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Hi again and thanks for all your input. Right now the only thing that may hold me back is the "room darkening capabilities in the bedroom". There are miniblinds for privavcy and dark drapes --I just hope that will be enough.As far as furniture I did use antiques in one room and working on a"fifty's theme for another--all art deco 50's furniture. Its pretty cool with the car radio lamps. All you can do is hope for the best and try to improve.
I definitely do not want to try for 5 star!.
based on what I saw for that 5 star place, I see no reason why you couldn't make that...that place is no 5 star property in my opinion. You will do just fine!!!!
Thanks, I hope so. By the way, I can't seem to upload a pic--keeps saying it is too big--a thumbnail pic is too big?
Hmmm... I'll look into that. When it says something is too big, it usually means memory wise. How big is the file?
Well we finally got inspected this morning and we are being rated canada Select 4 star. Thank God thats over with now we work on our liquer license. Exciting to be able to move forward.
Hi again and thanks for all your input. Right now the only thing that may hold me back is the "room darkening capabilities in the bedroom". There are miniblinds for privavcy and dark drapes --I just hope that will be enough.As far as furniture I did use antiques in one room and working on a"fifty's theme for another--all art deco 50's furniture. Its pretty cool with the car radio lamps. All you can do is hope for the best and try to improve.
I definitely do not want to try for 5 star!.
based on what I saw for that 5 star place, I see no reason why you couldn't make that...that place is no 5 star property in my opinion. You will do just fine!!!!
Thanks, I hope so. By the way, I can't seem to upload a pic--keeps saying it is too big--a thumbnail pic is too big?
Hmmm... I'll look into that. When it says something is too big, it usually means memory wise. How big is the file?
Well we finally got inspected this morning and we are being rated canada Select 4 star. Thank God thats over with now we work on our liquer license. Exciting to be able to move forward.
Woo hoo!! Good going :)
Hi again and thanks for all your input. Right now the only thing that may hold me back is the "room darkening capabilities in the bedroom". There are miniblinds for privavcy and dark drapes --I just hope that will be enough.As far as furniture I did use antiques in one room and working on a"fifty's theme for another--all art deco 50's furniture. Its pretty cool with the car radio lamps. All you can do is hope for the best and try to improve.
I definitely do not want to try for 5 star!.
based on what I saw for that 5 star place, I see no reason why you couldn't make that...that place is no 5 star property in my opinion. You will do just fine!!!!
Thanks, I hope so. By the way, I can't seem to upload a pic--keeps saying it is too big--a thumbnail pic is too big?
Hmmm... I'll look into that. When it says something is too big, it usually means memory wise. How big is the file?
Well we finally got inspected this morning and we are being rated canada Select 4 star. Thank God thats over with now we work on our liquer license. Exciting to be able to move forward.
Congrats! Good going!
Hi again and thanks for all your input. Right now the only thing that may hold me back is the "room darkening capabilities in the bedroom". There are miniblinds for privavcy and dark drapes --I just hope that will be enough.As far as furniture I did use antiques in one room and working on a"fifty's theme for another--all art deco 50's furniture. Its pretty cool with the car radio lamps. All you can do is hope for the best and try to improve.
I definitely do not want to try for 5 star!.
based on what I saw for that 5 star place, I see no reason why you couldn't make that...that place is no 5 star property in my opinion. You will do just fine!!!!
Thanks, I hope so. By the way, I can't seem to upload a pic--keeps saying it is too big--a thumbnail pic is too big?
Hmmm... I'll look into that. When it says something is too big, it usually means memory wise. How big is the file?
Well we finally got inspected this morning and we are being rated canada Select 4 star. Thank God thats over with now we work on our liquer license. Exciting to be able to move forward.
Congratulations!!! Good job!!
Good luck on the next phase!!
Hi, I hope everyone is having a great day and thanks for all the congrats! We had some company last evening and they had a tour of our B&B. It can be a pain to go through inspections but there are B&B's out there who give a negative impression. This lady told us of their experience with a B&B(I can't say where) The room was not nice or clean--it was late they had no choice. In the morning they went for breakfast and the owner had a box of cornflakes waiting for them! It did not turn them off B&B's but they will do their research from now on. We may not be the fanciest but our guests will be treated well.
