When guests talk out of both sides of their mouths.

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The Farmers Daughter said:
.I went to strip the cottage and read what they wrote in the ledger. They felt ripped off, lack of hospitality (?!) , felt like they were all alone (wasn't that the idea?) and how they will tell all their enemies about this place. When they win the lottery they want to buy it so they can bulldoze it into a parking lot.
Let them tell all their enemies...those will be the nice and normal people!
I'm so sorry you have to go through this. It's not right and it's not fair!
Have you been able to put your finger on why your percentage of PITAs is higher than most? Do the innkeepers around you have the same problems? Have you analyzed if your website is portraying your place accurately?.
Breakfast Diva said:
Have you been able to put your finger on why your percentage of PITAs is higher than most? Do the innkeepers around you have the same problems? Have you analyzed if your website is portraying your place accurately?
I truly doubt that FD has a higher percentage of PITAs than the rest of us have. Not all of us talk about all of them - I talk about mine rarely, although I have to admit that they also bother me less than they used to. Doesn't make them any less of a PITA, it just rolls off more easily now.
She's a busy inn and close to at least one major city (NYC), as are we. I don't know her occupancy rates but I have six rooms and run around 50% - that means I meet close over 750 couples per year (counting for 2 nighters on weekends). That's 1500 people - just sheer volume gets you more PITAs than some of the smaller and less busy B&Bs deal with. It's not a higher percentage, just a higher number.
There have been quite a few of these kind of stories over the years - Seashanty, Bree, and myself, just to name a few. Let's not make FD feel like she's doing something wrong because her guests are ********.
muirford said:
Breakfast Diva said:
Have you been able to put your finger on why your percentage of PITAs is higher than most? Do the innkeepers around you have the same problems? Have you analyzed if your website is portraying your place accurately?
I truly doubt that FD has a higher percentage of PITAs than the rest of us have. Not all of us talk about all of them - I talk about mine rarely, although I have to admit that they also bother me less than they used to. Doesn't make them any less of a PITA, it just rolls off more easily now.
She's a busy inn and close to at least one major city (NYC), as are we. I don't know her occupancy rates but I have six rooms and run around 50% - that means I meet close over 750 couples per year (counting for 2 nighters on weekends). That's 1500 people - just sheer volume gets you more PITAs than some of the smaller and less busy B&Bs deal with. It's not a higher percentage, just a higher number.
There have been quite a few of these kind of stories over the years - Seashanty, Bree, and myself, just to name a few. Let's not make FD feel like she's doing something wrong because her guests are ********.
I certainly am NOT saying that she is doing something wrong! I agree that with volume comes more opportunity for problems. I actually have more volume than the stats you stated for yourself so I know first hand how more things happen with increased business.
Even with volume, it seems that FD gets more than her fair share of extreme PITAS. I was just trying to understand what was happening in her area. We all have PITAs, but hers seem to be more aggressive and that could be because of the draw from NYC.
i think my venting posts were half about the issues aggravated or caused by the owner and half about guests ... and i had some doozies. but i never got any bad reviews or nasty posts in my guestbook. that would make me cry. yes, i'm a cry-baby.

when you fly solo, as i believe fd does, you don't have your dh or dw or so to turn to and say 'what the heck??' ... you come in here to say it.
i think my venting posts were half about the issues aggravated or caused by the owner and half about guests ... and i had some doozies. but i never got any bad reviews or nasty posts in my guestbook. that would make me cry. yes, i'm a cry-baby.

