DH & I have a unspoken rule... if it looks like we're getting sucked into a vortex, the other one (in the kitchen usually) will call us back into the kitchen for "whatever" So far, it's worked great..
Ha, ha. It's not often we find ourselves in a conversation that is headed nowhere fast before the guests realize it's gone too far and change the subject or say something like, 'Well, it's where we live, it's probably different here,' and we move onto something else. But, the getting called into the kitchen wouldn't work...it's all one big room! We can't even say 'oops' in the kitchen without everyone turning and looking!greyswan said:DH & I have a unspoken rule... if it looks like we're getting sucked into a vortex, the other one (in the kitchen usually) will call us back into the kitchen for "whatever" So far, it's worked great.
ugh. Chatty guests are great. Chatty overly opinionated guests...not so greatarrived at breakfast a little after 8. gone by 9. one of those couples where he does all the talking, arguing, stating of opinions and rapid-fire questioning of every little detail about the town, the state, the economy, illegal immigrants, taxes, and on and on. time to clean.
thanks for the opinions. i almost decided to sleep in but dh nudged me and asked if i was getting up. no getting back to sleep after that. but next time with just one room it's going to be, 'breakfast is at ____,' and wait to see if there are any complaints..
When they want what I consider to be the 'innside scoop' they always want to know what is it they don't see that is the hardest thing about the biz. I can always look up from whatever I'm doing and in a tragic voice say, 'Laundry.DH & I have a unspoken rule... if it looks like we're getting sucked into a vortex, the other one (in the kitchen usually) will call us back into the kitchen for "whatever" So far, it's worked great..Ha, ha. It's not often we find ourselves in a conversation that is headed nowhere fast before the guests realize it's gone too far and change the subject or say something like, 'Well, it's where we live, it's probably different here,' and we move onto something else. But, the getting called into the kitchen wouldn't work...it's all one big room! We can't even say 'oops' in the kitchen without everyone turning and looking!greyswan said:DH & I have a unspoken rule... if it looks like we're getting sucked into a vortex, the other one (in the kitchen usually) will call us back into the kitchen for "whatever" So far, it's worked great.
We rarely get questions about viability of the business like JBJ gets, but we do get a lot of, 'We always thought about doing this. But, I bet it's...(fill in the blank, whatever they worry about).' When they want what I consider to be the 'innside scoop' they always want to know what is it they don't see that is the hardest thing about the biz. I can always look up from whatever I'm doing and in a tragic voice say, 'Laundry. Think about it.' Women think about it and get that same tragic look as they think about all the towels and all the bedding just in THEIR room. Most guys look at their wives and wonder what the deal is.
DH & I have a unspoken rule... if it looks like we're getting sucked into a vortex, the other one (in the kitchen usually) will call us back into the kitchen for "whatever" So far, it's worked great..Ha, ha. It's not often we find ourselves in a conversation that is headed nowhere fast before the guests realize it's gone too far and change the subject or say something like, 'Well, it's where we live, it's probably different here,' and we move onto something else. But, the getting called into the kitchen wouldn't work...it's all one big room! We can't even say 'oops' in the kitchen without everyone turning and looking!greyswan said:DH & I have a unspoken rule... if it looks like we're getting sucked into a vortex, the other one (in the kitchen usually) will call us back into the kitchen for "whatever" So far, it's worked great.
We rarely get questions about viability of the business like JBJ gets, but we do get a lot of, 'We always thought about doing this. But, I bet it's...(fill in the blank, whatever they worry about).' When they want what I consider to be the 'innside scoop' they always want to know what is it they don't see that is the hardest thing about the biz. I can always look up from whatever I'm doing and in a tragic voice say, 'Laundry. Think about it.' Women think about it and get that same tragic look as they think about all the towels and all the bedding just in THEIR room. Most guys look at their wives and wonder what the deal is.
