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Don Draper

Well-known member
Aug 10, 2008
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Young couple here last night...found out from other guests that at 11:15 pm they were drunk and locked out of their room. Their next door neighbor is a repeat guest who knew where the spare key is kept and was able to let them in. They slunk out of here this morning without eating breakfast...their stuff is still in their room, it reeks like a distillery and there is a half empty bottle of vodka in the bathroom. I am SO tempted to take it and dump it. I can't believe someone would be so disrespectful...stuff like this just doesn't happen here. Yeesh.
THey left..for the day ...or for good? I understand how you feel, but don't touch anything of theirs.They obviously were drunk enough to be embarrassed this morning. I wouldn't say anything, unless they offer an apology.
I agree with CatLady, they probably could not bring themselves to face you or the other guests, and probably feel like crap...physically and otherwise. Probably went to McD's.
If other guests were offended, certainly you can be sorry for that, but I wouldn't say anything to the guests, unless they behave badly again.
Nah, I didn't touch their stuff but I was tempted. I saw them leave (just for the day) and said hello but was in the middle of checking other people out and they scurried out the door. There had better not be ANY kind of nonsense tonight.
Hang in there! I think you will have better behaved guests later. Too tired and hungover to cause much trouble, we hope, right.
Upsetting the apple cart is the worst part. You like to have a calm house full of guests.
Nah, I didn't touch their stuff but I was tempted. I saw them leave (just for the day) and said hello but was in the middle of checking other people out and they scurried out the door. There had better not be ANY kind of nonsense tonight..
Well if there is tonight...then you have all rights to speak to them about it. But I think they learned their lesson....hope hope

why disrespectful? have they broken anything? been rude? i have found that a lot of young people drink to excess and i'm not a fan of it. was the repeat guest up anyway (i hope?) because 11:15 is not so horrendously late ... especially if someone is out partying or dining and dancing. if they slunk out ... they are embarrassed by their behavior in bothering someone else to get in. i've had lots of guests forget their keys and have to be let in ... no drinking involved.
old booze stinks. old wine bottles stink. breath with liquor on it stinks.
Sorry, in my haste to vent forgot to add that the guy was screaming at the girl in the hallway because he couldn't get in. The other guests were still up, thank goodness. The guy only stopped screaming after they got the door open and he was able to get to his bottle of vodka.
Disrespectful of other guests and our house...being drunk in public is disrespectful to anyone who has to deal with them.
screaming and bothering other people is disrespectful. with this additional info, i agree. ... the screaming did not awaken you?
screaming and bothering other people is disrespectful. with this additional info, i agree. ... the screaming did not awaken you?.
No, our quarters are not under or next to any guest quarters, thankfully. Guests are told when they check in that we are not available after 9 pm.
It got even better. On the day of checkout they DID come down to breakfast and they apologized to the people they had disrupted. They waited until 10:59 AM to check out (of course!) and they guy had the nerve to ask me if we had a military discount. Yes...we extended it to the people you bothered on Saturday night!
His credit card got declined...he had not other payment options with him. It was Columbus Day so he couldn't even call the bank to try and straighten it out. I had no choice but to let him leave and try to rerun the card the next day.
It went through yesterday. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
It got even better. On the day of checkout they DID come down to breakfast and they apologized to the people they had disrupted. They waited until 10:59 AM to check out (of course!) and they guy had the nerve to ask me if we had a military discount. Yes...we extended it to the people you bothered on Saturday night!
His credit card got declined...he had not other payment options with him. It was Columbus Day so he couldn't even call the bank to try and straighten it out. I had no choice but to let him leave and try to rerun the card the next day.
It went through yesterday. Good riddance to bad rubbish..
Oh my! That's why we always ran the card when they checked in. One time, a fellow went through a half dozen different cards and all were rejected! He finally went to the ATM and got cash. We really didn't expect to see them come back but they did.
Yeah I always get payment at check in. I know most people are good about paying and their cards are good but I don't sleep well unless I get the bill out of the way right at the beginning. I have had a few decline at check in and the guest was able to get it worked out with other cards.
6:00 am Knock! Knock! and ring doorbell to wake all other guests up! Could we please have breakfast at 7:00 am instead of 8:00 as we had marked down. We are still on Manitoba time?
Breakfast will be at 8:00 thank you very much!
6:00 am Knock! Knock! and ring doorbell to wake all other guests up! Could we please have breakfast at 7:00 am instead of 8:00 as we had marked down. We are still on Manitoba time?
Breakfast will be at 8:00 thank you very much!.
Yikes! I wonder if it ever occurs to them that if they want to get up and get going so badly, they could always skip breakfast, or go out? Nope, gotta get all my free stuff.
We had a set who were not here by 6 pm last night, never called, only staying one night. So we left them the self check-in note and ran out to the grocery store. When we got back the note was down, no calls, looked like they were settled in. This morning there's a message on the answering machine from 9 pm last night asking if they could have an early breakfast....yeah, let me get the room service concierge right on that. They were miffed this morning and I just said I wish you'd let me know sooner, I could have had something ready for you. But it's MY fault.

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