Tips for cleaning glass coffee carafes and coffee makers.

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The Farmers Daughter

Well-known member
Jun 15, 2009
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I have coffee/tea carafes with white hard water stains on the bottom from where they sit on the electric warmers.
I heard than you can clean your coffee makers with vinegar. I tried that will poor results. Now the coffee tastes and smells vinegary. I don't understand it because I ran 3 water rinses through it afterwards.
Anyone have any tips on cleaning these? Thanks
I don't know if this will work for water stains, but when I worked in restaurants, we always used salt in a little water to swish out the coffee stains, especially when it sat on the burner too long and got crusty.
I don't know if this will work for water stains, but when I worked in restaurants, we always used salt in a little water to swish out the coffee stains, especially when it sat on the burner too long and got crusty.
egoodell said:
I don't know if this will work for water stains, but when I worked in restaurants, we always used salt in a little water to swish out the coffee stains, especially when it sat on the burner too long and got crusty.
Once you put the salt in, what do you do? Thanks!
We used vinegar but had to rinse through the machine more like 15 times.
I don't know if this will work for water stains, but when I worked in restaurants, we always used salt in a little water to swish out the coffee stains, especially when it sat on the burner too long and got crusty.
egoodell said:
I don't know if this will work for water stains, but when I worked in restaurants, we always used salt in a little water to swish out the coffee stains, especially when it sat on the burner too long and got crusty.
Once you put the salt in, what do you do? Thanks!
Salt created grit.
I use vinegar and just rinse it really good and that seems to work. I also put the coffee maker parts such as the filter basket, carafe etc and run them through the dishwasher all the time so nothing builds up on them.
i'm a big baking soda fan
paste of baking soda and vinegar. let sit. then scrub. then rinse, rinse, rinse. sometimes heated vinegar and water is the way to go. if it's cooked on again and again over time, it may be permanent.
We wash the coffee carafes every day. (So, once you get them clean, try that.) What kind of coffee maker do you have? Some of them you cannot run anything but water thru.
Anyway, we have a wire brush specifically made for cleaning carafes. We need to use that every once in awhile.
I'm a fan of baking soda as well. You can put the baking soda in the carafe and they pour vinegar on it. Instant 'school project volcano' and you get a nice scrubbing action. Let it sit and then rinse. Glass carafes shouldn't hold the smell of the vinegar after a good rinsing.
I don't know if this will work for water stains, but when I worked in restaurants, we always used salt in a little water to swish out the coffee stains, especially when it sat on the burner too long and got crusty.
yeah, same here, just put the salt & water in and shake it up. make sure to rinse out well after.
Eggshells and water have the same effect as salt and water. We used those to clean antique glass carafes a hundred years ago :)
Eggshells and water have the same effect as salt and water. We used those to clean antique glass carafes a hundred years ago :).
IrisoftheWayfarer said:
We used those to clean antique glass carafes a hundred years ago :)
Wow. HOW old ARE you?
old as dirt, heheh.
ok 53

I don't know if this will work for water stains, but when I worked in restaurants, we always used salt in a little water to swish out the coffee stains, especially when it sat on the burner too long and got crusty.
egoodell said:
I don't know if this will work for water stains, but when I worked in restaurants, we always used salt in a little water to swish out the coffee stains, especially when it sat on the burner too long and got crusty.
Once you put the salt in, what do you do? Thanks!
The Farmers Daughter said:
egoodell said:
I don't know if this will work for water stains, but when I worked in restaurants, we always used salt in a little water to swish out the coffee stains, especially when it sat on the burner too long and got crusty.
Once you put the salt in, what do you do? Thanks!
I think this was already answered, but put in some water, about a half cup or so, and swirl until the bits come off. Rinse well.
For carafes and teapots I found oxyclean makes them sparkle. Put about 1/2 scoop of oxyclean in the carafe or teapot, fill with hot water, let sit a few minutes, swish and rinse thoroughly and they sparkle.
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To remove coffee stains from inside a glass coffee pot, add 1 tablespoon water, 4 teaspoons salt, and 1 cup crushed ice. Gently swirl until it is clean, then rinse thoroughly. (Just make sure the coffee pot is at room temperature before cleaning.) Click through our slideshow to see other household tips.
To remove coffee stains from inside a glass coffee pot, add 1 tablespoon water, 4 teaspoons salt, and 1 cup crushed ice. Gently swirl until it is clean, then rinse thoroughly. (Just make sure the coffee pot is at room temperature before cleaning.) Click through our slideshow to see other household tips..
It is considered bad form to reply to dead topics. It makes us immediately think that you are a SPAMMER.... which is exactly what you are.
To remove coffee stains from inside a glass coffee pot, add 1 tablespoon water, 4 teaspoons salt, and 1 cup crushed ice. Gently swirl until it is clean, then rinse thoroughly. (Just make sure the coffee pot is at room temperature before cleaning.) Click through our slideshow to see other household tips..
It is considered bad form to reply to dead topics. It makes us immediately think that you are a SPAMMER.... which is exactly what you are.
I did not mark it as such because it stopped with the tip this time. Caught a few yesterday.