Discounts for neat and tidy guests who don't smoke

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Hmmmmmmmmmm.............. maybe I should UP my prices because I'm unemployed!
OK now, we all know we are supposed to feel all warm & fuzzy and giving when we hear someone whine they are retired (perhaps with more than i have though) or unemployed (poor me). Don't you know that we are in business and therefore are rich and supposed to give to the poor! We are supposed to be part of the redistribution of wealth and being in business are wealth so should give to the poor unemployed (down-sized? eliminated? or fired?).
Hey, I will be super neat and tidy and I don't smoke, so................can I come stay with you and you pay ME??!
OK now, we all know we are supposed to feel all warm & fuzzy and giving when we hear someone whine they are retired (perhaps with more than i have though) or unemployed (poor me). Don't you know that we are in business and therefore are rich and supposed to give to the poor! We are supposed to be part of the redistribution of wealth and being in business are wealth so should give to the poor unemployed (down-sized? eliminated? or fired?)..
In my 20+ years of experience within the industry, it's obvious to me that the ones asking for discounts are NEVER the poorest or even the unemployed. It's always the wealthiest traveler that has the least shame in asking for a discount or even trying aggressively to negotiate a lower rate. So Joey's emailer aside (at here at the Inn), it seems the lowest income or unemployed guests not only don't ask for discounts, they appreciate the stay and what's offered far more than the AARP members or the luxury car driving guests do.
Could just be my demo area, tho.
OK now, we all know we are supposed to feel all warm & fuzzy and giving when we hear someone whine they are retired (perhaps with more than i have though) or unemployed (poor me). Don't you know that we are in business and therefore are rich and supposed to give to the poor! We are supposed to be part of the redistribution of wealth and being in business are wealth so should give to the poor unemployed (down-sized? eliminated? or fired?)..
In my 20+ years of experience within the industry, it's obvious to me that the ones asking for discounts are NEVER the poorest or even the unemployed. It's always the wealthiest traveler that has the least shame in asking for a discount or even trying aggressively to negotiate a lower rate. So Joey's emailer aside (at here at the Inn), it seems the lowest income or unemployed guests not only don't ask for discounts, they appreciate the stay and what's offered far more than the AARP members or the luxury car driving guests do.
Could just be my demo area, tho.
Not just your area. The tips of ant kind are most likely to be left (here anyway) by Joe Schmoe rather than George Gotrocks..
Chances are good they will find someone who would jump at it. If I have the room, and it wouldn't be filled at full price, I would take the $700.00...but then my highest rates are lower than the lowest rates of many Inns. On top of that, I myself never pay more than $100 per night when I travel....could be why I always pick the smallest owner-run Inns.
So, just say no graciously if you can't do it, you shouldn't get mad at people for asking or take it personally, not in this economy. $700 is alot of money to me; if I was willing to spend that for lodging on vacation, and an innkeeper said or acted like "if you can't afford to stay with me, stay home", I would say "no, I'm going on vacation, but will stay with someone else".
At least they are considering B&B's as a lodging option..
Where did you read they were paying $100 a night? They said they can't afford $100 per night. So reading between the lines if you were to find out it would be one of those $50 or less a night requests. $700 is not what they are offering to pay. UGH!
What is kind of surprising is that there is a cheapo hotel nearby isn't there? They could get a room for $81/night, including continental brek. So, if they have done any checking it means they can't pay even THAT amount for a room.
Bree said:
What is kind of surprising is that there is a cheapo hotel nearby isn't there? They could get a room for $81/night, including continental brek. So, if they have done any checking it means they can't pay even THAT amount for a room.
There are plenty of fleabag motels on the highway not far from us. The thing is they want to stay in a nice B&B and want a break, it is that simple. They figured it couldn't hurt to ask. No biggee, I just found it funny.
Maybe they could work for a room, clean and make up all our rooms for the week! me says after wiping down baseboards on my hands and knees in one room this morning - wide victorian baseboards - sot there are like 6 levels of grooves for dust to collect, actually these right here - exactly:

We have these kinds of molding too and what helped us the most was painting them all a dark color. When we got here they were all beige...and because of all the grooves and they way they catch the light here, it always looked "dirty" to me. So we painted them dark and it spared me having to wipe them down constantly...the trade off is I do need to touch them up with paint 3-4 times a year because they get dinged up with suitcases.
Chances are good they will find someone who would jump at it. If I have the room, and it wouldn't be filled at full price, I would take the $700.00...but then my highest rates are lower than the lowest rates of many Inns. On top of that, I myself never pay more than $100 per night when I travel....could be why I always pick the smallest owner-run Inns.
So, just say no graciously if you can't do it, you shouldn't get mad at people for asking or take it personally, not in this economy. $700 is alot of money to me; if I was willing to spend that for lodging on vacation, and an innkeeper said or acted like "if you can't afford to stay with me, stay home", I would say "no, I'm going on vacation, but will stay with someone else".