Ha ha! That's a good one.Bree said:We rarely get questions about viability of the business like JBJ gets, but we do get a lot of, 'We always thought about doing this. But, I bet it's...(fill in the blank, whatever they worry about).' When they want what I consider to be the 'innside scoop' they always want to know what is it they don't see that is the hardest thing about the biz. I can always look up from whatever I'm doing and in a tragic voice say, 'Laundry. Think about it.' Women think about it and get that same tragic look as they think about all the towels and all the bedding just in THEIR room. Most guys look at their wives and wonder what the deal is.
DH & I have a unspoken rule... if it looks like we're getting sucked into a vortex, the other one (in the kitchen usually) will call us back into the kitchen for "whatever" So far, it's worked great..Ha, ha. It's not often we find ourselves in a conversation that is headed nowhere fast before the guests realize it's gone too far and change the subject or say something like, 'Well, it's where we live, it's probably different here,' and we move onto something else. But, the getting called into the kitchen wouldn't work...it's all one big room! We can't even say 'oops' in the kitchen without everyone turning and looking!greyswan said:DH & I have a unspoken rule... if it looks like we're getting sucked into a vortex, the other one (in the kitchen usually) will call us back into the kitchen for "whatever" So far, it's worked great.
We rarely get questions about viability of the business like JBJ gets, but we do get a lot of, 'We always thought about doing this. But, I bet it's...(fill in the blank, whatever they worry about).' When they want what I consider to be the 'innside scoop' they always want to know what is it they don't see that is the hardest thing about the biz. I can always look up from whatever I'm doing and in a tragic voice say, 'Laundry. Think about it.' Women think about it and get that same tragic look as they think about all the towels and all the bedding just in THEIR room. Most guys look at their wives and wonder what the deal is.
.Ha ha! That's a good one.Bree said:We rarely get questions about viability of the business like JBJ gets, but we do get a lot of, 'We always thought about doing this. But, I bet it's...(fill in the blank, whatever they worry about).' When they want what I consider to be the 'innside scoop' they always want to know what is it they don't see that is the hardest thing about the biz. I can always look up from whatever I'm doing and in a tragic voice say, 'Laundry. Think about it.' Women think about it and get that same tragic look as they think about all the towels and all the bedding just in THEIR room. Most guys look at their wives and wonder what the deal is.
JBJ may be getting questions like that because her inn is on the market. Guests, whether they are interested in buying or not, may find that listing online if they do a wide-net google search.
I wish that was why, she was just wanting to know. They were pretty old, didn't even use a cell phone.muirford said:Ha ha! That's a good one.Bree said:We rarely get questions about viability of the business like JBJ gets, but we do get a lot of, 'We always thought about doing this. But, I bet it's...(fill in the blank, whatever they worry about).' When they want what I consider to be the 'innside scoop' they always want to know what is it they don't see that is the hardest thing about the biz. I can always look up from whatever I'm doing and in a tragic voice say, 'Laundry. Think about it.' Women think about it and get that same tragic look as they think about all the towels and all the bedding just in THEIR room. Most guys look at their wives and wonder what the deal is.
JBJ may be getting questions like that because her inn is on the market. Guests, whether they are interested in buying or not, may find that listing online if they do a wide-net google search.
I am impressed that you can get everyone thru with brekkie in 30 minutes! There are days we start serving at 8 and the same people are still sitting over coffee at 10! Even tho brekkie was over at 9:30. We've had guests get up from the breakfast table at 11:15 exclaiming, 'We have to go, we don't want to pay the late check-out fee!'The only time the guest gets to select their breakfast time is if they are the only ones here. I will sometimes do 8:30, 9:00 or 9:30. When I have more than one room breakfast is only served at 8:30am. It takes me a half hour to get through serving all the courses. I have 4 rooms so I can have up to 8 people for breakfast. The place has been going as a B & B over 20 years and the standard breakfast time was always 8:30am and I have kept doing that. It seems to work out really well. It gets the guests up and moving as we don't want them sleeping in all day! I only have to get up at 7am and by 8:30am the first course is being served. I prepare as much as possible the night before such as the batter for scones or muffins, any french toast dishes or stratas. I have two tables set up the night before with place settings. Each holds 4 people. I have the fireplace going in the morning and some calming music playing from my ipod. If all goes well I will be done serving breakfast at 9am and get get started on clearing the tables, loading the dishwasher and vacuuming. People start to check out after this and then I can get started on the rooms and laundry. I don't think I could stagger breakfasts. The whole breakfast thing is a lot of fun but I am tired afterwards and wouldn't want to repeat that twice in a day!.
