Funky can be good...but they need to have a good website to really play it up. A funky site isn't good :-(Here is a funky motel in South Austin that might give you some ideas. Embrace any quirkiness and it could be a good undertaking..
Funky can be good...but they need to have a good website to really play it up. A funky site isn't good :-(Here is a funky motel in South Austin that might give you some ideas. Embrace any quirkiness and it could be a good undertaking..
The website isn't great for this place that I posted, but it is always in high demand because of the history, location, and so forth. Just wanted to give the poster something to think about.Funky can be good...but they need to have a good website to really play it up. A funky site isn't good :-(Here is a funky motel in South Austin that might give you some ideas. Embrace any quirkiness and it could be a good undertaking..
Awww, JB, you are sweet. Thanks for this bit of insider info. I checked out the place. Agree, the website is not so good, but it does have a LOT of info. They have a huge number of rooms! Place we're looking at has 16 rooms. I love the ideas on extra activities. Somewhat of a similar situation here. While it is not in an area with any chain hotels, it IS in an area where there are 3 upscale lodging choices owned by some folks who have pretty much made a monopoly of it and, to some degree, do control much of the vacation marketing dollars. My thoughts are, good, let them spend the big bucks to promote the area and bring people here and we would be able to benefit as well. We are going back to look at it again this week, so should have more info soon.I have missed you second act!
There is a place in Colorado that is an old funky retro style place and they have so many events and functions, even soup night, where you have a big cup and get your soup. They have dinner and paddle events on the river, etc. No breakfast.
Let me find them, my parents stayed there and all they could do was tell the owner to talk to JB, and I got her onto reservation key! Until now they had been taking every rez over the phone only year round,. They were scared of them, like many of us were.
The owner told me they were NEVER able to get on board with any of the tourism websites or groups since they had VALE and big money, and this place was "only a motel". So they call it a resort motel. They have hunters in the fall (who all bring their spouses along as it is such a fun place to stay, a fire ring, s'mores in the evenings, etc)
They are in the process of redoing the website, it is a TERRIFIC PLACE, and the website is not so good. Type in Isla nd A cres R es ort .com.
May everything fall into place for you. You have done your homework, we did not scare you off when the rose-colored glasses were removed so we know you will be successful. I know that because you said let them spend the money bringing the people in to us. Good luck with everything.Awww, JB, you are sweet. Thanks for this bit of insider info. I checked out the place. Agree, the website is not so good, but it does have a LOT of info. They have a huge number of rooms! Place we're looking at has 16 rooms. I love the ideas on extra activities. Somewhat of a similar situation here. While it is not in an area with any chain hotels, it IS in an area where there are 3 upscale lodging choices owned by some folks who have pretty much made a monopoly of it and, to some degree, do control much of the vacation marketing dollars. My thoughts are, good, let them spend the big bucks to promote the area and bring people here and we would be able to benefit as well. We are going back to look at it again this week, so should have more info soon.I have missed you second act!
There is a place in Colorado that is an old funky retro style place and they have so many events and functions, even soup night, where you have a big cup and get your soup. They have dinner and paddle events on the river, etc. No breakfast.
Let me find them, my parents stayed there and all they could do was tell the owner to talk to JB, and I got her onto reservation key! Until now they had been taking every rez over the phone only year round,. They were scared of them, like many of us were.
The owner told me they were NEVER able to get on board with any of the tourism websites or groups since they had VALE and big money, and this place was "only a motel". So they call it a resort motel. They have hunters in the fall (who all bring their spouses along as it is such a fun place to stay, a fire ring, s'mores in the evenings, etc)
They are in the process of redoing the website, it is a TERRIFIC PLACE, and the website is not so good. Type in Isla nd A cres R es ort .com.
May everything fall into place for you. You have done your homework, we did not scare you off when the rose-colored glasses were removed so we know you will be successful. I know that because you said let them spend the money bringing the people in to us. Good luck with everything.Awww, JB, you are sweet. Thanks for this bit of insider info. I checked out the place. Agree, the website is not so good, but it does have a LOT of info. They have a huge number of rooms! Place we're looking at has 16 rooms. I love the ideas on extra activities. Somewhat of a similar situation here. While it is not in an area with any chain hotels, it IS in an area where there are 3 upscale lodging choices owned by some folks who have pretty much made a monopoly of it and, to some degree, do control much of the vacation marketing dollars. My thoughts are, good, let them spend the big bucks to promote the area and bring people here and we would be able to benefit as well. We are going back to look at it again this week, so should have more info soon.I have missed you second act!
There is a place in Colorado that is an old funky retro style place and they have so many events and functions, even soup night, where you have a big cup and get your soup. They have dinner and paddle events on the river, etc. No breakfast.
Let me find them, my parents stayed there and all they could do was tell the owner to talk to JB, and I got her onto reservation key! Until now they had been taking every rez over the phone only year round,. They were scared of them, like many of us were.
The owner told me they were NEVER able to get on board with any of the tourism websites or groups since they had VALE and big money, and this place was "only a motel". So they call it a resort motel. They have hunters in the fall (who all bring their spouses along as it is such a fun place to stay, a fire ring, s'mores in the evenings, etc)
They are in the process of redoing the website, it is a TERRIFIC PLACE, and the website is not so good. Type in Isla nd A cres R es ort .com.
I love that you can see the heart that people put into this hotel! Had to laugh at their shopping page.Here is a funky motel in South Austin that might give you some ideas. Embrace any quirkiness and it could be a good undertaking..