Service cat????

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Just think as long as its clear ie picture on web site of you with cats on first page (or dogs, birds, etc) we love animals but are both allergic to prolonged contact with cats (ie can pet them but more than 10 mins and we are sniffing) so would be fine with a cats in separate area property - people who are severely allergic will stay somewhere else.
Sheesh. I inherited my Mom's (indoor only, declawed) cat when she passed away in early Dec. The kitty is a sweetheart and I certainly see why my Mom loved her -- but I am talking to other family members about taking her as I don't think she will be good for business.
I would be most upset if I got rid of my cat for the good of my guests just to have someone trying to abuse the system and bring one in..
Just make sure that people know you have a cat on the property. It definitely attracts some people. And someone like me who is severely allergic will simply stay elsewhere. Just be upfront about it. No need to get rid of it.
And WHO since the beginning of time has been able to train a cat to do anything? Cats train their owners slaves...
gillumhouse said:
And WHO since the beginning of time has been able to train a cat to do anything? Cats train their owners slaves..
We were joking that maybe the cat is there to wake the owner up by hitting her nose.
Sheesh. I inherited my Mom's (indoor only, declawed) cat when she passed away in early Dec. The kitty is a sweetheart and I certainly see why my Mom loved her -- but I am talking to other family members about taking her as I don't think she will be good for business.
I would be most upset if I got rid of my cat for the good of my guests just to have someone trying to abuse the system and bring one in..
Aspiring Martha said:
Sheesh. I inherited my Mom's (indoor only, declawed) cat when she passed away in early Dec. The kitty is a sweetheart and I certainly see why my Mom loved her -- but I am talking to other family members about taking her as I don't think she will be good for business.
I would be most upset if I got rid of my cat for the good of my guests just to have someone trying to abuse the system and bring one in.
We have two cats. Most guests love them and want to get to know them. They are not permitted in the inn. Only in our apartment and in the yard.
Story ends. They left today (an hour after standard checkout) and the room looked fine. They had used their own plastic bags to empty the litter box and their plastic bags went into the room trash can.
No other messes. A good cleaning and we should be good to go.
They were very happy to have had a weekend away from home. We made a couple of people (and a cat) very happy tis weekend. Much easier to bend in January than it is in July.
Martha - DO NOT give away your pet because of guests. They have the option of stay with you or stay elsewhere.
We had a wonderful dog for 16 years. When it was his "time" we were still in Illinois. We made the decision to not get another partly due to future guest allergies (we were not a B & B yet) but more because neither of us was of an age to be walking a dog several times a day in all sorts of weather.
Brooklet - the difference with cats is the dander - it is still there long after the cat has gone and a severe allergy will get it. And dogs are under leash laws - the seemingly hundreds of cats in my city that several people insist on feeding are not under that obligation. Grrrrrr.
Hmmm...maybe we should keep her then. She, of course, has the run of the house right now. Containing her to our bedroom seems like it it would cut down on her quality of life. And a cat box in our bed might cut down on OUR quality of life. LOL!
Having only been a kitty family for a little over a month, we're still learning the ropes. (Who, by the way, has ever heard of a cat that turns their nose up at real tuna, chicken, seafood, milk. This picky-eater cat will ONLY eat Meow Mix with tender meaty centers. Crazy cat.)
Martha - DO NOT give away your pet because of guests. They have the option of stay with you or stay elsewhere.
We had a wonderful dog for 16 years. When it was his "time" we were still in Illinois. We made the decision to not get another partly due to future guest allergies (we were not a B & B yet) but more because neither of us was of an age to be walking a dog several times a day in all sorts of weather.
Brooklet - the difference with cats is the dander - it is still there long after the cat has gone and a severe allergy will get it. And dogs are under leash laws - the seemingly hundreds of cats in my city that several people insist on feeding are not under that obligation. Grrrrrr.
Hmmm...maybe we should keep her then. She, of course, has the run of the house right now. Containing her to our bedroom seems like it it would cut down on her quality of life. And a cat box in our bed might cut down on OUR quality of life. LOL!