At least they are considering B&B's as a lodging option..
As an aside, I would never make a guest feel like they were poor if they couldn't afford to pay my rates. I would refer them to my comp who charges $95/night.
I should have expanded on my original statement...I personally cannot afford a week's vacation. Guess what? I stay home. I don't grovel at someone's doorstep to take me in at a discount. I don't make the assumption that everyone else out there is poor like me and would take whatever I want to pay, I assume their prices are what their prices are and they are that for a reason.
I couch surf when I want to get away. (Or, like a few weeks ago, I go with friends who chip in toward the room.) Or I travel off season when rates are generally lower. But I wouldn't take the bread out of an innkeeper's mouth so I could have a vacation I cannot afford. I might, however, go for 4 days instead of 7. (I'm not above asking for a reciprocal discount at another lodging property.)
I'm in the wrong business...ha, ha...I think people who are unemployed and on the edge should be looking for work and pinching pennies. I don't think they should be begging for a vacation. Are they going to do the same thing at the restaurants? 'Hi, we can't afford this prime rib, but we want it anyway. How about we pay you $5 for that?'
I think pointing them to the $20 off discount and reiterating what all is included in the price is excellent marketing.
We're lucky in that we know a lot of innkeepers now who have offered us 'a place at the inn' if we can travel to their locations. I thank them one and all. For once in my life I have 'an uncle in the biz.'
Bree said:
I wouldn't take the bread out of an innkeeper's mouth so I could have a vacation I cannot afford.
Pretty much up to them to decide if they can or cannot afford it or not, and up to the individual innkeepers to decide they would starve for saying yes. $700.00 for a week at the end of August would certainly not be taking food out of MY mouth (given my historical occupancies for that week or so every year), but just might buy the month's groceries. Guests have no idea which Innkeepers that may be the case for, so they have to call around to find out. While you might not appreciate those calls, I do.
If an Inn is sitting pretty, up in revenues and/or occupancy, and kicking the competition's butt (or are down but can afford to ride it out) then the keeper can "just say no" and generously refer the budget travelers to the competition. What if cost-concious travelers became your area's demographic throughout the recession and beyond? If a particular Inn's occupancies are down (and down long enough), and most callers are asking for a discount, then it's time to reconsider demographic, rates, amenities, everything. After all, pride goeth before a fall.
If you don't like the ones that ask for discounts, tweak your marketing to appeal to the more affluent traveler or post on your website "NO DISCOUNTS FOR ANYONE, EVER, FOR ANY REASON. IF YOU HAVE TO ASK, YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT, AND IT'S JUST GOING TO MAKE ME MAD".
That will get rid of the cheapskates, and you won't have to be offended by their calling.
Guess you missed what she said. They did not want to pay $100 a night...MUCH maybe $50. Would you take them for $50 a night. I sure would not! I don't care if all my rooms were sitting empty. My time and effort is worth WAY MORE THAN THAT. If you want to give your rooms be it. I would not.
I am giving away rooms this month, and it's a purposeful part of our annual marketing strategy. November is our slowest month...last year was the first year of this special, and we did twice what we normally do in November (revenue and occupancies). This November, we're already up 50% over last November. The hubs is hunting most of the month, and I would just be sitting around with nothing to do. This special will bring in around $2000 in revenue, so is well worth my while to do. There are very few three room inns that do our revenues or seasonal occupancies, so don't get the impression that I'm easy or a doormat....just a smart marketer and flexible with my guests and policies. Even more than smarts, flexibility is the key for any business owner.
There is no way I would take this kind of rate during high season...not for any length of stay or reason. I really could just rest on my laurels and sit here stiff and proud all this month with no business, saying "I'm worth more than that, so I won't give in to anyone". No doubt many of you would applaud that, and I know my rooms and efforts are worth more, but I would be sitting here alone with my pride and no revenue, and that's just not my style.
I rarely get people who ask for a discount, so maybe I have no room to speak on the subject. But if suddenly low occupancies or discount-mongering became a real problem for me, I would find out why and fix it...but that's just me!
Little Blue said:
I am giving away rooms this month, and it's a purposeful part of our annual marketing strategy. November is our slowest month........
There is no way I would take this kind of rate during high season...not for any length of stay or reason.
So in essence you are saying you would NOT offer them a deep discount either.... August is HIGH season for them... So I do not understand the tone in your messages.
Bree, I would have had the same toughts going through my head. It is most likely (if I were to take the reservation) that they would be the ones to cancel just before my cancel policy saying the could not afford to take the trip with even more of a sob story.. OR come and be some of the most neady guests. I think I would be starving before I would have taken that reservation and I have quite the built in storage.

