Our restrictions depend on how many rooms we rent. We are permitted to serve hot food if we pass the food safety exam. We are not permitted to serve food to anyone not renting a room..
Where are you Beachhouse? Our restriction is on number of guests, 16 I believe. Also not permitted to serve food to non-guests. Maybe non guests are more susceptible to food poisoning? Or there's a positive aura of bacterial cleanliness within B&B's in Ottawa, but only for people who have used beds in the same property? Who knows....
We are in Massachusetts.
Been to Worcester and Springfield on the way to Boston a couple of years ago. Lovely countryside.
I always seem to think of the Bee Gees when anyone mentions Massachusetts.
We are on the North Shore of Boston.
And it's called 'the beach house'? Are you not allowed to say where your B&B is on here then? Except vaguely, like the state or province or town?
sorry, I was being vague because the internet is not private.
It's called the Seafarer Inn, Rockport, MA,
I'll take this post down in about an hour.
can't seem to find the edit button. Oh well.
Hey Beachhouse, I can edit some of my own posts, but not others. Doesn't seem to be a logic running through this but I'm sure there is one.
Once someone has responded to your post, you can't edit it. So you flag it and ask Swirt to do it for you. If you want to only have it up for awhile, you ask people not to respond to it directly. Glad to see that you are making yourself at home here!
Ah I see, who's swirt? Anyway thanks for the info

always like learning, especially about running a B&B.
Yes Duff, this is home, home is where you lay your head, home is like a lost pussy cat, found in the nestles of of the basement under some old chair grandma used to sit in, home is where the heart is, my home is here...
I see we can put videos on here, haven't seen any though, or photos.