Therapy, Hobby, or Just Plain Mean

Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2012
Reaction score
I have a new activity, that's either enjoyable therapy for me, a sideline hobby to revel in, or perhaps it's just me being sadistic.

There are 3 or 4 forums on Facebook for AirBnB hosts to whine about "how hard this business is," or "here's how our latest guest trashed the place," or even "how they aren't making the money they thought they would."

I've joined them all, and on occasion simply chime in with a trollish "Welcome to the hospitality business!"

Yes, I could be spending my time much more productively. But the 5 minutes I spend doing this does seem to be helping my mental state. Now, when someone says "You own a B&B? We own an AirBnB too!" I don't immediately choke them.
We had guests a couple of weeks ago who talked non-stop about their air rental and how they never got to take vacation because it was booked solid from April thru October. They also raved about how air paid them full price for all their Covid-canceled reservations last year. I came *this* close to being on the front page of the paper.

I applaud your new hobby.
You can add in the obligatory "Did you fill in your travel insurance claim form?" when they complain about not being able to get their money back when cancelling.

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