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Breakfast Diva

Well-known member
May 27, 2009
Reaction score
From slapping the
out of my guests! I think Farmer's Daughter's horrible woman was either cloned or moved to the west coast. I haven't had an ugly person like this for about 6 years. The only saving grace was that they only stayed 1 night. Because we do breakfast delivery, I didn't have to interact with her in the morning so I didn't get as much face to face combat as FD's PITA, so for that I'm thankful.
During her stay here, I just kept thinking of all the different posts on FD's thread and it gave me strength to not turn into an ugly
like her. If they had been staying more than 1 night I would have refunded their money and told them to leave.
Thanks for all the community support, even though you didn't know it was happening!
That is why we are here. To blow off steam before we BLOW!! To commiserate and empathize and sympathize. Part of it is the old, I thought I had problems until I heard hers..... Thanks for sharing.
The torch has now been passed to BD, FD must be jumping for joy!
I feel for you. Truely. How bad was she?.
She pulls up an hour early. I'm outside with the window guy who is replacing a window. I go over to her car as she's opening it up and she says "I know I'm early. WHERE'S YOUR SIGN? WHERE'S YOUR SIGN? I'VE BEEN DRIVING AROUND AND COULDN'T FIND YOU. WHERE'S YOUR SIGN?" She's got a horrible tone to her voice...snarky would be a compliment. I said "would you like me to show you the sign?", and she gets out and follows me to the front of the property where I point out our perfectly readable sign. This shuts her up for the moment. I tell her that her room is ready, so they can check in. She is still all in a twit. I bring them in and start to show them the ins and outs of things (quick version) and she's shaking her head saying "I don't want any of that stuff" and you know the I'm an idiot and she's too good to be shown how to use the beverage machine, oh, she would NEVER even want to take a movie from our extensive collection, use the wood burning fireplace or double jacuzzi tub. Of course she knows the area (yeah right, if she did she would have known where we were), and is ABSOLUTELY not interested in anything in her room. I get their breakfast order which was 9:00 coffee. When I told her that her coffee would be in a caraffe staying hot & waiting outside her door at 8:00 she yelled, WITH NO FOOD?? I DON'T WANT IT. I CAN'T DRINK IT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!! The attitude oozing out of this woman was dreadful. Still being the nice innkeeper, I informed her that her beverages would be there and it was her option to get it or not.
At that point, I left as soon as I possibly could. Later that day when I was checking in other guests, the husband come out and interupts me when I'm with the other guests and can't figure out the coffee machine. Now I'm pissed. I tell him I'll be with him in a minute and I let him wait there a good amount of time. Now he's got an attitude too, but he's about as dumb as a rock. He's pushed every button on this machine. I was going to give him a real good piece of my mind but then remembered what we all wrote about FDs PITA and I held back. I DID say to him "well, I tried to show you this earlier, but you weren't interested". He says with an attitude "well, not THEN". I bite my tongue and leave after I show him what to do.
I now am able to totally stay away from them, but can't shake the bad vibe that they brought over this place. I hate the way I feel. I hate that ugly people like this choose to stay in my B&B. I can't wait to get rid of them.
The next morning, the wife will not show her face to me. The husband comes out to give me the keys at check-out, stands there stupidly because I'm not saying a word to him. I take the keys, he says "excellent stay", and I said "thank you, have a nice day", turned around and left.
They drove away and I did the happy dance! With this couple it wasn't as much the words that spoke to as it was their horrible arrogant, too good for anybody attitude. Oh, you might be thinking that these people have a lot of money, right? Well, if so, you couldn't tell it by the pickup truck they drove!!! and they weren't young either...definitely in their 60s. Old enough to know better.
I feel for you. Truely. How bad was she?.