when you fly solo, as i believe fd does, you don't have your dh or dw or so to turn to and say 'what the heck??' ... you come in here to say it..
here are a few things I remember, in no particular order and with no particular attribution to a specific innkeeper. Three of them are mine:
  • a bedwetter soaking a bed for seven days in a row
  • guests that were 'partying' hard enough to frighten an innkeeper into retreating behind locked doors for the duration
  • a group of re-enactors who brought a dog and were told by the PO they could use the inn kitchen to cook the food for their wedding reception
  • a guest whose suitcase burst open upon her exit spilling all the toilet paper she had stolen from the inn
  • a guest whose greasy hair product ruined an entire set of sheets
  • a honeymoon couple who tested the bed in every single room of the inn they stayed at when the doors were unlocked
  • a trysting couple in which the woman was a 'screamer' who necessitated moving another room that was booked next to her for the night
Then there have been a myriad of TA review issues - I personally have had those, including one from a fellow innkeeper.
It is not the first time it has been suggested on this forum that FD should 'review' whatever - policies, website, target market, role with her employers - because of all the PITAs she gets.
I simply disagree that she gets more PITAs on average than most and I don't think it's fair to imply that she has some way of changing that. Obviously there are some innkeepers who never get PITAs - bless them and knock on wood that keeps happening. I don't take my PITAs personally and I hope FD continues to feel that she can vent about them here.
i think my venting posts were half about the issues aggravated or caused by the owner and half about guests ... and i had some doozies. but i never got any bad reviews or nasty posts in my guestbook. that would make me cry. yes, i'm a cry-baby.

when you fly solo, as i believe fd does, you don't have your dh or dw or so to turn to and say 'what the heck??' ... you come in here to say it..
here are a few things I remember, in no particular order and with no particular attribution to a specific innkeeper. Three of them are mine:
  • a bedwetter soaking a bed for seven days in a row
  • guests that were 'partying' hard enough to frighten an innkeeper into retreating behind locked doors for the duration
  • a group of re-enactors who brought a dog and were told by the PO they could use the inn kitchen to cook the food for their wedding reception
  • a guest whose suitcase burst open upon her exit spilling all the toilet paper she had stolen from the inn
  • a guest whose greasy hair product ruined an entire set of sheets
  • a honeymoon couple who tested the bed in every single room of the inn they stayed at when the doors were unlocked
  • a trysting couple in which the woman was a 'screamer' who necessitated moving another room that was booked next to her for the night
Then there have been a myriad of TA review issues - I personally have had those, including one from a fellow innkeeper.
It is not the first time it has been suggested on this forum that FD should 'review' whatever - policies, website, target market, role with her employers - because of all the PITAs she gets.
I simply disagree that she gets more PITAs on average than most and I don't think it's fair to imply that she has some way of changing that. Obviously there are some innkeepers who never get PITAs - bless them and knock on wood that keeps happening. I don't take my PITAs personally and I hope FD continues to feel that she can vent about them here.
muirford said:
I don't think it's fair to imply that she has some way of changing that. I hope FD continues to feel that she can vent about them here.
I wasn't "implying" anything and I've already said that.
I would have ripped out the pages too also because they said all those great things to your face!
I agree that volume of guests has a LOT to do with how many PITAs you get...it's just the odds. Almost all our guests are really nice but we had the young couple that broke the antique sofa and the sheets were a wreck. Had the convention people that I basically tidied the bathroom as best I could, emptied trash, and then shut the door and got out of there because their room was such a wreck.
Just keep doing the best you can and go with the flow.....
the party goers were mine. first month i was open. i didn't have to lock myself in my room but did because i was alone and the men were aggressively flirty and people, not my guests, took over the place. i called the sherrif's office and was told he was assisting at a fatal accident and couldn't come til the next day. thank you sherrif's office. (not)
lesson learned: get a contact name and number of someone, preferably more than one 'someone' local, who is going to be responsible when THEIR guests get out of hand. they love, love, loved my place and the village and left a huge mess behind.
the toilet paper thief was mine. that was so bizarre! she had taken lots of 'parting gifts' from other places she stayed at, and had taken my tp which i reclaimed when it rolled down the stairs to my feet!
i didn't have a female screamer but had a man who shouted 'that's the way!' 'that's the way!' in the morning before breakfast so that all guests snickered when they entered the breakfast room. when they started up again in early afternoon, i went up into the hallway ... stood outside their door ... and shouted down to the chambermaid so that it was obvious i could be heard through their doors. the shouting stopped because, hello, of course if they could hear me, we could hear him!
i don't understand the scathing comments left in the guest book where fd was obviously going to read them, mean - ness!
