Sure wish they would contact me. I filled out the form about this time last year. Guess I should do it again in case they lost my info..
Copperhead said:
Sure wish they would contact me. I filled out the form about this time last year. Guess I should do it again in case they lost my info.
Yes you should!
I can't believe how few destination chargers are out there. I'm headed to a conference in Memphis next month. Not a single Tesla destination charger in this metro area of 1.3 million people! I'll have to stay near a downtown parking garage that has a much slower public charger available.
I'm wanting to visit cousins in Tulsa. Not a single Tesla destination charger in that city of one million. I'll have to leave my car at a slow public charger and have my cousin drive me over to pick it up when it's done.
So the lack of chargers doesn't keep me from going where I want to go, it just makes things take a little longer to get done. I would sure be staying at an inn with a destination charger, if there was one!