Plan an overnight at a B&B and get frustrated real quick

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2008
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I am just looking for a one night stop on my way home in December from travelling out of state. I google and am once again, faced with the horrible B&B websites. I just don't want to stay at any of these places!
The best of the bunch has dark room photos - I mean dark and the rooms look nice and at least I can click on RezNexxus and see the rates right away. But it is a larger inn with restaurant.
Another has little gif clip art all over the pages and badges...stinkin' badges - not sized the same, just big ol' badges all over the place.
Another I cannot view in Chrome, the entire page is skewiff and I can't read any of it.
Another had a photo of the innkeeper front and center on the home page which is totally goofy and turns me off and looks like the website was created in microsoft publisher.
Another has giant fonts amidst regular and small font, ie the font is size 20 on a webpage, that SHOUTS at you.
Another which has a very simple template and the best of the bunch only takes paypal. I refuse to stay at a B&B that is not professional. Oh and I just saw it only has one or two guest rooms - not sure cuz it only shows one you can book.
This is in a state that has many B&B's - in an area of many B&B's. Not one website was professional done, not one, nor were any of the photos on ANY OF THEM.
Once again, I give up! Why are they making guests work so hard! Really if you could go to BBONLINE and see them all in a row it is better than this torture. I will go there now and have a look...
Also, looking at I type in an actual town name and it shows three B&B's. The top TWO are not even in that town, and ONE OF THEM IS IN A DIFFERENT STATE ALTOGETHER. Sure it is close by and obv the owners of that inn have PAID to be listed in that town. WHAT THE HECK!
IF you are able to be listed in a nearby city or town to where you actually are, B& at least put them at the end - but obv they are gold or platinum and the one who is really in the town for which I searched IS BRONZE. This is not right. By any measurement. As a guest looking to plan a trip it is just NOT ON.
Also, looking at I type in an actual town name and it shows three B&B's. The top TWO are not even in that town, and ONE OF THEM IS IN A DIFFERENT STATE ALTOGETHER. Sure it is close by and obv the owners of that inn have PAID to be listed in that town. WHAT THE HECK!
IF you are able to be listed in a nearby city or town to where you actually are, B& at least put them at the end - but obv they are gold or platinum and the one who is really in the town for which I searched IS BRONZE. This is not right. By any measurement. As a guest looking to plan a trip it is just NOT ON..
Playing the get bookings...that is what it comes down to now. We see it everywhere.
I wouldn't go out of my way to book a B & B...that's why I am more inclined to just stick with the "name" hotels. I know what I am getting and don't have to deal with idiosyncrasies of innkeepers. SORRY FOLKS :-(
Too coincidental..... you should pick this place. This is the type of web site that turns me off....
Sorry I will still take a Hampton Inn
Different strokes for different folks.
so funny websites ... sorry ... but really. little cartoony gifs. reminds me of when i first played with the internet and loved those. i thought they were soooo cooool. plus midi files were everywhere (remember those?)
some day, someone in the area will replace their homespun website with something more professional looking and other places will follow their lead.
this so reminds me of the owner of the little hotel owner across the road from me who was dragged (all but) kicking and screaming online. after his more web savvy family saw my site, they kicked his site up a notch or two. but as for email ... he said, 'you can email me all you want but if you expect me to answer, call on the phone'
As I have stated in the past, I always stay at B&B's, and I only support smaller ones that are owner-run. I don't need a slick impressive website or extreme amenities to convince me, just a friendly and helpful tone, some representative photos and a good vibe. I would sure as hell NOT book a Hampton Inn and have to listen to kids pounding up and down the hallways all day or sit at a crumb-littered tippy table with a stale muffin in the morning with the same kids all sugared up and still running all around.
I like this one. The website is unprofessional, but everything was right there and easy to find. I like to see a little about the Innkeepers, and I also love that they show their employee that has been with them since the beginning. The fact that the first line reads "Welcome to our home", leaves no doubt about what kind of place this is. Like the nice big rooms, the rates are decent, and they talk about the Inn pets. SOLD....all in just two page views. Wish I could go right now!
