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New member
Apr 1, 2009
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Does anyone know if there are any seminars or resources available for aspiring innkeepers in the central and south Texas area? Thanks!
Hi SAgirl and welcome to INNspiring.com

The Hospitality Association of Texas seems to have some resources for aspirings. They have an annual convention coming up in August that will probably have a seminar or two for aspirings.
Others on here may be aware of people that run seminars in your area.
And of course you can hang out here and read and read and ask all kinds of questions. ;)
Are you open to travelling away from Texas area for a seminar? if so, how far?
Welcome SAgirl. You will find many answers - blunt and to the point - here. Just ask them one at a time for best results.
Are you open to travelling away from Texas area for a seminar? if so, how far?.
I am open to travel, and do not have any restrictions on how far away from Texas, but I won't have much availability for travel until May.
Hi SAgirl and welcome to INNspiring.com

The Hospitality Association of Texas seems to have some resources for aspirings. They have an annual convention coming up in August that will probably have a seminar or two for aspirings.
Others on here may be aware of people that run seminars in your area.
And of course you can hang out here and read and read and ask all kinds of questions. ;).
Thank you, swirt. I appreciate the welcome and the helpful tips. I have a feeling I will be visiting your Inngenious B&B Web Design site in the future as well.
Are you open to travelling away from Texas area for a seminar? if so, how far?.
I am open to travel, and do not have any restrictions on how far away from Texas, but I won't have much availability for travel until May.
do you have an email address to contact you at? (without giving away your identity if you don't want to do so)
I used to live in Austin and attended a couple of HAT conferences. It is a very active & supportive State association. I was a member as an aspiring innkeeper & learned quite a bit. If you're in San Antonio (or San Angelo) check around and see if one of the innkeepers there will let you intern with them. Texas innkeepers are a friendly bunch. They do a good conference too. Best of luck. Check www.paii.org too for other learning opportunities.
The PAII conference (with Select Registry joining) will be in Austin next year, in June 2010. They will almost certainly have an aspiring seminar in conjunction with that. Even if they don't, the PAII conference would be a good investment when it is so close to you geographically.

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