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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2008
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I know politics are off the table in our inns and here on the forum, but in an election year, do any of you show your support for your candidate as a business or even just personally, like wearing your button or whatever? After all, your inn is also your home, anyone have signs on their lawns? Or is that bad for business?
There are plenty of businesses in town who make their choices I was just wondering...
I personally, avoid this stuff, but some years, I get revved up and think, I'm gonna do it, then don't...
I don't want to discuss politics with anyone especially not guests!!! IT is my personal business and I don't care what anyone else does. I would not wear a badge to identify my canidate. That alone could start some bad vibrations the minute a guest shows up at the front door. No political signs in the yard either.
Before I retired, being a USDA /Extension Service employee..that was one of the major rules we all had to follow. No showing of support in public for our canidate of choice. I know some folks who really got called on the carpet for it as well. Wasn't worth losing my job over.
We are on a very visible corner and have been asked several times to put signs out. Our first year here we said okay but everyone would be allowed to put one out - we wouldn't play favorites. Since then we have just said no. We take them up if someone puts them up without asking. When demonstraters come to the corner with signs, we ask them to leave - even if we support that candidate. It always causes problems and near-accidents at our 4-way stop sign.
Nothing is off limits for discussion at the inn unless it gets ugly. Or is inherently objectionable. On the forum is a whole other kettle of fish because it is impossible to gather the non-verbal cues that keep conversations at the conversational level.
We did have a woman ask a father and son if they were a couple. THAT made for an interesting conversation in the morning given the father in question had preconceived notions about what kind of men own B&B's.
As for the remainder of the question, no, we don't put signs up, or paste on bumper stickers or wear buttons. If someone puts a sign on my lawn, I remove it, regardless of who it is for.
We did have a woman ask a father and son if they were a couple. THAT made for an interesting conversation in the morning given the father in question had preconceived notions about what kind of men own B&B's.
That's funny!
Nothing is off limits for discussion at the inn unless it gets ugly. Or is inherently objectionable. On the forum is a whole other kettle of fish because it is impossible to gather the non-verbal cues that keep conversations at the conversational level.
We did have a woman ask a father and son if they were a couple. THAT made for an interesting conversation in the morning given the father in question had preconceived notions about what kind of men own B&B's.
As for the remainder of the question, no, we don't put signs up, or paste on bumper stickers or wear buttons. If someone puts a sign on my lawn, I remove it, regardless of who it is for..
Bree said:
We did have a woman ask a father and son if they were a couple. THAT made for an interesting conversation in the morning given the father in question had preconceived notions about what kind of men own B&B's.
That would have been a good time to interject," Oh it's O.K. if you are, some of our best friends are gay!"
Besides Religion and Politics, I refuse to get in the middle of someone's personal or marital problems. I'm not their father confessor and I don't get paid a psychiatrist pay. Had one lady tell me all about her ex-husbands sexual deviancy in VIVID detail. Too much information.
Nothing is off limits for discussion at the inn unless it gets ugly. Or is inherently objectionable. On the forum is a whole other kettle of fish because it is impossible to gather the non-verbal cues that keep conversations at the conversational level.
We did have a woman ask a father and son if they were a couple. THAT made for an interesting conversation in the morning given the father in question had preconceived notions about what kind of men own B&B's.
As for the remainder of the question, no, we don't put signs up, or paste on bumper stickers or wear buttons. If someone puts a sign on my lawn, I remove it, regardless of who it is for..
Bree said:
We did have a woman ask a father and son if they were a couple. THAT made for an interesting conversation in the morning given the father in question had preconceived notions about what kind of men own B&B's.
That would have been a good time to interject," Oh it's O.K. if you are, some of our best friends are gay!"
Besides Religion and Politics, I refuse to get in the middle of someone's personal or marital problems. I'm not their father confessor and I don't get paid a psychiatrist pay. Had one lady tell me all about her ex-husbands sexual deviancy in VIVID detail. Too much information.
Proud Texan said:
Bree said:
We did have a woman ask a father and son if they were a couple. THAT made for an interesting conversation in the morning given the father in question had preconceived notions about what kind of men own B&B's.
That would have been a good time to interject," Oh it's O.K. if you are, some of our best friends are gay!"
Besides Religion and Politics, I refuse to get in the middle of someone's personal or marital problems. I'm not their father confessor and I don't get paid a psychiatrist pay. Had one lady tell me all about her ex-husbands sexual deviancy in VIVID detail. Too much information.
Interestingly enough, with all the different guests and all the different topics, nothing like what you had has ever come up. It may have been the setting. A couple of drinks, the fire, the outdoorsy nature. Heck, this is New England, home of Cotton Mather and the Scarlet Letter. We're very straightlaced around here.

