What do I need for front desk

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Feb 24, 2024
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So. Dakota
Hate to sound like a dummy, but if I have ResKey do I need a cash register and card reader?Does ResKey work through/with your website? I figure I need the cash register, we have two iPads for the business and cell phones, so am not sure why I really need. Was born in the stone age before all this technology!
Hate to sound like a dummy, but if I have ResKey do I need a cash register and card reader?Does ResKey work through/with your website? I figure I need the cash register, we have two iPads for the business and cell phones, so am not sure why I really need. Was born in the stone age before all this technology!
Welcome to the club! The first phone we had did not have a dial - at least all we had to do was pick up and wait for the operator to FINALLY ask number please - AFTER the others on the party line got done talking!!

I also have ResKey but if you are taking deposits or online payments you WILL need some sort of link to your bank account. I use Square for credit card processing. RESKEY has - I just checked to find it - a support Forum and you can contact RESKEY from it also. Log in and in tiny red letters under the Availability screen are the words Contact and other words, but I clicked Contact and the Forum came up. Ask your question there.

As I said, I use Square for processing credit cards and I do not take deposits. IFA I have someone wanting to pay for someone's room (like the Dad who paid for his daughter's room) I send an invoice through Square, he entered his credit card numbers, hit submit and I go the email from Square when he paid it. My Foundation I am on the Board of uses it for selling merchandise - slightly higher fee bit less than any processor. I do not have a cash register - just a small square gizmo that I keep charged up. I have the ap on my cell phone, enter the charges, they tap or insert their card and the sale is complete. The gizmo fits in the back pocket of my jeans and will work anywhere I have cell service. I hope this answers your question and is helpful.

Many with RESKEY have channel managers and take payment (or deposits) when the reservation is made with their RESKEY system.
So even if I have ResKey I still need Square? Do they provide the device you mention or do I need to buy a card reader, or ???
Do you have RESKEY set up to take Payments/Deposits? I would still recommend getting a Square account. The gizmo costs about $70 & comes with a charger cord (I used another charger cord on a previous and it wrecked it so only use the one that came with it.

Square is good if you have walk-ins, sell from a gift shop (I have Gillum mugs & ornaments, and WV products - honey, maple syrup, salsa, jellies in my "gift shop" - the shelves of my Hoosier cabinet in the dining room where everyone will see it. It is often the place where the gift for the dog sitter, babysitting parents, etc. is chosen. Other than the mugs & ornaments, I only have things that no one has to figure out "where the hell am I going to put THIS!" but it is all from West Virginia (mugs & ornaments. are made by a WV potter who signs each piece). Look for a potter in your area if you want mugs with your logo (we had a brass stamp made with my logo YEARS ago and it has more than paid for itself) and product of your State. THAT is what sells them. People are getting tired of seeing Made in China when they want something from a "special" place.Mugs-gillumhouse.JPG
Will look into the mugs because we will have a gift shop eventually. And the ResKey info is very helpful!

For your gift shop the more local the items in it the better. People want authentic and local. They are tired of Made in China (it used to be Made in Japan). Jams and jellies sell very well.
SDNewbie, Welcome to the world of hosting! We don't have a front office and use Resnexus. We take payment on our phone or PC through the back end and never have to have a card present or a mechanism to run it through. All done online with our reservation system. They can do it on their own through our website, or call and we collect the card information and receive deposit. It auto-processes the balance the morning they arrive. We can't see their card information once entered and the digital receipts of payment and confirmation are so nice. Some DO prefer to pay in cash or check, but we still send a digital receipt.
We don't have a storefront to sell things because our freedom and just dropping in to visit as convenient for them and us was more valuable to us than being around 24/7. We try to meet and have a personal conversation with every customer. We also are available by text, phone, and email and some prefer that over us stopping in. Just giving you another perspective.
It's an exciting but BUSY hosting world. Glad you've jumped in.
My "gift shop" is not open to the public. Some people in town know I have it and call to ask if they can come get a few things they need for a gift basket.

Just so you know you do NOT have to be tied to the B & B 24/7 here are a few of the things I am involved with in Shinnston (being off-the beaten-path, in a non-tourist mecca, and 3 rooms helps - but I MADE it a tourist destination): was on City Council - City Clerk since 2009, Planning & Coning Commission, Development Authority, 2 Community Bands, Garden Club & Woman's Club (2 of us are the work horses for both), Community Garden, on the Board of a Rail-Trail Foundation (current Treasurer), Lord's Pantry Board, resource for the high school Tourism & business class, and the Community Garden (all produce goes to the Lord's Pantry Food Bank).

