Rolacoy - Long term and short term rentals are too very different animals. Before going any further into ideas of opening a B&B get this straight in your mind.
Regarding damages - the only way you can SAFELY charge damages to a CC is to have the person there to SIGN for those charges as in the case of Bree's bed wetter. It is NOT that the CC company will not allow you to charge for the damages, it is the fact that the CC company will not back the merchant in a chargeback for such charges submitted after guest departure - without a signature on the reciept. I believe the only exception to this would be IF you had a signed policy statement that included your right to recover for damages, you could present for your rebuttal..
I believe the only exception to this would be IF you had a signed policy statement that included your right to recover for damages, you could present for your rebuttal.
My understanding is as Riki described above, even if this is your policy and they sign it, A CC processor will not back it. A credit card can't be used to yank money back out of the pocket when we feel we need to. Now that doesn't mean that a large percentage of card holders wouldn't allow you to do it by not filing a chargeback. Many likely will let the charge slide, but some get upity and want to fight it. It is also important to keep in mind that if on repeated occassions the processor does not side with the business and finds that the business is not following the rules that say you can't hold onto card details, they can and do terminate their contracts with the business.