I am impressed that you can get everyone thru with brekkie in 30 minutes! There are days we start serving at 8 and the same people are still sitting over coffee at 10! Even tho brekkie was over at 9:30. We've had guests get up from the breakfast table at 11:15 exclaiming, 'We have to go, we don't want to pay the late check-out fee!'The only time the guest gets to select their breakfast time is if they are the only ones here. I will sometimes do 8:30, 9:00 or 9:30. When I have more than one room breakfast is only served at 8:30am. It takes me a half hour to get through serving all the courses. I have 4 rooms so I can have up to 8 people for breakfast. The place has been going as a B & B over 20 years and the standard breakfast time was always 8:30am and I have kept doing that. It seems to work out really well. It gets the guests up and moving as we don't want them sleeping in all day! I only have to get up at 7am and by 8:30am the first course is being served. I prepare as much as possible the night before such as the batter for scones or muffins, any french toast dishes or stratas. I have two tables set up the night before with place settings. Each holds 4 people. I have the fireplace going in the morning and some calming music playing from my ipod. If all goes well I will be done serving breakfast at 9am and get get started on clearing the tables, loading the dishwasher and vacuuming. People start to check out after this and then I can get started on the rooms and laundry. I don't think I could stagger breakfasts. The whole breakfast thing is a lot of fun but I am tired afterwards and wouldn't want to repeat that twice in a day!.
Then again, there are days everyone is gone by 8:30 and we're left wondering what whirlwind just went thru!
We can only because we only have two rooms right now. Sometimes they hang out, but more often they are up and out the door to see stuff.Bree said:I am impressed that you can get everyone thru with brekkie in 30 minutes!
We have quite a few folks that are here for some specific events and then the last day of their stay, they have more flexibility. There's no way that a set breakfast time would work here. We also have business guests (which were are bread and butter in April) that have meetings or interviews to get to. I have to be like a tree.........and bendThe only time the guest gets to select their breakfast time is if they are the only ones here. I will sometimes do 8:30, 9:00 or 9:30. When I have more than one room breakfast is only served at 8:30am. It takes me a half hour to get through serving all the courses. I have 4 rooms so I can have up to 8 people for breakfast. The place has been going as a B & B over 20 years and the standard breakfast time was always 8:30am and I have kept doing that. It seems to work out really well. It gets the guests up and moving as we don't want them sleeping in all day! I only have to get up at 7am and by 8:30am the first course is being served. I prepare as much as possible the night before such as the batter for scones or muffins, any french toast dishes or stratas. I have two tables set up the night before with place settings. Each holds 4 people. I have the fireplace going in the morning and some calming music playing from my ipod. If all goes well I will be done serving breakfast at 9am and get get started on clearing the tables, loading the dishwasher and vacuuming. People start to check out after this and then I can get started on the rooms and laundry. I don't think I could stagger breakfasts. The whole breakfast thing is a lot of fun but I am tired afterwards and wouldn't want to repeat that twice in a day!.
We have quite a few folks that are here for some specific events and then the last day of their stay, they have more flexibility. There's no way that a set breakfast time would work here. We also have business guests (which were are bread and butter in April) that have meetings or interviews to get to. I have to be like a tree.........and bendThe only time the guest gets to select their breakfast time is if they are the only ones here. I will sometimes do 8:30, 9:00 or 9:30. When I have more than one room breakfast is only served at 8:30am. It takes me a half hour to get through serving all the courses. I have 4 rooms so I can have up to 8 people for breakfast. The place has been going as a B & B over 20 years and the standard breakfast time was always 8:30am and I have kept doing that. It seems to work out really well. It gets the guests up and moving as we don't want them sleeping in all day! I only have to get up at 7am and by 8:30am the first course is being served. I prepare as much as possible the night before such as the batter for scones or muffins, any french toast dishes or stratas. I have two tables set up the night before with place settings. Each holds 4 people. I have the fireplace going in the morning and some calming music playing from my ipod. If all goes well I will be done serving breakfast at 9am and get get started on clearing the tables, loading the dishwasher and vacuuming. People start to check out after this and then I can get started on the rooms and laundry. I don't think I could stagger breakfasts. The whole breakfast thing is a lot of fun but I am tired afterwards and wouldn't want to repeat that twice in a day!.![]()
It really does depend on your market and location as to what works each B&B/inn in this biz.
