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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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OK, this one takes the cake - I popped out to see if there were any notes left on the door for the late arrivals (in order to turn lights off). Started chatting with everyone who was making coffee. The last of the late gang showed up so I headed back to go to bed.
A car pulls in and I watch to see if they find the last parking spot. Looks like it's a tight fit so they back out. We have 'overflow' parking along the driveway. Marked just like the regular spaces. Car leaves. OK, maybe it was just a turnaround.
No. Car goes across the street to my neighbor's house and pulls into their driveway and parks right next to their house in their parking space. Hmmm. Even if it was a friend of theirs who was lost, who parks right next to the house? Park in the other 8 spaces they have.
I wait. Someone gets out of the car, looks at the space between their car and the neighbor's car and house, hauls a suitcase out and starts walking over here. Sigh, it IS my guest.
Out I go in bare feet to tell the guest they have to move the car. I offer to take the suitcases into the house for them. And I'm warned to 'be careful with that!' like I've never carried a suitcase before.
Guest was going to take the suitcases inside and THEN go back to move the car. And what if my neighbor arrived home after work at that point???
I don't get it. Some people have no sense of private your guest who assumed it would be ok to park in a strangers driveway.
We ran into some oblivious people yesterday. There is only one other house, besides ours, on this dead-end road. The scenic overlook at the end of the road provides plenty of parking for the National Park visitors who want to get out of their cars and see the ocean vistas. But this group decided to park on the shoulder of the road directly opposite the neighbor's driveway and their Airbnb sign. I watched from our porch as the group of 6 adults and 7 children hung around under the neighbor's shade tree, for about 15 minutes with the kids climbing the tree and playing. At first, I thought it was a group of the neighbor's friends/guests but, no. When we passed on our walk it was clear that our neighbors were not home, so I asked the group if they had permission to be on the private property. They looked at me like I had three heads. They finally moved off and left when, much to DH chagrin, I bluntly told them that they had to get their kids off the tree and get off the private property. It's amazing the sense of entitlement some people have!
Silver spoon. Good for you. That’s crazy! And if someone got hurt, would they sue? Happened to a friend, the attorney for the people suing called the treehouse and trees on private property that they trespassed to get to an attractive nuisance. Mr friend’s insurance company paid the claim for the broken arm medical bill, but my friend said see you in court when they asked for damages or whatever. It’s been continued three times.
OK, no, *now* I've seen it all. Guests ask to leave suitcase as they do not have a car and want to go to some breweries nearby. Around 2 a truck pulls in, it's them. They've called an Uber. (I've never seen an Uber truck before.)
They come in the house, go into the guest fridge and take out pizza boxes (I did not even check! Good thing, I would have tossed all of it.) and beer and start to heat up the pizza.
Am I the only one who thinks - hey, there's a guy in the driveway being paid by the RIDE, not the hour, and you're going to eat pizza??? No, they didn't eat it, they threw it back in the box and left. But, still. They did not take into account that driver is WAITING, for free. Not being paid to sit there while you rummage around in the fridge and in your suitcases.
OK, no, *now* I've seen it all. Guests ask to leave suitcase as they do not have a car and want to go to some breweries nearby. Around 2 a truck pulls in, it's them. They've called an Uber. (I've never seen an Uber truck before.)
They come in the house, go into the guest fridge and take out pizza boxes (I did not even check! Good thing, I would have tossed all of it.) and beer and start to heat up the pizza.
Am I the only one who thinks - hey, there's a guy in the driveway being paid by the RIDE, not the hour, and you're going to eat pizza??? No, they didn't eat it, they threw it back in the box and left. But, still. They did not take into account that driver is WAITING, for free. Not being paid to sit there while you rummage around in the fridge and in your suitcases..
I have guests who have never been to a B&B before using a shared bath. The other guest complained today. I went into the room today... my towels in the recycling bin, strewn all over the room, the tip envelope in the garbage, luggage on the furniture. I'm hoping they don't review.
Again! This one's reason for parking in my neighbor's driveway was - I didn't think my SUV would fit in your parking lot. WTF?