btw this job is making me fat

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2013
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I lost 25 pounds on a buy the food diet plan 5 years ago and kept it off for four years. I am now 8 pounds over my 4 year maintenance weight.
I went 4 whole years without even thinking of eating bacon or sausage or a muffin. Now, I am putting on weight. Who has time to make her own breakfast the way she knows how, when she already has yummy bacon and coffee cake in the house????
Anyway, summer is one week from over and I'm back on my diet.
And I'm telling you this because it's easier to stick with the diet when other people know about it.
Anyway, baking is fun, but licking the spoon is bad for your weight. Not telling anyone anything they don't already know. Just telling you my current mindset.
(and P.S. it will be much easier for me to give up muffins and bacon than it will be to give up my evening wine.)
Good timing with you post. I just said to myself last night that I'm going back on my diet. A lot of innkeepers lose weight in the busy season, but not me! I'm so busy, I just pick up the quickest, fastest thing and it's usually filled with calories. I feel like a blob. Today has been only fruit and coffee so far.
My first year as an innkeeper I gain so much weight, it was ridiculous! Good luck with your diet...I'll think of you when I have my fruit & ice smoothie for lunch.
Good timing with you post. I just said to myself last night that I'm going back on my diet. A lot of innkeepers lose weight in the busy season, but not me! I'm so busy, I just pick up the quickest, fastest thing and it's usually filled with calories. I feel like a blob. Today has been only fruit and coffee so far.
My first year as an innkeeper I gain so much weight, it was ridiculous! Good luck with your diet...I'll think of you when I have my fruit & ice smoothie for lunch..
Breakfast Diva said:
Good timing with you post. I just said to myself last night that I'm going back on my diet. A lot of innkeepers lose weight in the busy season, but not me! I'm so busy, I just pick up the quickest, fastest thing and it's usually filled with calories. I feel like a blob. Today has been only fruit and coffee so far.
My first year as an innkeeper I gain so much weight, it was ridiculous! Good luck with your diet...I'll think of you when I have my fruit & ice smoothie for lunch.
Thanks. We can do it together if you like. So far today, I'm right on plan.
Good timing with you post. I just said to myself last night that I'm going back on my diet. A lot of innkeepers lose weight in the busy season, but not me! I'm so busy, I just pick up the quickest, fastest thing and it's usually filled with calories. I feel like a blob. Today has been only fruit and coffee so far.
My first year as an innkeeper I gain so much weight, it was ridiculous! Good luck with your diet...I'll think of you when I have my fruit & ice smoothie for lunch..
Oh my gosh. My first year as an innkeeper was full of tasting this, trying that, making extra, adding too much richness, and eating like I was still building the place. We finally got a handle on it, literally, and began the long road to upscale healthful breakfasts that look and taste great without most of the traditional breakfast foods that blew us up.
Today, we featured an intensified local Roma tomato, local avocado, goat cheese with local green onion and local honey, five fresh fruits, a whole juice shooter of pear and gooseberry, wild Alaska smoked salmon with sliced local egg and capers, our homemade whole grain English Muffin, and a lower sugar homemade guava jam.
Nowadays, we're happy to eat what we serve - usually in smaller amounts than the plate that goes out.

I often get asked by the guests if I eat the same breakfast and the answer is no. I cook for each person and I throw out extras. Though I have been contemplating getting one of those new Food Cyclers, that let you compost quickly.
Good timing with you post. I just said to myself last night that I'm going back on my diet. A lot of innkeepers lose weight in the busy season, but not me! I'm so busy, I just pick up the quickest, fastest thing and it's usually filled with calories. I feel like a blob. Today has been only fruit and coffee so far.
My first year as an innkeeper I gain so much weight, it was ridiculous! Good luck with your diet...I'll think of you when I have my fruit & ice smoothie for lunch..
