Christmas gift planning? Now?

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user 26

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Jun 2, 2008
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yes, i know it's early.
but if you're like me and you like to make some of your gifts, you start planning now. or maybe have started already.
so is anyone making their plans? working on crafts (in all your spare time?)
i'm experimenting with a few ideas and, so far, not satisfied. if anyone's interested, i'll share this year's attempts.

last year, i made christmas tree ornaments out of large seashells - bleached white and dusted with superfine glitter, then threaded with clear fishing line to hang. i didn't achieve the delicate prettiness of the ones i've purchased at my favorite shop on nantucket, but they were fairly presentable (and much much much less expensive)
and after a few deaths in the family this past year, i resolved that i WOULD send good, old fashioned christmas cards by snail mail. this is a good time to verify addresses and get started on that project.
Yes, please share your ideas! I usually end up buying too many things and it would be nice to give some old fashioned hand made gifts and the people I would be giving them to would like it too.
One year I made "Gifts in a Jar" for my guests during the holidays. I think these would work well for small gifts to family and friends. The book I have is Muffins and Breads. You could make the muffins or bread, wrap them up nicely in a basket and include the Gift in a Jar.
I found this website that even has the gift labels you can print up. Gifts in a Jar
Here is a whole series of the Gifts in a Jar books. These books include the gift tags. CQ Products
One year I made "Gifts in a Jar" for my guests during the holidays. I think these would work well for small gifts to family and friends. The book I have is Muffins and Breads. You could make the muffins or bread, wrap them up nicely in a basket and include the Gift in a Jar.
I found this website that even has the gift labels you can print up. Gifts in a Jar
Here is a whole series of the Gifts in a Jar books. These books include the gift tags. CQ Products.
i do that, too! my recipe from last year is posted under recipes in this forum cookie mix in a jar
i love homemade stuff.
one year, a good friend of my mom's brought over french onion soup in little ovensafe bowls, with cheese to melt on top and bread. (she got to keep the bowls). i thought that was an awesome present.
One year I made "Gifts in a Jar" for my guests during the holidays. I think these would work well for small gifts to family and friends. The book I have is Muffins and Breads. You could make the muffins or bread, wrap them up nicely in a basket and include the Gift in a Jar.
I found this website that even has the gift labels you can print up. Gifts in a Jar
Here is a whole series of the Gifts in a Jar books. These books include the gift tags. CQ Products.
i do that, too! my recipe from last year is posted under recipes in this forum cookie mix in a jar
i love homemade stuff.
I don't have much family left and usually send them all stocking gifts instead of a big gift. Reminds us all of when we were little opening our stockings.
I do make sugar iced cookies for the winery tasting rooms every year. I have a cool grape cookie cutter.
One year I made "Gifts in a Jar" for my guests during the holidays. I think these would work well for small gifts to family and friends. The book I have is Muffins and Breads. You could make the muffins or bread, wrap them up nicely in a basket and include the Gift in a Jar.
I found this website that even has the gift labels you can print up. Gifts in a Jar
Here is a whole series of the Gifts in a Jar books. These books include the gift tags. CQ Products.
i do that, too! my recipe from last year is posted under recipes in this forum cookie mix in a jar
i love homemade stuff.
I don't have much family left and usually send them all stocking gifts instead of a big gift. Reminds us all of when we were little opening our stockings.
I do make sugar iced cookies for the winery tasting rooms every year. I have a cool grape cookie cutter.
I take either a loaf of bread or a plate of muffins to EVERY employee at the Produce place - usually 10 employees including the owner. Too often the "back room" gets forgotten and the front end cannot operate without the guys in the back.
I love homemade gifts. I thought I might give homemade strawberry and raspberry jam this year but I've already given too many away. I love the idea of the soup. I do send Christmas cards to all our guests but I really like the idea of sending them a little gift as well. SS I would love to see a picture of your shell ornament. They sound beautiful.
kathleen, you give gifts to your produce people? wow!
send cards to all guests by mail? do the guests seem appreciative? have you had any feedback?
i used to do this for an engineering firm i worked for and the boss insisted on hand signed cards. so i'd go from office to office - three engineers - saying sign these today. i started in october to get them all done.
maybe when i get my things out of storage, i'll take a pic of the seashell ornament. hopefully, i can get at my stuff soon. it's been a while.
kathleen, you give gifts to your produce people? wow!
send cards to all guests by mail? do the guests seem appreciative? have you had any feedback?
i used to do this for an engineering firm i worked for and the boss insisted on hand signed cards. so i'd go from office to office - three engineers - saying sign these today. i started in october to get them all done.
maybe when i get my things out of storage, i'll take a pic of the seashell ornament. hopefully, i can get at my stuff soon. it's been a while..
seashanty said:
send cards to all guests by mail? do the guests seem appreciative? have you had any feedback?
I get a ton of positive feedback and a lot of return cards and emails from my guests. Also, if they like to ski and we have snow on the ground here, I'll usually get a few return bookings from them.
kathleen, you give gifts to your produce people? wow!
send cards to all guests by mail? do the guests seem appreciative? have you had any feedback?
i used to do this for an engineering firm i worked for and the boss insisted on hand signed cards. so i'd go from office to office - three engineers - saying sign these today. i started in october to get them all done.
maybe when i get my things out of storage, i'll take a pic of the seashell ornament. hopefully, i can get at my stuff soon. it's been a while..
seashanty said:
send cards to all guests by mail? do the guests seem appreciative? have you had any feedback?
I get a ton of positive feedback and a lot of return cards and emails from my guests. Also, if they like to ski and we have snow on the ground here, I'll usually get a few return bookings from them.
kathleen, you give gifts to your produce people? wow!
send cards to all guests by mail? do the guests seem appreciative? have you had any feedback?
i used to do this for an engineering firm i worked for and the boss insisted on hand signed cards. so i'd go from office to office - three engineers - saying sign these today. i started in october to get them all done.
maybe when i get my things out of storage, i'll take a pic of the seashell ornament. hopefully, i can get at my stuff soon. it's been a while..
Produce people yes. Cards to guests no unless they are in the "special friends" category. Cannot be sure those visiting belonged with who they came with for one reason. Plus all that postage? As a friend used to say, Nuh-Uh!! Then you get in a cycle of reciprocal cards that neither wants to be in but how do you stop it? We do over 100 cards now with just friends and family (I have too many relatives/can't have too many friends).......
Yes, I am thinking about it. Already began meetings last month to plan our second Christmas festival And ... bought a Christmas tree last week!!! lol...

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