Ugh!! Advice Please.... Disclaimer: This Is GROSS

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Mar 5, 2010
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I have a couple in my dining room that I never thought I'd see again. Unfortunately I didn't catch their name in the book in time. They were here in July and left an unpleasant surprise in their bed. Apparently they covered it with towels and slept on it, then wrapped the sheets over the whole mess.
Their #2 is my #1 problem right now. Should I say something before they go up to their room?
My only advice is the hope this is a one night stay anf that the previous "problem" was a once only accident they were embarrassed as hell to have hppened. Iet us pray......
I'm amazed they came back. I know people (my mother) who won't go back to a place if she's made any kind of mess.
Anyway, no, I wouldn't say a word to them. If they're there one night, time will tell. If they're there more than that and there's an issue in the morning, then yes, mention it tomorrow.
We had a guest who had an awful (AWFUL) stomach bug while he was here. We were cleaning the bathroom for weeks. UNDER the sink, OVER the shower, BEHIND the nightstand, even the curtains had to be washed. He never said a word, neither did we and it's never happened again.
Good Grief. I will never understand why in the world these people feel the need to inflict themselves on others. They don't belong out of the house, let alone in a B&B. I honestly do not know what I would do.
Good Grief. I will never understand why in the world these people feel the need to inflict themselves on others. They don't belong out of the house, let alone in a B&B. I honestly do not know what I would do..
"Surprises" happen and they do not care where you are at the time. Most people are mortified by the "surprise" and have absolutely no idea how to handle it. Have you ever heard the joke about T? It is not a clean one but suffice it to say that some have more aroma than substance and some have more substance than aroma. And when you expect one and get the other - oops!
Whenever someone comes to this forum with something disgusting as their first and only posting - beware - we don't have to reply to every thread every time. Just warning y'all.
Whenever someone comes to this forum with something disgusting as their first and only posting - beware - we don't have to reply to every thread every time. Just warning y'all.
I just signed up yesterday to be able to post a topic but have been following these forums quite often in the past. I'm new as an Innkeeper and didn't feel my advice or comments were really going to be accepted or appreciated on past forum topics. I just figured this was a good place to go for advice on the situation and it was the first time I felt I had a topic worth mentioning.
Hopefully during this mornings cleaning you didn't find another surprise! If I did something like that, whether or not I was sick, I would not be able to step foot back!
Whenever someone comes to this forum with something disgusting as their first and only posting - beware - we don't have to reply to every thread every time. Just warning y'all.
I just signed up yesterday to be able to post a topic but have been following these forums quite often in the past. I'm new as an Innkeeper and didn't feel my advice or comments were really going to be accepted or appreciated on past forum topics. I just figured this was a good place to go for advice on the situation and it was the first time I felt I had a topic worth mentioning.
tobyInnkeeper said:
I just signed up yesterday to be able to post a topic but have been following these forums quite often in the past. I'm new as an Innkeeper and didn't feel my advice or comments were really going to be accepted or appreciated on past forum topics. I just figured this was a good place to go for advice on the situation and it was the first time I felt I had a topic worth mentioning.
Welcome! It's always nice to meet a lurker!
And you know from lurking that we're sometimes beseiged by one timers who post and run, so I hope you'll stick around and keep posting!
I'm fairly new and try not to give tons of advice, but I sometimes have questions, too. In this case, I agree with what the others said... it's been cleaned up and forgotten and should simply stay that way. The fact that they've returned speaks volumes for the high opinion they have of you and your B&B!
Good Grief. I will never understand why in the world these people feel the need to inflict themselves on others. They don't belong out of the house, let alone in a B&B. I honestly do not know what I would do..
"Surprises" happen and they do not care where you are at the time. Most people are mortified by the "surprise" and have absolutely no idea how to handle it. Have you ever heard the joke about T? It is not a clean one but suffice it to say that some have more aroma than substance and some have more substance than aroma. And when you expect one and get the other - oops!
Absolutely accidents happen, and any adult should know that the easiest way to handle it is to bring it to someone's attention, not roll it up in a ball and hope it magically goes away.
They just checked out and there are no problems at all. I'm wondering where they slept though because the bed was made up exactly the way our housekeeping staff does it. I MEAN EXACTLY THE SAME.
Strange but I'll take it.
Thank you to everyone for your suggestions!!
They just checked out and there are no problems at all. I'm wondering where they slept though because the bed was made up exactly the way our housekeeping staff does it. I MEAN EXACTLY THE SAME.
Strange but I'll take it.
Thank you to everyone for your suggestions!!.
I hate it when I don't know how or where the guests slept. Maybe they brought a sleeping bag just in case. I've had guests come down all proud that they saved me time by sleeping on top of the bed. Ugh. This isn't your home. If you sleep on top of the bed, I have to wash everything!
When my 4 children were small I was the appointed one, as the Dad, to clean up whatever came out of them . I took care of it & made sure not to embarass them. I've cleaned up all kind of stuff over many years made/created by guests and never said anything to those who caused all the stuff. So, just clean it up, keep quiet about it and go on.
When my 4 children were small I was the appointed one, as the Dad, to clean up whatever came out of them . I took care of it & made sure not to embarass them. I've cleaned up all kind of stuff over many years made/created by guests and never said anything to those who caused all the stuff. So, just clean it up, keep quiet about it and go on..
When my 4 children were small I was the appointed one, as the Dad, to clean up whatever came out of them . I took care of it & made sure not to embarass them. I've cleaned up all kind of stuff over many years made/created by guests and never said anything to those who caused all the stuff. So, just clean it up, keep quiet about it and go on..
Tomtrex said:
When my 4 children were small I was the appointed one, as the Dad, to clean up whatever came out of them . I took care of it & made sure not to embarass them. I've cleaned up all kind of stuff over many years made/created by guests and never said anything to those who caused all the stuff. So, just clean it up, keep quiet about it and go on.
LOL, yes.
I've thought about getting a T-shirt that says "Mom. I've been pooped on, peed on, spit up on, bled on, cried on, spit on, snotted on, thrown up on, and sweat on. Nothing you can do will faze me."
We had a girl last summer that just couldn't clean a toilet, just couldn't. I told her she better not have a baby any time soon!
When my 4 children were small I was the appointed one, as the Dad, to clean up whatever came out of them . I took care of it & made sure not to embarass them. I've cleaned up all kind of stuff over many years made/created by guests and never said anything to those who caused all the stuff. So, just clean it up, keep quiet about it and go on..
Tomtrex said:
When my 4 children were small I was the appointed one, as the Dad, to clean up whatever came out of them . I took care of it & made sure not to embarass them. I've cleaned up all kind of stuff over many years made/created by guests and never said anything to those who caused all the stuff. So, just clean it up, keep quiet about it and go on.
LOL, yes.
I've thought about getting a T-shirt that says "Mom. I've been pooped on, peed on, spit up on, bled on, cried on, spit on, snotted on, thrown up on, and sweat on. Nothing you can do will faze me."
We had a girl last summer that just couldn't clean a toilet, just couldn't. I told her she better not have a baby any time soon!
YellowSocks said:
We had a girl last summer that just couldn't clean a toilet, just couldn't. I told her she better not have a baby any time soon!
Ain't it the truth!

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