So very, very sorry! We all work so hard in this business and then something like this can suck the life out of you. Please don't let that happen. Press on.
You will be in my prayers..
Thank You Samster and Roxanne. It looks like we are still at some kind of stand still. Yesterday we were trying to work out some kind of time line. Now it looks like end of Sept before our house will be back to normal.
So far we had one wall plastered and painted. Paint colour came out wrong shade . They are telling us they don't want to try and match it again. Ok ! so now you have a choose I say paint all the walls or pick another another paint to try and match the right colour and the right finish not shinning wall when we have mat finish.
The fellow mudded the walls then proceed to sand wall with out sealing off a section so plastered dust when into every thing TV, tables, carpet ,fire place bricks .You name it it was covered in dust. It looked like some one made a room look like a white ghost town.
Today they are hopefully going to work on the family room and put up new walls and ceiling. Then comes more plaster dust . But at lease that part of the house it empty . As all the furniture and B&B stuff plus odds and ends , are out seating in a 40 foot container in our drive way. All 6 rooms have been cleared out to bare walls.
The new floors won't start to be replaced till after Sept 16 th. Timing and ordering will take that long to come here. One thing that has been worked out is our guest that booked us some 3 months ago we could not find him a place to stay for 8 days . So restoration company has just about finish the guest suite. That is the room that they painted but with the wrong colour and wrong finish.
So he has a place to stay But sounds like we may have to find a place to sleep as our room will be packed up. Plus family will be in our other suite so we can't move into that place. At this point were not sure where we will be staying. Which is just wonderful ! guest of 8 days will be in house and family will be in house. LOL it never rains but pours. I said I guess we will have to camp out in the yard rent a tent .... ummm .this is the busy time of year so finding a room is not going to happen as we had all ready tried doing that for our guest. Oh well some thing has to give!!! ?