of having the page be "technically" fresh, or others who put a date at the bottom of the page and update the date to convince the search engines it has been touched. It is all for not ... and sometimes the minor changes end up doing more harm than good.... like when the innkeeper is trying so hard to make a wee change that they end up altering the wording so that their target phrase no longer exists on the page, or the words Bed and Breakfast no longer appear.

^ agree mostly, I put that poorly.
Though I still don't believe in completely stale pages :) that comes from working with them for a very long time. but agree that fiddeling with parameters and sentens structure is not the answer. Yes a blog "can" be a good thing, but way too many people should not "quit their day job", being a interesting writer is not the same as knowing how to type.
Still a page need some massaging, if nothing else, simply because things and html and plugins change, any innkeeper client of yours would be well advised to spend the money (buying a couple of hours) having you maintain their site on a regular schedule.
Websites are a much overlooked thing which is very much made and put up there, then left alone with little or no attention. people purchase services to pain rooms, clean laundry, put ads in magazines and so on.. but seem to think that once the website is online, the only web cost should be the hosting charge, that in my opinion is a huge mistake, the web-guy is a integral part of a small B&B marketing plan, and a good web-guy can be the difference between failure and success.
just for the record, I don't know enough about html, and I don't code webpages, but I purchase services and consider my website the single most important marketing tool for my business.
We need to give as much attention to the other pages of our website with valuable incoming trusted links as well. Many times the home page is "it" on B&B websites, I mean innkeeper try to get it all out there at once.
Like me old Pappy always says, "a guy will buy a $100,000 bass boat and then go to walmart to buy $5 life jackets" it makes no sense. This is what the website is to the Inn, are we going to walmart and buying $5 life jackets?
Bo, right on! I agree with everything you said on the design and seo. I don't agree about the Reviews though, let them review yes, but won't beg..
We had guests who have said they chose us because of the reviews!
We had guests who have said they chose us because of the dogs!
We had guest who chose us because of our website!
We had guests chose us through word of mouth!
So not everything is off... and I know we are doing better than last year and better than our competitors (both by the way are selling). I guess I really am so ready to quit my (demaning and stressful) day job, and only do the B&B and volunteer one day a week. I want the B&B to pick up and do more business so I can do this and I get a little hmmm impatient.... sometimes. I think opening a third room is good and will help.
I really do appreciate all the suggestions made here. I'm working on it!.....
Thanks Guys!
We had guests who have said they chose us because of the dogs!
We had guest who chose us because of our website!
Proof, but not proof positive. Joey has a better quote for this.
Someone may tell you they booked because of your website. Someone may tell you they booked because of your dogs. The problem is that you will almost never hear from ones who chose to go elsewhere for exactly those same reasons.
I won't beat the drum further regarding a reservation system. Everyone else has done a great job on that.
The quicktime alert people were getting is coming from the little music thing at the bottom of your site.
Homestead is making a mess of code and redirects and requests for images that do not reside on your domain. It is making it a very slow site to respond. The navigation method is also not doing you any good from an seo perspective. Free is rarely free. Yes it costs nothing to start...but the cost is likely longterm losses.
Yes swirt, you are right. I know we don't hear from those who never come here.... I have the dogs info on my page because I read on a previous thread here that if you have 'pets' you need to let your guests know on your website. Perhaps I need to change the way i do it though. My babies stay back in our private area and guests don't even know they are there unless they have read about them on our website.
I am working on the reservation system and working on changing the paypal thing. I hate 'paypal' and as soon as i can find an inexpensive route to go, I will switch! I have narrowed it down to two and should be able to make a decision by Friday.
The "music" thing is going away.. Thanks for that info. I wondered if that was causing the problem. I used homestead because it was affordable ($35/mth to build and host adn they also send out the meta tags) and I didn't have a clue about building a website or any of that stuff and knew i needed a website outthere. They helped and hosted.
If I switch to something else (and I'm open to doing so) I don't know who or how I'd go about doing that; or if I could 'rebuild' my site by my self.
