Website Changes

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2009
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Are you able to change things on your website yourself or do you have to pay someone to do it?
Lots of us here do it ourselves. When I do websites for my clients..some of them want the ability to update things like specials. A content managment type of site will allow for them to do that. Or some also use programs such as WEBEDIT and CoNTRIBUTE to edit their pages. However, this sometimes gets folks into trouble..since they screw things up and come running to me to fix it:-(
When folks need some changes....if they are just text changes that only take me a minute to do... I just do it for them. I don't charge unless it take me more than 15 min to do something.They appreciate my quick reponse.
I took a class in Dreamweaver and did my own website. It took a lot of hours and stupid questions to Jeremy to get it anywhere near up.
Unless you have lots of time go to Catlady since she does great websites and will allow you to update.
Many designers want to get you to do the "latest" thing with all the bells and whistles, and believe me, speaking as someone who only last week FINALLY got onto high speed (yeah! the USB plug in is working!!!) I hate all that stuff as I could sometimes not even get the website to come up!!!!
I do a lot of changes - text type and now know how to do photos sort of. I know enough to be dangerous. MAJOR stuff I have someone else do - someone who KNOWS what they are doing and how to do it to my best advantage. Iknow how easy it is to screw things up. A . or , or < or / in the wrong place can create a disaster.
I took a class in Dreamweaver and did my own website. It took a lot of hours and stupid questions to Jeremy to get it anywhere near up.
Unless you have lots of time go to Catlady since she does great websites and will allow you to update.
Many designers want to get you to do the "latest" thing with all the bells and whistles, and believe me, speaking as someone who only last week FINALLY got onto high speed (yeah! the USB plug in is working!!!) I hate all that stuff as I could sometimes not even get the website to come up!!!!
So you finally got the broadband..see I TOLD YOU!!!! Glad it is working for you.
i liked the freedom of being able to get in there and post specials and changes and things i wanted to highlight. the service my old partner has hired charges a fee for site maintenance which includes so many changes to the site per 30 day period. over that, and she will have to pay.
as kathleen says, you have to be careful of the code so you don't mess things up.
I took a class in Dreamweaver and did my own website. It took a lot of hours and stupid questions to Jeremy to get it anywhere near up.
Unless you have lots of time go to Catlady since she does great websites and will allow you to update.
Many designers want to get you to do the "latest" thing with all the bells and whistles, and believe me, speaking as someone who only last week FINALLY got onto high speed (yeah! the USB plug in is working!!!) I hate all that stuff as I could sometimes not even get the website to come up!!!!
So you finally got the broadband..see I TOLD YOU!!!! Glad it is working for you.
Yes, why didn't they tell me this existed? I've been calling the different companies for the past two years. Now it's even suddenly being advertised on tv. Needs to warm up at first, but once it gets going it works pretty darn good!
I have been using Namo WebEditor Professional 6.0 and do it myself. I started with Namo 5.5
It gets better over time and I keep working at it. There is lots more to learn and tons more to improve. At least there is no flash, no frames, no pictures of text.
What we found out was that you often have to pay a lot to get the good stuff and if you can only afford "okay'' better to do it yourself. When I hear what it costs for some of our partners to make a change, it floors me.
I use snippetmaster and it works pretty well. I mostly just work on text to refresh and update, especially on my home page to keep google interested. I have gotten myself into trouble a couple of times, but Jeremy & John at ew3d are great and have saved my
a couple of times. They store back up copies of my site most every day and can reload them quickly. It hasn't happened for a long time and I hope to keep it that way!
This is out there - but it is true - as DH who worked back til 7pm last night at his real job and is being forced to put the final skim coat on the walls in one guest bathroom - where he stripped the arcaic dark vinyl wallpaper and is prepping it to paint - we do everything ourselves. Everything. I created and manage our website, I update it OFTEN. Not major updates now, but new photos and information as seo dictates for google to love us. From the photos to the text to the broken links - all me. But I listen and learn. I actually enjoy THIS side of the business.
(Actually I try not to have any of those broken links!)
This business is 100% hands on for this family. From mowing lawns, mulching garden, pressure washing fences, adding new bathrooms, website, toilet cleaning, people feeding...
PS I deleted it on another thread but had a major email lead come through and got on it immediately. If it pans out for this B&B I will let you all know the outcome. If it pans out for the region in general, it will be good for us.
This is out there - but it is true - as DH who worked back til 7pm last night at his real job and is being forced to put the final skim coat on the walls in one guest bathroom - where he stripped the arcaic dark vinyl wallpaper and is prepping it to paint - we do everything ourselves. Everything. I created and manage our website, I update it OFTEN. Not major updates now, but new photos and information as seo dictates for google to love us. From the photos to the text to the broken links - all me. But I listen and learn. I actually enjoy THIS side of the business.
(Actually I try not to have any of those broken links!)
This business is 100% hands on for this family. From mowing lawns, mulching garden, pressure washing fences, adding new bathrooms, website, toilet cleaning, people feeding...