She pulls up an hour early. I'm outside with the window guy who is replacing a window. I go over to her car as she's opening it up and she says "I know I'm early. WHERE'S YOUR SIGN? WHERE'S YOUR SIGN? I'VE BEEN DRIVING AROUND AND COULDN'T FIND YOU. WHERE'S YOUR SIGN?" She's got a horrible tone to her voice...snarky would be a compliment. I said "would you like me to show you the sign?", and she gets out and follows me to the front of the property where I point out our perfectly readable sign. This shuts her up for the moment. I tell her that her room is ready, so they can check in. She is still all in a twit. I bring them in and start to show them the ins and outs of things (quick version) and she's shaking her head saying "I don't want any of that stuff" and you know the I'm an idiot and she's too good to be shown how to use the beverage machine, oh, she would NEVER even want to take a movie from our extensive collection, use the wood burning fireplace or double jacuzzi tub. Of course she knows the area (yeah right, if she did she would have known where we were), and is ABSOLUTELY not interested in anything in her room. I get their breakfast order which was 9:00 coffee. When I told her that her coffee would be in a caraffe staying hot & waiting outside her door at 8:00 she yelled, WITH NO FOOD?? I DON'T WANT IT. I CAN'T DRINK IT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!! The attitude oozing out of this woman was dreadful. Still being the nice innkeeper, I informed her that her beverages would be there and it was her option to get it or not.
At that point, I left as soon as I possibly could. Later that day when I was checking in other guests, the husband come out and interupts me when I'm with the other guests and can't figure out the coffee machine. Now I'm pissed. I tell him I'll be with him in a minute and I let him wait there a good amount of time. Now he's got an attitude too, but he's about as dumb as a rock. He's pushed every button on this machine. I was going to give him a real good piece of my mind but then remembered what we all wrote about FDs PITA and I held back. I DID say to him "well, I tried to show you this earlier, but you weren't interested". He says with an attitude "well, not THEN". I bite my tongue and leave after I show him what to do.
I now am able to totally stay away from them, but can't shake the bad vibe that they brought over this place. I hate the way I feel. I hate that ugly people like this choose to stay in my B&B. I can't wait to get rid of them.
The next morning, the wife will not show her face to me. The husband comes out to give me the keys at check-out, stands there stupidly because I'm not saying a word to him. I take the keys, he says "excellent stay", and I said "thank you, have a nice day", turned around and left.
They drove away and I did the happy dance! With this couple it wasn't as much the words that spoke to as it was their horrible arrogant, too good for anybody attitude. Oh, you might be thinking that these people have a lot of money, right? Well, if so, you couldn't tell it by the pickup truck they drove!!! and they weren't young either...definitely in their 60s. Old enough to know better.
Ooooohhhhh I feel your pain. As others have reminded me in the recent past. Repeat the Innkeepers Mantra:
They Pay
They Stay
They Go Away.
I have found it most effective when followed by a nice glass of red wine.
BD, here is something I say all the time. My theory of sorts. Especially for guests from a certain part of this country - "Pita Country" I will call it:
The woman is miserable every place she goes and in fact, that is how she lives, from one misery to another. So perhaps, this might be stretching it, but perhaps her misery at your place was less misery than at others, and she actually enjoyed herself with you! You didn't bite when she tossed her ugliness your way.
We all know people like this, dark cloud syndrome, no fortune in their fortune cookie - why bother. So when griping is a way of life, sometimes she will gripe LESS (if you can imagine that) and actually like a place!
As convoluted as it seems.
BD, here is something I say all the time. My theory of sorts. Especially for guests from a certain part of this country - "Pita Country" I will call it:
The woman is miserable every place she goes and in fact, that is how she lives, from one misery to another. So perhaps, this might be stretching it, but perhaps her misery at your place was less misery than at others, and she actually enjoyed herself with you! You didn't bite when she tossed her ugliness your way.
We all know people like this, dark cloud syndrome, no fortune in their fortune cookie - why bother. So when griping is a way of life, sometimes she will gripe LESS (if you can imagine that) and actually like a place!
As convoluted as it seems..
Joe Bloggs said:
BD, here is something I say all the time. My theory of sorts. Especially for guests from a certain part of this country - "Pita Country" I will call it:
The woman is miserable every place she goes and in fact, that is how she lives, from one misery to another. So perhaps, this might be stretching it, but perhaps her misery at your place was less misery than at others, and she actually enjoyed herself with you! You didn't bite when she tossed her ugliness your way.
We all know people like this, dark cloud syndrome, no fortune in their fortune cookie - why bother. So when griping is a way of life, sometimes she will gripe LESS (if you can imagine that) and actually like a place!
As convoluted as it seems.
Ugggh! If I ever had to live like that....well, just kill me now.
I feel for you. Truely. How bad was she?.