The Farmers Daughter said:
.I went to strip the cottage and read what they wrote in the ledger. They felt ripped off, lack of hospitality (?!) , felt like they were all alone (wasn't that the idea?) and how they will tell all their enemies about this place. When they win the lottery they want to buy it so they can bulldoze it into a parking lot.
Let them tell all their enemies...those will be the nice and normal people!
I'm so sorry you have to go through this. It's not right and it's not fair!
Have you been able to put your finger on why your percentage of PITAs is higher than most? Do the innkeepers around you have the same problems? Have you analyzed if your website is portraying your place accurately?.
Breakfast Diva said:
Have you been able to put your finger on why your percentage of PITAs is higher than most? Do the innkeepers around you have the same problems? Have you analyzed if your website is portraying your place accurately?
I truly doubt that FD has a higher percentage of PITAs than the rest of us have. Not all of us talk about all of them - I talk about mine rarely, although I have to admit that they also bother me less than they used to. Doesn't make them any less of a PITA, it just rolls off more easily now.
She's a busy inn and close to at least one major city (NYC), as are we. I don't know her occupancy rates but I have six rooms and run around 50% - that means I meet close over 750 couples per year (counting for 2 nighters on weekends). That's 1500 people - just sheer volume gets you more PITAs than some of the smaller and less busy B&Bs deal with. It's not a higher percentage, just a higher number.
There have been quite a few of these kind of stories over the years - Seashanty, Bree, and myself, just to name a few. Let's not make FD feel like she's doing something wrong because her guests are ********.
muirford said:
Breakfast Diva said:
Have you been able to put your finger on why your percentage of PITAs is higher than most? Do the innkeepers around you have the same problems? Have you analyzed if your website is portraying your place accurately?
I truly doubt that FD has a higher percentage of PITAs than the rest of us have. Not all of us talk about all of them - I talk about mine rarely, although I have to admit that they also bother me less than they used to. Doesn't make them any less of a PITA, it just rolls off more easily now.
She's a busy inn and close to at least one major city (NYC), as are we. I don't know her occupancy rates but I have six rooms and run around 50% - that means I meet close over 750 couples per year (counting for 2 nighters on weekends). That's 1500 people - just sheer volume gets you more PITAs than some of the smaller and less busy B&Bs deal with. It's not a higher percentage, just a higher number.
There have been quite a few of these kind of stories over the years - Seashanty, Bree, and myself, just to name a few. Let's not make FD feel like she's doing something wrong because her guests are ********.
I certainly am NOT saying that she is doing something wrong! I agree that with volume comes more opportunity for problems. I actually have more volume than the stats you stated for yourself so I know first hand how more things happen with increased business.
Even with volume, it seems that FD gets more than her fair share of extreme PITAS. I was just trying to understand what was happening in her area. We all have PITAs, but hers seem to be more aggressive and that could be because of the draw from NYC.
I agree...no one is saying that FD is doing anything wrong. My Inn is the same size as hers, and our occupancies are just as high. Granted, our guests are totally different, both demographically and geographically.
BUT, she tells us about an awful lot of really bad PITA's, and I don't think it's unfair of us to wonder why she gets so many that are so horrible...since we hear more about the ones she gets, it's a fair question to ask why.
If I was getting an inordinate number of PITA's, I would want someone to help me figure out why rather than just say "poor baby".
The Farmers Daughter said:
.I went to strip the cottage and read what they wrote in the ledger. They felt ripped off, lack of hospitality (?!) , felt like they were all alone (wasn't that the idea?) and how they will tell all their enemies about this place. When they win the lottery they want to buy it so they can bulldoze it into a parking lot.
Let them tell all their enemies...those will be the nice and normal people!
