When your mom is an angel

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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We've gone thru 2 housekeepers this year. Both took FT jobs for which I was delighted as it means they can improve their lives. However, we are in our second peak season right now and it's hard to not have help. Plus, my dad is very sick and I need to be there and not here, but without help it's impossible and we can't just 'shut down'. One of the summer housekeepers just called to say the FT job didn't work and can we use the help.
So, I thanked my mom (who's still looking out for me) for being my guardian angel and giving us back some help so I can get to my dad.
(And this is about as soppy as I get. So thanks for listening.)
Glad to hear that you have help! Now Dad can get help!
glad for you that you can go where you need to be. Sorry for the situation.
So glad you found a little relief. This sure is a tough business when juggling so many stressful issues. I've been where you are and it's not easy. My thoughts are with you.
"Things will always work out." Words from my Mother, who I could just strangle for saying it sometimes, when I'm in the midst of a crisis. But you know? They do always work out. Thinking of you and am glad you got some help back so you can spend precious time with your Dad.
That is fantastic.
Your Mom reminds me of Martha Jane & Drexel. They were married almost 70 years. He had dementia. They opened a Veterans Nursing Home at the VA Hospital. Within a month of getting him settled in and safe, Martha Jane died peacefully.
Your Mom truly is still taking care of him.
I sometimes ask my late mother for a hand. She's your mother. Of course she is there for you.
glad she was happy to come back to you as sometimes people are embrassed, plus saves training them again