Cain't Help it! Another Brag on my City!

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May 22, 2008
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Brownfields are sites as most of you know, that had things like gas stations, industrial sites, etc on them and now need to find another use after finding out what needs to be done to reclaim it. WVU has some Brownfields grants for various purposes. We got a Focus Grant to get input on how to use the site of the old City garage. Our Office Supervisor and a teacher (Mayor's wife) are featured on the video they made to promote the program. It has been posted on YouTube.
Our city is not shown in this video - just the part about what we did for our Focus. Our Activities Park is in this area - Little League field, basketball courts, and I hope future horseshoe pits (there was not enough room for the bocce courts so they are being built at City Park).
That's wonderful! Congrats to your city! Great forward thinking they have there. We have a brownfield, too. It was an old manufacturing building that has been torn down to the concrete pad. They wanted to build a community center on it, but a) couldn't get the financing, and b) had too much opposition from people who wanted something else built. So it sits there...I'd rather see it become SOMETHING productive...

The Garden Club Treasurer & I met with the Community Foundations guy today to drawn up a draft document for the Garden Club Foundation. He will have a draft for us to present to the ladies Thursday so we can get their input and get the documents drawn up and the check written. I am hoping they will go along with what I said. As long as the club functions, they will receive the disbursement annually. If it ceases to exist:
  • scholarship to an FFA student (preferred) or a student of Lincoln High or its successor persuing education in an agricultural field
  • Sponsor a minimum of 1 girl to Girls State
  • Sponsor a minimum of 1 boy to Boys State
  • Funds to beautify any public land in the corporate limits of Shinnston
We expect to have a minimum disbursement of $1000 in a bad year and as much as $4000 in a good one.
The best part is that they said yes to the Foundation in the first place.
The Garden Club Treasurer & I met with the Community Foundations guy today to drawn up a draft document for the Garden Club Foundation. He will have a draft for us to present to the ladies Thursday so we can get their input and get the documents drawn up and the check written. I am hoping they will go along with what I said. As long as the club functions, they will receive the disbursement annually. If it ceases to exist:
  • scholarship to an FFA student (preferred) or a student of Lincoln High or its successor persuing education in an agricultural field
  • Sponsor a minimum of 1 girl to Girls State
  • Sponsor a minimum of 1 boy to Boys State
  • Funds to beautify any public land in the corporate limits of Shinnston
We expect to have a minimum disbursement of $1000 in a bad year and as much as $4000 in a good one.
The best part is that they said yes to the Foundation in the first place..
Now that is very cool.
We also have a community foundation here and they recently set up a foundation/fund for our new community parks district. They (the park district) have been in existence 8 years and already have 10 beautiful, well-maintained parks, with 100% volunteers. To me it is neat that they are able to set up these funds to receive donations and have ongoing funds available in the future.
The Garden Club Treasurer & I met with the Community Foundations guy today to drawn up a draft document for the Garden Club Foundation. He will have a draft for us to present to the ladies Thursday so we can get their input and get the documents drawn up and the check written. I am hoping they will go along with what I said. As long as the club functions, they will receive the disbursement annually. If it ceases to exist:
  • scholarship to an FFA student (preferred) or a student of Lincoln High or its successor persuing education in an agricultural field
  • Sponsor a minimum of 1 girl to Girls State
  • Sponsor a minimum of 1 boy to Boys State
  • Funds to beautify any public land in the corporate limits of Shinnston
We expect to have a minimum disbursement of $1000 in a bad year and as much as $4000 in a good one.
The best part is that they said yes to the Foundation in the first place..
Now that is very cool.
We also have a community foundation here and they recently set up a foundation/fund for our new community parks district. They (the park district) have been in existence 8 years and already have 10 beautiful, well-maintained parks, with 100% volunteers. To me it is neat that they are able to set up these funds to receive donations and have ongoing funds available in the future.
And any donations anyone wants to make to the Foundation (ours will be called Garden Club Endowment Fund) will be tax deductible. Thanks to a lady & her husband who gave us the pot of money, we will be able to make it grow and do good as long as the fund exists.
The garden clubs of the County Council were telling the group about what they were doing as fundraisers for their clubs. When they got to us, I said if we tried to do a fundraiser people would throw rocks at us. We got our money the old fashioned way - someone left it to us!

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