haha. Ditto on the jump in the shower comment!
Though I have just two guest rooms in the house, plus a separate apartment just s few steps outside, I do have a built in front desk with a classic tap ‘ding’ bell. If I’m close by I’ll hear it, if not there is a prominent note with my cell# so they get me quickly. My dedicated desktop and printer are there, as well as antique cashbox for odd gift or meal sales and the once-per-year guest who pays cash. The cashbox has a hidden lever to open. My husband would forget and ask me where it is sometimes

I like the professionalism of the desk, and the handy guest information (business cards, brochures etc..) that are in easy reach while checking in or out. Over the years I’ve smoothed out procedures and physical layout of many things to make it easier for this one person to do all.
I no longer cut grass. Can’t handle the sun in summer. That job is now farmed out.