Nothing is off limits for discussion at the inn unless it gets ugly. Or is inherently objectionable. On the forum is a whole other kettle of fish because it is impossible to gather the non-verbal cues that keep conversations at the conversational level.
We did have a woman ask a father and son if they were a couple. THAT made for an interesting conversation in the morning given the father in question had preconceived notions about what kind of men own B&B's.
As for the remainder of the question, no, we don't put signs up, or paste on bumper stickers or wear buttons. If someone puts a sign on my lawn, I remove it, regardless of who it is for..
Bree said:
We did have a woman ask a father and son if they were a couple. THAT made for an interesting conversation in the morning given the father in question had preconceived notions about what kind of men own B&B's.
That would have been a good time to interject," Oh it's O.K. if you are, some of our best friends are gay!"
Besides Religion and Politics, I refuse to get in the middle of someone's personal or marital problems. I'm not their father confessor and I don't get paid a psychiatrist pay. Had one lady tell me all about her ex-husbands sexual deviancy in VIVID detail. Too much information.
Proud Texan said:
Bree said:
We did have a woman ask a father and son if they were a couple. THAT made for an interesting conversation in the morning given the father in question had preconceived notions about what kind of men own B&B's.
That would have been a good time to interject," Oh it's O.K. if you are, some of our best friends are gay!"
Besides Religion and Politics, I refuse to get in the middle of someone's personal or marital problems. I'm not their father confessor and I don't get paid a psychiatrist pay. Had one lady tell me all about her ex-husbands sexual deviancy in VIVID detail. Too much information.
Interestingly enough, with all the different guests and all the different topics, nothing like what you had has ever come up. It may have been the setting. A couple of drinks, the fire, the outdoorsy nature. Heck, this is New England, home of Cotton Mather and the Scarlet Letter. We're very straightlaced around here.

Well we're all kinky down here, but we just don't discuss it in polite company.

Nothing is off limits for discussion at the inn unless it gets ugly. Or is inherently objectionable. On the forum is a whole other kettle of fish because it is impossible to gather the non-verbal cues that keep conversations at the conversational level.
We did have a woman ask a father and son if they were a couple. THAT made for an interesting conversation in the morning given the father in question had preconceived notions about what kind of men own B&B's.
As for the remainder of the question, no, we don't put signs up, or paste on bumper stickers or wear buttons. If someone puts a sign on my lawn, I remove it, regardless of who it is for..
Bree said:
We did have a woman ask a father and son if they were a couple. THAT made for an interesting conversation in the morning given the father in question had preconceived notions about what kind of men own B&B's.
That would have been a good time to interject," Oh it's O.K. if you are, some of our best friends are gay!"
Besides Religion and Politics, I refuse to get in the middle of someone's personal or marital problems. I'm not their father confessor and I don't get paid a psychiatrist pay. Had one lady tell me all about her ex-husbands sexual deviancy in VIVID detail. Too much information.
Proud Texan said:
Bree said:
We did have a woman ask a father and son if they were a couple. THAT made for an interesting conversation in the morning given the father in question had preconceived notions about what kind of men own B&B's.
That would have been a good time to interject," Oh it's O.K. if you are, some of our best friends are gay!"
Besides Religion and Politics, I refuse to get in the middle of someone's personal or marital problems. I'm not their father confessor and I don't get paid a psychiatrist pay. Had one lady tell me all about her ex-husbands sexual deviancy in VIVID detail. Too much information.
Interestingly enough, with all the different guests and all the different topics, nothing like what you had has ever come up. It may have been the setting. A couple of drinks, the fire, the outdoorsy nature. Heck, this is New England, home of Cotton Mather and the Scarlet Letter. We're very straightlaced around here.

Well we're all kinky down here, but we just don't discuss it in polite company.

