Well-known member
HAHA! Good for you....busted!! What cheek to lift toilet paper! It's stories like these that make me only keep a few rolls in our unlocked linen closet

When guests catch me off guard like that I never know what I might say. In this case probably, 'So, you're telling me I should put the good silver away and just use the plastic while you're here?'The story that started this thread has always given me a chuckle. I remember the day I read it and just had to tell my biz partner about it. So, I've never forgotten it.
I had a guest this past weekend show up and upon arrival, he eagerly handed me ("a donation to the inn") all the things he took from the last place he had stayed - a roll of toilet paper, an open box of tissues, about 12 trash bags and a few bars of that skinny hotel soap. None of the stuff is of the quality I use, but what amazed me the most is that he had the kahonies to show one innkeeper all the stuff he had taken from the last innkeeper. Good grief!!! Now, why would you do that???? If you're going to take it, why would you show it/give it to the next one? My supplies did not go missing, though. So, I guess he thought more of me than the last. Oh's over and they're gone..
catlady wrote: '' make sure she didn't wipe you out of something from the other rooms..Though it is too late now I guess.'' as i mentioned, the guestrooms were and are all locked ... she only had access to the room she stayed in (which i checked while she was still here) nothing missing. and from the cupboard ... just the tp had gone missing. so odd.
but, you've always wondered why so much tp gets used. now you know!
i am 'closed' ... i took her in because she arrived here with no place to go and a confirmation letter in hand from the other place. i know it's his confirmation letter, have seen them before. there's terminal illness coming to a close in his family. so he obviously forgot about her. i was being 'nice' ........
throttling someone over tp? i don't think so. she must have issues. (i know she has tissues. haha).