Service cat????

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I don't care how nice someone is, calling a pet cat a service animal is dishonest and a disservice to the disabled community that genuinely relies on broad public access for them and their service dogs. And, for accommodations, it is dogs and miniature horses, only -- no other animal qualifies.
I don't care how nice someone is, calling a pet cat a service animal is dishonest and a disservice to the disabled community that genuinely relies on broad public access for them and their service dogs. And, for accommodations, it is dogs and miniature horses, only -- no other animal qualifies..
Tom said:
I don't care how nice someone is, calling a pet cat a service animal is dishonest and a disservice to the disabled community that genuinely relies on broad public access for them and their service dogs. And, for accommodations, it is dogs and miniature horses, only -- no other animal qualifies.
As a former Guiding Eyes for the Blind puppy raiser, I say, "Amen".
The issue of fake service animals is fortunately getting a lot more press.
And the state of Florida has now made it a crime to misrepresent your pet as a service animal:
The penalty is a $500 fine and 6 months in jail..
It is about time!
Had an innkeepers association meeting yesterday and heard that this cat couple had stopped in a different inn insisting they had a reservation before they came to us. At that inn, they mentioned a service dog. It was only after the innkeepers checked and rechecked their bookings and finally though to look at the confirmation email the couple was waving around, that they saw the reservation was with us.
They gave them directions and sent them on their way. And couldn't wait to tell us the story yesterday..
Yeah -- it's kinda like illegally parking in the handicapped parking. It's. Just Wrong.
You'd be amazed. Many of these people know they're doing wrong, but easily half of them have totally deluded themselves into believing that they are in some way emotionally or mentally broken and their dogs are true "therapy" dogs worthy of special treatment.
And WHO since the beginning of time has been able to train a cat to do anything? Cats train their owners slaves...
Actually, we have trained our two cats to come when we whistle. (We swear that they are our reincarnated dogs. haha...)
Seems I have done that too. a unique 4 note whistle to get him to come at night. Love it when I hear that gallump gallump as he gallops in for his dinner.