If you don't want the general public to know your Inn you might want to remove some details from your posts, it was fairly easy to figure out.
If I were coming to your area, I would pick your place because of your animals...we have the same breed and they are the best
But I really, really would not want to book if I had to call or email. It seems like there are only a few b&b's in your area and you are in a pretty neat spot here where if you'd spruce up your site just a bit you could slay the others.
Get Webervations or Reservation Key immediately. They are the most cost effective and the easiest to implement. You will not believe the feeling the first morning you wake up to a reservation that's come in overnight...KA-CHING! We offer an online booking discount and more than 90% of our bookings are online...and the QUALITY of guests we are getting is better than ever, because we're getting the kind of people who are willing to research where they are staying before making a reservation.
PICTURES. Your place looks incredible, but the pics are small (although larger and better than those of your competitors, for sure). Take multiple room views. Show the bathrooms. Have you seen Morticia's recent site upgrade? If you did a flash intro like hers with the rooms, the grounds, and your breakfast it would really draw people in. I guess overall I would say there are too many words and not enough visual for me. I would get rid of that review page entirely (there seems to be a formatting issue with it, the words overlap and I can't read them). Use the B&B.com or TA widgets if you want your reviews there.
Who are my innkeepers? Obviously someone takes care of such great big place, and has great knowledge about the many antiques inside...I want to see you! Get yourself in the pic with your animals. It's obvious that you are a huge part of what makes your guests so happy (from reading the listed reviews) so let folks know who they'll be seeing when they walk in the front door.
Your location seems superior to that of your competitors, emphasize the convenience and one of a kind nature of this.
Sorry if this is more info than you wanted to hear, but I know first hand the impact that a high quality, visually driven website can have. We are in a heavily b&b populated area, and our site took our Inn from consistently 4th in occupancy to 1st in one year..
Rupert said:
Who are my innkeepers? Obviously someone takes care of such great big place, and has great knowledge about the many antiques inside...I want to see you! Get yourself in the pic with your animals. It's obvious that you are a huge part of what makes your guests so happy (from reading the listed reviews) so let folks know who they'll be seeing when they walk in the front door.
Rupert, I have to be really careful about how much info about myself or family that I put out there and I can't put pics of myself on my website yet. Due to my 'paying' job and the type of clients I see.
You never know what they might do if they knew where I live (not to mention if they knew I owned a B&B)! I have had my life threatened a few times (but not because of anything I did or said, but due to 'coworkers' dumb comments, or simply by 'association'). I work under my maiden name and in various counties. My job is very stressful and yes, I am VERY ready to quit, but financially can not right now.
After I do quit my job and some time has passed then I will be able to put that info on my website.
If you don't want the general public to know your Inn you might want to remove some details from your posts, it was fairly easy to figure out.
If I were coming to your area, I would pick your place because of your animals...we have the same breed and they are the best
But I really, really would not want to book if I had to call or email. It seems like there are only a few b&b's in your area and you are in a pretty neat spot here where if you'd spruce up your site just a bit you could slay the others.
Get Webervations or Reservation Key immediately. They are the most cost effective and the easiest to implement. You will not believe the feeling the first morning you wake up to a reservation that's come in overnight...KA-CHING! We offer an online booking discount and more than 90% of our bookings are online...and the QUALITY of guests we are getting is better than ever, because we're getting the kind of people who are willing to research where they are staying before making a reservation.
PICTURES. Your place looks incredible, but the pics are small (although larger and better than those of your competitors, for sure). Take multiple room views. Show the bathrooms. Have you seen Morticia's recent site upgrade? If you did a flash intro like hers with the rooms, the grounds, and your breakfast it would really draw people in. I guess overall I would say there are too many words and not enough visual for me. I would get rid of that review page entirely (there seems to be a formatting issue with it, the words overlap and I can't read them). Use the B&B.com or TA widgets if you want your reviews there.
