I'm sorry you've had to go through this, we had a review that Eric alluded to in another thread. A group who were asked to keep the noise down after 23:45 left us a similar spiteful and retaliatory review.
Take heart, once it's buried past page 2 most people wont even see it, and those that do will see it for what it is among all your other great reviews.
I disagree with the general feeling that your management response needs to be consiliatory, I'm afraid that just gives the impression that the points raised valid, too many management responses say “we are sorry it was wrong and we'll look into it”, it's becoming a cliché.
I say go for the jugular, dispute the inconsistencies and down right lies, and I would definitely have included the fact about the dress in the response so people can see this is a retaliation and nothing more.
Several people staying have made reference to our review and they could see it for what it was.
I know it feels like a PR disaster right now, but do you know what effect this terrible review had on our business: NONE..
The only problem we had with our bad reviews is they dropped us way down the list on TA. IMMEDIATELY. Like the next day we fell 4 slots. With other places moving up it has been a struggle to get back where we were because we don't have a lot of reviews. (OK, over 100, but that's not 'a lot' for the 10 years the reviews cover.)
And we need to be back up above the TA ads. Below the ads no one even bothers to look unless the top places are full.
But, yes, the reviews have helped because of what was written. They let guests know things they didn't have to go to the website to find out.
The only place I have been a screaming bitch is on Yelp. But that's the kind of site that expects that.