Great resource posting, Swirt!
For all on this fourm, if you haven't checked out our new web site, take a peek at LOTS of changes.
And, thanks to several of you on here, we will be announcing big changes to our membership model in about 2 months making membership in PAII a "no brainer."
Best regards,
Great new site!
I saw
The Innkeepers Store and thought there would be tshirts available. You know, like black tshirts with white lettering:
Fantastic idea! Let's see what we can come up with.
Hi Jay,
What is the difference between the November New England Innkeeping show and the Innkeeping Show in Austin Texas. Do people got to both or just one of them?
There are two main differences...
Most of the content at the New England Show will focus on truly regional matters, i.e. tapping into New England tourism efforts, working with New England farmers to get great New England-grown food to your guests, working with New England media, meetings with the six state tourism departments, etc. We'll sprinkle in some general education content, i.e. internet marketing, operations issues, etc.
The other main difference will be the depth and breadth of the event itself. The Innkeeping Show in Austin covers about 4 days, and you typically find up to 8 classes being offered at the same time. TONS of choices, much larger experience overall. The New England Show is basically a day and a half. Short and sweet, but meaningful, for the drive-in market.
But, that being said, we might realize big success with the New England meeting. TripAdvisor CEO, Steve Kaufer, accepted my invitation to come join us at the event. Vendors are eager to participate. So, this could be as big as the Austin event!

We'll see.
I expect many innkeepers will come to both shows, since they're both valuable. And of course some will choose one over the other.
If you've never gone to a PAII conference, all I can say is GO!!!!!!
Breakfast Diva said:
If you've never gone to a PAII conference, all I can say is GO!!!!!!
Yes they are great IF YOU have the moolah. EXPENSIVE
egoodell said:
Breakfast Diva said:
If you've never gone to a PAII conference, all I can say is GO!!!!!!
Yes they are great IF YOU have the moolah. EXPENSIVE
Yes, it can add up, but it's a tax write off and you will learn an enormous amount which helps you increase business. Well worth it in the long run. We go every 2 years and I know we would not be as successful if we didn't participate.
Yes, it can add up, but it's a tax write off
Sorry, it is not a tax write-off. It IS a tax deduction, but only a portion of it comes off the taxes. I already have so many deductions ot would not matter one whit for my taxes but it would for my bank account. OUCH!
See that is the big problem. I am not anti-Conference. Actually I am pro-Conference - it is such a learning and networking experience. BUT I am barely able to afford my State Association Conference - PAII is unreachable for my meager income. Not playing "poor-mouth", just the facts. I probably give away roo many nights to state members and to my City and donate (still) more than I should, but am really content with where I am so the $$$ are not all that important - as long as I can come up with the honking loan payment, insurance, and taxes I have all I want. Next year starts the get it in gear to show what it would be if I did not give away the store so it will be saleable in 2 years. No freebie donations for 2010.
Hey, if you're happy where you are great! No need to spend the money. I think you may be in the minority though. Most inn mates here are looking for a little bigger piece of the pie.
If any of you do go to the conference, we could do a meet and greet for inn mates. I've already got my innsitter lined up.
Breakfast Diva said:
Hey, if you're happy where you are great! No need to spend the money. I think you may be in the minority though. Most inn mates here are looking for a little bigger piece of the pie.
If any of you do go to the conference, we could do a meet and greet for inn mates. I've already got my innsitter lined up.
Okay I just checked to see if the costs have imrpoved. Now figure airline and hotel on top ot this:
[td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $639.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Full Conference - Lunches Included (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $35.00
Key Leaders Workshop (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $299.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
One Day Conference Registration (T, W, or Th) (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $150.00
Select Registry Events Only
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $100.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Trade Show Only - One Day (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][th]Optional Tickets[/th][/tr][td]
Price: $299.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Aspiring Innkeepers Workshop (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $0.00 Internet Intensive - ADVANCED (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $0.00 Internet Intensive - BASIC (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $35.00
Key Leaders Workshop (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $150.00
Select Registry Add On - Private Events (
As a Select Registry member your additional fee includes personalized registration check in by the Select Registry staff, members only breakfast on Tuesday morning and an opportunity to meet the new Executive Director and hear state of Select Registry, member only invitation to Select Registry Wednesday evening reception at an elegant downtown establishment (transportation included), full access to the trade show floor, Select Registry Members Lounge on the Trade Show floor, and workshops on Tuesday and Wednesday morning for those members interested in learning more about Select Registry’s property management system endeavor.
