We give away too much

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2008
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I was looking at all the little extras you all are giving away with your rooms and it kind of makes me mad. We give away everything. We really do, we are totally NOT a hotel, NOTHING LIKE A HOTEL.
North Americans in general are way too generous as innkeepers.
On this forum we have a tendency to actually prod each other along to give away more stuff! We ask each other "What else can we give them?" and we do. I could literally type a bulleted list right here of all the things we do, that we offer at no extra charge. (Yes we tell ourselves we roll it into the room rate, but do we really?)
Because a holiday comes up we automatically up the ante and give more stuff without the guests paying more. So then I ask myself, am I just doing this for the fun and not for the fee? I think I am. I really do, it gives me an outlet to shop, to decorate, to make people happy. Now is that a bad thing? Our tax man assures us it is, but in my heart, I say it isn't.
You are correct as usual, King Friday, in ALL the aspects of what you said. The innkeeper attitude seems to be "What else can we give them to make people book with us?" as opposed to what else can we include for more profit that will make them book with us.
I think you are partially right. We do enjoy our holidays. But also, we want our guests to remember us. We had guests New Years weekend and a few since. But this weekend, we are nearly full. We have two reservations for the next two months. Two of the rooms are repeat customers. I want them to enjoy the holiday atmosphere and come again. One couple has made reservations for July. Another will be back and a third said they would (who knows?)
They know that we have a sense of a special day.
We didn't give much. Small box of Whitman chocolates, split of bubbly, Valentine napkins, red roses in the centerpiece. and heart shaped fruit and pancakes.
But they made an impression and our guests who wanted a special getaway for Valentine's Day got one.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... No, wait, different story...
Anyway, I received a split of champagne at a B&B 30 something years ago. It made me feel so completely special that I like to recreate that feeling when I can.
But, yes, we go out of our way to make special days extra special and ordinary days pop. I'm doing better at leading guests to the add ons when they start telling me it's some sort of special day. Sure, a candle at breakfast is no biggie to us, but it's huge to some guests. But a cake, balloons, drinks, etc? That's an add on.
Total outlay for extras for V day this year: $20. I had to stop giving away roses and chocolates.
No, I don't think it's all in the budget.
Very true. I'm going to try to stop adding new stuff unless it's as a value increase to accompany a rate increase. Guests already have a great experience in their stay. Adding more stuff when the rate stays the same is just bad business.
Very true. I'm going to try to stop adding new stuff unless it's as a value increase to accompany a rate increase. Guests already have a great experience in their stay. Adding more stuff when the rate stays the same is just bad business..
My dad just asked if I raised rates now that everyone has HDTV in the rooms. He said, "you have to pay yourself back for the outlay." Good point. But not raising rates.
Very true. I'm going to try to stop adding new stuff unless it's as a value increase to accompany a rate increase. Guests already have a great experience in their stay. Adding more stuff when the rate stays the same is just bad business..
My dad just asked if I raised rates now that everyone has HDTV in the rooms. He said, "you have to pay yourself back for the outlay." Good point. But not raising rates.
Morticia said:
My dad just asked if I raised rates now that everyone has HDTV in the rooms. He said, "you have to pay yourself back for the outlay." Good point. But not raising rates.
HDTV is not 'giving away' it is expected. It was expected a few years ago, you are adding a necessary amenity. I am talking about all the little extras that cost us and that we specifically do to give the guest an experience, vs a hotel room. Hotel rooms have HDTVs.
I agree with everyone who enjoys decorating and celebrating valentine's day, that is a big day for us in the LOVE business, but throughout the year we are always looking at giving away more and more. Think about it, or go back over some threads here and you will see what I mean.
You stay some place and get some little trinket and think it is a big deal!
Spot on. Spot on. My DH would give everything away if he could, but I continually have to remind him, are we charging for this? So, we've tried to 'give away' what doesn't cost us. Last year we snagged some pieces of iceberg that broke up behind the house. We stuck it in our freezer and offered some to guests to add to their beverages. People loved it and it only cost us our effort.
When it as busy, DH would barbecue capelin ( kind of like a salt water smelt ) in front of the house and offer it to guests to try. People had hear about the capelin, principal food for the whales around here, but have never tried it. Again a big hit and we can go to the local fish plant and get all the male capelin for free. The females are kept for their roe.
