Great resource posting, Swirt!
For all on this fourm, if you haven't checked out our new web site, take a peek at LOTS of changes.
And, thanks to several of you on here, we will be announcing big changes to our membership model in about 2 months making membership in PAII a "no brainer."
Best regards,
Great new site!
I saw
The Innkeepers Store and thought there would be tshirts available. You know, like black tshirts with white lettering:
Fantastic idea! Let's see what we can come up with.
Hi Jay,
What is the difference between the November New England Innkeeping show and the Innkeeping Show in Austin Texas. Do people got to both or just one of them?
There are two main differences...
Most of the content at the New England Show will focus on truly regional matters, i.e. tapping into New England tourism efforts, working with New England farmers to get great New England-grown food to your guests, working with New England media, meetings with the six state tourism departments, etc. We'll sprinkle in some general education content, i.e. internet marketing, operations issues, etc.
The other main difference will be the depth and breadth of the event itself. The Innkeeping Show in Austin covers about 4 days, and you typically find up to 8 classes being offered at the same time. TONS of choices, much larger experience overall. The New England Show is basically a day and a half. Short and sweet, but meaningful, for the drive-in market.
But, that being said, we might realize big success with the New England meeting. TripAdvisor CEO, Steve Kaufer, accepted my invitation to come join us at the event. Vendors are eager to participate. So, this could be as big as the Austin event!

We'll see.
I expect many innkeepers will come to both shows, since they're both valuable. And of course some will choose one over the other.
If you've never gone to a PAII conference, all I can say is GO!!!!!!
Breakfast Diva said:
If you've never gone to a PAII conference, all I can say is GO!!!!!!
Yes they are great IF YOU have the moolah. EXPENSIVE
egoodell said:
Breakfast Diva said:
If you've never gone to a PAII conference, all I can say is GO!!!!!!
Yes they are great IF YOU have the moolah. EXPENSIVE
Yes, it can add up, but it's a tax write off and you will learn an enormous amount which helps you increase business. Well worth it in the long run. We go every 2 years and I know we would not be as successful if we didn't participate.
Yes, it can add up, but it's a tax write off
Sorry, it is not a tax write-off. It IS a tax deduction, but only a portion of it comes off the taxes. I already have so many deductions ot would not matter one whit for my taxes but it would for my bank account. OUCH!
See that is the big problem. I am not anti-Conference. Actually I am pro-Conference - it is such a learning and networking experience. BUT I am barely able to afford my State Association Conference - PAII is unreachable for my meager income. Not playing "poor-mouth", just the facts. I probably give away roo many nights to state members and to my City and donate (still) more than I should, but am really content with where I am so the $$$ are not all that important - as long as I can come up with the honking loan payment, insurance, and taxes I have all I want. Next year starts the get it in gear to show what it would be if I did not give away the store so it will be saleable in 2 years. No freebie donations for 2010.
Hey, if you're happy where you are great! No need to spend the money. I think you may be in the minority though. Most inn mates here are looking for a little bigger piece of the pie.
If any of you do go to the conference, we could do a meet and greet for inn mates. I've already got my innsitter lined up.
Breakfast Diva said:
Hey, if you're happy where you are great! No need to spend the money. I think you may be in the minority though. Most inn mates here are looking for a little bigger piece of the pie.
If any of you do go to the conference, we could do a meet and greet for inn mates. I've already got my innsitter lined up.
Okay I just checked to see if the costs have imrpoved. Now figure airline and hotel on top ot this:
[td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $639.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Full Conference - Lunches Included (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $35.00
Key Leaders Workshop (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $299.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
One Day Conference Registration (T, W, or Th) (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $150.00
Select Registry Events Only
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $100.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Trade Show Only - One Day (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][th]Optional Tickets[/th][/tr][td]
Price: $299.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Aspiring Innkeepers Workshop (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $0.00 Internet Intensive - ADVANCED (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $0.00 Internet Intensive - BASIC (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $35.00
Key Leaders Workshop (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $150.00
Select Registry Add On - Private Events (
As a Select Registry member your additional fee includes personalized registration check in by the Select Registry staff, members only breakfast on Tuesday morning and an opportunity to meet the new Executive Director and hear state of Select Registry, member only invitation to Select Registry Wednesday evening reception at an elegant downtown establishment (transportation included), full access to the trade show floor, Select Registry Members Lounge on the Trade Show floor, and workshops on Tuesday and Wednesday morning for those members interested in learning more about Select Registry’s property management system endeavor.
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $999.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Technology Pre-Conference Workshop with Tim Brady
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $0.00
Texas Bed & Breakfast Association Add On
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $45.00
Thursday Awards Lunch
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $45.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Trade Show Lunch Ticket - Tuesday (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $45.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Trade Show Lunch Ticket - Wednesday (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $100.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Trade Show Only - One Day (
The last time I went in Hilton Head, the price was all-inclusive for all the talks. Looks like there is a main cost and then additional cost for all the big seminars. Am I reading correctly that one alone is $999??????
Pretty pricey. I'd go if I had an extra $3000.
If you're a PAII member, the cost is $439 for the main conference/seminars. Those other things you listed are add ons which are nice if you want to go to them, but certainly not necessary and not the main focus of the conference. The conference fee includes all the regular workshops and keynote speakers. We never add on any of the additional offerings.