PS I deleted it on another thread but had a major email lead come through and got on it immediately. If it pans out for this B&B I will let you all know the outcome. If it pans out for the region in general, it will be good for us..
JBJ - What software are you using for your website? We are looking for one as DH and I want to do more to our site than what he currently can do using HTML Adobe alone. Any others are welcome to chime in too.
This is out there - but it is true - as DH who worked back til 7pm last night at his real job and is being forced to put the final skim coat on the walls in one guest bathroom - where he stripped the arcaic dark vinyl wallpaper and is prepping it to paint - we do everything ourselves. Everything. I created and manage our website, I update it OFTEN. Not major updates now, but new photos and information as seo dictates for google to love us. From the photos to the text to the broken links - all me. But I listen and learn. I actually enjoy THIS side of the business.
(Actually I try not to have any of those broken links!)
This business is 100% hands on for this family. From mowing lawns, mulching garden, pressure washing fences, adding new bathrooms, website, toilet cleaning, people feeding...
PS I deleted it on another thread but had a major email lead come through and got on it immediately. If it pans out for this B&B I will let you all know the outcome. If it pans out for the region in general, it will be good for us..
JBJ - What software are you using for your website? We are looking for one as DH and I want to do more to our site than what he currently can do using HTML Adobe alone. Any others are welcome to chime in too.
Copperhead said:
JBJ - What software are you using for your website? We are looking for one as DH and I want to do more to our site than what he currently can do using HTML Adobe alone. Any others are welcome to chime in too.
I have OFFICE Professional whole ball-of-wax for 2007 but they did not update Frontpage, which is what I use, so I am using Frontpage 2003 (sneakily I might add as Dh is on my case to MOVE ON!)
Microsoft replaced Frontpage with Microsoft Expression Web and Sharepoint Designer in 2006. Microsoft is no longer supporting front page. So I would go for those.
This is out there - but it is true - as DH who worked back til 7pm last night at his real job and is being forced to put the final skim coat on the walls in one guest bathroom - where he stripped the arcaic dark vinyl wallpaper and is prepping it to paint - we do everything ourselves. Everything. I created and manage our website, I update it OFTEN. Not major updates now, but new photos and information as seo dictates for google to love us. From the photos to the text to the broken links - all me. But I listen and learn. I actually enjoy THIS side of the business.
(Actually I try not to have any of those broken links!)
This business is 100% hands on for this family. From mowing lawns, mulching garden, pressure washing fences, adding new bathrooms, website, toilet cleaning, people feeding...
PS I deleted it on another thread but had a major email lead come through and got on it immediately. If it pans out for this B&B I will let you all know the outcome. If it pans out for the region in general, it will be good for us..
JBJ - What software are you using for your website? We are looking for one as DH and I want to do more to our site than what he currently can do using HTML Adobe alone. Any others are welcome to chime in too.
From a pro point of view it is hard to beat Dreamweaver. For anyone maintaining only one site it may be a bit of overkill, but only a little. The jury is still out on the new Microsoft products....but Frontpage should be avoided.
I do it all myself. (With help from friends with good photo software!)
This is out there - but it is true - as DH who worked back til 7pm last night at his real job and is being forced to put the final skim coat on the walls in one guest bathroom - where he stripped the arcaic dark vinyl wallpaper and is prepping it to paint - we do everything ourselves. Everything. I created and manage our website, I update it OFTEN. Not major updates now, but new photos and information as seo dictates for google to love us. From the photos to the text to the broken links - all me. But I listen and learn. I actually enjoy THIS side of the business.
(Actually I try not to have any of those broken links!)
This business is 100% hands on for this family. From mowing lawns, mulching garden, pressure washing fences, adding new bathrooms, website, toilet cleaning, people feeding...
PS I deleted it on another thread but had a major email lead come through and got on it immediately. If it pans out for this B&B I will let you all know the outcome. If it pans out for the region in general, it will be good for us..
JBJ - What software are you using for your website? We are looking for one as DH and I want to do more to our site than what he currently can do using HTML Adobe alone. Any others are welcome to chime in too.
Copperhead said:
JBJ - What software are you using for your website? We are looking for one as DH and I want to do more to our site than what he currently can do using HTML Adobe alone. Any others are welcome to chime in too.
I have OFFICE Professional whole ball-of-wax for 2007 but they did not update Frontpage, which is what I use, so I am using Frontpage 2003 (sneakily I might add as Dh is on my case to MOVE ON!)
Microsoft replaced Frontpage with Microsoft Expression Web and Sharepoint Designer in 2006. Microsoft is no longer supporting front page. So I would go for those.
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
Copperhead said:
JBJ - What software are you using for your website? We are looking for one as DH and I want to do more to our site than what he currently can do using HTML Adobe alone. Any others are welcome to chime in too.
I have OFFICE Professional whole ball-of-wax for 2007 but they did not update Frontpage, which is what I use, so I am using Frontpage 2003 (sneakily I might add as Dh is on my case to MOVE ON!)
Microsoft replaced Frontpage with Microsoft Expression Web and Sharepoint Designer in 2006. Microsoft is no longer supporting front page. So I would go for those.
