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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Other than the meltdown by a small family member in the dining room this morning, today went well. Until I got home. Then the cc machine wouldn't work. Phone line was dead. Who knows why. All guests are checked-in. Hubs has gone to Lowe's to get our money back from the washer they failed to deliver on Tuesday and which he canceled yesterday. Of course you have to go back to the store for them to do the refund. Not. But he is. To be sure it is done once and for all. New washer, ordered yesterday is due to arrive NEXT Tuesday. It's about the same size and model, different company and $200 less. That $200 buys me a new dishwasher (for my side, not the inn). Yes, the dishwasher is broken, too.
But now the shelving unit in the laundry room won't fit, the washer door will not open all the way. Sooooo, new shelving unit in the future.
Found someone at the laundromat who wants to work for me. She watched me fold sheets, said I do them better than the (big inn in town) and asked how much I got paid.
Given that she almost hit the floor when I told her, I assume she makes less at the (big inn in town).
So, pretty much at the end of non-stop 95% occ and I find a housekeeper.
found a housekeeper? that would be so great if this works out for you! this isn't the dishwasher in the remodel? you have a separate one (or will have a separate one) for your own dishes?
found a housekeeper? that would be so great if this works out for you! this isn't the dishwasher in the remodel? you have a separate one (or will have a separate one) for your own dishes?.
I found a housekeeper but the looniness is over. We don't get this kind of occ at any other time. I can handle it from now until the end of the year.
The dead dishwasher is in MY kitchen (I have my own) so the inn dishwasher is still working. Thank goodness!
found a housekeeper? that would be so great if this works out for you! this isn't the dishwasher in the remodel? you have a separate one (or will have a separate one) for your own dishes?.
I found a housekeeper but the looniness is over. We don't get this kind of occ at any other time. I can handle it from now until the end of the year.
The dead dishwasher is in MY kitchen (I have my own) so the inn dishwasher is still working. Thank goodness!
Maybe now you can really take some time to breathe though. And your new housekeeper can help with some things that might have gotten neglected during all your craziness :)
found a housekeeper? that would be so great if this works out for you! this isn't the dishwasher in the remodel? you have a separate one (or will have a separate one) for your own dishes?.
I found a housekeeper but the looniness is over. We don't get this kind of occ at any other time. I can handle it from now until the end of the year.
The dead dishwasher is in MY kitchen (I have my own) so the inn dishwasher is still working. Thank goodness!
Maybe now you can really take some time to breathe though. And your new housekeeper can help with some things that might have gotten neglected during all your craziness :)
I don't think I'm going to hire her. She wants to work afternoons and squeeze me in between the other 3 jobs she has. She works from 3AM-11AM at the big inn, then she wants to come here from 1-4, then she works at McD's from 6PM-midnight. I can't be part of this. The woman would never sleep. I told her all the cleaning would be done so she said she would do laundry.
I know I could get some extra stuff done, but how much extra to then have someone around the house I have to have a job list for? And she'd be trying to work when the guests were checking in. Earlier in the summer I could have found plenty for her to do. Right now it seems like more work to me to make a list of things to do. Weird, I know. But I'm in the swing of things now. AND, I've lost 12 lbs in 4 weeks.
Altho, I really would like to get a week.
I saw wire shelving units at Home Despot tonight. Not on sale, though.
Glad it gets better from here...
are you sure you don't want to take her on a little? just temporary? to do some inn cleaning catch up and see how she works there?
i am just asking because all my help is 'run in between other jobs'
1linda said:
Did hubs get his money back? Lowes is on my list. Bad one. They would not refund cash for a return. The return was made poorly with thin fabric. I talked til I was blue in the face. Said not refund on a card, as I did not get there often enough. In another town. Walmart refunds cash for pity sakes, not Lowes in the Quad Cities. I hope all went well. I want to know how he did it.
Here's the kicker...we went out to dinner last night and while we were gone Lowe's called because our washer & dryer are being delivered today. So, after canceling the order and getting a refund, the machines are magically available. I had already told them NO deliveries on Fri or Sat, no matter WHEN they came in. I guess I wait and see what, if anything, shows up today...
Did hubs get his money back? Lowes is on my list. Bad one. They would not refund cash for a return. The return was made poorly with thin fabric. I talked til I was blue in the face. Said no only would do refund to a Lowe's card.I said no as I do not get there often enough. They are in another town. Walmart refunds cash for pity sakes, not Lowes in the Quad Cities. I have not shopped at Lowe's since this problem. I have boycotted them. I hope all went well. I want to know how he did it.
are you sure you don't want to take her on a little? just temporary? to do some inn cleaning catch up and see how she works there?
i am just asking because all my help is 'run in between other jobs'.
My housekeeper comes in every Wed. But inbetween that time, WE have to clean the rooms. The sweat drips in my eyes. I can't stand it. We have couples here all week, some for one night, some for two nights. It's a revolving door.
This girl is wonderful. I know when she comes to clean, I don't have to worry. And I breathe a big sigh of relief.
She gets $20 an hour. She is so worth it. She cleans the four bathrooms -- all hairs are gone from the tubs and the sinks, she leaves the faucets shining, etc.
I couldn't do a better job myself.