Too coincidental..... you should pick this place. This is the type of web site that turns me off....
Sorry I will still take a Hampton Inn
Different strokes for different folks..
While the website leaves something to be desired, I can clearly feel what type of place it is by how it is presented and by the information the website contains...sometimes the most glitzy and attractive Inn websites are very cold and their innkeepers...a complete turn off.
There have been posters on this forum that have made me say "Yikes, I would never stay with that Innkeeper"....inn and website sight unseen. They may have the greatest place with the best amenities and the biggest rooms, the most expensive website and it all makes zero difference to me, as I look for the warmth, comfort, charm and individuality that makes a B&B a B&B!
You can fix a bad website easily enough...but a nasty innkeeper or a cold impersonal atmosphere are a death knell.
Also, looking at I type in an actual town name and it shows three B&B's. The top TWO are not even in that town, and ONE OF THEM IS IN A DIFFERENT STATE ALTOGETHER. Sure it is close by and obv the owners of that inn have PAID to be listed in that town. WHAT THE HECK!
IF you are able to be listed in a nearby city or town to where you actually are, B& at least put them at the end - but obv they are gold or platinum and the one who is really in the town for which I searched IS BRONZE. This is not right. By any measurement. As a guest looking to plan a trip it is just NOT ON..
We are probably one of those who are listed in a different state. It depends on the directory.
It can be closer to stay with us if you want to go to the airport, and quicker too, than if you stayed in that city. We concentrate our advertising on the larger city, because, that is actually the city that draws, and we are only 15 minutes away. Most people have heard of the larger city than the city on our side of the river. Our own little town, NOBODY has heard of!
And, yes, we have a picture of ourselves on the bottom of our main page. Beautiful people, we ain't.
so funny websites ... sorry ... but really. little cartoony gifs. reminds me of when i first played with the internet and loved those. i thought they were soooo cooool. plus midi files were everywhere (remember those?)
some day, someone in the area will replace their homespun website with something more professional looking and other places will follow their lead.
this so reminds me of the owner of the little hotel owner across the road from me who was dragged (all but) kicking and screaming online. after his more web savvy family saw my site, they kicked his site up a notch or two. but as for email ... he said, 'you can email me all you want but if you expect me to answer, call on the phone'.
You are right ss...right out of the early days of the web:-(
Sorry but I have to say..I know this place and there are PLENTY of well done websites around them. I made comments to them years ago about problems with their site....had no effect. They still don't have on line availability.
As I have stated in the past, I always stay at B&B's, and I only support smaller ones that are owner-run. I don't need a slick impressive website or extreme amenities to convince me, just a friendly and helpful tone, some representative photos and a good vibe. I would sure as hell NOT book a Hampton Inn and have to listen to kids pounding up and down the hallways all day or sit at a crumb-littered tippy table with a stale muffin in the morning with the same kids all sugared up and still running all around.
I like this one. The website is unprofessional, but everything was right there and easy to find. I like to see a little about the Innkeepers, and I also love that they show their employee that has been with them since the beginning. The fact that the first line reads "Welcome to our home", leaves no doubt about what kind of place this is. Like the nice big rooms, the rates are decent, and they talk about the Inn pets. SOLD....all in just two page views. Wish I could go right now!.
I think that is a nice innkeeper photo on the B&B you suggested LB. I think that is the best part of their website, they look like you would get a hug from them when you left. :)
Yes, there is a check availability button in shamrock green I nearly missed it and webervations link there.
Not to sidetrack these comments but if I had a magnifying glass I bet those rooms are really lovely, I just can't tell from the photos on the website, this is what I mean. Don't make the guest have to work it out, sell the rooms, sell the B&B in all its glory! I don't want cutesy with the dancing gif's I want to see what I am paying for. SHOW ME THE ROOMS.
I will use a term my DH uses when he sees this kind of website - this is dark ages stuff. It really is, the internet has been around long enough now that people need to get with the program. If you operate a business from your ONLINE PRESENCE to sell your rooms then it needs to be presentable. (Believe me when I say this to myself as much as I am saying it to anyone else. There is ALWAYS room for improvement.)
