But wouldn't that put it on a different level? The publicity we got with this is to get the word out that it is available. To film the guests would then make it a bid for publicity from us. Anyone who wants to do that is fine with me but somehow, I would not be comfortable. I am not against publicity - in fact a lady stopped me at the restaurant today (DH took me out to eat after he got a good report from the doc) asking, "Didn't I see you on TV last night?" She then told me it was a wonderful thing I was doing and I had to remind her that 9 others were doing it with me. I think it was her daughter with her who had done 8 years in the Navy and I told her that I thank her for her service, but we had to have a mechanism and the valid ID was it. She understood.You could give it away on the local tv station and they could capture the "romance" side of it when they film the winners. You know, catch them in the embrace et al.