I know it sounds like a lot of money, and believe me, I'm not here representing PAII or anyone else, I'm only telling you my experience after attending 3 conferences in the past 6 years.
Every time I go to the conference I come home with my head swimming with information. Inevitably, there are a few gems I can incorporate easily into our business which definitely increases the revenue. I can tell you that we have seen returns on our investment (the conference) a thousand fold.
If you are an innkeeper that is looking to increase your business, and make a more successful B&B but not quite sure how, then the investment of eduation is worth it. If you just can't afford to go, then you might consider getting the DVD of the workshops that they sell after the conference.
I really don't think I would have been able to increase our business as much as I have the past several years without attending these conferences.
In the past I have seen posts where an inn mate states they don't see how their PAII membership helps them...For me, PAII is about education. Now's the time to use your membership and take advantage of the reduced PAII membership rate.
Breakfast Diva said:
If you're a PAII member, the cost is $439 for the main conference/seminars.
If you are an innkeeper that is looking to increase your business, and make a more successful B&B but not quite sure how, then the investment of eduation is worth it. If you just can't afford to go, then you might consider getting the DVD of the workshops that they sell after the conference.
I really don't think I would have been able to increase our business as much as I have the past several years without attending these conferences.
I don't know how long you've been a PAII member, but I've been watching them for years. Now with Jay there, I think they may finally be on the side of the innkeeper instead of trying to make money, so I do plan to join for the first time since I was an aspiring member
But I don't know if you were a member back when many of us decided not to rejoin - when PAII closed down the forum while going on vacation despite the B&Bs wanting to continue to chat. That's what created CAIK.
I don't know if you were around when they were promoting NPC or whatever the name of that credit card processor is, and when innkeepers contacted them about unfair charges saying machines were not returned when they were, or poor service regarding chargebacks were told "Gee, nobody else has compained" at a time when we knew we were all calling them with the same complaints. That's when we started wondering why they kept promoting them since we were all having so many problems with them that they were dubbed something like "Never Protecting Chargebacks"
If I'm an innkeeper that wants to increase my business? Is that a trick question? Of course I want to. But I imagine you have more than 2 rooms to speak as if it's so easy to go. It may be $435 but I bet the hotel alone puts that up to $1000. And an innsitter will be $100 per day minimum. And flying from Virginia to Texas is, I'm sure, more than $200 per person. Now I'm already up to $1500 or more. And if I go of course I'll want to do the additional seminars, since the basic ones are probably similar to those at the state level. How to do a website, how to do a wedding etc. We all know the best place for a beginner is to go to PAII's basic seminars.
Like Guillum House says, if I don't have the money, how do you presume that I should go ?? Charge charge charge on my credit card? We have not charged anything for over two years and cannot strart now or I can't build my other wing which will finally release me from working two jobs. So yes, I do want to increase my business and yes it is an investment. But please note not all of us can afford to do so.
Maybe if the conferences are charging $75 for a pot of coffee it's time for conferences to go somewhere else. I would be interested in researching alternate meeting spots. In this economy there must be other sources than the highly traveled locations that can charge up the wazoo no matter what. I wonder what the UVA Conference Center here charges....
Hi Riki,
Just to address the conference venue and $75 per gallon of coffee issue, choosing the right place for our meeting involves a very difficult recipe.
It's highly preferable to choose a hotel that can accommodate about 1500 room nights over 4 days...AND have enough meeting space to house 8 simultaneous breakouts and a trade show that can hold up to 100 10x10 booths. And innkeepers greatly prefer that it all be under one roof. Even when we've had the trade show at a convention center across the street from the host hotel, many innkeepers complained about having to walk the one block to the trade show, and exhibitors complained the innkeepers wouldn't come over. Plus, if we commit all the rooms and F&B to the one host hotel, they will give us the meeting and exhibit space at no charge. But of course, we have to commit a great deal in F&B and room nights to get the deal, so we're putting ourselves out on a limb and taking on some risk.
I would love to consider a university campus setting, but the trade show would be hard to accommodate, unless there was a large, indoor open space VERY close to the sleeping and meeting rooms.
And, let's don't forget the city. Innkeepers prefer a "tier one" city, meaning major airport, so that it's easy get in and out at a hopefully reasonable rate. We try getting good deals at cities that have a lot of direct flights from all over. On the other hand, there are some innkeepers who would prefer that we go to "tier two" cities, just so we're not in big cities and that we explore a variety of places over the years. For 2011, we are looking at cities that might give us a better room rate in January or March, and we will poll our members for their opinion of the places which will be on our final three or four list for that year. Better room rates can be found in tier two cities, but they might require more layovers with the flights. Even tier two cities will charge more than $50 per gallon for coffee, plus 22% service fee, plus 8% tax. We end up paying about $40 per plate for a plated lunch that might consist of a small salad, chicken breast/veggie and cheesecake. Sorry, don't mean to tell a sob story here.

It's just a complex and expensive undertaking, but there certainly is a desire for the product, so we will keep hosting it.
One other matter is politics we have to consider. When we chose California as our 2008 location, I think we upset some folks in Oregon who were hoping we'd choose Portland that year, and we upset some folks in California for being in their backyard. There are many reasons we have one full-time person who works on this event!