She pulls up an hour early. I'm outside with the window guy who is replacing a window. I go over to her car as she's opening it up and she says "I know I'm early. WHERE'S YOUR SIGN? WHERE'S YOUR SIGN? I'VE BEEN DRIVING AROUND AND COULDN'T FIND YOU. WHERE'S YOUR SIGN?" She's got a horrible tone to her voice...snarky would be a compliment. I said "would you like me to show you the sign?", and she gets out and follows me to the front of the property where I point out our perfectly readable sign. This shuts her up for the moment. I tell her that her room is ready, so they can check in. She is still all in a twit. I bring them in and start to show them the ins and outs of things (quick version) and she's shaking her head saying "I don't want any of that stuff" and you know the I'm an idiot and she's too good to be shown how to use the beverage machine, oh, she would NEVER even want to take a movie from our extensive collection, use the wood burning fireplace or double jacuzzi tub. Of course she knows the area (yeah right, if she did she would have known where we were), and is ABSOLUTELY not interested in anything in her room. I get their breakfast order which was 9:00 coffee. When I told her that her coffee would be in a caraffe staying hot & waiting outside her door at 8:00 she yelled, WITH NO FOOD?? I DON'T WANT IT. I CAN'T DRINK IT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!! The attitude oozing out of this woman was dreadful. Still being the nice innkeeper, I informed her that her beverages would be there and it was her option to get it or not.
At that point, I left as soon as I possibly could. Later that day when I was checking in other guests, the husband come out and interupts me when I'm with the other guests and can't figure out the coffee machine. Now I'm pissed. I tell him I'll be with him in a minute and I let him wait there a good amount of time. Now he's got an attitude too, but he's about as dumb as a rock. He's pushed every button on this machine. I was going to give him a real good piece of my mind but then remembered what we all wrote about FDs PITA and I held back. I DID say to him "well, I tried to show you this earlier, but you weren't interested". He says with an attitude "well, not THEN". I bite my tongue and leave after I show him what to do.
I now am able to totally stay away from them, but can't shake the bad vibe that they brought over this place. I hate the way I feel. I hate that ugly people like this choose to stay in my B&B. I can't wait to get rid of them.
The next morning, the wife will not show her face to me. The husband comes out to give me the keys at check-out, stands there stupidly because I'm not saying a word to him. I take the keys, he says "excellent stay", and I said "thank you, have a nice day", turned around and left.
They drove away and I did the happy dance! With this couple it wasn't as much the words that spoke to as it was their horrible arrogant, too good for anybody attitude. Oh, you might be thinking that these people have a lot of money, right? Well, if so, you couldn't tell it by the pickup truck they drove!!! and they weren't young either...definitely in their 60s. Old enough to know better.
Breakfast Diva said:
She pulls up an hour early. I'm outside with the window guy who is replacing a window. I go over to her car as she's opening it up and she says "I know I'm early. WHERE'S YOUR SIGN? WHERE'S YOUR SIGN? I'VE BEEN DRIVING AROUND AND COULDN'T FIND YOU. WHERE'S YOUR SIGN?" She's got a horrible tone to her voice...snarky would be a compliment. I said "would you like me to show you the sign?", and she gets out and follows me to the front of the property where I point out our perfectly readable sign. This shuts her up for the moment. I tell her that her room is ready, so they can check in. She is still all in a twit. I bring them in and start to show them the ins and outs of things (quick version) and she's shaking her head saying "I don't want any of that stuff" and you know the I'm an idiot and she's too good to be shown how to use the beverage machine, oh, she would NEVER even want to take a movie from our extensive collection, use the wood burning fireplace or double jacuzzi tub. Of course she knows the area (yeah right, if she did she would have known where we were), and is ABSOLUTELY not interested in anything in her room. I get their breakfast order which was 9:00 coffee. When I told her that her coffee would be in a caraffe staying hot & waiting outside her door at 8:00 she yelled, WITH NO FOOD?? I DON'T WANT IT. I CAN'T DRINK IT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!! The attitude oozing out of this woman was dreadful. Still being the nice innkeeper, I informed her that her beverages would be there and it was her option to get it or not.