I'm so sorry you have to go through this. It's not right and it's not fair!
Have you been able to put your finger on why your percentage of PITAs is higher than most? Do the innkeepers around you have the same problems? Have you analyzed if your website is portraying your place accurately?.
Breakfast Diva said:
Have you been able to put your finger on why your percentage of PITAs is higher than most? Do the innkeepers around you have the same problems? Have you analyzed if your website is portraying your place accurately?
I truly doubt that FD has a higher percentage of PITAs than the rest of us have. Not all of us talk about all of them - I talk about mine rarely, although I have to admit that they also bother me less than they used to. Doesn't make them any less of a PITA, it just rolls off more easily now.
She's a busy inn and close to at least one major city (NYC), as are we. I don't know her occupancy rates but I have six rooms and run around 50% - that means I meet close over 750 couples per year (counting for 2 nighters on weekends). That's 1500 people - just sheer volume gets you more PITAs than some of the smaller and less busy B&Bs deal with. It's not a higher percentage, just a higher number.
There have been quite a few of these kind of stories over the years - Seashanty, Bree, and myself, just to name a few. Let's not make FD feel like she's doing something wrong because her guests are ********.
muirford said:
Breakfast Diva said:
Have you been able to put your finger on why your percentage of PITAs is higher than most? Do the innkeepers around you have the same problems? Have you analyzed if your website is portraying your place accurately?
I truly doubt that FD has a higher percentage of PITAs than the rest of us have. Not all of us talk about all of them - I talk about mine rarely, although I have to admit that they also bother me less than they used to. Doesn't make them any less of a PITA, it just rolls off more easily now.
She's a busy inn and close to at least one major city (NYC), as are we. I don't know her occupancy rates but I have six rooms and run around 50% - that means I meet close over 750 couples per year (counting for 2 nighters on weekends). That's 1500 people - just sheer volume gets you more PITAs than some of the smaller and less busy B&Bs deal with. It's not a higher percentage, just a higher number.
There have been quite a few of these kind of stories over the years - Seashanty, Bree, and myself, just to name a few. Let's not make FD feel like she's doing something wrong because her guests are ********.
I certainly am NOT saying that she is doing something wrong! I agree that with volume comes more opportunity for problems. I actually have more volume than the stats you stated for yourself so I know first hand how more things happen with increased business.
Even with volume, it seems that FD gets more than her fair share of extreme PITAS. I was just trying to understand what was happening in her area. We all have PITAs, but hers seem to be more aggressive and that could be because of the draw from NYC.
I agree...no one is saying that FD is doing anything wrong. My Inn is the same size as hers, and our occupancies are just as high. Granted, our guests are totally different, both demographically and geographically.
BUT, she tells us about an awful lot of really bad PITA's, and I don't think it's unfair of us to wonder why she gets so many that are so horrible...since we hear more about the ones she gets, it's a fair question to ask why.
If I was getting an inordinate number of PITA's, I would want someone to help me figure out why rather than just say "poor baby".
Thanks LB for understanding what I was trying to do. Sometimes we're so close to a subject that we don't see the forest for the trees. Case in point; One of my biggest complaints about my own place is that I seem to get more dietary restrictions/food dislikes than most other B&Bs. I've been racking my brain as to why this is. After my last rant about it on the forum, I realized that when I set up my webervations, I asked them if they have any "food allergies, dietary restrictions or foods you prefer not to eat". Doh! That could be a big reason why people felt like it was ok to tell me about every food they didn't like. I have since changed it on webervations and so far so good. Without having this forum to bounce ideas around, I probably would have never figured out that little fix. I'm sure I'll still get the dietary restrictions, but hopefully guests will just keep to themselves their desire not to eat common foods.
The Farmers Daughter said:
.I went to strip the cottage and read what they wrote in the ledger. They felt ripped off, lack of hospitality (?!) , felt like they were all alone (wasn't that the idea?) and how they will tell all their enemies about this place. When they win the lottery they want to buy it so they can bulldoze it into a parking lot.