Also, looking at I type in an actual town name and it shows three B&B's. The top TWO are not even in that town, and ONE OF THEM IS IN A DIFFERENT STATE ALTOGETHER. Sure it is close by and obv the owners of that inn have PAID to be listed in that town. WHAT THE HECK!
IF you are able to be listed in a nearby city or town to where you actually are, B& at least put them at the end - but obv they are gold or platinum and the one who is really in the town for which I searched IS BRONZE. This is not right. By any measurement. As a guest looking to plan a trip it is just NOT ON..
Joey Bloggs said:
Also, looking at I type in an actual town name and it shows three B&B's. The top TWO are not even in that town, and ONE OF THEM IS IN A DIFFERENT STATE ALTOGETHER. Sure it is close by and obv the owners of that inn have PAID to be listed in that town. WHAT THE HECK!
IF you are able to be listed in a nearby city or town to where you actually are, B& at least put them at the end - but obv they are gold or platinum and the one who is really in the town for which I searched IS BRONZE. This is not right. By any measurement. As a guest looking to plan a trip it is just NOT ON.
That goes on here in Charlottesville all the time. Inns that are as far away as 45 minutes drive are listed with charlottesville. They complain to us too and we have to try and be politically correct in our response. Just last May let a family all meet in our library becase half of them didn't realize they were 45 minutes away when they booked . They were told "just a few minutes drive from UVA"... They wanted to freshen up after the ceremonies before going out to dinner. If they went back to their B&B it would have been 1.5 hours round trip for them..
When I complain all I'm told is that I am able to be listed in the other towns if I pay. WHY? I am here in Charlottesville. I don't want to list myself 45 minutes away.
Care to share where you are traveling to/from in Dec? Maybe someone on this forum is in a good place for you to stop!
This is getting to the very difficulty we have at getting more of the traveling public to embrace B&B's. I know I'm preaching to the choir on this forum since the innkeepers here all clearly care way more about their businesses and are much savvier with the internet and marketing, but Joey's problem is the same problem your average consumer has.
The experience of finding and booking a B&B leaves a lot to be desired when compared to other types of lodging. Sure - there are fantastic properties and websites out there, but they so often get tangled up with the rest.
I still remember so vividly giving a presentation at a B&B in Napa to almost 20 innkeepers. I stayed at the B&B for a couple days - but almost every innkeeper in the room stayed at the Embassy Suites!!!! Innkeepers!!!! When asked why - "it was too hard to find a B&B, didn't want to have to check availability on every different site, didn't want to wait to hear back from a rez request, etc. etc."
That was four years ago now... and it still echos today.
This is getting to the very difficulty we have at getting more of the traveling public to embrace B&B's. I know I'm preaching to the choir on this forum since the innkeepers here all clearly care way more about their businesses and are much savvier with the internet and marketing, but Joey's problem is the same problem your average consumer has.
The experience of finding and booking a B&B leaves a lot to be desired when compared to other types of lodging. Sure - there are fantastic properties and websites out there, but they so often get tangled up with the rest.
I still remember so vividly giving a presentation at a B&B in Napa to almost 20 innkeepers. I stayed at the B&B for a couple days - but almost every innkeeper in the room stayed at the Embassy Suites!!!! Innkeepers!!!! When asked why - "it was too hard to find a B&B, didn't want to have to check availability on every different site, didn't want to wait to hear back from a rez request, etc. etc."
That was four years ago now... and it still echos today..
JBanczak said:
I still remember so vividly giving a presentation at a B&B in Napa to almost 20 innkeepers. I stayed at the B&B for a couple days - but almost every innkeeper in the room stayed at the Embassy Suites!!!! Innkeepers!!!! When asked why - "it was too hard to find a B&B, didn't want to have to check availability on every different site, didn't want to wait to hear back from a rez request, etc. etc."
I think to some extent, it's true that innkeepers themselves should practice what they preach.
But they also reflect the reality of the traveling public. Most of them don't stay at B&Bs every time they travel.