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $999.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Technology Pre-Conference Workshop with Tim Brady
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $0.00
Texas Bed & Breakfast Association Add On
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $45.00
Thursday Awards Lunch
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $45.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Trade Show Lunch Ticket - Tuesday (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $45.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Trade Show Lunch Ticket - Wednesday (
[/td][/tr][td] [/td][/tr][td]
Price: $100.00 - Log in for Member Pricing
Trade Show Only - One Day (
The last time I went in Hilton Head, the price was all-inclusive for all the talks. Looks like there is a main cost and then additional cost for all the big seminars. Am I reading correctly that one alone is $999??????
Pretty pricey. I'd go if I had an extra $3000.
If you're a PAII member, the full conference registration is $439 for the first person and $399 for the second. That includes access to more innkeeping classes than anything in the market. Registration includes the opening reception, three lunches, coffee breaks, and another evening reception on the trade show floor. It runs Monday night through Thursday early afternoon.
The only add-ons for the typical innkeeper *might* be if you want to attend an all-day intensive workshop that is focused on a singular topic. Right now we have one scheduled on that is $199 for members, and will be WELL worth the investment (the $999 is a mistake...I just alerted my staff to change it). Tim Brady is AMAZING and is one of the brightest innkeepers in our entire industry. He’ll be presenting on marketing your inn with new media and new technology. He was the hit of the Atlanta event.
If you’re a Select Registry property, there is a $150 add-on that covers functions for SR members. This is in lieu of SR having their own separate conference in 2010. Many innkeepers came to both our show and SR’s, so this will save them a lot of money. The vendors also greatly appreciate having only one show to go to.
I think just about all the other items pasted above are ala carte items - if you don’t want to opt for the full registration, i.e. trade show only badge, one-day registration badges, lunches, etc.
The lowest fee for the full conference in Hilton Head was $349 back in 2000 (it was $469 after the early bird deadline). Over ten years, the price increase to $439 looks like it was on average about a 2% increase each year. When coffee hotels that can hold our meeting costs $75 per gallon, I’d say we’ve done a pretty good job staying below general inflation over the past 10 years.
SO…don’t look at registration as a $3,000 price tag. Look at it as a $439 price tag, obviously before travel, lodging and some additional meals. It’s not an overall cheap investment, but it is certainly not overpriced as suggested. We usually get 95% of attendees rating the experience very positively (4 or 5 out of 5).
State conferences are great too. I love state conferences! I think all innkeepers should also go to state conferences. It seems I’m attending one every other week all year long. But we’re talking apples and oranges. A day and a half of learning and networking with usually no more than 2 or 3 breakouts and (on average) 10 vendors on a show floor is a different experience than dozens of classes over 3-4 days with up to 80 vendors on the show floor, with nationally or internationally renowned keynote and other speakers – and the ability to network outside your back yard in person…it’s a different value proposition. Some may get all the networking they care for at a state meeting; but others enjoy learning from peers all over the continent. We know the value of the smaller meetings – we’re putting one on in New England this November that will be a day and a half and at a lower price (I think $169 or $189).
Most B&Bs are more expensive than the run-of-the-mill hotels, but I’d bet most innkeepers would say they don’t overprice their rooms. Do any of you? You do your best to deliver a valuable experience at the right price…for some it is out of their budget, but others make room for the investment, because they know it comes back to them ten-fold. We don’t expect the entire industry to be able to support the annual event. Even if the price was 25% of what it is now, we wouldn’t likely see 4 times the attendance. We know travel costs and the difficulty of leaving your inn are road blocks. But those who can once in a while (or annually) get away and attend the show leave pretty darn happy they came.
It's not for everyone every year, but every innkeeper should at some time go. But I'm biased, right?