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Country Girl

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2009
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Unbeknownst to me until yesterday morning I had a celebrity chef here for the weekend. She and her husband were visiting family in the area. I didn't know who she was until another guest recognized her and pulled me aside to tell me. Yikes! This woman is a major food editor and has her own TV cooking show. Of course once I realized who she was my nerves kicked in and I started to rethink every aspect of my B&B. Was the food perfect? Was her room perfect? Good Lord will the rain hold off another day while she is here so she can enjoy the view? I went insane (which isn't a stretch, believe me) for a few hours. Then it dawned on me that this woman was just like every other guest I had here this weekend. Wonderful, kind, funny, and very appreciative. I told her that the other guest clued me in to who she was and we had a good laugh. I think she really liked being anonymous. After she left this morning I wished I had asked her some cooking tips, or had her sign something (I totally blanked on our guest book and I don't own any of her cookbooks), or asked to have my picture taken with her but then maybe she would not have liked that. We don't get many celebrities here (at least that I recognize
). Do you? If so, do you ask for autographs or ask to have your picture taken with them or do you treat them like regular folk? She could not have been any kinder or more gracious.
I have had a few and don't ask for anything from them. I basically treat everyone the same.
Had an author here & I didn't make it to the book signing due to other check-ins. Would have been nice if the dude had brought me an autographed copy of his book as a tip. lol! We had a pretty well known musician here and they invited us to come and visit them if we were ever in their city! Hey, I couldn't ask for more than that

I think most might want to be inn-cognito....
We have a few famous people who are regulars at the inn. One thing that keeps me from drooling on them (especially the handome men) is that they put their pants on one leg at a time. Yes, they might be more expensive pants than I own, but at the heart of it, we are all the same. She may have taken some hospitality ideas away from YOU that she will implement in her own life...you never know. You are just as professional as she is! Maybe more so...
In my mind: a person is a person is a person!
Other than our first 'famous guest' who I got all excited about right to his face, we've treated every other famous person like 'just folks'. If they don't bring up who they are, we don't either. No pix, no autographs altho I might just say I like something they've done. The writers have all left signed copies of their books, so that's nice.
Other than our first 'famous guest' who I got all excited about right to his face, we've treated every other famous person like 'just folks'. If they don't bring up who they are, we don't either. No pix, no autographs altho I might just say I like something they've done. The writers have all left signed copies of their books, so that's nice..
There are a few people that I could get all gaa gaa over but they're not "celebrities" per se :) More people that I admire, if that makes sense? But it's unlikely that they'll ever come to our neck of the woods, so to speak....
also remember, the cooking show lady is not necessarily as "perfect" as she seems on TV. without a doubt, she has many helping hands that are in the background that you & i have no clue about, that are doing much of the work themselves. (before, during & after her show episode is over).
we, as innkeepers. do not have many helping hands so, yes, we are just as good, (dare, i say, if not better) than the pros
We had the fastest man on 2-wheels (he sent us a card after he became the fastest) and the neat thing was seeing him at a race about 3 years later and he saw ME before I saw him and greeted me by name - and their kids remembered me also. This past Friday morning our guest told SH the name of the gospel group he sings with and DH knew the group and brought out a big smile from the guest. He signed the guest book but it is doubtful most people would recognize the name and that is not a bad thing. She is talking about coming back for their anniversary.
I think we have had several guests who are famous in their professional area that most people would have no clue who they are. We had a man who invented some valve that NASA used in the space program and a judge who is the top authority on his area of law in his State. We have had several guests with that sort of fame but probably not "celebrities".
I met quite a few celebrities when I worked at the Regency Hyatt O'Hare - they were either appearing at the hotel or at one of the theaters or concert halls nearby. Most were nice and some were jerks. I went to high school with Robert Urich - and he was ALWAYS a nice person.
I've had professional (not celebrity) chefs stay here and it doesn't freak me out. I figure they know they're coming to a little B&B out in the sticks, so their expectations are probably such that I am more likely to surpass them than dissapoint.
Plus, perspective is everything. I have a number of friends who say they hate to have me over for dinner because they're intimidated to cook for ME. What? I tell them, honey, if it's a meal I don't have to cook, I'm going to LOVE it.
Or another friend said just last week that she had to really clean up the house before I came over. As in my standards of cleanliness must be astronomically high because my guest rooms are so clean. Ha! She should see my private office!
So don't keep me hanging here..WHO WAS IT?? OR the name of her show????
i ask 'did you sign my guest book?' or 'will you sign my guest book?' and if i'm a fan i sure do tell them so. but only as they are leaving ....
So don't keep me hanging here..WHO WAS IT?? OR the name of her show????.
I don't think I should say in case she should google her name and find this site and find out I wrote about her. I would love it if she would come back here as she has a lot of family in the area.
I will say that once we had Tyne Daly (Cagney & Lacey, Judging Amy) stay here with her ex husband, George Stanford Brown. They were visting a local school with their daughter. They were both very nice. I DID ask her to sign our guest book.
So don't keep me hanging here..WHO WAS IT?? OR the name of her show????.
I don't think I should say in case she should google her name and find this site and find out I wrote about her. I would love it if she would come back here as she has a lot of family in the area.
I will say that once we had Tyne Daly (Cagney & Lacey, Judging Amy) stay here with her ex husband, George Stanford Brown. They were visting a local school with their daughter. They were both very nice. I DID ask her to sign our guest book.
Country Girl said:
I don't think I should say in case she should google her name and find this site and find out I wrote about her.
You know how to prevent that, right? S p e l l the n a m e out with s p a c e s.
also remember, the cooking show lady is not necessarily as "perfect" as she seems on TV. without a doubt, she has many helping hands that are in the background that you & i have no clue about, that are doing much of the work themselves. (before, during & after her show episode is over).
we, as innkeepers. do not have many helping hands so, yes, we are just as good, (dare, i say, if not better) than the pros.
mollysmom said:
also remember, the cooking show lady is not necessarily as "perfect" as she seems on TV. without a doubt, she has many helping hands that are in the background that you & i have no clue about, that are doing much of the work themselves. (before, during & after her show episode is over).
we, as innkeepers. do not have many helping hands so, yes, we are just as good, (dare, i say, if not better) than the pros
Yes, we do it ourselves, no staff, no re-takes. There's been plenty of mornings when I think they should have the Dinner Impossible guy come and make breakfast. I would like to see him pull off breakfast for 11 in two seatings while the only significant helper is upstairs trying to fix the electric that's out for one guest room's TV (which could have waited until after bf!) while two smaller helpers meander through at random times demanding various things... and do it in record time because of the delay caused by taking photos of hot air balloons over the house at 7 a.m..
I often thought about this and decided to no matter how much I would drool or want to tell the world, I would treat them like any other and give them the peace and privacy they came here for in the first place.
A long time ago Jaquiline Smith ( Charlie's Angel's ) stayed here at a local hotel..the whole town knew before she had a chance to leave....you can guess the rest.
What a way to vacation......
The closest thing we've had to a celebrity is a former Mrs. USA. She's my niece, so that doesn't count.
So don't keep me hanging here..WHO WAS IT?? OR the name of her show????.
I don't think I should say in case she should google her name and find this site and find out I wrote about her. I would love it if she would come back here as she has a lot of family in the area.
I will say that once we had Tyne Daly (Cagney & Lacey, Judging Amy) stay here with her ex husband, George Stanford Brown. They were visting a local school with their daughter. They were both very nice. I DID ask her to sign our guest book.
Oh yeah like I am so sure she is out there googling her name! Did she tell you NOT to say who she was..gheez what is the big deal? THen tell us the name of her show or whatever

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