Proud Texan said:
Well we're all kinky down here, but we just don't discuss it in polite company.
Yeah, I know a guy from GA like that. My mother thought he was swell because he 'yes ma'am'd' her. I told her (recently) that he was hell on wheels once we left the driveway.
Well ,because we plan on catering to small events I was told to be prepared for the local swingers group to contact us--that will be interesting!
Well ,because we plan on catering to small events I was told to be prepared for the local swingers group to contact us--that will be interesting!.
riverbendnewbie said:
Well ,because we plan on catering to small events I was told to be prepared for the local swingers group to contact us--that will be interesting!
Won't THAT be interesting! Get a nom de plume and let us know how that little scenario plays out. Not the gory details (it's that New England thing again) but what you say, what they say, that sort of thing!
Well ,because we plan on catering to small events I was told to be prepared for the local swingers group to contact us--that will be interesting!.
riverbendnewbie said:
Well ,because we plan on catering to small events I was told to be prepared for the local swingers group to contact us--that will be interesting!
Won't THAT be interesting! Get a nom de plume and let us know how that little scenario plays out. Not the gory details (it's that New England thing again) but what you say, what they say, that sort of thing!
Hopefull it won't happen!
No way, no signs on the yard. If you put one up, it is likely to turn the other half the population off (assuming a 50/50 split ;) ) Over breakfast, we tread lightly around discussions of politics and religion. Some people can handle the discussions, some can't.
No way, no signs on the yard. If you put one up, it is likely to turn the other half the population off (assuming a 50/50 split ;) ) Over breakfast, we tread lightly around discussions of politics and religion. Some people can handle the discussions, some can't..
I find this interesting when there are many B&B's that advertise in association with their religious beliefs, we even have one in town that offers discounts for clergy...
I have been know to put a sign in my window for a candidate I liked. He was not from my political party but I not only put up his sin, but I wrote the first political campaign donation check ever to him.
If I get asked, I will put a sign in my window for my Senatorial candidate - on the residence side of the house. I can always blame it on DH. We do not Politick, but until 5:30 am on election day, I can have a candidate - at that point I am a poll worker and shut up and do my job.
I have been know to put a sign in my window for a candidate I liked. He was not from my political party but I not only put up his sin, but I wrote the first political campaign donation check ever to him.
If I get asked, I will put a sign in my window for my Senatorial candidate - on the residence side of the house. I can always blame it on DH. We do not Politick, but until 5:30 am on election day, I can have a candidate - at that point I am a poll worker and shut up and do my job..
gillumhouse said:
He was not from my political party but I not only put up his sin,
Hmmm...that is funny on so many different levels...
No way, no signs on the yard. If you put one up, it is likely to turn the other half the population off (assuming a 50/50 split ;) ) Over breakfast, we tread lightly around discussions of politics and religion. Some people can handle the discussions, some can't..
I find this interesting when there are many B&B's that advertise in association with their religious beliefs, we even have one in town that offers discounts for clergy...
inncogneeto said:
I find this interesting when there are many B&B's that advertise in association with their religious beliefs, we even have one in town that offers discounts for clergy...
Advertising that an inn is owned by Christians is different than putting a sign in the front yard, or ramming religion down a guest's throat during their visit. We give a military and clergy discount... mostly because we think both groups work very hard for very little and deserve a break. We're happy to talk religion, but only if a guest brings it up and is clearly interested.
Absolutely no sign in the yard. (And I've been shocked to see a sign in a neighbor's yard... I'd never have guessed they would vote for that candidate!)
We want our guests to feel welcome here, regardless of their politics, religion, or other controversial reason why they might disagree with us!
No way, no signs on the yard. If you put one up, it is likely to turn the other half the population off (assuming a 50/50 split ;) ) Over breakfast, we tread lightly around discussions of politics and religion. Some people can handle the discussions, some can't..
I find this interesting when there are many B&B's that advertise in association with their religious beliefs, we even have one in town that offers discounts for clergy...
inncogneeto said:
I find this interesting when there are many B&B's that advertise in association with their religious beliefs, we even have one in town that offers discounts for clergy...
Advertising that an inn is owned by Christians is different than putting a sign in the front yard, or ramming religion down a guest's throat during their visit. We give a military and clergy discount... mostly because we think both groups work very hard for very little and deserve a break. We're happy to talk religion, but only if a guest brings it up and is clearly interested.
Absolutely no sign in the yard. (And I've been shocked to see a sign in a neighbor's yard... I'd never have guessed they would vote for that candidate!)
We want our guests to feel welcome here, regardless of their politics, religion, or other controversial reason why they might disagree with us!
Do you give discounts to clergy of all faiths or just the one you belong to? Just curious...
No way, no signs on the yard. If you put one up, it is likely to turn the other half the population off (assuming a 50/50 split ;) ) Over breakfast, we tread lightly around discussions of politics and religion. Some people can handle the discussions, some can't..
I find this interesting when there are many B&B's that advertise in association with their religious beliefs, we even have one in town that offers discounts for clergy...
inncogneeto said:
I find this interesting when there are many B&B's that advertise in association with their religious beliefs, we even have one in town that offers discounts for clergy...
Advertising that an inn is owned by Christians is different than putting a sign in the front yard, or ramming religion down a guest's throat during their visit. We give a military and clergy discount... mostly because we think both groups work very hard for very little and deserve a break. We're happy to talk religion, but only if a guest brings it up and is clearly interested.
Absolutely no sign in the yard. (And I've been shocked to see a sign in a neighbor's yard... I'd never have guessed they would vote for that candidate!)
We want our guests to feel welcome here, regardless of their politics, religion, or other controversial reason why they might disagree with us!
Do you give discounts to clergy of all faiths or just the one you belong to? Just curious...
inncogneeto said:
Do you give discounts to clergy of all faiths or just the one you belong to? Just curious...
All faiths.
I would prefer not to give it to someone who got a mail order license to perform marriages but does not actually work in ministry. We'd probably give it to any full-time worker (in any faith) even if they are not "clergy" per se (e.g., full-time youth workers are not always considered pastors but would qualify).
We get a houseful of clergy and/or other full-time ministry types at least three times a year for a seminar held nearby. It's tempting to cancel the discount, but I build it into our rates. Besides, we really do feel they deserve the break, and we only give it to those who request it (which means if they don't read the website and ask for it, I'm not asking them if they ought to receive it!). Dh, OTOH, insisted on giving it when we hosted a local pastor whose house was being repaired after a fire. Even though the pastor's insurance was covering the lodging cost, dh insisted on giving the discount. Oh well.
Theology is sort of a hobby for us... I would LOVE to have clergy of other faiths here, especially if they are willing to tell me more about their belief systems and worship practices. (Although I suspect many don't like to talk shop while on vacation.)

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