Mikie - he'll eat anything!

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2008
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We've all heard it before but it really erks me today!
Mikie along with his wife and another couple checked in last night. I do my regular spiel regarding breakfast "Is there anything you are allergic to, can not, or DO not eat for breakfast?" All shook their heads 'no' and Mikie said as he was proudly rubbing his trophy pot belly. "Does it look like I don't eat everything." And the others chimmed in " and don't let your hand be in the way of the food when he has his fork in hand...you could loose a finger in the process." All laughing etc.
Yes, you got the picture before I even type it - I begin to set down the food in front of him and he says "Uh, no eggs for me. Don't like 'em." Grrrrrr
Un-bee-leevable!!!!!!!!!! This sounds like someone who just needs to be "special". Did you offer an alternative?
REminds me of the mother who stood in the hall with kid listening and told me the kid was a picky eater. He had to keep mommy honest, didn't he?
Why, yes.. as long as I know in advance, I am more than happy to make non egg dishes. In fact, I had another non-egg eater that I HAD known about and had fixed him an Oatmeal Souffle. So had I known, it would have been nothing to make 2.
Oh, and this guy is the cook of the house... This was brought up this morning over breakfast.
WHAT! What did he think he was getting for breakfast? How about a pig on a spit? take that anyway you want to... HIYAHHHHH!
I am forgiving to all of them except that - if you don't think we serve an egg somewhere in there for breakfast you are from MARS! Year two a man from England said to me "Did you ever think maybe a guest doesn't like eggs?" Did you ever read your flippin' reservation and confirmation and realize that this is a B & B!!!
At that point (the point being brekkie on a plate in front of him) I would have put the plate down and said something about 'tomorrow's breakfast is pancakes' and walked away.
At that point (the point being brekkie on a plate in front of him) I would have put the plate down and said something about 'tomorrow's breakfast is pancakes' and walked away..
Grrrr...that's what I would have done...or point him over to the cereal bowls and containers of cereal and milk.
yup. here's the cheerios and the instant oatmeal, fella. what a goof!!
At that point (the point being brekkie on a plate in front of him) I would have put the plate down and said something about 'tomorrow's breakfast is pancakes' and walked away..
Grrrr...that's what I would have done...or point him over to the cereal bowls and containers of cereal and milk.
We had one this morning who must have been used to 'standard issue diner french toast'. When I asked if they would like sausage she said, 'No french toast for me, I'll have cereal.' I pointed out where everything was for that and went to tell hubs he only needed to make one breakfast.
Then I brought out the FT and she quickly changed her mind. But now I have another table ahead of her. So, her husband ate his FT (no, he didn't share even tho I brought over a separate plate!) and then she got hers when he was done. They seemed ok with it.
I would have said in my very sweet voice "I thought you were the one that would eat anything I put in front of you". Let him try to get out of that one.

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