Let them tell all their enemies...those will be the nice and normal people!
I'm so sorry you have to go through this. It's not right and it's not fair!
Have you been able to put your finger on why your percentage of PITAs is higher than most? Do the innkeepers around you have the same problems? Have you analyzed if your website is portraying your place accurately?.
Breakfast Diva said:
Have you been able to put your finger on why your percentage of PITAs is higher than most? Do the innkeepers around you have the same problems? Have you analyzed if your website is portraying your place accurately?
I truly doubt that FD has a higher percentage of PITAs than the rest of us have. Not all of us talk about all of them - I talk about mine rarely, although I have to admit that they also bother me less than they used to. Doesn't make them any less of a PITA, it just rolls off more easily now.
She's a busy inn and close to at least one major city (NYC), as are we. I don't know her occupancy rates but I have six rooms and run around 50% - that means I meet close over 750 couples per year (counting for 2 nighters on weekends). That's 1500 people - just sheer volume gets you more PITAs than some of the smaller and less busy B&Bs deal with. It's not a higher percentage, just a higher number.
There have been quite a few of these kind of stories over the years - Seashanty, Bree, and myself, just to name a few. Let's not make FD feel like she's doing something wrong because her guests are ********.
muirford said:
Breakfast Diva said:
Have you been able to put your finger on why your percentage of PITAs is higher than most? Do the innkeepers around you have the same problems? Have you analyzed if your website is portraying your place accurately?
I truly doubt that FD has a higher percentage of PITAs than the rest of us have. Not all of us talk about all of them - I talk about mine rarely, although I have to admit that they also bother me less than they used to. Doesn't make them any less of a PITA, it just rolls off more easily now.
She's a busy inn and close to at least one major city (NYC), as are we. I don't know her occupancy rates but I have six rooms and run around 50% - that means I meet close over 750 couples per year (counting for 2 nighters on weekends). That's 1500 people - just sheer volume gets you more PITAs than some of the smaller and less busy B&Bs deal with. It's not a higher percentage, just a higher number.
There have been quite a few of these kind of stories over the years - Seashanty, Bree, and myself, just to name a few. Let's not make FD feel like she's doing something wrong because her guests are ********.
I certainly am NOT saying that she is doing something wrong! I agree that with volume comes more opportunity for problems. I actually have more volume than the stats you stated for yourself so I know first hand how more things happen with increased business.
Even with volume, it seems that FD gets more than her fair share of extreme PITAS. I was just trying to understand what was happening in her area. We all have PITAs, but hers seem to be more aggressive and that could be because of the draw from NYC.
I agree...no one is saying that FD is doing anything wrong. My Inn is the same size as hers, and our occupancies are just as high. Granted, our guests are totally different, both demographically and geographically.
BUT, she tells us about an awful lot of really bad PITA's, and I don't think it's unfair of us to wonder why she gets so many that are so horrible...since we hear more about the ones she gets, it's a fair question to ask why.
If I was getting an inordinate number of PITA's, I would want someone to help me figure out why rather than just say "poor baby".
Thanks LB for understanding what I was trying to do. Sometimes we're so close to a subject that we don't see the forest for the trees. Case in point; One of my biggest complaints about my own place is that I seem to get more dietary restrictions/food dislikes than most other B&Bs. I've been racking my brain as to why this is. After my last rant about it on the forum, I realized that when I set up my webervations, I asked them if they have any "food allergies, dietary restrictions or foods you prefer not to eat". Doh! That could be a big reason why people felt like it was ok to tell me about every food they didn't like. I have since changed it on webervations and so far so good. Without having this forum to bounce ideas around, I probably would have never figured out that little fix. I'm sure I'll still get the dietary restrictions, but hopefully guests will just keep to themselves their desire not to eat common foods.
Last night in talking to the wife I mentioned breakfast this morning was going to be sour cream & chive egg bake. She told me he likes his eggs plain - cheese was OK but we did not say anything about the sour cream.