Chances are good they will find someone who would jump at it. If I have the room, and it wouldn't be filled at full price, I would take the $700.00...but then my highest rates are lower than the lowest rates of many Inns. On top of that, I myself never pay more than $100 per night when I travel....could be why I always pick the smallest owner-run Inns.
So, just say no graciously if you can't do it, you shouldn't get mad at people for asking or take it personally, not in this economy. $700 is alot of money to me; if I was willing to spend that for lodging on vacation, and an innkeeper said or acted like "if you can't afford to stay with me, stay home", I would say "no, I'm going on vacation, but will stay with someone else".
At least they are considering B&B's as a lodging option..
As an aside, I would never make a guest feel like they were poor if they couldn't afford to pay my rates. I would refer them to my comp who charges $95/night.
I should have expanded on my original statement...I personally cannot afford a week's vacation. Guess what? I stay home. I don't grovel at someone's doorstep to take me in at a discount. I don't make the assumption that everyone else out there is poor like me and would take whatever I want to pay, I assume their prices are what their prices are and they are that for a reason.
I couch surf when I want to get away. (Or, like a few weeks ago, I go with friends who chip in toward the room.) Or I travel off season when rates are generally lower. But I wouldn't take the bread out of an innkeeper's mouth so I could have a vacation I cannot afford. I might, however, go for 4 days instead of 7. (I'm not above asking for a reciprocal discount at another lodging property.)
I'm in the wrong business...ha, ha...I think people who are unemployed and on the edge should be looking for work and pinching pennies. I don't think they should be begging for a vacation. Are they going to do the same thing at the restaurants? 'Hi, we can't afford this prime rib, but we want it anyway. How about we pay you $5 for that?'
I think pointing them to the $20 off discount and reiterating what all is included in the price is excellent marketing.
We're lucky in that we know a lot of innkeepers now who have offered us 'a place at the inn' if we can travel to their locations. I thank them one and all. For once in my life I have 'an uncle in the biz.'
Bree said:
I wouldn't take the bread out of an innkeeper's mouth so I could have a vacation I cannot afford.
Pretty much up to them to decide if they can or cannot afford it or not, and up to the individual innkeepers to decide they would starve for saying yes. $700.00 for a week at the end of August would certainly not be taking food out of MY mouth (given my historical occupancies for that week or so every year), but just might buy the month's groceries. Guests have no idea which Innkeepers that may be the case for, so they have to call around to find out. While you might not appreciate those calls, I do.
If an Inn is sitting pretty, up in revenues and/or occupancy, and kicking the competition's butt (or are down but can afford to ride it out) then the keeper can "just say no" and generously refer the budget travelers to the competition. What if cost-concious travelers became your area's demographic throughout the recession and beyond? If a particular Inn's occupancies are down (and down long enough), and most callers are asking for a discount, then it's time to reconsider demographic, rates, amenities, everything. After all, pride goeth before a fall.
If you don't like the ones that ask for discounts, tweak your marketing to appeal to the more affluent traveler or post on your website "NO DISCOUNTS FOR ANYONE, EVER, FOR ANY REASON. IF YOU HAVE TO ASK, YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT, AND IT'S JUST GOING TO MAKE ME MAD".
That will get rid of the cheapskates, and you won't have to be offended by their calling.
Guess you missed what she said. They did not want to pay $100 a night...MUCH maybe $50. Would you take them for $50 a night. I sure would not! I don't care if all my rooms were sitting empty. My time and effort is worth WAY MORE THAN THAT. If you want to give your rooms be it. I would not.
I am giving away rooms this month, and it's a purposeful part of our annual marketing strategy. November is our slowest month...last year was the first year of this special, and we did twice what we normally do in November (revenue and occupancies). This November, we're already up 50% over last November. The hubs is hunting most of the month, and I would just be sitting around with nothing to do. This special will bring in around $2000 in revenue, so is well worth my while to do. There are very few three room inns that do our revenues or seasonal occupancies, so don't get the impression that I'm easy or a doormat....just a smart marketer and flexible with my guests and policies. Even more than smarts, flexibility is the key for any business owner.
There is no way I would take this kind of rate during high season...not for any length of stay or reason. I really could just rest on my laurels and sit here stiff and proud all this month with no business, saying "I'm worth more than that, so I won't give in to anyone". No doubt many of you would applaud that, and I know my rooms and efforts are worth more, but I would be sitting here alone with my pride and no revenue, and that's just not my style.
I rarely get people who ask for a discount, so maybe I have no room to speak on the subject. But if suddenly low occupancies or discount-mongering became a real problem for me, I would find out why and fix it...but that's just me!
Little Blue said:
I am giving away rooms this month, and it's a purposeful part of our annual marketing strategy. November is our slowest month........
There is no way I would take this kind of rate during high season...not for any length of stay or reason.