Oh my gosh. My first year as an innkeeper was full of tasting this, trying that, making extra, adding too much richness, and eating like I was still building the place. We finally got a handle on it, literally, and began the long road to upscale healthful breakfasts that look and taste great without most of the traditional breakfast foods that blew us up.
Today, we featured an intensified local Roma tomato, local avocado, goat cheese with local green onion and local honey, five fresh fruits, a whole juice shooter of pear and gooseberry, wild Alaska smoked salmon with sliced local egg and capers, our homemade whole grain English Muffin, and a lower sugar homemade guava jam.
Nowadays, we're happy to eat what we serve - usually in smaller amounts than the plate that goes out.
happykeeper said:
Today, we featured an intensified local Roma tomato, local avocado, goat cheese with local green onion and local honey, five fresh fruits, a whole juice shooter of pear and gooseberry, wild Alaska smoked salmon with sliced local egg and capers, our homemade whole grain English Muffin, and a lower sugar homemade guava jam.
Oh, my word - that sounds amazing! I wish I could get away with those types of breakfasts, but I don't think it would fly in the South. Where are you located?
It's called the Innkeeper 15 gain 15 lb each year your in business!
Good timing with you post. I just said to myself last night that I'm going back on my diet. A lot of innkeepers lose weight in the busy season, but not me! I'm so busy, I just pick up the quickest, fastest thing and it's usually filled with calories. I feel like a blob. Today has been only fruit and coffee so far.
My first year as an innkeeper I gain so much weight, it was ridiculous! Good luck with your diet...I'll think of you when I have my fruit & ice smoothie for lunch..
Breakfast Diva said:
Good timing with you post. I just said to myself last night that I'm going back on my diet. A lot of innkeepers lose weight in the busy season, but not me! I'm so busy, I just pick up the quickest, fastest thing and it's usually filled with calories. I feel like a blob. Today has been only fruit and coffee so far.
My first year as an innkeeper I gain so much weight, it was ridiculous! Good luck with your diet...I'll think of you when I have my fruit & ice smoothie for lunch.
Thanks. We can do it together if you like. So far today, I'm right on plan.
Count me in. Finally this month so busy have dropped a few pounds but busy-ness ends in 2 weeks. I want to fit in my two-years-ago clothes and keep this momentum going!
busiest we've ever been this month with a combination of fantastic weather, new website (Thx you-know-who) and recurring Road Scholar full house weeks . Run off my feet and feeling more like some of you. 2 rooms, the apt and the extra meals are about my limit. (A happy limit mind you)

I often get asked by the guests if I eat the same breakfast and the answer is no. I cook for each person and I throw out extras. Though I have been contemplating getting one of those new Food Cyclers, that let you compost quickly..
Jon Sable said:
Oh, I so badly want this on a t-shirt!
Good timing with you post. I just said to myself last night that I'm going back on my diet. A lot of innkeepers lose weight in the busy season, but not me! I'm so busy, I just pick up the quickest, fastest thing and it's usually filled with calories. I feel like a blob. Today has been only fruit and coffee so far.
My first year as an innkeeper I gain so much weight, it was ridiculous! Good luck with your diet...I'll think of you when I have my fruit & ice smoothie for lunch..
Oh my gosh. My first year as an innkeeper was full of tasting this, trying that, making extra, adding too much richness, and eating like I was still building the place. We finally got a handle on it, literally, and began the long road to upscale healthful breakfasts that look and taste great without most of the traditional breakfast foods that blew us up.
Today, we featured an intensified local Roma tomato, local avocado, goat cheese with local green onion and local honey, five fresh fruits, a whole juice shooter of pear and gooseberry, wild Alaska smoked salmon with sliced local egg and capers, our homemade whole grain English Muffin, and a lower sugar homemade guava jam.
Nowadays, we're happy to eat what we serve - usually in smaller amounts than the plate that goes out.
Wow ...... I want to stay with you purely based on your breakfast (and yes - I went back and removed every "awesome" and exclamation mark). The closest I can get is making bialys for hubby on Father's Day.
