Uses for mint?

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Me too. Its everywhere in the garden and super easy to grow. I think its expecially pretty as a fruit garnish. I garnish with flowers too..
The Farmers Daughter said:
Me too. Its everywhere in the garden and super easy to grow. I think its expecially pretty as a fruit garnish. I garnish with flowers too.
Do you use nasturtiums?
Proud Texan said:
The Farmers Daughter said:
Me too. Its everywhere in the garden and super easy to grow. I think its expecially pretty as a fruit garnish. I garnish with flowers too.
Do you use nasturtiums?
I have, but not growing them this year. I have rosemary, basil , oregano, thyme and mint in.
I have chives, garlic chives, 2 varieties of basil, mint, sage, oregano (another one you cannot kill and it spreads), thyme, rosemary, dill, parsley, and taragon.
Community Supported Agriculture. You buy a share of farm proceeds for the season- we have three or four of them available here. They're kinda fun - new veggies to try, usually.
muirford said:
Community Supported Agriculture. You buy a share of farm proceeds for the season- we have three or four of them available here. They're kinda fun - new veggies to try, usually.
Down here, CSA stands for the Confederate States of America! The South SHALL rise again!

Well that is true for many around here as well...but certainly not for this fact..I just wish they would get over it

Community Supported Agriculture. You buy a share of farm proceeds for the season- we have three or four of them available here. They're kinda fun - new veggies to try, usually.
muirford said:
Community Supported Agriculture. You buy a share of farm proceeds for the season- we have three or four of them available here. They're kinda fun - new veggies to try, usually.
Down here, CSA stands for the Confederate States of America! The South SHALL rise again!

Well that is true for many around here as well...but certainly not for this fact..I just wish they would get over it

tee hee
Bree, I was vacuuming the other day and noticed a very nice scent eminating from the vacuum cleaner. Then I remembered that a few days earlier while I was cleaning my kitchen cabinet I knocked over a can of loose leaf mint tea and had to vacuum it up. Now every time I vacuum there is a nice minty scent in the air! Let it dry and put a litle in your vacuum cleaner bag!
Community Supported Agriculture. You buy a share of farm proceeds for the season- we have three or four of them available here. They're kinda fun - new veggies to try, usually.
We joined a CSA this summer. The produce is now starting to really come in and we can't eat enough veggies.but I just share them with friends too. Trying to eat healthier is a good thing...
We too have joined a CSA this year for the first time. I felt like we needed to eat better.
Very nice for garnishes are these long "stalks" of sage flowers. They smell delicious and can be used in dishes as well as decoration.
Mint, I love mint. Since it grows like crazy I will make tiny bouquets and tie them up with raffia and then deposit them on the pillows/beds in my cottages. You would be surprised to hear that even men will mention how lovely that is.
I also make little bouquets out of sage and thyme and lay them on the beds. Hopefully the guests know to stick them under their pillows when they sleep.
Basil ice cream, basil and strawberry jam, a chiffonade of basil with masserated strawberries,
I lourve basil. And I have such a difficult time to grow it.
A freind had her mint jump the sidewalk and grow into her lawn. She just started mowing it with the grass. Now it has mutated into this tiny creeping plant and everytime she mows the lawn it smells like heaven. If I had lawn - I'd do it too.
i prefer's lighter, refreshing as compared to peppermint.....peppermint seems heavy to me.
I've chopped it up and mixed with salad......This time of year I always have a pitcher of ice water with a couple lemon slices, orange, lime...any combination or all three....adding mint is time to time.
Added mint to a beef gravy...that was good
Mint does well with shell fish.....I make a pot of Mussels with white wine....I'll add some mint.
Made a pot of Marinara with our own tomatos....added mint....that was good
Added to potato salad.....cucumber salad......salsas
I enjoy surprised what mint can be added to

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