The walk in dilemma

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I thought about doing a chart instead of a range. BUT, that limits me being able to raise rates at the last minute. Maybe a low season and a high season range would help. That way no one is expecting to pay $115 in August.
Generally, the discount shoppers I see walking in are not happy with $10 off.They want half off. (Not all, some are happy to 'score' the $10, it's a game to them.) And that is because they assume that my rates are like a hotel's rack rate, super inflated. My rack rate has minimal give in it. We do show a range of rates, with the higher end being a rate I might charge on a very busy weekend. No one sees that rate on the website before they call. The only rate they see is the low end rate and they all want to know why they can't have the room for that rate. Even tho the higher end rate is $60 more than what they are paying (depending on when they call) they all want to know why I'm charging them $10 more than my website says. My website has the low to high range. No one thinks the room will be the hight rate, only the low rate, or lower.
They have all been trained that 'rack rate' = 'sucker rate'.
And a lot of them are using the terms they hear in the media and saying things like, 'Isn't it better to make $100 than $0 if I walk?' And this is where the business person gets the money and the non business person gets to keep their pride. But which one pays the bills? But I don't think we can play by the same rules as hotels when we are such small businesses. Yeah, $100 is more than $0, but at what price do I sell my soul? And if I start taking whatever the guest will pay, how much sooner do I burn out?.
First, I feel for your situation, but when I read what you are going through, I just want to shout. You appear to caught in purgatory (?)
Freddie's Stop and Flop is just down the road - they have rooms for $30 bucks if you're willing to do the dishes! Thanks for stopping. I would love to stay and chat, but I have to get back our perfect customers.
knkbnb said:
First, I feel for your situation, but when I read what you are going through, I just want to shout. You appear to caught in purgatory (?)
Freddie's Stop and Flop is just down the road - they have rooms for $30 bucks if you're willing to do the dishes! Thanks for stopping. I would love to stay and chat, but I have to get back our perfect customers.
Unless someone is distinctly rude, I try to find them somewhere that fits. Like the couple yesterday, I sent them to a place that charges $75 including a continental brekkie. I HAVE stood and chatted with walk ins who are not staying. Someday they may have the money.
Sorry- I was just taking a stab at humor
Generally, the discount shoppers I see walking in are not happy with $10 off.They want half off. (Not all, some are happy to 'score' the $10, it's a game to them.) And that is because they assume that my rates are like a hotel's rack rate, super inflated. My rack rate has minimal give in it. We do show a range of rates, with the higher end being a rate I might charge on a very busy weekend. No one sees that rate on the website before they call. The only rate they see is the low end rate and they all want to know why they can't have the room for that rate. Even tho the higher end rate is $60 more than what they are paying (depending on when they call) they all want to know why I'm charging them $10 more than my website says. My website has the low to high range. No one thinks the room will be the hight rate, only the low rate, or lower.
They have all been trained that 'rack rate' = 'sucker rate'.
And a lot of them are using the terms they hear in the media and saying things like, 'Isn't it better to make $100 than $0 if I walk?' And this is where the business person gets the money and the non business person gets to keep their pride. But which one pays the bills? But I don't think we can play by the same rules as hotels when we are such small businesses. Yeah, $100 is more than $0, but at what price do I sell my soul? And if I start taking whatever the guest will pay, how much sooner do I burn out?.
First, I feel for your situation, but when I read what you are going through, I just want to shout. You appear to caught in purgatory (?)
Freddie's Stop and Flop is just down the road - they have rooms for $30 bucks if you're willing to do the dishes! Thanks for stopping. I would love to stay and chat, but I have to get back our perfect customers.
Oh just wait to you hear some of Bree's stories as the season will be amazed.

catlady said:
Oh just wait to you hear some of Bree's stories as the season will be amazed.
See, I forget. Last season is so long ago I can laugh at the situations now. And, it looks like there is a housekeeper in my future, which will definitely help when the doorbell rings at 2 PM. Which it just did, just as I stepped into the tub to scrub it out.
Generally, the discount shoppers I see walking in are not happy with $10 off.They want half off. (Not all, some are happy to 'score' the $10, it's a game to them.) And that is because they assume that my rates are like a hotel's rack rate, super inflated. My rack rate has minimal give in it. We do show a range of rates, with the higher end being a rate I might charge on a very busy weekend. No one sees that rate on the website before they call. The only rate they see is the low end rate and they all want to know why they can't have the room for that rate. Even tho the higher end rate is $60 more than what they are paying (depending on when they call) they all want to know why I'm charging them $10 more than my website says. My website has the low to high range. No one thinks the room will be the hight rate, only the low rate, or lower.