So in essence you are saying you would NOT offer them a deep discount either.... August is HIGH season for them... So I do not understand the tone in your messages.
Bree, I would have had the same toughts going through my head. It is most likely (if I were to take the reservation) that they would be the ones to cancel just before my cancel policy saying the could not afford to take the trip with even more of a sob story.. OR come and be some of the most neady guests. I think I would be starving before I would have taken that reservation and I have quite the built in storage.

Copperhead said:
I think I would be starving before I would have taken that reservation and I have quite the built in storage.
Ah, yes, the new innkeeper weight loss plan...low occupancy...
BTW, did you, a long time ago, post about a yoga tape you used to good advantage? If so, could you again? I forgot which one is was.
i am unemployed, i go from underemployed to unemployed ... but i still might plan to visit family far away. maybe i am saving up for months to do so. and i still might have the nerve to ask if someone offers a discount if i stay an entire week. especially if i saw an appealing website and thought 'i wish i could stay there' ... probably not, but i just might try.
august in new england is high season all around, but there are some little b&b's up in maine, near where i was, those ladies could stay in. their rates are way low ... all the time. they, to quote, offer 'simple accomodations' 'basic comforts' and continental breakfast. muffins, fruit, cereal, coffee, tea. just enough really.
i would point the ladies in their direction. their rates are in the chart below. and i have a feeling they might even give the ladies a break for staying a week. maybe not. i think it's a good idea to know of a place to send someone that is looking for low cost first and foremost. multiplying 6 or 7 nights by a room rate is quite a bit of money. i take the lady's statment for what it is. and trying to reassure you by saying they are neat and clean and don't smoke maybe is trying to show that, even though they don't have a lot of money, they would respect your property.
i said this a lot, 'the lowest rate i can offer is $$$.' pause -- if they don't want to book then i said, ' you might try xyz b&b .... ' and i was sincere in my recommendation.
i have had sisters stay with me and share a bed to save money. no problem to me or to them. $75 for the two of them at this place i'm talking about if they share the bed ... and the bath with another ... a nice room, nice bed, safe house, clean and cozy, basic breakfast ... not bad. just basic.
[tr][td] [/td] Single[/td] Double[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Shared bath (double bed) [/td] $60.00[/td] $75.00[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Private bath (2 twins beds-convertible to "king")[/td] 80.00[/td] 95.00[/td][/tr][/table]
Chances are good they will find someone who would jump at it. If I have the room, and it wouldn't be filled at full price, I would take the $700.00...but then my highest rates are lower than the lowest rates of many Inns. On top of that, I myself never pay more than $100 per night when I travel....could be why I always pick the smallest owner-run Inns.
So, just say no graciously if you can't do it, you shouldn't get mad at people for asking or take it personally, not in this economy. $700 is alot of money to me; if I was willing to spend that for lodging on vacation, and an innkeeper said or acted like "if you can't afford to stay with me, stay home", I would say "no, I'm going on vacation, but will stay with someone else".
At least they are considering B&B's as a lodging option..
As an aside, I would never make a guest feel like they were poor if they couldn't afford to pay my rates. I would refer them to my comp who charges $95/night.
I should have expanded on my original statement...I personally cannot afford a week's vacation. Guess what? I stay home. I don't grovel at someone's doorstep to take me in at a discount. I don't make the assumption that everyone else out there is poor like me and would take whatever I want to pay, I assume their prices are what their prices are and they are that for a reason.
I couch surf when I want to get away. (Or, like a few weeks ago, I go with friends who chip in toward the room.) Or I travel off season when rates are generally lower. But I wouldn't take the bread out of an innkeeper's mouth so I could have a vacation I cannot afford. I might, however, go for 4 days instead of 7. (I'm not above asking for a reciprocal discount at another lodging property.)
I'm in the wrong business...ha, ha...I think people who are unemployed and on the edge should be looking for work and pinching pennies. I don't think they should be begging for a vacation. Are they going to do the same thing at the restaurants? 'Hi, we can't afford this prime rib, but we want it anyway. How about we pay you $5 for that?'
I think pointing them to the $20 off discount and reiterating what all is included in the price is excellent marketing.
We're lucky in that we know a lot of innkeepers now who have offered us 'a place at the inn' if we can travel to their locations. I thank them one and all. For once in my life I have 'an uncle in the biz.'
Bree said:
I wouldn't take the bread out of an innkeeper's mouth so I could have a vacation I cannot afford.
Pretty much up to them to decide if they can or cannot afford it or not, and up to the individual innkeepers to decide they would starve for saying yes. $700.00 for a week at the end of August would certainly not be taking food out of MY mouth (given my historical occupancies for that week or so every year), but just might buy the month's groceries. Guests have no idea which Innkeepers that may be the case for, so they have to call around to find out. While you might not appreciate those calls, I do.
