If you don’t pay yelp, they bury your good reviews. They have consistently said this is not true, but so many businesses have experienced the same thing that if it’s not true, they need to work on their algorithm.I haven’t asked for Yelp reviews in a few years. I still get them sometimes, but so many end up in their ‘not recommended at this time’ area. No clue as to why.
If you don’t pay yelp, they bury your good reviews.
Unless you are looking at Google Analytics to know your traffic/source/assisted bookings, I would bet you are having people scope you out on TA, especially if you are getting good reviews. So many guests tell us they saw our reviews in TA, and once they read them, they knew they wanted to stay with us...Luckily, in my section of the continent, nobody ever heard of Yelp.
Also, I ask on my reservation form how the guest found me. I have not seen TA mentioned in about 2 years. It's mostly Google searches and word of mouth. And since (back to the original post) Google asks everybody to review...unless they have turned it off, which few have...Google reviews have become more important than TA reviews.
I'm still paying TA monthly for pay-for-click and it's a small but steady source, so I keep it up. But TA is definitely becoming yesterday.
.Google reviews have become more important than TA reviews.
I'm still paying TA monthly for pay-for-click and it's a small but steady source, so I keep it up. But TA is definitely becoming yesterday.
It gets things wrong, from time to time. We went to pick up Bubble Tea and it asked me to review the Japanese Cheesecake place, because we parked in front. But it missed the computer store we walked into. And added a gas station... even though I don't do gas anymoreInteresting. We went out for lunch on Tuesday. We had to wait at the corner for the light to cross the street. Yup, Gomez got a request to review the place we stood in front of while waiting for the traffic to clear.