They have all been trained that 'rack rate' = 'sucker rate'.
And a lot of them are using the terms they hear in the media and saying things like, 'Isn't it better to make $100 than $0 if I walk?' And this is where the business person gets the money and the non business person gets to keep their pride. But which one pays the bills? But I don't think we can play by the same rules as hotels when we are such small businesses. Yeah, $100 is more than $0, but at what price do I sell my soul? And if I start taking whatever the guest will pay, how much sooner do I burn out?.
First, I feel for your situation, but when I read what you are going through, I just want to shout. You appear to caught in purgatory (?)
Freddie's Stop and Flop is just down the road - they have rooms for $30 bucks if you're willing to do the dishes! Thanks for stopping. I would love to stay and chat, but I have to get back our perfect customers.
knkbnb said:
First, I feel for your situation, but when I read what you are going through, I just want to shout. You appear to caught in purgatory (?)
Freddie's Stop and Flop is just down the road - they have rooms for $30 bucks if you're willing to do the dishes! Thanks for stopping. I would love to stay and chat, but I have to get back our perfect customers.
Unless someone is distinctly rude, I try to find them somewhere that fits. Like the couple yesterday, I sent them to a place that charges $75 including a continental brekkie. I HAVE stood and chatted with walk ins who are not staying. Someday they may have the money.
Sorry- I was just taking a stab at humor
knkbnb said:
Sorry- I was just taking a stab at humor
I wasn't taking it wrong, but I did want to mention that SOME people get the bum's rush, but others I'll even offer cookies to, give them a map and make a few calls for. Like the guy the other night...'Why so much?' 'Compared to what?' He obviously didn't stop at the hotels on the way in.
there are inns in my area that are happy to sell a walk in a room at the $60.00 they are requesting. they are looking at it the same way, it's better to have $60. than $0. But the way we look at it is, by the time i pay for the food, heat/air cond, water electricity, my time or housekeeper's time, then what profit did i make? Many of us innkeepers are not really making any sort of "profit" to begin with. there is a point where it is better to have the $0 and no hassle than to actually lose $$ and have a hassle. this is entirely my opinion and i'm sure there are those that disagree but...
it's not always walk ins sometimes they are phone callers too but they see like a lot of my & DH's friends do. What!? It costs my $200.00 to sleep in a bed for a night!? they don't see all of the oether things that price pays for. Heck, even my own parents in law think we should be charging $75.00 per night any time of year..
Heck, even I won't pay my rates when I go somewhere! And I DO know what's behind the price!
Interestingly- or not- we have been trying to spend near our rates when we travel. We just think it is important to understand what people get and what they expect for what we charge. We do a fair amount of exchanges, so we try to remind ourselves that it doesn't cost us as much overall. It ain't easy sometimes.
there are inns in my area that are happy to sell a walk in a room at the $60.00 they are requesting. they are looking at it the same way, it's better to have $60. than $0. But the way we look at it is, by the time i pay for the food, heat/air cond, water electricity, my time or housekeeper's time, then what profit did i make? Many of us innkeepers are not really making any sort of "profit" to begin with. there is a point where it is better to have the $0 and no hassle than to actually lose $$ and have a hassle. this is entirely my opinion and i'm sure there are those that disagree but...
it's not always walk ins sometimes they are phone callers too but they see like a lot of my & DH's friends do. What!? It costs my $200.00 to sleep in a bed for a night!? they don't see all of the oether things that price pays for. Heck, even my own parents in law think we should be charging $75.00 per night any time of year..
Heck, even I won't pay my rates when I go somewhere! And I DO know what's behind the price!
Interestingly- or not- we have been trying to spend near our rates when we travel. We just think it is important to understand what people get and what they expect for what we charge. We do a fair amount of exchanges, so we try to remind ourselves that it doesn't cost us as much overall. It ain't easy sometimes.
knkbnb said:
Interestingly- or not- we have been trying to spend near our rates when we travel. We just think it is important to understand what people get and what they expect for what we charge. We do a fair amount of exchanges, so we try to remind ourselves that it doesn't cost us as much overall. It ain't easy sometimes.