If an Inn is sitting pretty, up in revenues and/or occupancy, and kicking the competition's butt (or are down but can afford to ride it out) then the keeper can "just say no" and generously refer the budget travelers to the competition. What if cost-concious travelers became your area's demographic throughout the recession and beyond? If a particular Inn's occupancies are down (and down long enough), and most callers are asking for a discount, then it's time to reconsider demographic, rates, amenities, everything. After all, pride goeth before a fall.
If you don't like the ones that ask for discounts, tweak your marketing to appeal to the more affluent traveler or post on your website "NO DISCOUNTS FOR ANYONE, EVER, FOR ANY REASON. IF YOU HAVE TO ASK, YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT, AND IT'S JUST GOING TO MAKE ME MAD".
That will get rid of the cheapskates, and you won't have to be offended by their calling.
Guess you missed what she said. They did not want to pay $100 a night...MUCH maybe $50. Would you take them for $50 a night. I sure would not! I don't care if all my rooms were sitting empty. My time and effort is worth WAY MORE THAN THAT. If you want to give your rooms be it. I would not.
I am giving away rooms this month, and it's a purposeful part of our annual marketing strategy. November is our slowest month...last year was the first year of this special, and we did twice what we normally do in November (revenue and occupancies). This November, we're already up 50% over last November. The hubs is hunting most of the month, and I would just be sitting around with nothing to do. This special will bring in around $2000 in revenue, so is well worth my while to do. There are very few three room inns that do our revenues or seasonal occupancies, so don't get the impression that I'm easy or a doormat....just a smart marketer and flexible with my guests and policies. Even more than smarts, flexibility is the key for any business owner.
There is no way I would take this kind of rate during high season...not for any length of stay or reason. I really could just rest on my laurels and sit here stiff and proud all this month with no business, saying "I'm worth more than that, so I won't give in to anyone". No doubt many of you would applaud that, and I know my rooms and efforts are worth more, but I would be sitting here alone with my pride and no revenue, and that's just not my style.
I rarely get people who ask for a discount, so maybe I have no room to speak on the subject. But if suddenly low occupancies or discount-mongering became a real problem for me, I would find out why and fix it...but that's just me!
Little Blue said:
I am giving away rooms this month, and it's a purposeful part of our annual marketing strategy. November is our slowest month........
There is no way I would take this kind of rate during high season...not for any length of stay or reason.
So in essence you are saying you would NOT offer them a deep discount either.... August is HIGH season for them... So I do not understand the tone in your messages.
Bree, I would have had the same toughts going through my head. It is most likely (if I were to take the reservation) that they would be the ones to cancel just before my cancel policy saying the could not afford to take the trip with even more of a sob story.. OR come and be some of the most neady guests. I think I would be starving before I would have taken that reservation and I have quite the built in storage.

Copperhead said:
I think I would be starving before I would have taken that reservation and I have quite the built in storage.
Ah, yes, the new innkeeper weight loss plan...low occupancy...
BTW, did you, a long time ago, post about a yoga tape you used to good advantage? If so, could you again? I forgot which one is was.
No Yoga tape here, quite a few 'Sweatin to the Oldies' and Jane Fanda tapes that are collecting dust... I was too slow for Jane and Richard S. just turns my stomach.... come to think of it, maybe that is how I can loose weight! LOL
A couple years ago I had a call from a lady looking for a weekend meet-in-the-middle with her sister. Since money was a factor, she booked one of the rooms with the double be and shared bath. It was not high season but the weather was still decent. When they arrived, I gave them both of the rooms that shared the bath for the price of one. They said I made their get together more than wonderful because they have totally different sleep patterns (one was a recent widow and the other a nurse). They spent their last night together making me a no-sew throw that I cherish. It is nice to be able to do those things, but I am afraid August would not be the time.
I do not fault for asking because my pholosophy is if you do not ask, you will never know and the worst case scenario is the answer is no and you have lost nothing by asking. The big thing is actually in HOW you ask.
Example: our first windjammer cruise I had received a lot of brochures and one gave a 10% discount if you booked before Feb 1 and sent the deposit. We decided which schooner but I could not remember if HE was the discount so I called. answer no. (pause, when are you coming?) Last week of August. August! I can't give a discount for August, it is my busy season. (Me - OK) Him: how many in the party? 6 OK 10%. When I asked, I was accepting of his answer, but bringing 1/3 of his occupancy in one throw. HE was smart enough to ask his own questions. I went back 3 more times and each time took another cabin occupant. He more than made his 10% back.
Chances are good they will find someone who would jump at it. If I have the room, and it wouldn't be filled at full price, I would take the $700.00...but then my highest rates are lower than the lowest rates of many Inns. On top of that, I myself never pay more than $100 per night when I travel....could be why I always pick the smallest owner-run Inns.
