Lee Ann thanks for sharing your website, did you build it yourself?
I ask as we have some web-minded people here who may give you tons of advise on it, and if someone else built it or you built it depends on who takes it and listens.
When I clicked the
about "us" there was no photo of the "us" so that can be changed to "about" if you aren't willing to show the us. My personal opinion. I was hoping to see smiling innkeepers. Have you registered your site with all the search engines?
My other suggestion is to go get some bright colorful
flower photos and add them in here and there for color, and crop some of your images to give a partial view, there is a lot of dark/brown. Give it a boost in the romance department.
Example the main header image would be great to have the innkeeper and guest on the porch (you don't always have to show the entire photo/front of the house) to make it more interesting.
If you have these photos in larger sizes, feel free to send them to me and I can do some cropping and examples of what I mean. Send me that main image and a couple room photos if you want. email me at [email protected]
You could easily use this line in a call out - big and bold on the page where it is found:
"Come enjoy some sweet tea under the Oaks served with southern hospitality."[/h3].