It's kind of apples to oranges, tho, isn't it? Your rates are not just based on the amenities you provide but on the location. My location is not one that can charge the kind of rates that can be charged where I like to go, but I'm expected to offer the same amenities.
I like to go to places like Charleston where $250 is cheap and doesn't include a full breakfast. Last year we asked for a professional discount in Santa Fe. We were told, 'I have to speak to the owner,' and that was the end of that. We do trade with other innkeepers, which is the only way I've traveled in the past year.
there are inns in my area that are happy to sell a walk in a room at the $60.00 they are requesting. they are looking at it the same way, it's better to have $60. than $0. But the way we look at it is, by the time i pay for the food, heat/air cond, water electricity, my time or housekeeper's time, then what profit did i make? Many of us innkeepers are not really making any sort of "profit" to begin with. there is a point where it is better to have the $0 and no hassle than to actually lose $$ and have a hassle. this is entirely my opinion and i'm sure there are those that disagree but...
it's not always walk ins sometimes they are phone callers too but they see like a lot of my & DH's friends do. What!? It costs my $200.00 to sleep in a bed for a night!? they don't see all of the oether things that price pays for. Heck, even my own parents in law think we should be charging $75.00 per night any time of year..
Heck, even I won't pay my rates when I go somewhere! And I DO know what's behind the price!
Interestingly- or not- we have been trying to spend near our rates when we travel. We just think it is important to understand what people get and what they expect for what we charge. We do a fair amount of exchanges, so we try to remind ourselves that it doesn't cost us as much overall. It ain't easy sometimes.
knkbnb said:
Interestingly- or not- we have been trying to spend near our rates when we travel. We just think it is important to understand what people get and what they expect for what we charge. We do a fair amount of exchanges, so we try to remind ourselves that it doesn't cost us as much overall. It ain't easy sometimes.
It's kind of apples to oranges, tho, isn't it? Your rates are not just based on the amenities you provide but on the location. My location is not one that can charge the kind of rates that can be charged where I like to go, but I'm expected to offer the same amenities.
I like to go to places like Charleston where $250 is cheap and doesn't include a full breakfast. Last year we asked for a professional discount in Santa Fe. We were told, 'I have to speak to the owner,' and that was the end of that. We do trade with other innkeepers, which is the only way I've traveled in the past year.
It is sort of, but our rates also reflect the higher cost of living in Hawaii. Plunk us down in your town and guess where our rates would be?
That's exactly where I saw it, on the Today Show. Guess who else has jumped on the bandwagon? Our old friend, Clark Howard, only he calls it negotiating. He says that hotel rates are one of the areas where this is effective. So get ready to see more of this.
It really is very true- one of the great benefits is hospitality exchanges. Just ask, just tell!
there are inns in my area that are happy to sell a walk in a room at the $60.00 they are requesting. they are looking at it the same way, it's better to have $60. than $0. But the way we look at it is, by the time i pay for the food, heat/air cond, water electricity, my time or housekeeper's time, then what profit did i make? Many of us innkeepers are not really making any sort of "profit" to begin with. there is a point where it is better to have the $0 and no hassle than to actually lose $$ and have a hassle. this is entirely my opinion and i'm sure there are those that disagree but...
it's not always walk ins sometimes they are phone callers too but they see like a lot of my & DH's friends do. What!? It costs my $200.00 to sleep in a bed for a night!? they don't see all of the oether things that price pays for. Heck, even my own parents in law think we should be charging $75.00 per night any time of year..
Heck, even I won't pay my rates when I go somewhere! And I DO know what's behind the price!
Interestingly- or not- we have been trying to spend near our rates when we travel. We just think it is important to understand what people get and what they expect for what we charge. We do a fair amount of exchanges, so we try to remind ourselves that it doesn't cost us as much overall. It ain't easy sometimes.
knkbnb said:
Interestingly- or not- we have been trying to spend near our rates when we travel. We just think it is important to understand what people get and what they expect for what we charge. We do a fair amount of exchanges, so we try to remind ourselves that it doesn't cost us as much overall. It ain't easy sometimes.
It's kind of apples to oranges, tho, isn't it? Your rates are not just based on the amenities you provide but on the location. My location is not one that can charge the kind of rates that can be charged where I like to go, but I'm expected to offer the same amenities.