At that point, I left as soon as I possibly could. Later that day when I was checking in other guests, the husband come out and interupts me when I'm with the other guests and can't figure out the coffee machine. Now I'm pissed. I tell him I'll be with him in a minute and I let him wait there a good amount of time. Now he's got an attitude too, but he's about as dumb as a rock. He's pushed every button on this machine. I was going to give him a real good piece of my mind but then remembered what we all wrote about FDs PITA and I held back. I DID say to him "well, I tried to show you this earlier, but you weren't interested". He says with an attitude "well, not THEN". I bite my tongue and leave after I show him what to do.
I now am able to totally stay away from them, but can't shake the bad vibe that they brought over this place. I hate the way I feel. I hate that ugly people like this choose to stay in my B&B. I can't wait to get rid of them.
The next morning, the wife will not show her face to me. The husband comes out to give me the keys at check-out, stands there stupidly because I'm not saying a word to him. I take the keys, he says "excellent stay", and I said "thank you, have a nice day", turned around and left.
They drove away and I did the happy dance! With this couple it wasn't as much the words that spoke to as it was their horrible arrogant, too good for anybody attitude. Oh, you might be thinking that these people have a lot of money, right? Well, if so, you couldn't tell it by the pickup truck they drove!!! and they weren't young either...definitely in their 60s. Old enough to know better.
I wanted to share this with you:

BD, here is something I say all the time. My theory of sorts. Especially for guests from a certain part of this country - "Pita Country" I will call it:
The woman is miserable every place she goes and in fact, that is how she lives, from one misery to another. So perhaps, this might be stretching it, but perhaps her misery at your place was less misery than at others, and she actually enjoyed herself with you! You didn't bite when she tossed her ugliness your way.
We all know people like this, dark cloud syndrome, no fortune in their fortune cookie - why bother. So when griping is a way of life, sometimes she will gripe LESS (if you can imagine that) and actually like a place!
As convoluted as it seems..
How many of us know people who ENJOY bad health? I know several I am sorry to say. Glad my one brother lives in Florida and his wife stays there. Sorry he does too because I like him!
The torch has now been passed to BD, FD must be jumping for joy!.
Joe Bloggs said:
The torch has now been passed to BD, FD must be jumping for joy!
Not so fast everybody! I'm still hanging onto the crown for the time being.
After a very LONG run of great guests, we just had this woman's twin sister from hell the other night and a few minor doozies this weekend also.
Our place is so incredibly easy to find, it makes me shake my head when we get the types that:
a.) Refuse to bring the map & directions we provide with each confirmation whether it be mailed or emailed as a .pdf
b.) Are so infatuated with their GPS unit that they ignore the map & directions we provide and won't call for an hour until they've made themselves even more lost and more frustrated.
c.) Once finally here thanks to our gentle phone guidance, they act all indignant like we moved the frickin' house or something just to spite THEM. Like we really want that grief...
d.) Despite our best efforts to smooth it all over and bend over backwards to "kill 'em with kindness", they cop attitude over everything, and want to share their misery with anybody within a mile of here.
Thankfully, she was only a one nighter and her cute, little, browbeaten husband was a complete joy and is probably plotting her demise as we speak.
The others have been plenty "nice" but one, downloaded several hundred megatbytes worth of movies, music, etc.. and triggered our FAP, so every computer task until tomorrow when the bandwidth resets is taking ten times as long.
We'd up our limit but the monthly added cost is huge and it only happens a couple of times per year, so we live with it.
Another lit something in his room and put a rolled up wad of burnt paper and wooden stick matches down the toilet that still hadn't flushed when I did the fluff. Yanked it out to spare the septic system.
The third left a dripping wet facecloth on the nightstand and about six sweaty glasses all over, not a one on a freakin' coaster. The old coaster law of averages is still in full force here. When they move a flippin' coaster to put something wet on a table, nightstand, we know just what kind of people they are in most all other departments.
Room four's guests broke the ceramic soap dispenser, but not only lceaned up all the mess, but came and told us first thing at breakfast about it. Otherwise, these three sisters have been a real pleasure and some of our most interesting guests in months.
The torch has now been passed to BD, FD must be jumping for joy!.
Joe Bloggs said:
The torch has now been passed to BD, FD must be jumping for joy!
No matter who has it now, as long as it's not me, I'm cruising happily along. The husband and wife in separate cars with separate lives may be a problem later on tonight, but I'll be asleep. I told her to work it out with him as I won't be here.