Cannot wait to see what he does tomorrow - I am making baked pineapple toast!
I think the point was that there is a PITA trophy and yes it does get passed around. When I first joined the forum I told more guest stories than I do now as I finally had some place to tell them! Sometimes other innkeepers would say "You get the worst guests!" and it did hurt my feelings. The more interaction, the more guests, the geographical location, the demographic of the guests, all play into some levels of difficulty some have had and not others.
Also length of stay can be a factor and style of innkeeping. Some or more sensitive than others, some give more of themselves than others, some are solo some have a spouse living there but not involved in the business some had two innkeepers so they can hand off the stressful guests.
6 of one half dozen of another.
A point that hasn't been raised yet, is the subject of online booking. I know you're all big proponents of it and think you can't live without it. However, the more impersonal the interaction, the more likely guests are going to feel comfortable venting this way. They have no real personal connection to you so don't really take your feelings into consideration.
It is a fact of life, when you have a larger establishment and need heads in beds; you are more likely to have this kind of thing happen.
A point that hasn't been raised yet, is the subject of online booking. I know you're all big proponents of it and think you can't live without it. However, the more impersonal the interaction, the more likely guests are going to feel comfortable venting this way. They have no real personal connection to you so don't really take your feelings into consideration.
It is a fact of life, when you have a larger establishment and need heads in beds; you are more likely to have this kind of thing happen..
Yes but many of these folks do not have large establishments. I still disagree. You can talk all you want to potential guests, that still doesn't mean they won't be a PITA when they arrive. And many you can tell will be PITA's just from talking to them...then...do you tell them...NO I don't have any rooms available?
Sorry on line is STILL THE WAY TO GO!
A point that hasn't been raised yet, is the subject of online booking. I know you're all big proponents of it and think you can't live without it. However, the more impersonal the interaction, the more likely guests are going to feel comfortable venting this way. They have no real personal connection to you so don't really take your feelings into consideration.
It is a fact of life, when you have a larger establishment and need heads in beds; you are more likely to have this kind of thing happen..
Yes but many of these folks do not have large establishments. I still disagree. You can talk all you want to potential guests, that still doesn't mean they won't be a PITA when they arrive. And many you can tell will be PITA's just from talking to them...then...do you tell them...NO I don't have any rooms available?
Sorry on line is STILL THE WAY TO GO!
I agree with Catlady. Nearly all our reservations come online, I get NO direct contact with the guests before they arrive....that makes zero difference as far as the kind of guests they will be.
Our guests are all wonderful, other than a few personal peculiarities :) Only had one real PITA in almost seven years, and they are the only ones that would not be welcome back. Of course, our place is small, and as a result of the intimate setting, there is quite a bit of one-on-one contact with D. and myself, as well as with other guests. And, it's VERY obvious when you walk in the door here that it's our home and we live here....no lobby, no front desk, no staff....who knows what the difference is that causes people to be so assinine.......
I've spoken to some people who have this sense of entitlement -- I'm paying to stay there, therefore... I know one person who travels a lot for business, and takes everything that is 'complementary',. What's worse, she brags about not having had to buy shampoo, toilet paper and the like for years. I've had a couple of discussions with her, suggesting the items are 'complementary' for when you're actually in the establishment, but she's convinced she's (1) paid for it and (2) if it's a loss item, the establishment gets a tax write off. I already know that if I ever open my own B&B, she's on my black ball list!
A point that hasn't been raised yet, is the subject of online booking. I know you're all big proponents of it and think you can't live without it. However, the more impersonal the interaction, the more likely guests are going to feel comfortable venting this way. They have no real personal connection to you so don't really take your feelings into consideration.
It is a fact of life, when you have a larger establishment and need heads in beds; you are more likely to have this kind of thing happen..
SweetiePie said:
A point that hasn't been raised yet, is the subject of online booking. I know you're all big proponents of it and think you can't live without it. However, the more impersonal the interaction, the more likely guests are going to feel comfortable venting this way. They have no real personal connection to you so don't really take your feelings into consideration.