I like to go to places like Charleston where $250 is cheap and doesn't include a full breakfast. Last year we asked for a professional discount in Santa Fe. We were told, 'I have to speak to the owner,' and that was the end of that. We do trade with other innkeepers, which is the only way I've traveled in the past year.
It is sort of, but our rates also reflect the higher cost of living in Hawaii. Plunk us down in your town and guess where our rates would be?
knkbnb said:
It is sort of, but our rates also reflect the higher cost of living in Hawaii. Plunk us down in your town and guess where our rates would be?
I think what I meant was, and thanks for giving me something to hang my hat on so to speak, you would not be staying with me if you try to spend what you charge. You would definitely be staying in one of the more upscale towns to spend what you charge. So, I like to stay places that charge twice what I do, but even spending what I charge is too much for me. Does that make sense?
Generally, the discount shoppers I see walking in are not happy with $10 off.They want half off. (Not all, some are happy to 'score' the $10, it's a game to them.) And that is because they assume that my rates are like a hotel's rack rate, super inflated. My rack rate has minimal give in it. We do show a range of rates, with the higher end being a rate I might charge on a very busy weekend. No one sees that rate on the website before they call. The only rate they see is the low end rate and they all want to know why they can't have the room for that rate. Even tho the higher end rate is $60 more than what they are paying (depending on when they call) they all want to know why I'm charging them $10 more than my website says. My website has the low to high range. No one thinks the room will be the hight rate, only the low rate, or lower.
They have all been trained that 'rack rate' = 'sucker rate'.
And a lot of them are using the terms they hear in the media and saying things like, 'Isn't it better to make $100 than $0 if I walk?' And this is where the business person gets the money and the non business person gets to keep their pride. But which one pays the bills? But I don't think we can play by the same rules as hotels when we are such small businesses. Yeah, $100 is more than $0, but at what price do I sell my soul? And if I start taking whatever the guest will pay, how much sooner do I burn out?.
Bree said:
Generally, the discount shoppers I see walking in are not happy with $10 off.They want half off. (Not all, some are happy to 'score' the $10, it's a game to them.) And that is because they assume that my rates are like a hotel's rack rate, super inflated. My rack rate has minimal give in it. We do show a range of rates, with the higher end being a rate I might charge on a very busy weekend. No one sees that rate on the website before they call. The only rate they see is the low end rate and they all want to know why they can't have the room for that rate. Even tho the higher end rate is $60 more than what they are paying (depending on when they call) they all want to know why I'm charging them $10 more than my website says. My website has the low to high range. No one thinks the room will be the hight rate, only the low rate, or lower.
They have all been trained that 'rack rate' = 'sucker rate'.
And a lot of them are using the terms they hear in the media and saying things like, 'Isn't it better to make $100 than $0 if I walk?' And this is where the business person gets the money and the non business person gets to keep their pride. But which one pays the bills? But I don't think we can play by the same rules as hotels when we are such small businesses. Yeah, $100 is more than $0, but at what price do I sell my soul? And if I start taking whatever the guest will pay, how much sooner do I burn out?
I checked out your rates online. I saw that you break out your rates in season and non season for your "multi room Suite" but not for the other rooms. I would think that would help solve some of these questions - at least for the website viewer. BTW -This is the first time looking at your rooms page - The pictures you took turned out very nice, very inviting.
Generally, the discount shoppers I see walking in are not happy with $10 off.They want half off. (Not all, some are happy to 'score' the $10, it's a game to them.) And that is because they assume that my rates are like a hotel's rack rate, super inflated. My rack rate has minimal give in it. We do show a range of rates, with the higher end being a rate I might charge on a very busy weekend. No one sees that rate on the website before they call. The only rate they see is the low end rate and they all want to know why they can't have the room for that rate. Even tho the higher end rate is $60 more than what they are paying (depending on when they call) they all want to know why I'm charging them $10 more than my website says. My website has the low to high range. No one thinks the room will be the hight rate, only the low rate, or lower.
They have all been trained that 'rack rate' = 'sucker rate'.
And a lot of them are using the terms they hear in the media and saying things like, 'Isn't it better to make $100 than $0 if I walk?' And this is where the business person gets the money and the non business person gets to keep their pride. But which one pays the bills? But I don't think we can play by the same rules as hotels when we are such small businesses. Yeah, $100 is more than $0, but at what price do I sell my soul? And if I start taking whatever the guest will pay, how much sooner do I burn out?.
