Hey gang,
Apologize for not getting here sooner. We announced this feature almost a year ago to all Webervations and RezOvation customers. We then sent an email out to each group when launched. It is optional, and can be removed easily by calling or emailing support.
I apologize for any lack of clarity in the product, and to anyone who did not get these emails. We sent them to everyone on our list, but it is a pretty regular occurrence that some things get blocked due to all the various blockers out there.
It seems there are two main issues - first - why did we do this, and what are the benefits. The second is why did we activate this for everyone, rather than make each individual inn activate it.
As for the why and benefits...
We still believe that the two biggest obstacles to mainstream consumers staying in a B&B are the impressions of B&B’s as an industry, and the ability to easily book online. We feel that this review widget will help with each of these delivering better information to the customer and making them feel more comfortable in booking online.
We got this idea from Bizarre Voice, the leading review company that powers major companies including Best Buy, Macy's, Crate and Barrel and SpaFinder. Last year they released study information showing that clients who showed trusted reviews in their checkout path saw significant increases in shopper conversion, and that is what everyone is after. The key to achieving this is to show trusted 3rd party reviews around a product in a way that delivers enough information to make consumers comfortable, without having them click off the web page.
Think of yourself making buying a product online, or even making a booking yourself at an unknown property – we all know how once it gets time to actually pay for the product or book the room and pay – we all get a wave of doubt falling over us. “Gee – I wonder if this product or place really is a good choice….” It happens on every purchase decision.
That is where a review widget comes in – by seeing the trusted third party reviews, it screams YES IT IS A GOOD PRODUCT . A consumer who is having these doubts sees that a property is confident enough in themselves to put their reviews right there – and the doubt goes away resulting in more bookings.
The important nuances are that the reviews must be seen as coming from a trusted third party like BB.com or consumers don’t believe them. This is why we put our brand there in a very small way. The other nuance is that you want to give them enough information so that they don’t feel the necessity to click off the page. We do that by providing the review balls for the major rating parameters and showing the total number of reviews. The last nuance is that you don’t want the graphic to have a strong call to attention to leave the page, but it must be usable if someone wants to verify the reviews or see more – and so we do have a link that goes directly to the properties own review page only.
That explains the review widget, or graphic. Something to note is that over a thousand properties manually put this review widget up on their sites even before it was automated, and roughly 98% of all RezOvation users have had and continue to use the same identical products we just launched.
The "review reminder" or the check-box to have BB.com remind the guest to leave a review at the property. Again we’ve had RezO customers using this for quite a while. To begin with, we hear constantly from innkeepers that they need a way to get more reviews at their property. At the same time we here time and again that innkeepers do not like to beg for reviews. I’ve been asked myself several times at conferences “can’t you guys go ask for reviews for me?” We also hear from travelers that they are sometimes weary of getting a review email directly from a property for privacy concerns. Travelers are concerned that if they follow the link from a property, the property might have information on them and the review they leave.
So we came up with the review reminder – a way that allows innkeepers to get more reviews, without looking like the people begging for reviews themselves. It enables consumers to get a review from a third-party, and feel comfortable that it is legitimate and private. Ultimately it helps BB.com members better get their review credit as well. We feel it is a win-win all around, and again – it is completely optional and can be easily removed by emailing or calling support.
The second question seems to be around why we did this as an opt-out program activating it for everyone, rather than an opt-in. The decision there was based on our history with this product on RezOvation. With roughly 98% of RezO customers using this – it didn’t seem to make sense to make 98% of customers have to go to the trouble to activate this. It would have required our support team to handle literally thousands and thousands of emails and phone calls to get it activated. Because it is technology that sits between BB.com and Rezo, it is not something that can simply have a user switch on it. So rather than flood the phones by requiring everyone to check-in to do this, it made more sense to notify everyone and allow folks to have it removed. Our experience has been that the overwhelming majority of customers find this to be a benefit. It is clear based on the comments in this form that not everyone will find this as a benefit, but given that so many do, it seems to make a lot of sense to implement it this way.
There are countless product items like this that get launched for everyone with a default, yet are adjustable on the back end. We generally launch everything one way or another and try to pick what the likelihood is that more properties will use it or not. Great example is Trip Insurance – we launched that opt-out as well. The credit card auto-delete was launched with a default setting because we had to pick one. We are launching new larger photos on Rezo, and those have to be opt-in because the majority of those booking engines are customized and may not fit them. Each product needs to be thought about independently.
I hope that helps to explain things. Ultimately these products should help drive more bookings and increase the number of reviews BB.com members get without a property having to do any extra work. But as I’ve mentioned, anyone can let us know if they would like these products shut down for any reason, and that is just fine – just let us know!.