Yes sistuh you hit it! What works for one inn does not even come close to working for another. THose in resort areas have guests who want to sleep in and those with business guests and road trippers want an earlier brekkie. Some days and weeks our own inns can be so diverse we have to adjust to go with the flow.Samster said:We have quite a few folks that are here for some specific events and then the last day of their stay, they have more flexibility. There's no way that a set breakfast time would work here. We also have business guests (which were are bread and butter in April) that have meetings or interviews to get to. I have to be like a tree.........and bend![]()
It really does depend on your market and location as to what works each B&B/inn in this biz.
have guests who want to sleep in and those with business guests and road trippers want an earlier brekkie.We have quite a few folks that are here for some specific events and then the last day of their stay, they have more flexibility. There's no way that a set breakfast time would work here. We also have business guests (which were are bread and butter in April) that have meetings or interviews to get to. I have to be like a tree.........and bendThe only time the guest gets to select their breakfast time is if they are the only ones here. I will sometimes do 8:30, 9:00 or 9:30. When I have more than one room breakfast is only served at 8:30am. It takes me a half hour to get through serving all the courses. I have 4 rooms so I can have up to 8 people for breakfast. The place has been going as a B & B over 20 years and the standard breakfast time was always 8:30am and I have kept doing that. It seems to work out really well. It gets the guests up and moving as we don't want them sleeping in all day! I only have to get up at 7am and by 8:30am the first course is being served. I prepare as much as possible the night before such as the batter for scones or muffins, any french toast dishes or stratas. I have two tables set up the night before with place settings. Each holds 4 people. I have the fireplace going in the morning and some calming music playing from my ipod. If all goes well I will be done serving breakfast at 9am and get get started on clearing the tables, loading the dishwasher and vacuuming. People start to check out after this and then I can get started on the rooms and laundry. I don't think I could stagger breakfasts. The whole breakfast thing is a lot of fun but I am tired afterwards and wouldn't want to repeat that twice in a day!.![]()
It really does depend on your market and location as to what works each B&B/inn in this biz.
.Yes sistuh you hit it! What works for one inn does not even come close to working for another. THose in resort areas have guests who want to sleep in and those with business guests and road trippers want an earlier brekkie. Some days and weeks our own inns can be so diverse we have to adjust to go with the flow.Samster said:We have quite a few folks that are here for some specific events and then the last day of their stay, they have more flexibility. There's no way that a set breakfast time would work here. We also have business guests (which were are bread and butter in April) that have meetings or interviews to get to. I have to be like a tree.........and bend![]()
It really does depend on your market and location as to what works each B&B/inn in this biz.
We have quite a few folks that are here for some specific events and then the last day of their stay, they have more flexibility. There's no way that a set breakfast time would work here. We also have business guests (which were are bread and butter in April) that have meetings or interviews to get to. I have to be like a tree.........and bendThe only time the guest gets to select their breakfast time is if they are the only ones here. I will sometimes do 8:30, 9:00 or 9:30. When I have more than one room breakfast is only served at 8:30am. It takes me a half hour to get through serving all the courses. I have 4 rooms so I can have up to 8 people for breakfast. The place has been going as a B & B over 20 years and the standard breakfast time was always 8:30am and I have kept doing that. It seems to work out really well. It gets the guests up and moving as we don't want them sleeping in all day! I only have to get up at 7am and by 8:30am the first course is being served. I prepare as much as possible the night before such as the batter for scones or muffins, any french toast dishes or stratas. I have two tables set up the night before with place settings. Each holds 4 people. I have the fireplace going in the morning and some calming music playing from my ipod. If all goes well I will be done serving breakfast at 9am and get get started on clearing the tables, loading the dishwasher and vacuuming. People start to check out after this and then I can get started on the rooms and laundry. I don't think I could stagger breakfasts. The whole breakfast thing is a lot of fun but I am tired afterwards and wouldn't want to repeat that twice in a day!.![]()
It really does depend on your market and location as to what works each B&B/inn in this biz.