So, just say no graciously if you can't do it, you shouldn't get mad at people for asking or take it personally, not in this economy. $700 is alot of money to me; if I was willing to spend that for lodging on vacation, and an innkeeper said or acted like "if you can't afford to stay with me, stay home", I would say "no, I'm going on vacation, but will stay with someone else".
At least they are considering B&B's as a lodging option..
As an aside, I would never make a guest feel like they were poor if they couldn't afford to pay my rates. I would refer them to my comp who charges $95/night.
I should have expanded on my original statement...I personally cannot afford a week's vacation. Guess what? I stay home. I don't grovel at someone's doorstep to take me in at a discount. I don't make the assumption that everyone else out there is poor like me and would take whatever I want to pay, I assume their prices are what their prices are and they are that for a reason.
I couch surf when I want to get away. (Or, like a few weeks ago, I go with friends who chip in toward the room.) Or I travel off season when rates are generally lower. But I wouldn't take the bread out of an innkeeper's mouth so I could have a vacation I cannot afford. I might, however, go for 4 days instead of 7. (I'm not above asking for a reciprocal discount at another lodging property.)
I'm in the wrong business...ha, ha...I think people who are unemployed and on the edge should be looking for work and pinching pennies. I don't think they should be begging for a vacation. Are they going to do the same thing at the restaurants? 'Hi, we can't afford this prime rib, but we want it anyway. How about we pay you $5 for that?'
I think pointing them to the $20 off discount and reiterating what all is included in the price is excellent marketing.
We're lucky in that we know a lot of innkeepers now who have offered us 'a place at the inn' if we can travel to their locations. I thank them one and all. For once in my life I have 'an uncle in the biz.'
Bree said:
I wouldn't take the bread out of an innkeeper's mouth so I could have a vacation I cannot afford.
Pretty much up to them to decide if they can or cannot afford it or not, and up to the individual innkeepers to decide they would starve for saying yes. $700.00 for a week at the end of August would certainly not be taking food out of MY mouth (given my historical occupancies for that week or so every year), but just might buy the month's groceries. Guests have no idea which Innkeepers that may be the case for, so they have to call around to find out. While you might not appreciate those calls, I do.
If an Inn is sitting pretty, up in revenues and/or occupancy, and kicking the competition's butt (or are down but can afford to ride it out) then the keeper can "just say no" and generously refer the budget travelers to the competition. What if cost-concious travelers became your area's demographic throughout the recession and beyond? If a particular Inn's occupancies are down (and down long enough), and most callers are asking for a discount, then it's time to reconsider demographic, rates, amenities, everything. After all, pride goeth before a fall.
If you don't like the ones that ask for discounts, tweak your marketing to appeal to the more affluent traveler or post on your website "NO DISCOUNTS FOR ANYONE, EVER, FOR ANY REASON. IF YOU HAVE TO ASK, YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT, AND IT'S JUST GOING TO MAKE ME MAD".
That will get rid of the cheapskates, and you won't have to be offended by their calling.
Guess you missed what she said. They did not want to pay $100 a night...MUCH maybe $50. Would you take them for $50 a night. I sure would not! I don't care if all my rooms were sitting empty. My time and effort is worth WAY MORE THAN THAT. If you want to give your rooms be it. I would not.
I am giving away rooms this month, and it's a purposeful part of our annual marketing strategy. November is our slowest month...last year was the first year of this special, and we did twice what we normally do in November (revenue and occupancies). This November, we're already up 50% over last November. The hubs is hunting most of the month, and I would just be sitting around with nothing to do. This special will bring in around $2000 in revenue, so is well worth my while to do. There are very few three room inns that do our revenues or seasonal occupancies, so don't get the impression that I'm easy or a doormat....just a smart marketer and flexible with my guests and policies. Even more than smarts, flexibility is the key for any business owner.
There is no way I would take this kind of rate during high season...not for any length of stay or reason. I really could just rest on my laurels and sit here stiff and proud all this month with no business, saying "I'm worth more than that, so I won't give in to anyone". No doubt many of you would applaud that, and I know my rooms and efforts are worth more, but I would be sitting here alone with my pride and no revenue, and that's just not my style.
I rarely get people who ask for a discount, so maybe I have no room to speak on the subject. But if suddenly low occupancies or discount-mongering became a real problem for me, I would find out why and fix it...but that's just me!
Little Blue said:
I am giving away rooms this month, and it's a purposeful part of our annual marketing strategy. November is our slowest month........
There is no way I would take this kind of rate during high season...not for any length of stay or reason.
So in essence you are saying you would NOT offer them a deep discount either.... August is HIGH season for them... So I do not understand the tone in your messages.
