Saying goodbye

Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
Reaction score
I wanted to stop in one last time to say goodbye and thank you to everyone who has cheered us on and commiserated with us over the years. (The PITA baton is available!)

It’s been over a year since we retired and I don’t feel I have anything up to date to contribute. So, time to hang up the apron and really get into this retirement thing!

I’ll also apologize for not being here this past month to do my early morning spam patrol. I’ve requested the folks who are the overall managers of the site to let another member take over those chores.

We’re doing well, still getting our new (old) house in order, but things are progressing. I’m writing, quilting, learning to do wool appliqué. Gomez is puttering while he searches for someone to build him a garage for his workshop. We’re finally going on our first vacation in almost 3 years.

All the best to everyone here! You’ve been a wonderful bunch of nuts. Thanks again!
We are going to miss you, Mort!
Make sure to lurk here whenever your web browsing gets boring!
A sad parting, Mort. If you are ever going to be near The WV, PA, OH area, stop in for a stay or a cuppa. You know my rate for you. Will miss you.

And this week I am getting a taste of the summers many of you have - IF the call I just had calls back (and this time chances are better yes, than no), I will not have a day off for about 2 weeks. Too old for this.
Mort, we will miss you, thanks for the help over the years. Like Gillum if you find yourself down this way yell and stop and see us, always nice to meet online friends in person.
Thanks for the fun and the advice over many many years. Now, may you enjoy a fun and healthy retirement for many many years more!

You might want to consider doing what so many retirees do: open a quaint little B & B where you share your breakfast with guests then just spend the day sipping coffee and chatting with guests, and spend the evening sipping wine and chatting with guests, and counting all the money. As I understand it, that's all there is to innkeeping.
Bye, Mort! Wishing you all the best in your retirement. This board won’t be the same without you.
It was your wit and experience that kept me coming back! Will miss you. Look me up if you ever make it to the edge of the earth.
I've lurked on here for several years and always enjoyed your wit and wisdom. Enjoy the well deserved rest!
I too am enjoying life after B&B. I’m enjoying sipping my morning coffee all by myself.
Glad you're enjoying retirement! I can't retire because I'm still spending money on old buildings! I'm just a couple of months from finishing the "bordello/brothel building" I started renovating 9 years ago!
I wanted to stop in one last time to say goodbye and thank you to everyone who has cheered us on and commiserated with us over the years. (The PITA baton is available!)

It’s been over a year since we retired and I don’t feel I have anything up to date to contribute. So, time to hang up the apron and really get into this retirement thing!

I’ll also apologize for not being here this past month to do my early morning spam patrol. I’ve requested the folks who are the overall managers of the site to let another member take over those chores.

We’re doing well, still getting our new (old) house in order, but things are progressing. I’m writing, quilting, learning to do wool appliqué. Gomez is puttering while he searches for someone to build him a garage for his workshop. We’re finally going on our first vacation in almost 3 years.

All the best to everyone here! You’ve been a wonderful bunch of nuts. Thanks again!
Thank you for all your insight over the years. You’ve had great feedback And it will be missed. Now, quit reading all this and go enjoy retirement. 😁
I’m glad I stopped by one last time so I can also wish Mort and all my other forum buddies goodbye. I too am enjoying life after B&B. I’m enjoying sipping my morning coffee all by myself.
Thanks for all you’ve shared with the group. I’ve quietly enjoyed all the dialogue for the past couple of years. Have fun in retirement.
Belated goodbyes from here. Hard to believe it was 13 years since I opened the B&B and found Innspiring. You were a great guide to the critical beginning process of measuring your market, appraising your own capabilities and setting boundaries appropriately. Thankfully, we never had the PITA quotient you faced, but we were better prepared, more responsive, and more effective in dealing with issues as they arose.
Congratulations on retirement and best wishes.