Having only been a kitty family for a little over a month, we're still learning the ropes. (Who, by the way, has ever heard of a cat that turns their nose up at real tuna, chicken, seafood, milk. This picky-eater cat will ONLY eat Meow Mix with tender meaty centers. Crazy cat.)
Aspiring Martha said:
Hmmm...maybe we should keep her then. She, of course, has the run of the house right now. Containing her to our bedroom seems like it it would cut down on her quality of life. And a cat box in our bed might cut down on OUR quality of life. LOL!
Having only been a kitty family for a little over a month, we're still learning the ropes. (Who, by the way, has ever heard of a cat that turns their nose up at real tuna, chicken, seafood, milk. This picky-eater cat will ONLY eat Meow Mix with tender meaty centers. Crazy cat.)
Good that she doesn't want people food. Better for her. We have two. One only eats cat food, the other is a big mooch who will grab food off your plate when you're not looking!
Not the best situation that you only have a bedroom to close off. You should think about personal privacy, not just for your cat, but for yourselves. You need a place to have talks about business, family, life, and to be able to just relax outside the sight of guests.
I agree with Beachie. You need more than just a bedroom. I can speak from personal experience because that's all we had for the first year. That, plus the kitchen (big deal). DH had his man cave set up in the garage and I had my woman cave, otherwise known as the laundry room. This year, looking to expand our room to give us a place to eat as well as a private door to a small, enclosed patio. We'll still be on the premises but at least I don't have to look at anyone 24 hours a day. You know what I mean. Our cats have our room, the mud room which which is large and has a bench for those sunny naps and they can go into DH's man cave.
Martha - DO NOT give away your pet because of guests. They have the option of stay with you or stay elsewhere.
We had a wonderful dog for 16 years. When it was his "time" we were still in Illinois. We made the decision to not get another partly due to future guest allergies (we were not a B & B yet) but more because neither of us was of an age to be walking a dog several times a day in all sorts of weather.
Brooklet - the difference with cats is the dander - it is still there long after the cat has gone and a severe allergy will get it. And dogs are under leash laws - the seemingly hundreds of cats in my city that several people insist on feeding are not under that obligation. Grrrrrr.
Hmmm...maybe we should keep her then. She, of course, has the run of the house right now. Containing her to our bedroom seems like it it would cut down on her quality of life. And a cat box in our bed might cut down on OUR quality of life. LOL!
Having only been a kitty family for a little over a month, we're still learning the ropes. (Who, by the way, has ever heard of a cat that turns their nose up at real tuna, chicken, seafood, milk. This picky-eater cat will ONLY eat Meow Mix with tender meaty centers. Crazy cat.)
Aspiring Martha said:
Hmmm...maybe we should keep her then. She, of course, has the run of the house right now. Containing her to our bedroom seems like it it would cut down on her quality of life. And a cat box in our bed might cut down on OUR quality of life. LOL!
Having only been a kitty family for a little over a month, we're still learning the ropes. (Who, by the way, has ever heard of a cat that turns their nose up at real tuna, chicken, seafood, milk. This picky-eater cat will ONLY eat Meow Mix with tender meaty centers. Crazy cat.)
Good that she doesn't want people food. Better for her. We have two. One only eats cat food, the other is a big mooch who will grab food off your plate when you're not looking!
Not the best situation that you only have a bedroom to close off. You should think about personal privacy, not just for your cat, but for yourselves. You need a place to have talks about business, family, life, and to be able to just relax outside the sight of guests.
plus not being funny but to have a row - this is real life people
Sheesh. I inherited my Mom's (indoor only, declawed) cat when she passed away in early Dec. The kitty is a sweetheart and I certainly see why my Mom loved her -- but I am talking to other family members about taking her as I don't think she will be good for business.
I would be most upset if I got rid of my cat for the good of my guests just to have someone trying to abuse the system and bring one in..
Just make sure that people know you have a cat on the property. It definitely attracts some people. And someone like me who is severely allergic will simply stay elsewhere. Just be upfront about it. No need to get rid of it.
Totally agree. I'm highly allergic to cats and if I see one on a website, I move right along to find somewhere else. I don't want to spend my vacation with my eyes swelled up and itchy so if there's a cat on the premises I won't stay there because cats have a tendency to go on furniture, etc. and the dander that bothers me will linger. Just be up front about them and you'll have no issues.