I have told guests they had to arrive before xx:xx PM or after xx:xx PM If I had a concert or we had a parade, etc. They have all understood and complied.
SDNewbie, Welcome to the world of hosting! We don't have a front office and use Resnexus. We take payment on our phone or PC through the back end and never have to have a card present or a mechanism to run it through. All done online with our reservation system. They can do it on their own through our website, or call and we collect the card information and receive deposit. It auto-processes the balance the morning they arrive. We can't see their card information once entered and the digital receipts of payment and confirmation are so nice. Some DO prefer to pay in cash or check, but we still send a digital receipt.
We don't have a storefront to sell things because our freedom and just dropping in to visit as convenient for them and us was more valuable to us than being around 24/7. We try to meet and have a personal conversation with every customer. We also are available by text, phone, and email and some prefer that over us stopping in. Just giving you another perspective.
It's an exciting but BUSY hosting world. Glad you've jumped in.
So does Resnexus do what both Square and ResKey do together? I am not a techie and my eyes are crossed. Too many choices! I am interested in this, though I wonder about the cost. Please advise, and thanks for the info!
My "gift shop" is not open to the public. Some people in town know I have it and call to ask if they can come get a few things they need for a gift basket.

Just so you know you do NOT have to be tied to the B & B 24/7 here are a few of the things I am involved with in Shinnston (being off-the beaten-path, in a non-tourist mecca, and 3 rooms helps - but I MADE it a tourist destination): was on City Council - City Clerk since 2009, Planning & Coning Commission, Development Authority, 2 Community Bands, Garden Club & Woman's Club (2 of us are the work horses for both), Community Garden, on the Board of a Rail-Trail Foundation (current Treasurer), Lord's Pantry Board, resource for the high school Tourism & business class, and the Community Garden (all produce goes to the Lord's Pantry Food Bank).

I have told guests they had to arrive before xx:xx PM or after xx:xx PM If I had a concert or we had a parade, etc. They have all understood and complied.
Thanks for this and for your previous reply. It has been BUSY here! I intend to be more involved with my community as well as soon as we get on our feet a bit. Used to be a community newspaper reporter so know the drill about all this and worked with the various boards on many things before I retired here. Have lots of ideas about how to help organize and promote things and other community members have already expressed interest. Am running this with family who can help on the B&B side while I do business things. Just trying to catch my breath!
ResKey has a tiered fee depending on the number of rooms. I liked that because the ROI on 3 rooms is a lot less than the larger B & Bs and Inns. It DOES have ability to do Credit cards. I just do not use it. I do not do deposits - exception is Elopements and that requires a check so there can be no possibility of a chargeback.
ResKey has a tiered fee depending on the number of rooms. I liked that because the ROI on 3 rooms is a lot less than the larger B & Bs and Inns. It DOES have ability to do Credit cards. I just do not use it. I do not do deposits - exception is Elopements and that requires a check so there can be no possibility of a chargeback.
I've used Reservation Key since Gillum House suggested it to me about 2016. I also use Authorize.net and charge a small non-refundable fee when a room is reserved as it proves that the guest's card is good. I have a desktop terminal but lately have begun charging more guests through the online system as it seems more convenient.
To excel at a front desk role, you need strong customer service, communication, and multitasking skills. Familiarity with office software, phone etiquette, and booking or CRM systems is essential. Professionalism, patience, and attention to detail help create a welcoming experience for guests or clients. Keeping an organized workspace with necessary tools like a computer, phone, and information sheets ensures efficiency. Whether in a hotel, office, or medical facility, a positive attitude and the ability to handle issues calmly make all the difference.
To excel at a front desk role, you need strong customer service, communication, and multitasking skills. Familiarity with office software, phone etiquette, and booking or CRM systems is essential. Professionalism, patience, and attention to detail help create a welcoming experience for guests or clients. Keeping an organized workspace with necessary tools like a computer, phone, and information sheets ensures efficiency. Whether in a hotel, office, or medical facility, a positive attitude and the ability to handle issues calmly make all the difference.
I certainly agree that a positive attitude and a welcoming experience, however I expect many here, myself anyway, are far different from the large hotel or facility. My "workspace" is in a bedroom, my attire is a bathrobe, it's not daylight yet but this is my best "office time". There is no real physical "front desk" or smiling face sitting there waiting for guests to arrive. A busy week might bring a dozen guests who ring the doorbell on arrival. When the bell rings I might be in a guest room, cutting grass but a sure way to make the bell ring is to sit down to eat or jump in the shower. A bit of a different world for me as a "one horse" operation. Still the best job out there.
I certainly agree that a positive attitude and a welcoming experience, however I expect many here, myself anyway, are far different from the large hotel or facility. My "workspace" is in a bedroom, my attire is a bathrobe, it's not daylight yet but this is my best "office time". There is no real physical "front desk" or smiling face sitting there waiting for guests to arrive. A busy week might bring a dozen guests who ring the doorbell on arrival. When the bell rings I might be in a guest room, cutting grass but a sure way to make the bell ring is to sit down to eat or jump in the shower. A bit of a different world for me as a "one horse" operation. Still the best job out there.
haha. Ditto on the jump in the shower comment!