I'm still using FP 2003, too. I will until it dies and then I'll have to move on.
the big major aspects ( major HTML stuff) our designer does. the smaller stuff (changing out photos, text, specials,availability etc) we do. ours is Adobe Contribute.
This is out there - but it is true - as DH who worked back til 7pm last night at his real job and is being forced to put the final skim coat on the walls in one guest bathroom - where he stripped the arcaic dark vinyl wallpaper and is prepping it to paint - we do everything ourselves. Everything. I created and manage our website, I update it OFTEN. Not major updates now, but new photos and information as seo dictates for google to love us. From the photos to the text to the broken links - all me. But I listen and learn. I actually enjoy THIS side of the business.
(Actually I try not to have any of those broken links!)
This business is 100% hands on for this family. From mowing lawns, mulching garden, pressure washing fences, adding new bathrooms, website, toilet cleaning, people feeding...
PS I deleted it on another thread but had a major email lead come through and got on it immediately. If it pans out for this B&B I will let you all know the outcome. If it pans out for the region in general, it will be good for us..
JBJ - What software are you using for your website? We are looking for one as DH and I want to do more to our site than what he currently can do using HTML Adobe alone. Any others are welcome to chime in too.
From a pro point of view it is hard to beat Dreamweaver. For anyone maintaining only one site it may be a bit of overkill, but only a little. The jury is still out on the new Microsoft products....but Frontpage should be avoided.
If you haven't checked out Namo WebEditor Pro 6.0, it is about as powerful as you can get for so little money, like $75. I don't even think about using HTML, but it is fully functional for that as well as WYSIWYG, it is easy to switch between them and it is a snap to publish. It also comes with some other stuff that is harder for me to figure out.
Lots of us here do it ourselves. When I do websites for my clients..some of them want the ability to update things like specials. A content managment type of site will allow for them to do that. Or some also use programs such as WEBEDIT and CoNTRIBUTE to edit their pages. However, this sometimes gets folks into trouble..since they screw things up and come running to me to fix it:-(
When folks need some changes....if they are just text changes that only take me a minute to do... I just do it for them. I don't charge unless it take me more than 15 min to do something.They appreciate my quick reponse..
Yes, "they" DO!

This is out there - but it is true - as DH who worked back til 7pm last night at his real job and is being forced to put the final skim coat on the walls in one guest bathroom - where he stripped the arcaic dark vinyl wallpaper and is prepping it to paint - we do everything ourselves. Everything. I created and manage our website, I update it OFTEN. Not major updates now, but new photos and information as seo dictates for google to love us. From the photos to the text to the broken links - all me. But I listen and learn. I actually enjoy THIS side of the business.
(Actually I try not to have any of those broken links!)
This business is 100% hands on for this family. From mowing lawns, mulching garden, pressure washing fences, adding new bathrooms, website, toilet cleaning, people feeding...
PS I deleted it on another thread but had a major email lead come through and got on it immediately. If it pans out for this B&B I will let you all know the outcome. If it pans out for the region in general, it will be good for us..
JBJ - What software are you using for your website? We are looking for one as DH and I want to do more to our site than what he currently can do using HTML Adobe alone. Any others are welcome to chime in too.
From a pro point of view it is hard to beat Dreamweaver. For anyone maintaining only one site it may be a bit of overkill, but only a little. The jury is still out on the new Microsoft products....but Frontpage should be avoided.
If you haven't checked out Namo WebEditor Pro 6.0, it is about as powerful as you can get for so little money, like $75. I don't even think about using HTML, but it is fully functional for that as well as WYSIWYG, it is easy to switch between them and it is a snap to publish. It also comes with some other stuff that is harder for me to figure out.
Not robust enough for my needs, but would do what many innkeepers would need it to do.
This is out there - but it is true - as DH who worked back til 7pm last night at his real job and is being forced to put the final skim coat on the walls in one guest bathroom - where he stripped the arcaic dark vinyl wallpaper and is prepping it to paint - we do everything ourselves. Everything. I created and manage our website, I update it OFTEN. Not major updates now, but new photos and information as seo dictates for google to love us. From the photos to the text to the broken links - all me. But I listen and learn. I actually enjoy THIS side of the business.
(Actually I try not to have any of those broken links!)
This business is 100% hands on for this family. From mowing lawns, mulching garden, pressure washing fences, adding new bathrooms, website, toilet cleaning, people feeding...
PS I deleted it on another thread but had a major email lead come through and got on it immediately. If it pans out for this B&B I will let you all know the outcome. If it pans out for the region in general, it will be good for us..
JBJ - What software are you using for your website? We are looking for one as DH and I want to do more to our site than what he currently can do using HTML Adobe alone. Any others are welcome to chime in too.
From a pro point of view it is hard to beat Dreamweaver. For anyone maintaining only one site it may be a bit of overkill, but only a little. The jury is still out on the new Microsoft products....but Frontpage should be avoided.
Yes we have looked at Dreamweaver but the cost, ouch! We both had classes on Frontpage years ago but know to avoid it and have!

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