Yeah, $100 is more than $0, but at what price do I sell my soul? And if I start taking whatever the guest will pay, how much sooner do I burn out?
And which would come faster? Burn out or bankrupt?
I had an email inquiry today when I got home from a getaway - we went to Asheville NC where the B&B room rates are average of $400. This room this person asked about to purchase a gift certificate for a coworker is $120 and they asked if they get dinner with that? NO BUT YOU GET A HAIRCUT WITH IT! DOH!
I then got a voice mail from a man who found us in the Stash Tea B&B promotion. It is BOGO. It ends May 31, 2009 TODAY - and I did not renew this promotion, I don't care for it. I had hoped someone would book three nights to redeem the one night, nope. I hoped the marketing would reach the B&B crowd. Nope.
The phone message said he realizes it expires today, so he would like to buy one room night on his credit card and then use these two nights at any time the rest of the year.
How cheap is that? I did not even write the phone # down, I deleted it. So if you are reading this you know who you are.
I am not even posting many of the INN the news about getting bargains in lodging right now. I am just deleting them, I am posting about one per 5.
We are typically too far off the beaten path for walk-ins. And we have never offered a deal (though this season is making me consider it) the thing that would bother me is that I know many people who LOOOOVE to haggle (I hate it) but the one thing they seem to enjoy as much as getting a great deal is then bosting about it to anyone who will listen.
I would never want someone sitting at the breakfast table with other guest bosting like a rooster about what a great deal they got. It would make the other guests annoyed that we didn't give them the deal and would make us look bad.
We too do not get walk ins, we have had a couple, but it is not the norm here. Do you have your rates posted? Or is that a no no due to the normal reservations you have? I mean, like a high traffic restaurant district where the menu is posted OUTSIDE so you don't have to go in, get in the way and stuff around?
We too do not get walk ins, we have had a couple, but it is not the norm here. Do you have your rates posted? Or is that a no no due to the normal reservations you have? I mean, like a high traffic restaurant district where the menu is posted OUTSIDE so you don't have to go in, get in the way and stuff around?.
I have wondered about that...posting the prices OUTSIDE on the sign. I have a secondary sign that has the AAA logo on it but I cannot use that sign, so I have a sign I can repaint with the prices and hang it from the regular sign. BUT, then I wonder if that would scare off more people who might just stay once they see inside? And not only scare them away from me, but from other B&B's who might be willing to haggle.
I had an email inquiry today when I got home from a getaway - we went to Asheville NC where the B&B room rates are average of $400. This room this person asked about to purchase a gift certificate for a coworker is $120 and they asked if they get dinner with that? NO BUT YOU GET A HAIRCUT WITH IT! DOH!.
Welcome back Junie...hope you enjoyed Asheville!
I then got a voice mail from a man who found us in the Stash Tea B&B promotion. It is BOGO. It ends May 31, 2009 TODAY - and I did not renew this promotion, I don't care for it. I had hoped someone would book three nights to redeem the one night, nope. I hoped the marketing would reach the B&B crowd. Nope.
The phone message said he realizes it expires today, so he would like to buy one room night on his credit card and then use these two nights at any time the rest of the year.
How cheap is that? I did not even write the phone # down, I deleted it. So if you are reading this you know who you are.. is the thing. I don't know where people's heads are sometimes. I just had a lady here for 3 nights visiting family. She had our King room (one of our most popular rooms which was booked by her local family) for our corporate rate of $119/night. She had never stayed at a B&B before. Her comment, "It was really nice to stay in such a clean place compared to a hotel". What the heck?? She got over $45 off per night, I gave her extra baked treats to take to her family, she asked for extra things like more bottled water, some extra fruit to take with her when they went out for the day (this was in addition to our HUGE 3-course breakfasts on china, etc. and all the sodas, bottled water, and the snacks in the snack basket). Not to mention, we always carry luggage up to the rooms and all the concierge services, and blah, blah, blah. Surely, that can't be the only difference she found between us and a hotel? I mean, I even put her bottle of white wine in the guest fridge with her name on it to keep it chilled and put a wine glass with a nice presentation in her room. Something tells me that your average hotel maid won't do that for you. lol! Jeez....

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