Or, if we had someone that stayed for a few nights, DH would size them up and offer them some moose jerky that he had made himself. Can't tell you the number of beers that he was offered for that one!
We really just need to come up with something that makes us different that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Can't put a price on th experience.
Spot on. Spot on. My DH would give everything away if he could, but I continually have to remind him, are we charging for this? So, we've tried to 'give away' what doesn't cost us. Last year we snagged some pieces of iceberg that broke up behind the house. We stuck it in our freezer and offered some to guests to add to their beverages. People loved it and it only cost us our effort.
When it as busy, DH would barbecue capelin ( kind of like a salt water smelt ) in front of the house and offer it to guests to try. People had hear about the capelin, principal food for the whales around here, but have never tried it. Again a big hit and we can go to the local fish plant and get all the male capelin for free. The females are kept for their roe.
Or, if we had someone that stayed for a few nights, DH would size them up and offer them some moose jerky that he had made himself. Can't tell you the number of beers that he was offered for that one!
We really just need to come up with something that makes us different that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Can't put a price on th experience..
For you, in your location, I'd sell the experience. Post those photos of the spring ice berg parade! Whales. Just sitting in your backyard! The view out the guest room window. The quiet.
Moose jerky? I'm there! But that sort of thing is the bonus, not the draw. If it's the draw then it needs to be included in the price and it may lose that specialness once everyone gets it.
You may have missed our wacky stay in a saloon. We stayed for the experience, the bragging rights. I would never stay again. It was cheap enough but it was cheap. Hadn't been renovated in probably 50 years. What a dump! (As Bette Davis would say.)
I've worked up stories for each of our rooms. Our smallest room must have the best story because it books the most.
I get my chocolate "fix" on the day AFTER "candy holidays". Today I went into the Fam ily Dollar and they had scented soap flakes that look like roses. I bought red and pink for 50 cents each that I will put out at the claw-foot when I have elopements. There were 9 in each box.
You're absolutely right JB. The first 5 or 6 years I gave away too much. Then I saw the light. We already offered far more amenities than anyone else in our area. Guess what, the guests didn't even notice that the florist arrangements and little gifts disappeared. I added more packages so if they wanted those things they could buy them.
I still do cupcakes in their room for Anniversaries, b-days, etc., but that's it. Valentine's Day is an exception. I go all out with the desserts in the evening. We have one family that takes 3 of our 4 rooms every year and books it a year in advance. We all have a great time and the extra $ is something I gladly spend for them.
You're absolutely right JB. The first 5 or 6 years I gave away too much. Then I saw the light. We already offered far more amenities than anyone else in our area. Guess what, the guests didn't even notice that the florist arrangements and little gifts disappeared. I added more packages so if they wanted those things they could buy them.
I still do cupcakes in their room for Anniversaries, b-days, etc., but that's it. Valentine's Day is an exception. I go all out with the desserts in the evening. We have one family that takes 3 of our 4 rooms every year and books it a year in advance. We all have a great time and the extra $ is something I gladly spend for them..
I saw your desserts! Wonderful!
We had 2 new rooms this year. The other 5 were repeats. 3 booked on the way out for next year. I think if it was new people each year I might back off on the goodies. But, these folks pay the heating bill in the dark of winter so, like you, a little playing with desserts or gifts is part of the fun.
We had 3 generations at breakfast on Saturday and the 'young uns' are already planning their own vacation here for next year.
You're absolutely right JB. The first 5 or 6 years I gave away too much. Then I saw the light. We already offered far more amenities than anyone else in our area. Guess what, the guests didn't even notice that the florist arrangements and little gifts disappeared. I added more packages so if they wanted those things they could buy them.
I still do cupcakes in their room for Anniversaries, b-days, etc., but that's it. Valentine's Day is an exception. I go all out with the desserts in the evening. We have one family that takes 3 of our 4 rooms every year and books it a year in advance. We all have a great time and the extra $ is something I gladly spend for them..
I saw your desserts! Wonderful!
We had 2 new rooms this year. The other 5 were repeats. 3 booked on the way out for next year. I think if it was new people each year I might back off on the goodies. But, these folks pay the heating bill in the dark of winter so, like you, a little playing with desserts or gifts is part of the fun.
We had 3 generations at breakfast on Saturday and the 'young uns' are already planning their own vacation here for next year.
Morticia said:
I saw your desserts! Wonderful!