It is a fact of life, when you have a larger establishment and need heads in beds; you are more likely to have this kind of thing happen.
Don't agree. We book 98% online with two junior suites. The travelers today are texting and online. I also book online and I'm 57. I don't want to get stuck on the phone. If I don't want to book or buy I can just go off the site. No hard core selling.Nobody trying to "close the deal" with "and which room would you like to reserve today?"
My people are very happy with this. I have very few problem guests - we get the wine country people who are usually coming here to relax, so we're lucky.
I would NEVER go to booking on the phone. I don't feel likei I have any backup that they understand they are on the hook for the deposit. I still make them send in a check for the tour deposit. If they won't, they don't get a confirmation and I know they are not serious.
If they call me for a B&B booking, I ask for their email and send them the link to book online. And I tell them flat out it's to get their breakfast likes and dislikes, and for them to be notified about our policies. And then we both have everything in writing. When they get here and think they ordered a wine tour when they just booked the B&B I can show them on paper exactly what they ordered and exactly what I confirmed. If it was by phone, I'd have to take their word for it
I don't have the time to explain the inn over and over again on the phone either. We're busy running the inn and the tours.
I actually would not book a B&B where I could not communicate online. If they are not professional enough to have online booking, then I would wonder how up to date the rest of the inn would be.
A point that hasn't been raised yet, is the subject of online booking. I know you're all big proponents of it and think you can't live without it. However, the more impersonal the interaction, the more likely guests are going to feel comfortable venting this way. They have no real personal connection to you so don't really take your feelings into consideration.
It is a fact of life, when you have a larger establishment and need heads in beds; you are more likely to have this kind of thing happen..
I have 3 rooms and I use Webervations. I would not be without it. I do not take cc online - just a personal preference on my part - so I call to get the cc # and get to find out a bit of info as in why they are coming to the area, dietary. Sometimes that is how I find out it is an anniversary so I can do our special anniversary stuff. This is what works for ME. I like that it removes the room from inventory as in this week when I did not have Internet. I love wakig up to a Webervation!
EVERY PITA I have ever had has been from NYC. They are extremely demanding, have unrealistic exepectations and do have a sense of entitlement.
EVERY PITA I have ever had has been from NYC. They are extremely demanding, have unrealistic exepectations and do have a sense of entitlement..
Somewhere in Paradise said:
EVERY PITA I have ever had has been from NYC. They are extremely demanding, have unrealistic exepectations and do have a sense of entitlement.
Perhaps because I am from NYC, I can speak NYC-ese so my NYers are not my issue. TX, on the other hand, don't get me started...now that's a bunch with a sense of entitlement! And I don't keep track of where the guests are from when talking with them, but golly gee, when there is an issue and I'm looking at their rez? TX every time.
EVERY PITA I have ever had has been from NYC. They are extremely demanding, have unrealistic exepectations and do have a sense of entitlement..
Somewhere in Paradise said:
EVERY PITA I have ever had has been from NYC. They are extremely demanding, have unrealistic exepectations and do have a sense of entitlement.
Perhaps because I am from NYC, I can speak NYC-ese so my NYers are not my issue. TX, on the other hand, don't get me started...now that's a bunch with a sense of entitlement! And I don't keep track of where the guests are from when talking with them, but golly gee, when there is an issue and I'm looking at their rez? TX every time.
I love the NYC'ers, in our area they just seem to be matter of fact, no nonsense and get to the point...which I am too so I guess I speak their language. Have not in general found them to be demanding.
Our worst come from CA every time...it baffles me, you can't stay in a b&b in CA for less than $200/night...our rates are substantially less than that yet they universally seem disappointed to be paying "so much" for what they are getting. This is where most of my dietary needs come from too, they rarely like our regular breakfasts. Also, they are almost always on a longer trip and staying with us just one or two nights and they ALWAYS get here after check-in time.