Thank you Swirt!

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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In this quieter, between-the-holidays week is the time needed to look back and plan forward. It has been a good year and a bad year, in many ways, for all of us.
Take a moment or two this week to acknowledge that you made it happen this year - you accomplished goals, you realized limits and adapted, you survived grief and despair, you grew as a person in many inestimable ways.
There has been abundance and loss this year, but we've had each other to help us through it all.
Thanks to Swirt for giving us this place to gather. And thanks to all for showing up, when you can, to share your life with everyone.
oh my, yes! Thank you Swirt and to all my innmate friends - I have not met you off screen but feel I know you just the same. :)
Thank you. All. And in the words of Tiny Tim -GOD bless us - Everyone!
Thank you Swirt.
And thanks to all that share here, we all are better innkeepers because of it.
Thanks to all and to you Swirt. If not for this group, I think I would be looney toons by now
Indeed, thank you Swirt and thanks to all inspiring innkeepers who share themselves here!❤️
Thank you Swirt!
Thank you inmates especially the one who we met this spring!