Absolutely true. We cannot bend far as we have wine tours to get ready for, and 90% of the time our guests are on the tours so they understand.Samster said:We have quite a few folks that are here for some specific events and then the last day of their stay, they have more flexibility. There's no way that a set breakfast time would work here. We also have business guests (which were are bread and butter in April) that have meetings or interviews to get to. I have to be like a tree.........and bend![]()
It really does depend on your market and location as to what works each B&B/inn in this biz.
And then there are the rooms who do not come to brekkie at the same time. Couple will come in for 8 and say child is sleeping in. I know someone who just traveled like this to B&B's. She would be up, breakfasted and ready to go by 9 AM, kid would wander down for brekkie long after brekkie was over and she would get served. I'd love to slap those innkeepers. (And I'm sure those innkeepers wanted to slap that teen.)We have quite a few folks that are here for some specific events and then the last day of their stay, they have more flexibility. There's no way that a set breakfast time would work here. We also have business guests (which were are bread and butter in April) that have meetings or interviews to get to. I have to be like a tree.........and bendThe only time the guest gets to select their breakfast time is if they are the only ones here. I will sometimes do 8:30, 9:00 or 9:30. When I have more than one room breakfast is only served at 8:30am. It takes me a half hour to get through serving all the courses. I have 4 rooms so I can have up to 8 people for breakfast. The place has been going as a B & B over 20 years and the standard breakfast time was always 8:30am and I have kept doing that. It seems to work out really well. It gets the guests up and moving as we don't want them sleeping in all day! I only have to get up at 7am and by 8:30am the first course is being served. I prepare as much as possible the night before such as the batter for scones or muffins, any french toast dishes or stratas. I have two tables set up the night before with place settings. Each holds 4 people. I have the fireplace going in the morning and some calming music playing from my ipod. If all goes well I will be done serving breakfast at 9am and get get started on clearing the tables, loading the dishwasher and vacuuming. People start to check out after this and then I can get started on the rooms and laundry. I don't think I could stagger breakfasts. The whole breakfast thing is a lot of fun but I am tired afterwards and wouldn't want to repeat that twice in a day!.![]()
It really does depend on your market and location as to what works each B&B/inn in this biz.
.Yes sistuh you hit it! What works for one inn does not even come close to working for another. THose in resort areas have guests who want to sleep in and those with business guests and road trippers want an earlier brekkie. Some days and weeks our own inns can be so diverse we have to adjust to go with the flow.Samster said:We have quite a few folks that are here for some specific events and then the last day of their stay, they have more flexibility. There's no way that a set breakfast time would work here. We also have business guests (which were are bread and butter in April) that have meetings or interviews to get to. I have to be like a tree.........and bend![]()
It really does depend on your market and location as to what works each B&B/inn in this biz.
I am impressed that you can get everyone thru with brekkie in 30 minutes! There are days we start serving at 8 and the same people are still sitting over coffee at 10! Even tho brekkie was over at 9:30. We've had guests get up from the breakfast table at 11:15 exclaiming, 'We have to go, we don't want to pay the late check-out fee!'The only time the guest gets to select their breakfast time is if they are the only ones here. I will sometimes do 8:30, 9:00 or 9:30. When I have more than one room breakfast is only served at 8:30am. It takes me a half hour to get through serving all the courses. I have 4 rooms so I can have up to 8 people for breakfast. The place has been going as a B & B over 20 years and the standard breakfast time was always 8:30am and I have kept doing that. It seems to work out really well. It gets the guests up and moving as we don't want them sleeping in all day! I only have to get up at 7am and by 8:30am the first course is being served. I prepare as much as possible the night before such as the batter for scones or muffins, any french toast dishes or stratas. I have two tables set up the night before with place settings. Each holds 4 people. I have the fireplace going in the morning and some calming music playing from my ipod. If all goes well I will be done serving breakfast at 9am and get get started on clearing the tables, loading the dishwasher and vacuuming. People start to check out after this and then I can get started on the rooms and laundry. I don't think I could stagger breakfasts. The whole breakfast thing is a lot of fun but I am tired afterwards and wouldn't want to repeat that twice in a day!.