Bree, I would have had the same toughts going through my head. It is most likely (if I were to take the reservation) that they would be the ones to cancel just before my cancel policy saying the could not afford to take the trip with even more of a sob story.. OR come and be some of the most neady guests. I think I would be starving before I would have taken that reservation and I have quite the built in storage.

The last week or ten days in August is quieter for us (just before school starts), so I would likely discount for an 7 night stay during that particular week. If the request was early August or July, I would not. I have at least one room that could go well below $100 per night, but nowhere near $50.00. So, that explains that.
I practice Yield Management as ingrained during my hotel career. That often requires discounting, opening up one-night weekend stays at the last minute or whatever.... especially when travel and the economy are down. I don't like doing it, but it certainly contributes to our bottom line. I HATE one night stays, but with an open room all weekend, $125 for a one night stay looks good at the last minute. When that weekend's gone, it's gone.
My goal is to make the most of every opportunity and to keep increasing revenue and room nights. $43k last year? Well I want more this year, and more the year after that. Certainly many keepers are happy with current occupancies and revenues, and it's their perogative to stick to their guns for all policies. It's in my nature to want to max out what this little three room Inn can do.
My of doing things is obviously colored by my hotel could it not be? Don't hold it against me, I spent twice the time in that sector that I have so far in this one.
Little Blue said:
What the ....? She had to check the policies box in webervations that states no pets and two people per room. And where else around here does she think she's going to stay with that hoard for that price....and her email signature shows that she is a muckety-muck for Daimler Benz! Excuse me for not grasping at that straw....I'd rather sleep in!
I'm with you. I will give some discount for our low season now, but I'm not working for nothing and not cramming people into my beautiful rooms.
Just had a webervations reservation come in for this weekend, closely followed by an email from the guest. As my November special was extended, rooms are dirt cheap right now. She wanted to include a third adult and a dog for that price; I told her no, but she would be welcome to rent a second room at that reduced rate. She cancelled.
What the ....? She had to check the policies box in webervations that states no pets and two people per room. And where else around here does she think she's going to stay with that hoard for that price....and her email signature shows that she is a muckety-muck for Daimler Benz! Excuse me for not grasping at that straw....I'd rather sleep in!
Edited to add: Double WTF!!?? My realtor just called me to say that a lady by the same name (what a co-inkydink) wants to set up a showing for the house on Saturday. Now what in the hell.......
Just had a webervations reservation come in for this weekend, closely followed by an email from the guest. As my November special was extended, rooms are dirt cheap right now. She wanted to include a third adult and a dog for that price; I told her no, but she would be welcome to rent a second room at that reduced rate. She cancelled.
What the ....? She had to check the policies box in webervations that states no pets and two people per room. And where else around here does she think she's going to stay with that hoard for that price....and her email signature shows that she is a muckety-muck for Daimler Benz! Excuse me for not grasping at that straw....I'd rather sleep in!
Edited to add: Double WTF!!?? My realtor just called me to say that a lady by the same name (what a co-inkydink) wants to set up a showing for the house on Saturday. Now what in the hell........
You will HAVE to keep us updated on this one! And are you going to pretend that you don't know who she is?! What a dufus! I guess some people think that just becos they are dumb, everyone else is too!
Just had a webervations reservation come in for this weekend, closely followed by an email from the guest. As my November special was extended, rooms are dirt cheap right now. She wanted to include a third adult and a dog for that price; I told her no, but she would be welcome to rent a second room at that reduced rate. She cancelled.
What the ....? She had to check the policies box in webervations that states no pets and two people per room. And where else around here does she think she's going to stay with that hoard for that price....and her email signature shows that she is a muckety-muck for Daimler Benz! Excuse me for not grasping at that straw....I'd rather sleep in!
Edited to add: Double WTF!!?? My realtor just called me to say that a lady by the same name (what a co-inkydink) wants to set up a showing for the house on Saturday. Now what in the hell........
Wow, that is interesting. So, she wanted to have a look see at the place on the cheap and now she has to stay elsewhere to do it? Is she from nearby or will she be paying someone else the money she wouldn't pay to you?
Hopefully, if she is a serious looker, she'll remember her own behavior when it happens to her down the road!
Just had a webervations reservation come in for this weekend, closely followed by an email from the guest. As my November special was extended, rooms are dirt cheap right now. She wanted to include a third adult and a dog for that price; I told her no, but she would be welcome to rent a second room at that reduced rate. She cancelled.
What the ....? She had to check the policies box in webervations that states no pets and two people per room. And where else around here does she think she's going to stay with that hoard for that price....and her email signature shows that she is a muckety-muck for Daimler Benz! Excuse me for not grasping at that straw....I'd rather sleep in!
Edited to add: Double WTF!!?? My realtor just called me to say that a lady by the same name (what a co-inkydink) wants to set up a showing for the house on Saturday. Now what in the hell........