Martha - DO NOT give away your pet because of guests. They have the option of stay with you or stay elsewhere.
We had a wonderful dog for 16 years. When it was his "time" we were still in Illinois. We made the decision to not get another partly due to future guest allergies (we were not a B & B yet) but more because neither of us was of an age to be walking a dog several times a day in all sorts of weather.
Brooklet - the difference with cats is the dander - it is still there long after the cat has gone and a severe allergy will get it. And dogs are under leash laws - the seemingly hundreds of cats in my city that several people insist on feeding are not under that obligation. Grrrrrr.
Hmmm...maybe we should keep her then. She, of course, has the run of the house right now. Containing her to our bedroom seems like it it would cut down on her quality of life. And a cat box in our bed might cut down on OUR quality of life. LOL!
Having only been a kitty family for a little over a month, we're still learning the ropes. (Who, by the way, has ever heard of a cat that turns their nose up at real tuna, chicken, seafood, milk. This picky-eater cat will ONLY eat Meow Mix with tender meaty centers. Crazy cat.)
I refused to have just my bedroom as "our" space before we even opened. So we have no "common" room other than front porch and dining room. My "living room" soon became Himself's art studio and I "moved" into my office. Added advantage we both come up for "air" once in a while and see each other in the hall or for mysteries on TV (the ONLY time he does not channel hop). Works for us.
You NEED your space.
Martha - DO NOT give away your pet because of guests. They have the option of stay with you or stay elsewhere.
We had a wonderful dog for 16 years. When it was his "time" we were still in Illinois. We made the decision to not get another partly due to future guest allergies (we were not a B & B yet) but more because neither of us was of an age to be walking a dog several times a day in all sorts of weather.
Brooklet - the difference with cats is the dander - it is still there long after the cat has gone and a severe allergy will get it. And dogs are under leash laws - the seemingly hundreds of cats in my city that several people insist on feeding are not under that obligation. Grrrrrr.
Hmmm...maybe we should keep her then. She, of course, has the run of the house right now. Containing her to our bedroom seems like it it would cut down on her quality of life. And a cat box in our bed might cut down on OUR quality of life. LOL!
Having only been a kitty family for a little over a month, we're still learning the ropes. (Who, by the way, has ever heard of a cat that turns their nose up at real tuna, chicken, seafood, milk. This picky-eater cat will ONLY eat Meow Mix with tender meaty centers. Crazy cat.)
Aspiring Martha said:
Hmmm...maybe we should keep her then. She, of course, has the run of the house right now. Containing her to our bedroom seems like it it would cut down on her quality of life. And a cat box in our bed might cut down on OUR quality of life. LOL!
Having only been a kitty family for a little over a month, we're still learning the ropes. (Who, by the way, has ever heard of a cat that turns their nose up at real tuna, chicken, seafood, milk. This picky-eater cat will ONLY eat Meow Mix with tender meaty centers. Crazy cat.)
Good that she doesn't want people food. Better for her. We have two. One only eats cat food, the other is a big mooch who will grab food off your plate when you're not looking!
Not the best situation that you only have a bedroom to close off. You should think about personal privacy, not just for your cat, but for yourselves. You need a place to have talks about business, family, life, and to be able to just relax outside the sight of guests.
plus not being funny but to have a row - this is real life people
Jcam said:
plus not being funny but to have a row - this is real life people
You can't wait for off season to argue out loud!
Martha - DO NOT give away your pet because of guests. They have the option of stay with you or stay elsewhere.
We had a wonderful dog for 16 years. When it was his "time" we were still in Illinois. We made the decision to not get another partly due to future guest allergies (we were not a B & B yet) but more because neither of us was of an age to be walking a dog several times a day in all sorts of weather.
Brooklet - the difference with cats is the dander - it is still there long after the cat has gone and a severe allergy will get it. And dogs are under leash laws - the seemingly hundreds of cats in my city that several people insist on feeding are not under that obligation. Grrrrrr.
Hmmm...maybe we should keep her then. She, of course, has the run of the house right now. Containing her to our bedroom seems like it it would cut down on her quality of life. And a cat box in our bed might cut down on OUR quality of life. LOL!