I feel for you. Truely. How bad was she?.
She pulls up an hour early. I'm outside with the window guy who is replacing a window. I go over to her car as she's opening it up and she says "I know I'm early. WHERE'S YOUR SIGN? WHERE'S YOUR SIGN? I'VE BEEN DRIVING AROUND AND COULDN'T FIND YOU. WHERE'S YOUR SIGN?" She's got a horrible tone to her voice...snarky would be a compliment. I said "would you like me to show you the sign?", and she gets out and follows me to the front of the property where I point out our perfectly readable sign. This shuts her up for the moment. I tell her that her room is ready, so they can check in. She is still all in a twit. I bring them in and start to show them the ins and outs of things (quick version) and she's shaking her head saying "I don't want any of that stuff" and you know the I'm an idiot and she's too good to be shown how to use the beverage machine, oh, she would NEVER even want to take a movie from our extensive collection, use the wood burning fireplace or double jacuzzi tub. Of course she knows the area (yeah right, if she did she would have known where we were), and is ABSOLUTELY not interested in anything in her room. I get their breakfast order which was 9:00 coffee. When I told her that her coffee would be in a caraffe staying hot & waiting outside her door at 8:00 she yelled, WITH NO FOOD?? I DON'T WANT IT. I CAN'T DRINK IT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!! The attitude oozing out of this woman was dreadful. Still being the nice innkeeper, I informed her that her beverages would be there and it was her option to get it or not.
At that point, I left as soon as I possibly could. Later that day when I was checking in other guests, the husband come out and interupts me when I'm with the other guests and can't figure out the coffee machine. Now I'm pissed. I tell him I'll be with him in a minute and I let him wait there a good amount of time. Now he's got an attitude too, but he's about as dumb as a rock. He's pushed every button on this machine. I was going to give him a real good piece of my mind but then remembered what we all wrote about FDs PITA and I held back. I DID say to him "well, I tried to show you this earlier, but you weren't interested". He says with an attitude "well, not THEN". I bite my tongue and leave after I show him what to do.
I now am able to totally stay away from them, but can't shake the bad vibe that they brought over this place. I hate the way I feel. I hate that ugly people like this choose to stay in my B&B. I can't wait to get rid of them.
The next morning, the wife will not show her face to me. The husband comes out to give me the keys at check-out, stands there stupidly because I'm not saying a word to him. I take the keys, he says "excellent stay", and I said "thank you, have a nice day", turned around and left.
They drove away and I did the happy dance! With this couple it wasn't as much the words that spoke to as it was their horrible arrogant, too good for anybody attitude. Oh, you might be thinking that these people have a lot of money, right? Well, if so, you couldn't tell it by the pickup truck they drove!!! and they weren't young either...definitely in their 60s. Old enough to know better.
Breakfast Diva said:
She pulls up an hour early. I'm outside with the window guy who is replacing a window. I go over to her car as she's opening it up and she says "I know I'm early. WHERE'S YOUR SIGN? WHERE'S YOUR SIGN? I'VE BEEN DRIVING AROUND AND COULDN'T FIND YOU. WHERE'S YOUR SIGN?" She's got a horrible tone to her voice...snarky would be a compliment. I said "would you like me to show you the sign?", and she gets out and follows me to the front of the property where I point out our perfectly readable sign. This shuts her up for the moment. I tell her that her room is ready, so they can check in. She is still all in a twit. I bring them in and start to show them the ins and outs of things (quick version) and she's shaking her head saying "I don't want any of that stuff" and you know the I'm an idiot and she's too good to be shown how to use the beverage machine, oh, she would NEVER even want to take a movie from our extensive collection, use the wood burning fireplace or double jacuzzi tub. Of course she knows the area (yeah right, if she did she would have known where we were), and is ABSOLUTELY not interested in anything in her room. I get their breakfast order which was 9:00 coffee. When I told her that her coffee would be in a caraffe staying hot & waiting outside her door at 8:00 she yelled, WITH NO FOOD?? I DON'T WANT IT. I CAN'T DRINK IT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!! The attitude oozing out of this woman was dreadful. Still being the nice innkeeper, I informed her that her beverages would be there and it was her option to get it or not.
