What’s your idea of a great vacation?

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2013
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We have six months off for the first time in our lives! What is your favorite vacation? Food? History? Sun and sand? Gambling? Museums?

We have a semi local mini break planned for the week we close. A resort in the mountains followed by a shopping day at the outlets. That gives us some of our favorites - good food and a good bar without managing driving home, shopping, a Mountain View, a visit to a spa and no tsa or air travel.

What are you planning?
We are more resort people than B&B people. We like a restaurant on site. And lots of amenities. Like a fi. A place where we don’t have to find our way around, just relax.
My favorite vacation is a house on the beach. I do nothing strenuous at all. I watch the waves, walk on the beach, read a ton of books, live on trail mix and wine. Off season only. I don’t want to see other people.

Gomez wants to go all day, see the museums, go to the restaurants, walk for hours reading historical markers.

We do not do vacation together very well. 😉
Back in the day, unless I had to go back to work to rest up, it was a bad vacation. We took kids al over the Country to historic sites, battlefields, and one year added Philadelphia, Boston, the cog railroad to the top of Mt Washington, Fort Ticonderoga - the day of the BAR re-enactment, and a 6-day windjammer cruise of the coast of Maine. Previously we had gone to Mt Rushmore, the Badlands, a dinosaur dig, Ft Collins, Cody Museum, Deadwood, Cripple Creek, Garden of the Gods, Cowboy Hall of Fame, a stagecoach ride in Keystone (next to Rushmore) and on another Gettysburg and the Williamsburg Triangle

Now I enjoy visiting people in the UK, North Wales, Finland, and Germany relegated to my friends and Family in the USA for the next how long. Just have to get the time between City obligations and guests who keep popping in before I have a chance to block them out (coordinating Bill's calendar too).
We are probably dull folks, chose our vacation area for the business so in a way where we want to be without travelling. Best vacations were probably going home, staying with Maxine's parents and catching up with family and friends. Still a day dream to take a long driving trip through the west, but with age and energy it will likely remain a day dream.
We've been talking about this also. Our formal wedding was postponed by Covid so now is happening 12/12/21 after we close. We're trying to figure out a belated honeymoon trip to take while we are closed December - March. We like staying in B&B's, so are considering driving south from Virginia and staying in various ones between here and Florida, but are concerned it really wouldn't be warm enough. Would love Europe but not sure restrictions will allow us yet. I'm much like Mort, in liking to Chill, while D loves to get out and see Everything. We do agree on beaches, books, art, history, and wine tours though!