Good timing with you post. I just said to myself last night that I'm going back on my diet. A lot of innkeepers lose weight in the busy season, but not me! I'm so busy, I just pick up the quickest, fastest thing and it's usually filled with calories. I feel like a blob. Today has been only fruit and coffee so far.
My first year as an innkeeper I gain so much weight, it was ridiculous! Good luck with your diet...I'll think of you when I have my fruit & ice smoothie for lunch..
Oh my gosh. My first year as an innkeeper was full of tasting this, trying that, making extra, adding too much richness, and eating like I was still building the place. We finally got a handle on it, literally, and began the long road to upscale healthful breakfasts that look and taste great without most of the traditional breakfast foods that blew us up.
Today, we featured an intensified local Roma tomato, local avocado, goat cheese with local green onion and local honey, five fresh fruits, a whole juice shooter of pear and gooseberry, wild Alaska smoked salmon with sliced local egg and capers, our homemade whole grain English Muffin, and a lower sugar homemade guava jam.
Nowadays, we're happy to eat what we serve - usually in smaller amounts than the plate that goes out.
Wow ...... I want to stay with you purely based on your breakfast (and yes - I went back and removed every "awesome" and exclamation mark). The closest I can get is making bialys for hubby on Father's Day.
Of course, the offer is always open for hospitality exchanges.

Good timing with you post. I just said to myself last night that I'm going back on my diet. A lot of innkeepers lose weight in the busy season, but not me! I'm so busy, I just pick up the quickest, fastest thing and it's usually filled with calories. I feel like a blob. Today has been only fruit and coffee so far.
My first year as an innkeeper I gain so much weight, it was ridiculous! Good luck with your diet...I'll think of you when I have my fruit & ice smoothie for lunch..
Oh my gosh. My first year as an innkeeper was full of tasting this, trying that, making extra, adding too much richness, and eating like I was still building the place. We finally got a handle on it, literally, and began the long road to upscale healthful breakfasts that look and taste great without most of the traditional breakfast foods that blew us up.
Today, we featured an intensified local Roma tomato, local avocado, goat cheese with local green onion and local honey, five fresh fruits, a whole juice shooter of pear and gooseberry, wild Alaska smoked salmon with sliced local egg and capers, our homemade whole grain English Muffin, and a lower sugar homemade guava jam.
Nowadays, we're happy to eat what we serve - usually in smaller amounts than the plate that goes out.
Wow ...... I want to stay with you purely based on your breakfast (and yes - I went back and removed every "awesome" and exclamation mark). The closest I can get is making bialys for hubby on Father's Day.
Of course, the offer is always open for hospitality exchanges.

happykeeper said:
Of course, the offer is always open for hospitality exchanges.
If you ever want to come to the Oregon coast, let me know!
Good timing with you post. I just said to myself last night that I'm going back on my diet. A lot of innkeepers lose weight in the busy season, but not me! I'm so busy, I just pick up the quickest, fastest thing and it's usually filled with calories. I feel like a blob. Today has been only fruit and coffee so far.
My first year as an innkeeper I gain so much weight, it was ridiculous! Good luck with your diet...I'll think of you when I have my fruit & ice smoothie for lunch..
Oh my gosh. My first year as an innkeeper was full of tasting this, trying that, making extra, adding too much richness, and eating like I was still building the place. We finally got a handle on it, literally, and began the long road to upscale healthful breakfasts that look and taste great without most of the traditional breakfast foods that blew us up.
Today, we featured an intensified local Roma tomato, local avocado, goat cheese with local green onion and local honey, five fresh fruits, a whole juice shooter of pear and gooseberry, wild Alaska smoked salmon with sliced local egg and capers, our homemade whole grain English Muffin, and a lower sugar homemade guava jam.
Nowadays, we're happy to eat what we serve - usually in smaller amounts than the plate that goes out.