Wow, that is interesting. So, she wanted to have a look see at the place on the cheap and now she has to stay elsewhere to do it? Is she from nearby or will she be paying someone else the money she wouldn't pay to you?
Hopefully, if she is a serious looker, she'll remember her own behavior when it happens to her down the road!
Morticia said:
Wow, that is interesting. So, she wanted to have a look see at the place on the cheap and now she has to stay elsewhere to do it? Is she from nearby or will she be paying someone else the money she wouldn't pay to you?
Hopefully, if she is a serious looker, she'll remember her own behavior when it happens to her down the road!
After she left our website, she did googled "cheap lodgings in XXXX, MI), and ended back up on our site. Even the fleabag motel in town in the same rate as we are....bleck.
I told my realtor to grill her about her intentions, and her finances. If she does not have the cash or some kind of private financing in place, I don't want her to even come. Already had one lady like this who turned me inside out for what appears to be nothing. I'm not so desperate that I will clean my arse off and sweat it for some shmoe who just wants to yank me around.
Just had a webervations reservation come in for this weekend, closely followed by an email from the guest. As my November special was extended, rooms are dirt cheap right now. She wanted to include a third adult and a dog for that price; I told her no, but she would be welcome to rent a second room at that reduced rate. She cancelled.
What the ....? She had to check the policies box in webervations that states no pets and two people per room. And where else around here does she think she's going to stay with that hoard for that price....and her email signature shows that she is a muckety-muck for Daimler Benz! Excuse me for not grasping at that straw....I'd rather sleep in!
Edited to add: Double WTF!!?? My realtor just called me to say that a lady by the same name (what a co-inkydink) wants to set up a showing for the house on Saturday. Now what in the hell........
Wow, that is interesting. So, she wanted to have a look see at the place on the cheap and now she has to stay elsewhere to do it? Is she from nearby or will she be paying someone else the money she wouldn't pay to you?
Hopefully, if she is a serious looker, she'll remember her own behavior when it happens to her down the road!
Morticia said:
Wow, that is interesting. So, she wanted to have a look see at the place on the cheap and now she has to stay elsewhere to do it? Is she from nearby or will she be paying someone else the money she wouldn't pay to you?
Hopefully, if she is a serious looker, she'll remember her own behavior when it happens to her down the road!
After she left our website, she did googled "cheap lodgings in XXXX, MI), and ended back up on our site. Even the fleabag motel in town in the same rate as we are....bleck.
I told my realtor to grill her about her intentions, and her finances. If she does not have the cash or some kind of private financing in place, I don't want her to even come. Already had one lady like this who turned me inside out for what appears to be nothing. I'm not so desperate that I will clean my arse off and sweat it for some shmoe who just wants to yank me around.
Oh, great, 'cheap lodgings,' that's what she's interested in? You're right to make sure your broker only brings qualified viewers. No use wasting your time.
Just had a webervations reservation come in for this weekend, closely followed by an email from the guest. As my November special was extended, rooms are dirt cheap right now. She wanted to include a third adult and a dog for that price; I told her no, but she would be welcome to rent a second room at that reduced rate. She cancelled.
What the ....? She had to check the policies box in webervations that states no pets and two people per room. And where else around here does she think she's going to stay with that hoard for that price....and her email signature shows that she is a muckety-muck for Daimler Benz! Excuse me for not grasping at that straw....I'd rather sleep in!
Edited to add: Double WTF!!?? My realtor just called me to say that a lady by the same name (what a co-inkydink) wants to set up a showing for the house on Saturday. Now what in the hell........
Wow, that is interesting. So, she wanted to have a look see at the place on the cheap and now she has to stay elsewhere to do it? Is she from nearby or will she be paying someone else the money she wouldn't pay to you?
Hopefully, if she is a serious looker, she'll remember her own behavior when it happens to her down the road!
Morticia said:
Wow, that is interesting. So, she wanted to have a look see at the place on the cheap and now she has to stay elsewhere to do it? Is she from nearby or will she be paying someone else the money she wouldn't pay to you?
Hopefully, if she is a serious looker, she'll remember her own behavior when it happens to her down the road!
After she left our website, she did googled "cheap lodgings in XXXX, MI), and ended back up on our site. Even the fleabag motel in town in the same rate as we are....bleck.
I told my realtor to grill her about her intentions, and her finances. If she does not have the cash or some kind of private financing in place, I don't want her to even come. Already had one lady like this who turned me inside out for what appears to be nothing. I'm not so desperate that I will clean my arse off and sweat it for some shmoe who just wants to yank me around.
Oh, great, 'cheap lodgings,' that's what she's interested in? You're right to make sure your broker only brings qualified viewers. No use wasting your time.
Even if she is a real potential buyer (which I would seriously doubt) can you imagine how ridiculous the negotiations would get with someone you already know is, how should we say, not so nice?

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