Thank you all so much! I have been reading extensively and researching too. Plan on getting this project going early next year. My B and B will serve vegan breakfasts. Since I am vegan I dont cook meat . If this is a big deal for people, there is a Motel 6 and a Waffle House in town.

I think stuffed french toast with vegan Nutella covered with fresh strawberries, fresh scones, savory home fries, tofu scramble in a wrap with homemade salsa and vegan sour cream, etc, etc... Will be an enticement. I'm not trying to make a fortune, just serve interesting and healthy food in beautiful surroundings with lots of hospitality.
I will read all the threads and educate myself. I'm sure we could keep manual records and I like the personal touch of speaking to people on the phone so if the software cuts me out of the process, it won't be right for me.
Nice to meet all of you! I look forward to someday being the one with wisdom to offer others.