At that point, I left as soon as I possibly could. Later that day when I was checking in other guests, the husband come out and interupts me when I'm with the other guests and can't figure out the coffee machine. Now I'm pissed. I tell him I'll be with him in a minute and I let him wait there a good amount of time. Now he's got an attitude too, but he's about as dumb as a rock. He's pushed every button on this machine. I was going to give him a real good piece of my mind but then remembered what we all wrote about FDs PITA and I held back. I DID say to him "well, I tried to show you this earlier, but you weren't interested". He says with an attitude "well, not THEN". I bite my tongue and leave after I show him what to do.
I now am able to totally stay away from them, but can't shake the bad vibe that they brought over this place. I hate the way I feel. I hate that ugly people like this choose to stay in my B&B. I can't wait to get rid of them.
The next morning, the wife will not show her face to me. The husband comes out to give me the keys at check-out, stands there stupidly because I'm not saying a word to him. I take the keys, he says "excellent stay", and I said "thank you, have a nice day", turned around and left.
They drove away and I did the happy dance! With this couple it wasn't as much the words that spoke to as it was their horrible arrogant, too good for anybody attitude. Oh, you might be thinking that these people have a lot of money, right? Well, if so, you couldn't tell it by the pickup truck they drove!!! and they weren't young either...definitely in their 60s. Old enough to know better.
I wanted to share this with you:

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...if only I'd had that yesterday! I might have actually slid it under her door!

Thanks! I knew you would understand completely!
The torch has now been passed to BD, FD must be jumping for joy!.
Joe Bloggs said:
The torch has now been passed to BD, FD must be jumping for joy!
Not so fast everybody! I'm still hanging onto the crown for the time being.
After a very LONG run of great guests, we just had this woman's twin sister from hell the other night and a few minor doozies this weekend also.
Our place is so incredibly easy to find, it makes me shake my head when we get the types that:
a.) Refuse to bring the map & directions we provide with each confirmation whether it be mailed or emailed as a .pdf
b.) Are so infatuated with their GPS unit that they ignore the map & directions we provide and won't call for an hour until they've made themselves even more lost and more frustrated.
c.) Once finally here thanks to our gentle phone guidance, they act all indignant like we moved the frickin' house or something just to spite THEM. Like we really want that grief...
d.) Despite our best efforts to smooth it all over and bend over backwards to "kill 'em with kindness", they cop attitude over everything, and want to share their misery with anybody within a mile of here.
Thankfully, she was only a one nighter and her cute, little, browbeaten husband was a complete joy and is probably plotting her demise as we speak.
The others have been plenty "nice" but one, downloaded several hundred megatbytes worth of movies, music, etc.. and triggered our FAP, so every computer task until tomorrow when the bandwidth resets is taking ten times as long.
We'd up our limit but the monthly added cost is huge and it only happens a couple of times per year, so we live with it.
Another lit something in his room and put a rolled up wad of burnt paper and wooden stick matches down the toilet that still hadn't flushed when I did the fluff. Yanked it out to spare the septic system.
The third left a dripping wet facecloth on the nightstand and about six sweaty glasses all over, not a one on a freakin' coaster. The old coaster law of averages is still in full force here. When they move a flippin' coaster to put something wet on a table, nightstand, we know just what kind of people they are in most all other departments.
Room four's guests broke the ceramic soap dispenser, but not only lceaned up all the mess, but came and told us first thing at breakfast about it. Otherwise, these three sisters have been a real pleasure and some of our most interesting guests in months.
What a relief!!! I don't want it!!!!! I think it must attract more of them!!!
The torch has now been passed to BD, FD must be jumping for joy!.
Joe Bloggs said:
The torch has now been passed to BD, FD must be jumping for joy!
No matter who has it now, as long as it's not me, I'm cruising happily along. The husband and wife in separate cars with separate lives may be a problem later on tonight, but I'll be asleep. I told her to work it out with him as I won't be here.
Bree said:
Joe Bloggs said:
The torch has now been passed to BD, FD must be jumping for joy!
No matter who has it now, as long as it's not me, I'm cruising happily along. The husband and wife in separate cars with separate lives may be a problem later on tonight, but I'll be asleep. I told her to work it out with him as I won't be here.
Innkeepers playing hot potato with the pita magnet

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