Welcome to the new forum Josh. Hope you have been as busy as you wanted to be this summer. This is a great new format..
almost 100% sold out all summer.. Yay!! and I lost 42 lbs as well...
hey Congrats! How did you do that? I hope it was because you wanted to lose it...
I guess running around keeping up with 100% occupancy can do that for you
I had a Food/Allergy sensitivity Test done about 4 months ago at a Naturpathic Office in Vancouver BC.
Found out I have allergies to High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sushi, Dairy, Soy, Coconut, Egg whites, Yeast, Chocolate (Snickers bars) and other things, I am limited to very little coffee a day as well. I have by most part elininated these foods out of my daily eating. Drink 4-6 Glasses of water, Take Multi Vitamins, Calcium and Magnesium, Took a yeast Killer and did 2 cleanses Colon and Liver. Excercise 2 times a week at the Gym and now do Yoga. It took a while and now things are shaping up! I sleep way better and am in bed usually now before 1 am ((Don't laugh) I have lost 10 waist sizes as well.
I still am 90 lbs overweight, But have goals and getting there. My blood preasure is down, No more High colesterol and have the Diabetes issues under control.
I eat mostly Organic, Grass Fed products, I do not eat Farm raised Fish, Itry eating almost Organic Fruits and Veggies.. I drink Rice and Oat Milk, I use almost all Goat Products.
It's been a Big Change and I am loving it..
I read "Eating alive" and had the tests done by that doctor.
" Do something every day that scares you" Thats my Motto Now!
Good Luck, Hope that Helps. -