We had 2 new rooms this year. The other 5 were repeats. 3 booked on the way out for next year. I think if it was new people each year I might back off on the goodies. But, these folks pay the heating bill in the dark of winter so, like you, a little playing with desserts or gifts is part of the fun.
We had 3 generations at breakfast on Saturday and the 'young uns' are already planning their own vacation here for next year.
Thanks! There are way too many leftovers, so our guests checking in today will reap the benefits.
It sure makes a difference when we give out of joy and not guilt

Very true. I'm going to try to stop adding new stuff unless it's as a value increase to accompany a rate increase. Guests already have a great experience in their stay. Adding more stuff when the rate stays the same is just bad business..
My dad just asked if I raised rates now that everyone has HDTV in the rooms. He said, "you have to pay yourself back for the outlay." Good point. But not raising rates.
Morticia said:
My dad just asked if I raised rates now that everyone has HDTV in the rooms. He said, "you have to pay yourself back for the outlay." Good point. But not raising rates.
HDTV is not 'giving away' it is expected. It was expected a few years ago, you are adding a necessary amenity. I am talking about all the little extras that cost us and that we specifically do to give the guest an experience, vs a hotel room. Hotel rooms have HDTVs.
A guest's expectations are all relative perhaps, to the location of the B & B and the purpose for visiting. Our B & B is in a remote, villages-from-yesteryear environment, where guests want to "get away from it all." Therefore, we have no TVs at all, and people love it, especially women! Couples come here to reconnect with each other, relax, and enjoy nature. We do have wireless Internet, however.
Very true. I'm going to try to stop adding new stuff unless it's as a value increase to accompany a rate increase. Guests already have a great experience in their stay. Adding more stuff when the rate stays the same is just bad business..
My dad just asked if I raised rates now that everyone has HDTV in the rooms. He said, "you have to pay yourself back for the outlay." Good point. But not raising rates.
Morticia said:
My dad just asked if I raised rates now that everyone has HDTV in the rooms. He said, "you have to pay yourself back for the outlay." Good point. But not raising rates.
HDTV is not 'giving away' it is expected. It was expected a few years ago, you are adding a necessary amenity. I am talking about all the little extras that cost us and that we specifically do to give the guest an experience, vs a hotel room. Hotel rooms have HDTVs.
A guest's expectations are all relative perhaps, to the location of the B & B and the purpose for visiting. Our B & B is in a remote, villages-from-yesteryear environment, where guests want to "get away from it all." Therefore, we have no TVs at all, and people love it, especially women! Couples come here to reconnect with each other, relax, and enjoy nature. We do have wireless Internet, however.
Elizabeth said:
Therefore, we have no TVs at all, and people love it, especially women! Couples come here to reconnect with each other, relax, and enjoy nature. We do have wireless Internet, however.
OMG, you're a freak of nature like me! (That's a joke, I know you don't know me.) I broke down after 10 years and installed TV's. Keep fighting the good fight!
You're absolutely right JB. The first 5 or 6 years I gave away too much. Then I saw the light. We already offered far more amenities than anyone else in our area. Guess what, the guests didn't even notice that the florist arrangements and little gifts disappeared. I added more packages so if they wanted those things they could buy them.
I still do cupcakes in their room for Anniversaries, b-days, etc., but that's it. Valentine's Day is an exception. I go all out with the desserts in the evening. We have one family that takes 3 of our 4 rooms every year and books it a year in advance. We all have a great time and the extra $ is something I gladly spend for them..
Breakfast Diva said:
Guess what, the guests didn't even notice that the florist arrangements and little gifts disappeared.
I used to put some delicious Arkansas-made pecan toffee in each room before the guests arrived, with a sticker on them saying they were from my sister's store across the street. People ate every bite, but nobody ever went to her store to get more, and nobody noticed when I stopped providing them. I stopped them, not because of the cost, but because it was too much trouble to keep replenishing them as I used them up.
Yes, you hit it. We give away too much..... but will continue to. We see the returns in happy guests, repeats, tips, glowing reviews, referrals, etc. We made the money back already that we spent. $20 for two flower bunches, $7 for candy boxes, had strawberries and chocolate already, made brownies, and our time. One room called their best friends and told them they had to come, so they came Sunday night and the first room added another night. (The original couple is getting married in Aug and want to have a bachelorette weekend here this summer before the marriage.) Another room added another night. Then we got $154 in tips. All for our time, items, and $27. It is all in how you look at it.