Though I have just two guest rooms in the house, plus a separate apartment just s few steps outside, I do have a built in front desk with a classic tap ‘ding’ bell. If I’m close by I’ll hear it, if not there is a prominent note with my cell# so they get me quickly. My dedicated desktop and printer are there, as well as antique cashbox for odd gift or meal sales and the once-per-year guest who pays cash. The cashbox has a hidden lever to open. My husband would forget and ask me where it is sometimes 😆
I like the professionalism of the desk, and the handy guest information (business cards, brochures etc..) that are in easy reach while checking in or out. Over the years I’ve smoothed out procedures and physical layout of many things to make it easier for this one person to do all.

I no longer cut grass. Can’t handle the sun in summer. That job is now farmed out.
I know I’m very late in replying. This may no longer be an issue, I was previously with RezNexus and liked it - until - I could no longer get complete card information so I could run it with Square. I like Square and the freedom from random mystery fees. They would not budge on providing the information using pci compliance as an excuse. Reservation Key has that problem sorted, so I moved there and have stayed. Pricing works for my very small place. Even if I am elsewhere in the world (just did a month in Egypt) I can access and take care of reservations. In all these years there have only been two brief interruptions with service, one for a few hours and one for 24 very scary hours. Even Air, as large as it is, has had periodic access problems so I suppose no online service is immune.
40% of my business is Air. When an Air reservation comes in I immediately block the dates in ResKey, and vice versa with direct ResKey reservations. Yes you can automate this but after a year of that and a couple of hitches I found it is actually better for me to do this manually. I only have four total units so it works.
So does Resnexus do what both Square and ResKey do together? I am not a techie and my eyes are crossed. Too many choices! I am interested in this, though I wonder about the cost. Please advise, and thanks for the info

haha. Ditto on the jump in the shower comment!

Though I have just two guest rooms in the house, plus a separate apartment just s few steps outside, I do have a built in front desk with a classic tap ‘ding’ bell. If I’m close by I’ll hear it, if not there is a prominent note with my cell# so they get me quickly. My dedicated desktop and printer are there, as well as antique cashbox for odd gift or meal sales and the once-per-year guest who pays cash. The cashbox has a hidden lever to open. My husband would forget and ask me where it is sometimes 😆
I like the professionalism of the desk, and the handy guest information (business cards, brochures etc..) that are in easy reach while checking in or out. Over the years I’ve smoothed out procedures and physical layout of many things to make it easier for this one person to do all.

I no longer cut grass. Can’t handle the sun in summer. That job is now farmed out.
Tiny motel here, 8 rooms. I've sort of copied Arks on many things, except for the occasional walk-ups, most guests are prepaid. Check-in is sign here and hand them the room key, faster than having folks come in the front room. Everyone rings the doorbell, RING, which allows a response even if we are not at home. Probably 2/3 of our guests are repeat visitors. I still like cutting grass, well riding mower, peaceful. In the mountains so not too hot most times. Fortunately, son-in-law shares with me and does the parts that require pushing.
Thanks for everyone's input, late or not. I have been so busy trying to get open am not even keeping up with comments like I should. The ResKey/Square info is especially helpful and am going to go with that. There are three of us who will be running our five-bed Inn and I am the old fogey, so the son and grandson will do the heavy lifting. I will do the baking, clean some rooms dust, etc. It has been so stressful but really think it will work well if we can ever get open. Slow but sure!