Having only been a kitty family for a little over a month, we're still learning the ropes. (Who, by the way, has ever heard of a cat that turns their nose up at real tuna, chicken, seafood, milk. This picky-eater cat will ONLY eat Meow Mix with tender meaty centers. Crazy cat.)
Aspiring Martha said:
Hmmm...maybe we should keep her then. She, of course, has the run of the house right now. Containing her to our bedroom seems like it it would cut down on her quality of life. And a cat box in our bed might cut down on OUR quality of life. LOL!
Having only been a kitty family for a little over a month, we're still learning the ropes. (Who, by the way, has ever heard of a cat that turns their nose up at real tuna, chicken, seafood, milk. This picky-eater cat will ONLY eat Meow Mix with tender meaty centers. Crazy cat.)
Good that she doesn't want people food. Better for her. We have two. One only eats cat food, the other is a big mooch who will grab food off your plate when you're not looking!
Not the best situation that you only have a bedroom to close off. You should think about personal privacy, not just for your cat, but for yourselves. You need a place to have talks about business, family, life, and to be able to just relax outside the sight of guests.
plus not being funny but to have a row - this is real life people
Jcam said:
plus not being funny but to have a row - this is real life people
You can't wait for off season to argue out loud!
Morticia said:
Jcam said:
plus not being funny but to have a row - this is real life people
You can't wait for off season to argue out loud!
Very true.
Had an innkeepers association meeting yesterday and heard that this cat couple had stopped in a different inn insisting they had a reservation before they came to us. At that inn, they mentioned a service dog. It was only after the innkeepers checked and rechecked their bookings and finally though to look at the confirmation email the couple was waving around, that they saw the reservation was with us.
They gave them directions and sent them on their way. And couldn't wait to tell us the story yesterday.
Had an innkeepers association meeting yesterday and heard that this cat couple had stopped in a different inn insisting they had a reservation before they came to us. At that inn, they mentioned a service dog. It was only after the innkeepers checked and rechecked their bookings and finally though to look at the confirmation email the couple was waving around, that they saw the reservation was with us.
They gave them directions and sent them on their way. And couldn't wait to tell us the story yesterday..
So, was it a dog? And they didn't even mention it to you, dog or cat!
Guests think we don't talk to each other. Competition and all that.
Had an innkeepers association meeting yesterday and heard that this cat couple had stopped in a different inn insisting they had a reservation before they came to us. At that inn, they mentioned a service dog. It was only after the innkeepers checked and rechecked their bookings and finally though to look at the confirmation email the couple was waving around, that they saw the reservation was with us.
They gave them directions and sent them on their way. And couldn't wait to tell us the story yesterday..
We had guests show up last month who were at the wrong place. No animals that I know of.
Had an innkeepers association meeting yesterday and heard that this cat couple had stopped in a different inn insisting they had a reservation before they came to us. At that inn, they mentioned a service dog. It was only after the innkeepers checked and rechecked their bookings and finally though to look at the confirmation email the couple was waving around, that they saw the reservation was with us.
They gave them directions and sent them on their way. And couldn't wait to tell us the story yesterday..
So, was it a dog? And they didn't even mention it to you, dog or cat!
Guests think we don't talk to each other. Competition and all that.
Morticia said:
So, was it a dog? And they didn't even mention it to you, dog or cat!
Guests think we don't talk to each other. Competition and all that.
It was a cat. We saw it and it's little 'leavings.' But they called it a dog because they likely knew there is no such think as a service cat.
Had an innkeepers association meeting yesterday and heard that this cat couple had stopped in a different inn insisting they had a reservation before they came to us. At that inn, they mentioned a service dog. It was only after the innkeepers checked and rechecked their bookings and finally though to look at the confirmation email the couple was waving around, that they saw the reservation was with us.
They gave them directions and sent them on their way. And couldn't wait to tell us the story yesterday..
So, was it a dog? And they didn't even mention it to you, dog or cat!
Guests think we don't talk to each other. Competition and all that.
Morticia said:
So, was it a dog? And they didn't even mention it to you, dog or cat!
