Well-known member
Hi EN,Check the dat of the thread before you reply. As you can see this was anHello Jim,You will find your friends here a great source of information, when I found the forum I think I read all of the old posts, lots to be learned from them.
I'm the odd one with an 8 room motel in the mountains, like you an old dream that worked out for me. I think you need to enjoy people and enjoy serving them, not all guests are nice, you will read about some of them here as well.
To me the real key is can you afford the property you choose? Many businesses look good when you see money changing hands, what does not show is how fast that money is handed to someone else and you hope a little sticks to you fingers as it passes through. Guess I'm trying to say it is not a get rich quick business, but I love it..
You are not alone, we too are owners of a small rustic 8 room lodge in the mountains... What is the name of your motel???
Warmest regards,
Gary & Donna...
old thread that had few posts
I took it more as a PM and replied by email since we don't usually post property names. Jim