Who are my innkeepers? Obviously someone takes care of such great big place, and has great knowledge about the many antiques inside...I want to see you! Get yourself in the pic with your animals. It's obvious that you are a huge part of what makes your guests so happy (from reading the listed reviews) so let folks know who they'll be seeing when they walk in the front door.
Your location seems superior to that of your competitors, emphasize the convenience and one of a kind nature of this.
Sorry if this is more info than you wanted to hear, but I know first hand the impact that a high quality, visually driven website can have. We are in a heavily b&b populated area, and our site took our Inn from consistently 4th in occupancy to 1st in one year..
Rupert said:
Who are my innkeepers? Obviously someone takes care of such great big place, and has great knowledge about the many antiques inside...I want to see you! Get yourself in the pic with your animals. It's obvious that you are a huge part of what makes your guests so happy (from reading the listed reviews) so let folks know who they'll be seeing when they walk in the front door.
Rupert, I have to be really careful about how much info about myself or family that I put out there and I can't put pics of myself on my website yet. Due to my 'paying' job and the type of clients I see.
You never know what they might do if they knew where I live (not to mention if they knew I owned a B&B)! I have had my life threatened a few times (but not because of anything I did or said, but due to 'coworkers' dumb comments, or simply by 'association'). I work under my maiden name and in various counties. My job is very stressful and yes, I am VERY ready to quit, but financially can not right now.
After I do quit my job and some time has passed then I will be able to put that info on my website.
don't know how I messed that up, but the top half is Ruperts quote and the bottome paragraph is my note... sorry Rupert...

Bo, right on! I agree with everything you said on the design and seo. I don't agree about the Reviews though, let them review yes, but won't beg..
We had guests who have said they chose us because of the reviews!
We had guests who have said they chose us because of the dogs!
We had guest who chose us because of our website!
We had guests chose us through word of mouth!
So not everything is off... and I know we are doing better than last year and better than our competitors (both by the way are selling). I guess I really am so ready to quit my (demaning and stressful) day job, and only do the B&B and volunteer one day a week. I want the B&B to pick up and do more business so I can do this and I get a little hmmm impatient.... sometimes. I think opening a third room is good and will help.
I really do appreciate all the suggestions made here. I'm working on it!.....
Thanks Guys!
We had guests who have said they chose us because of the dogs!
We had guest who chose us because of our website!
Proof, but not proof positive. Joey has a better quote for this.
Someone may tell you they booked because of your website. Someone may tell you they booked because of your dogs. The problem is that you will almost never hear from ones who chose to go elsewhere for exactly those same reasons.
I won't beat the drum further regarding a reservation system. Everyone else has done a great job on that.
The quicktime alert people were getting is coming from the little music thing at the bottom of your site.
Homestead is making a mess of code and redirects and requests for images that do not reside on your domain. It is making it a very slow site to respond. The navigation method is also not doing you any good from an seo perspective. Free is rarely free. Yes it costs nothing to start...but the cost is likely longterm losses.
Yes swirt, you are right. I know we don't hear from those who never come here.... I have the dogs info on my page because I read on a previous thread here that if you have 'pets' you need to let your guests know on your website. Perhaps I need to change the way i do it though. My babies stay back in our private area and guests don't even know they are there unless they have read about them on our website.
I am working on the reservation system and working on changing the paypal thing. I hate 'paypal' and as soon as i can find an inexpensive route to go, I will switch! I have narrowed it down to two and should be able to make a decision by Friday.
The "music" thing is going away.. Thanks for that info. I wondered if that was causing the problem. I used homestead because it was affordable ($35/mth to build and host adn they also send out the meta tags) and I didn't have a clue about building a website or any of that stuff and knew i needed a website outthere. They helped and hosted.
If I switch to something else (and I'm open to doing so) I don't know who or how I'd go about doing that; or if I could 'rebuild' my site by my self.
Because your site is not huge, you can probably find a GOOD webhost/website builder for not a ton of money. Try to find someone who specializes in B&B's as they know what a good B&B site should look like. You can do a search for 'B&B website designers' and come up with a few right off the top who are good.

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