Guests think we don't talk to each other. Competition and all that.
It was a cat. We saw it and it's little 'leavings.' But they called it a dog because they likely knew there is no such think as a service cat.
TheBeachHouse said:
Morticia said:
So, was it a dog? And they didn't even mention it to you, dog or cat!
Guests think we don't talk to each other. Competition and all that.
It was a cat. We saw it and it's little 'leavings.' But they called it a dog because they likely knew there is no such think as a service cat.
It left stuff behind? Not dander I'm assuming. Yeesh.
Had an innkeepers association meeting yesterday and heard that this cat couple had stopped in a different inn insisting they had a reservation before they came to us. At that inn, they mentioned a service dog. It was only after the innkeepers checked and rechecked their bookings and finally though to look at the confirmation email the couple was waving around, that they saw the reservation was with us.
They gave them directions and sent them on their way. And couldn't wait to tell us the story yesterday..
So, was it a dog? And they didn't even mention it to you, dog or cat!
Guests think we don't talk to each other. Competition and all that.
Morticia said:
So, was it a dog? And they didn't even mention it to you, dog or cat!
Guests think we don't talk to each other. Competition and all that.
It was a cat. We saw it and it's little 'leavings.' But they called it a dog because they likely knew there is no such think as a service cat.
TheBeachHouse said:
Morticia said:
So, was it a dog? And they didn't even mention it to you, dog or cat!
Guests think we don't talk to each other. Competition and all that.
It was a cat. We saw it and it's little 'leavings.' But they called it a dog because they likely knew there is no such think as a service cat.
It left stuff behind? Not dander I'm assuming. Yeesh.
Morticia said:
TheBeachHouse said:
Morticia said:
So, was it a dog? And they didn't even mention it to you, dog or cat!
Guests think we don't talk to each other. Competition and all that.
It was a cat. We saw it and it's little 'leavings.' But they called it a dog because they likely knew there is no such think as a service cat.
It left stuff behind? Not dander I'm assuming. Yeesh.
In the trash. They cleaned the litter box and bagged it and dropped it in the trash. As cat owners, it was easy for us to identify.
Martha - DO NOT give away your pet because of guests. They have the option of stay with you or stay elsewhere.
We had a wonderful dog for 16 years. When it was his "time" we were still in Illinois. We made the decision to not get another partly due to future guest allergies (we were not a B & B yet) but more because neither of us was of an age to be walking a dog several times a day in all sorts of weather.
Brooklet - the difference with cats is the dander - it is still there long after the cat has gone and a severe allergy will get it. And dogs are under leash laws - the seemingly hundreds of cats in my city that several people insist on feeding are not under that obligation. Grrrrrr.
Hmmm...maybe we should keep her then. She, of course, has the run of the house right now. Containing her to our bedroom seems like it it would cut down on her quality of life. And a cat box in our bed might cut down on OUR quality of life. LOL!
Having only been a kitty family for a little over a month, we're still learning the ropes. (Who, by the way, has ever heard of a cat that turns their nose up at real tuna, chicken, seafood, milk. This picky-eater cat will ONLY eat Meow Mix with tender meaty centers. Crazy cat.)
Aspiring Martha said:
Hmmm...maybe we should keep her then. She, of course, has the run of the house right now. Containing her to our bedroom seems like it it would cut down on her quality of life. And a cat box in our bed might cut down on OUR quality of life. LOL!
Having only been a kitty family for a little over a month, we're still learning the ropes. (Who, by the way, has ever heard of a cat that turns their nose up at real tuna, chicken, seafood, milk. This picky-eater cat will ONLY eat Meow Mix with tender meaty centers. Crazy cat.)
Good that she doesn't want people food. Better for her. We have two. One only eats cat food, the other is a big mooch who will grab food off your plate when you're not looking!
Not the best situation that you only have a bedroom to close off. You should think about personal privacy, not just for your cat, but for yourselves. You need a place to have talks about business, family, life, and to be able to just relax outside the sight of guests.
plus not being funny but to have a row - this is real life people
Jcam said:
plus not being funny but to have a row - this is real life people
You can't wait for off season to argue out loud!
We go into the garage.