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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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We have luckily had a number of week long stays this year. Our usual stay is 1-3 nights. What do you do that is above and beyond for the longer stays?
I'm with Jo, hiding in the back. I just don't like the LONG stays very much. But for them, I do all sorts of new recipes so they don't get the same thing twice. If they stay 7 nights or longer we give a discount. If you like them you could do a goodie basket or maybe a bottle of wine/cider?
I'm with Jo, hiding in the back. I just don't like the LONG stays very much. But for them, I do all sorts of new recipes so they don't get the same thing twice. If they stay 7 nights or longer we give a discount. If you like them you could do a goodie basket or maybe a bottle of wine/cider?.
InnsiderInfo said:
I'm with Jo, hiding in the back. I just don't like the LONG stays very much. But for them, I do all sorts of new recipes so they don't get the same thing twice. If they stay 7 nights or longer we give a discount. If you like them you could do a goodie basket or maybe a bottle of wine/cider?
See, Id have set up the 'special' for arrival so no chance to figure if I like them or not! Yes, new recipe every day. Oops, battery is dead, gotta go...
I'm with Jo, hiding in the back. I just don't like the LONG stays very much. But for them, I do all sorts of new recipes so they don't get the same thing twice. If they stay 7 nights or longer we give a discount. If you like them you could do a goodie basket or maybe a bottle of wine/cider?.
InnsiderInfo said:
I'm with Jo, hiding in the back. I just don't like the LONG stays very much. But for them, I do all sorts of new recipes so they don't get the same thing twice. If they stay 7 nights or longer we give a discount. If you like them you could do a goodie basket or maybe a bottle of wine/cider?
See, Id have set up the 'special' for arrival so no chance to figure if I like them or not! Yes, new recipe every day. Oops, battery is dead, gotta go...
If you like them do something nice on the middle night of their stay...it'll be a nice suprise for them.
On the other hand...I would rather have a 5 or 7 night stay who are out and about than a two nighter who stays HERE all the time, or in their room the whole time. I would make sure boundaries are set from check in time on...or a long stay might try to do more than they should in YOUR home.
a longer stay would interest me, I would interact and find out stuff and possibly get to know them a bit. So for that, I would be my best up front, so that would include a bouquet of fresh flowers that would last the duration. I'm nice, but not nice enough for two bouquets during their stay. :)
I have an 8 nighter here right now. They've stayed here many times over the years and with both previous owners. Fortunately, they are in the cottage because I'm not very fond of them. They checked in yesterday afternoon and they haven't left since. I gave them a discount which I don't normally do, so that's all I'm doing.
I hate the way it makes me feel when I've got guests I feel negative about. I'm ready for them to check-out already! Oh well, I'll just feel bad all the way to the bank and that will make me feel better.
If they stay 7 nights I charge for 6. I am not fond of long stays either. Too many long days in a row the way we do things here. My 4-night left this morning. Lovely people, One morning needed coffee, juice, & muffins at 6:30 but the other mornings breakfast was at 9:30 (so my day started at 7 but I could not get the day STARTED until after 11) and they left for the day - returning at midnight every night.
I do a different breakfast every morning and unless they request the same for each morning, they get a different country of origin each morning for their coffee.
ask if they have a breakfast preference you can serve during their stay (and if they actually are hoping for a repeat of)
My 5 nighter from Scotland checks in today. I was just making up my menu for them hoping they don't show and tell me differently. It is drizzly today after blue skies and 75 yesterday, so they will feel right at home!
On the other hand...I would rather have a 5 or 7 night stay who are out and about than a two nighter who stays HERE all the time, or in their room the whole time. I would make sure boundaries are set from check in time on...or a long stay might try to do more than they should in YOUR home.
a longer stay would interest me, I would interact and find out stuff and possibly get to know them a bit. So for that, I would be my best up front, so that would include a bouquet of fresh flowers that would last the duration. I'm nice, but not nice enough for two bouquets during their stay. :).
Hubs has been up every night talking with them. The flowers DID last the duration and now I've got them in the dining room for decor. A long stay can be tough because of the topics of conversation hubs will get himself into! I always wonder if anyone wants to leave after hearing one more time about what ever the latest peeve is. Poor hubs is single-minded and will NOT go along with a change of topic if he has more to say about his hobby horse. Heck, even I'm bored listening to it.
On the other hand...I would rather have a 5 or 7 night stay who are out and about than a two nighter who stays HERE all the time, or in their room the whole time. I would make sure boundaries are set from check in time on...or a long stay might try to do more than they should in YOUR home.
a longer stay would interest me, I would interact and find out stuff and possibly get to know them a bit. So for that, I would be my best up front, so that would include a bouquet of fresh flowers that would last the duration. I'm nice, but not nice enough for two bouquets during their stay. :).
Hubs has been up every night talking with them. The flowers DID last the duration and now I've got them in the dining room for decor. A long stay can be tough because of the topics of conversation hubs will get himself into! I always wonder if anyone wants to leave after hearing one more time about what ever the latest peeve is. Poor hubs is single-minded and will NOT go along with a change of topic if he has more to say about his hobby horse. Heck, even I'm bored listening to it.
We need to put hubs & DH in the same room so WE can get some relief! Even the kids are loathe to call because of the hour long trip into yesteryear......
Our B&B is one block from a University. We frequently have guests who are in town to visit a department of the University and they often times stay 3 nights or more. We have had a guest stay for 32 nights back in July of 2007. We really enjoyed her stay with us. She is from Cape Town, South Africa and we keep in touch with her through email.
Right now we have a guest from Germany who has been here since Oct 2nd and will be here for about another 4 days.
Personally, I like these guests, becuase I get to know them and they get to know us. Fixing breakfast isnt too hard becuase we have an extensive menu to pick from and often times (after they have stayed a few days allready) if they are the only guest eating breakfast the next morning, we ask them if there was something that they have had that they would want again. Most are very receptive to that and appreciate being asked.
We offer a discounted flat-rate to the University and if their guest stays 6 nights or more, it goes down about another $20 from that rate and it has proven to be tipping point for them to put the guest up here rather than a hotel and in this economy, we will take whatever business comes our way and since the University is the one footing the bill, we always get paid and there are no hassles.

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