Wow ...... I want to stay with you purely based on your breakfast (and yes - I went back and removed every "awesome" and exclamation mark). The closest I can get is making bialys for hubby on Father's Day.
Of course, the offer is always open for hospitality exchanges.

happykeeper said:
Of course, the offer is always open for hospitality exchanges.
If you ever want to come to the Oregon coast, let me know!
Even if it's not on our immediate list, you are welcome to do an exchange.
It's called the Innkeeper 15 gain 15 lb each year your in business!.
Ice said:
It's called the Innkeeper 15 gain 15 lb each year your in business!
Good Lord, I hope not. I am now in my 19th year as an innkeeper. I give "care packages" of muffins to get them out of the house. But the muffin I make most often has only 1/4 cup of sugar in the batch and I use unsweetened applesauce instead of the shortening/oil/butter. Cooking "heart-healthy" does have its benefits I guess. I also learned to do half recipes when I just have 1 couple (12 mini muffins give what I need for breakfast plus the to-go). I am still "carrying" my son 40 years later, but have pretty much maintained this tonnage since I lost half a ton shortly after moving here (many long days going up and down stairs and eating his Lordship's diet until I rebelled) and only put on about 20 after going back to eating REAL food.
It's called the Innkeeper 15 gain 15 lb each year your in business!.
Ice said:
It's called the Innkeeper 15 gain 15 lb each year your in business!
Good Lord, I hope not. I am now in my 19th year as an innkeeper. I give "care packages" of muffins to get them out of the house. But the muffin I make most often has only 1/4 cup of sugar in the batch and I use unsweetened applesauce instead of the shortening/oil/butter. Cooking "heart-healthy" does have its benefits I guess. I also learned to do half recipes when I just have 1 couple (12 mini muffins give what I need for breakfast plus the to-go). I am still "carrying" my son 40 years later, but have pretty much maintained this tonnage since I lost half a ton shortly after moving here (many long days going up and down stairs and eating his Lordship's diet until I rebelled) and only put on about 20 after going back to eating REAL food.
As I pointed out before, you can make mini muffins and freeze them and bake from frozen. They should actually puff up even more from frozen and you can just pull a few different ones for breakfast from the freezer.
It's called the Innkeeper 15 gain 15 lb each year your in business!.
Ice said:
It's called the Innkeeper 15 gain 15 lb each year your in business!
Good Lord, I hope not. I am now in my 19th year as an innkeeper. I give "care packages" of muffins to get them out of the house. But the muffin I make most often has only 1/4 cup of sugar in the batch and I use unsweetened applesauce instead of the shortening/oil/butter. Cooking "heart-healthy" does have its benefits I guess. I also learned to do half recipes when I just have 1 couple (12 mini muffins give what I need for breakfast plus the to-go). I am still "carrying" my son 40 years later, but have pretty much maintained this tonnage since I lost half a ton shortly after moving here (many long days going up and down stairs and eating his Lordship's diet until I rebelled) and only put on about 20 after going back to eating REAL food.
As I pointed out before, you can make mini muffins and freeze them and bake from frozen. They should actually puff up even more from frozen and you can just pull a few different ones for breakfast from the freezer.
I have done that on the past - freeze batter in muffin pans. But I only have the freezer of the 21 cu ft refrigerator (no place to put a freezer) and that is full of bacon, berries I managed to get on sale, butter bought in quantity, and stuff for Himself...
Fridge space is at a premium also. Himself has decreed that a vat of veggie soup be made every week so HE does not have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen fixing his meals. Therefore most of my large shelf (where the gallon of milk & large container of OJ, etc would be) has a vat of soup ensconced. This started just a few months ago. And any breakfast between 7:30 and 9:30 AM has me navigating around the person who must make HIS breakfast - NOW. It is what it is and I have learned to just deal with it. Just appreciate it if your kitchen is actually YOUR kitchen.