Innkeepers are the same.
I make an effort to seek out the boutique lodging in an area that best serves my need. Sometimes that's a B&B, sometimes it's not.
Sometimes when I'm on roadtrip, I'll stop at a roadside motel for a cheap and easy rest.
But generally speaking, the best stay for any guest is at a place where the innkeeper really cares. And usually that's a B&B.
For me, it's usually worth the effort to do my homework and find that perfect place.
But I understand Joey's frustration, too. Some of those websites out there just don't help anyone.
And, sorry to say, the formula for showing nearby areas often leaves guests confused about just how close an inn may be to where they want to end up.
Also, looking at I type in an actual town name and it shows three B&B's. The top TWO are not even in that town, and ONE OF THEM IS IN A DIFFERENT STATE ALTOGETHER. Sure it is close by and obv the owners of that inn have PAID to be listed in that town. WHAT THE HECK!
IF you are able to be listed in a nearby city or town to where you actually are, B& at least put them at the end - but obv they are gold or platinum and the one who is really in the town for which I searched IS BRONZE. This is not right. By any measurement. As a guest looking to plan a trip it is just NOT ON..
We are probably one of those who are listed in a different state. It depends on the directory.
It can be closer to stay with us if you want to go to the airport, and quicker too, than if you stayed in that city. We concentrate our advertising on the larger city, because, that is actually the city that draws, and we are only 15 minutes away. Most people have heard of the larger city than the city on our side of the river. Our own little town, NOBODY has heard of!
And, yes, we have a picture of ourselves on the bottom of our main page. Beautiful people, we ain't.
remnjava said:
We are probably one of those who are listed in a different state. It depends on the directory.
It can be closer to stay with us if you want to go to the airport, and quicker too, than if you stayed in that city. We concentrate our advertising on the larger city, because, that is actually the city that draws, and we are only 15 minutes away. Most people have heard of the larger city than the city on our side of the river. Our own little town, NOBODY has heard of!
And, yes, we have a picture of ourselves on the bottom of our main page. Beautiful people, we ain't.
I too are one that may be listed (and I pay) in another state. Why? Because I am only 11 miles from the state line and am closer than any other lodging to a large (VERY busy) business park... This brings me business that I can NOT live without.
Someone mentioned listings on B& From what I have been told by them (John correct me if I am wrong) is that they rotate the listings. I would LOVE it if B& would have a sort by distance. The only thing I dislike about distance info is that it is always distance 'as the crow flies' not distance by road, and NO site (that I have seen) adequately describes it as such.
This is getting to the very difficulty we have at getting more of the traveling public to embrace B&B's. I know I'm preaching to the choir on this forum since the innkeepers here all clearly care way more about their businesses and are much savvier with the internet and marketing, but Joey's problem is the same problem your average consumer has.
The experience of finding and booking a B&B leaves a lot to be desired when compared to other types of lodging. Sure - there are fantastic properties and websites out there, but they so often get tangled up with the rest.
I still remember so vividly giving a presentation at a B&B in Napa to almost 20 innkeepers. I stayed at the B&B for a couple days - but almost every innkeeper in the room stayed at the Embassy Suites!!!! Innkeepers!!!! When asked why - "it was too hard to find a B&B, didn't want to have to check availability on every different site, didn't want to wait to hear back from a rez request, etc. etc."
That was four years ago now... and it still echos today..
JBanczak said:
I still remember so vividly giving a presentation at a B&B in Napa to almost 20 innkeepers. I stayed at the B&B for a couple days - but almost every innkeeper in the room stayed at the Embassy Suites!!!! Innkeepers!!!! When asked why - "it was too hard to find a B&B, didn't want to have to check availability on every different site, didn't want to wait to hear back from a rez request, etc. etc."
That was four years ago now... and it still echos today.
Ummm, take a look at the distance some of those folks traveled, what they were paying for the conference, and the RATES at the Napa B&Bs. Pretty steep. Not everyone can pay that with all the other expenses...I bet the Embassy Suites gave them a sweet deal.

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