Hi, I hope everyone is having a great day and thanks for all the congrats! We had some company last evening and they had a tour of our B&B. It can be a pain to go through inspections but there are B&B's out there who give a negative impression. This lady told us of their experience with a B&B(I can't say where) The room was not nice or clean--it was late they had no choice. In the morning they went for breakfast and the owner had a box of cornflakes waiting for them! It did not turn them off B&B's but they will do their research from now on. We may not be the fanciest but our guests will be treated well..
Sounds like an experience I had in Toronto!!!! Only even worse.
Hi, I hope everyone is having a great day and thanks for all the congrats! We had some company last evening and they had a tour of our B&B. It can be a pain to go through inspections but there are B&B's out there who give a negative impression. This lady told us of their experience with a B&B(I can't say where) The room was not nice or clean--it was late they had no choice. In the morning they went for breakfast and the owner had a box of cornflakes waiting for them! It did not turn them off B&B's but they will do their research from now on. We may not be the fanciest but our guests will be treated well..
riverbendnewbie said:
Hi, I hope everyone is having a great day and thanks for all the congrats! We had some company last evening and they had a tour of our B&B. It can be a pain to go through inspections but there are B&B's out there who give a negative impression. This lady told us of their experience with a B&B(I can't say where) The room was not nice or clean--it was late they had no choice. In the morning they went for breakfast and the owner had a box of cornflakes waiting for them! It did not turn them off B&B's but they will do their research from now on. We may not be the fanciest but our guests will be treated well.
Congrat Riverbend! Can't wait to hear your guest stories.
Yes, that is something I ask and get to hear some interesting comments. A box of cornflakes!! I stayed at a place where there was a toaster and a loaf of bread still frozen from the freezer to toast yourself. Breakfast was from 7-9am and we were there at 730 and there was not a drop of coffee to be had. DISGUSTING! No innkeeper to be found either. She was off "cleaning" or something.
Makes you wonder how they get guests in the first place!.
riverbendnewbie said:
Makes you wonder how they get guests in the first place!
There is this thing...wherein a B&B has old pics on their website and new owners have bought the place. So the website has not been updated and the new owners are not giving what the old owners promised their guests.
The place I stayed offered evening sherry on the porch, but yet served white frozen bread for breakfast. It made no sense to me at all.
But like the other thread mentioned - did I say something to them? No, I just left never to go back. But of course this was a DESTINATION in Queensland Australia right near the Great Barrier Reef. None of us guests were likely to return to the same spot ever again.
And it has since sold as a private residence and the owners are onto a larger inn with hired staff.
Hi, I hope everyone is having a great day and thanks for all the congrats! We had some company last evening and they had a tour of our B&B. It can be a pain to go through inspections but there are B&B's out there who give a negative impression. This lady told us of their experience with a B&B(I can't say where) The room was not nice or clean--it was late they had no choice. In the morning they went for breakfast and the owner had a box of cornflakes waiting for them! It did not turn them off B&B's but they will do their research from now on. We may not be the fanciest but our guests will be treated well..
In 1987 we traveled with friends through the Poconos and Vermont on the way to a windjammer cruise out of Rockland (the French has since moved to Camden). We looked for shared bath to save money. In the Poconos we stopped at a small B & B and discovered that just prior to our arrival the daughter had become engaged! Breakfast the next morning was a box of cornflakes, juice, coffee, and that is all I remember - but we were satisfied because we only paid $25 per room (remember it is 1987). Then we stayed at a B & B in Vermont (same trip) - no plastic, prepaid by check for 2 rooms for 4 adults @ $68 per room. In chatting with the innkeeper that evening, we were informed the kitchen was stocked and we were to just fix what we wanted and she came in later and cleaned up. OK, no problem.
Until morning when I go to the refrigerator and find 1 (that is one) egg and not much else. I think there was coffee in the cupboard but whatever was there, we were sooooo disappointed and of course, stopped at a restaurant for breakfast.We would have welcomed the cornflakes!

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