Then again, there are days everyone is gone by 8:30 and we're left wondering what whirlwind just went thru!
My part of serving breakfast is done at 9am. I clear their dirty dishes from the tables but leave their cups and glasses so they can refill their coffee or juices. Sometimes they do sit around and talk until 10am which is fine with me. Other times they are gone by 9am. I'm busy loading the dishwasher and cleaning up the kitchen at this time and if they are having a great time sitting around talking that is great. I can move on to other things but if I don't have much planned for the day sometimes I will come back and join them and chat.Bree said:I am impressed that you can get everyone thru with brekkie in 30 minutes! There are days we start serving at 8 and the same people are still sitting over coffee at 10! Even tho brekkie was over at 9:30. We've had guests get up from the breakfast table at 11:15 exclaiming, 'We have to go, we don't want to pay the late check-out fee!'
Then again, there are days everyone is gone by 8:30 and we're left wondering what whirlwind just went thru!
Same here. When most or all of our folks are here for these events, I can get in the rooms fairly early and leave the remainder of the kitchen cleanup for later. I'd rather get the rooms out of the way so that the rooms are finished for when the guests wander back. Recently i had two groups that were the total opposite - one group left for the event and weren't back until after dinner. The other one, back to the rooms by mid-morning and they hung out here and were in & out all day. Sometimes ya never know.....Two rooms at breakfast. One left at 915, one just left at 11am. I can never get in and get started on any room before 11am. I have clean up and all that after breakfast and chat and questions etc etc.
I dread the wedding guest. If someone tells me they are coming for a wedding, I always ask what time the wedding will be. 9 out of 10 are at 4 PM. THOSE guests may run out to pick up something they forgot (hair spray) but they are in and out all day, sitting around in the room, hanging out on the lawn, whatever. They dont leave until the wedding is set to start. And some of them don't leave until 4 PM. Like they are so important the wedding won't start without them.Same here. When most or all of our folks are here for these events, I can get in the rooms fairly early and leave the remainder of the kitchen cleanup for later. I'd rather get the rooms out of the way so that the rooms are finished for when the guests wander back. Recently i had two groups that were the total opposite - one group left for the event and weren't back until after dinner. The other one, back to the rooms by mid-morning and they hung out here and were in & out all day. Sometimes ya never know.....Two rooms at breakfast. One left at 915, one just left at 11am. I can never get in and get started on any room before 11am. I have clean up and all that after breakfast and chat and questions etc etc.
When my dh is around (aka The Entertainment Committee or Mr. Chatty Chatterson), they are usually at the table a lot longer if they aren't headed out for a specific reason.![]()
I dread the wedding guest. If someone tells me they are coming for a wedding, I always ask what time the wedding will be. 9 out of 10 are at 4 PM. THOSE guests may run out to pick up something they forgot (hair spray) but they are in and out all day, sitting around in the room, hanging out on the lawn, whatever. They dont leave until the wedding is set to start. And some of them don't leave until 4 PM. Like they are so important the wedding won't start without them.Same here. When most or all of our folks are here for these events, I can get in the rooms fairly early and leave the remainder of the kitchen cleanup for later. I'd rather get the rooms out of the way so that the rooms are finished for when the guests wander back. Recently i had two groups that were the total opposite - one group left for the event and weren't back until after dinner. The other one, back to the rooms by mid-morning and they hung out here and were in & out all day. Sometimes ya never know.....Two rooms at breakfast. One left at 915, one just left at 11am. I can never get in and get started on any room before 11am. I have clean up and all that after breakfast and chat and questions etc etc.
When my dh is around (aka The Entertainment Committee or Mr. Chatty Chatterson), they are usually at the table a lot longer if they aren't headed out for a specific reason.![]()
And they sit around the room while you try to clean. Hello! I'm not your mother, trying to vacuum under your feet. I never know if that is because they are comfortable with us or think we're invisible.
Great wedding story that isn't mine but one inn had the groom's family with them. They rang the bell and wanted the innkeeper to make them all tea and coffee 10 minutes before the wedding was due to start. 'They can't start without US,' sneered the mother of the groom. I pity the poor bride in that case.
I think we discussed this before - but you clean a room when a guest is in it? Really? All I will ever do is give them a load of fresh towels and be off. If they are in, they are in, and I am not.Bree said:I dread the wedding guest. If someone tells me they are coming for a wedding, I always ask what time the wedding will be. 9 out of 10 are at 4 PM. THOSE guests may run out to pick up something they forgot (hair spray) but they are in and out all day, sitting around in the room, hanging out on the lawn, whatever. They dont leave until the wedding is set to start. And some of them don't leave until 4 PM. Like they are so important the wedding won't start without them.
And they sit around the room while you try to clean. Hello! I'm not your mother, trying to vacuum under your feet. I never know if that is because they are comfortable with us or think we're invisible.
Great wedding story that isn't mine but one inn had the groom's family with them. They rang the bell and wanted the innkeeper to make them all tea and coffee 10 minutes before the wedding was due to start. 'They can't start without US,' sneered the mother of the groom. I pity the poor bride in that case.
I agree...unless they want to scoot out to the porch or something. I will offer them fresh towels. They have been advised that I'll be in to refresh between 10am & 2pm. That's a big HINT! haha!I dread the wedding guest. If someone tells me they are coming for a wedding, I always ask what time the wedding will be. 9 out of 10 are at 4 PM. THOSE guests may run out to pick up something they forgot (hair spray) but they are in and out all day, sitting around in the room, hanging out on the lawn, whatever. They dont leave until the wedding is set to start. And some of them don't leave until 4 PM. Like they are so important the wedding won't start without them.Same here. When most or all of our folks are here for these events, I can get in the rooms fairly early and leave the remainder of the kitchen cleanup for later. I'd rather get the rooms out of the way so that the rooms are finished for when the guests wander back. Recently i had two groups that were the total opposite - one group left for the event and weren't back until after dinner. The other one, back to the rooms by mid-morning and they hung out here and were in & out all day. Sometimes ya never know.....Two rooms at breakfast. One left at 915, one just left at 11am. I can never get in and get started on any room before 11am. I have clean up and all that after breakfast and chat and questions etc etc.
When my dh is around (aka The Entertainment Committee or Mr. Chatty Chatterson), they are usually at the table a lot longer if they aren't headed out for a specific reason.![]()
And they sit around the room while you try to clean. Hello! I'm not your mother, trying to vacuum under your feet. I never know if that is because they are comfortable with us or think we're invisible.
Great wedding story that isn't mine but one inn had the groom's family with them. They rang the bell and wanted the innkeeper to make them all tea and coffee 10 minutes before the wedding was due to start. 'They can't start without US,' sneered the mother of the groom. I pity the poor bride in that case.
.I think we discussed this before - but you clean a room when a guest is in it? Really? All I will ever do is give them a load of fresh towels and be off. If they are in, they are in, and I am not.Bree said:I dread the wedding guest. If someone tells me they are coming for a wedding, I always ask what time the wedding will be. 9 out of 10 are at 4 PM. THOSE guests may run out to pick up something they forgot (hair spray) but they are in and out all day, sitting around in the room, hanging out on the lawn, whatever. They dont leave until the wedding is set to start. And some of them don't leave until 4 PM. Like they are so important the wedding won't start without them.
And they sit around the room while you try to clean. Hello! I'm not your mother, trying to vacuum under your feet. I never know if that is because they are comfortable with us or think we're invisible.
Great wedding story that isn't mine but one inn had the groom's family with them. They rang the bell and wanted the innkeeper to make them all tea and coffee 10 minutes before the wedding was due to start. 'They can't start without US,' sneered the mother of the groom. I pity the poor bride in that case.