Think of all the stupid things people tell you over the years, then you provide them with a venue to jot down the lot, be prepared for lots of piddling crap (opps
) to go along with a few good worthy comments.
Sorry, I am with JB - this last week of guests have put me through the ringer! Receiving a completed questionaire from this bunch of self absorbed people would have put me right over the edge!
Now in general it may not be a bad idea but I would not go overboard - give basic questions and "is there anything you would like to see added" but you may not want to read these until you need a real good laugh!.
I did an online survey once sent to former guests and I really needed a thick skin transplant to read them. Who knew the things that bothered people. Yikes.
Madeleine said:
I did an online survey once sent to former guests and I really needed a thick skin transplant to read them. Who knew the things that bothered people. Yikes.
Tomato tomato yeah both of those!
Things that bother
a guest and the reason I won't do questionnaires no matter what and how much you pay me:
- having to get up to turn off a light
- having to turn on a light
- having to find the switch to turn on a light
- having to see a light under a door
- having to see a light outside the window
- having too little light
- having too much light
- having a night light
- not having a night light
- having an alarm clock light
- not having an alarn clock light
This is an old in house which I live. There are only 2 rooms with overhead lights- the dining room & the kitchen. The bathrooms all have a fan with a light but none of the guest rooms have ceiling lights. All of the light switches operate lamps.
If you turn off the lamp using the switch on the lamp, you can flick the wall switch as much as you like, nothing is going to happen.
We have CFL's in the light fixtures. You have to give them half a second to warm up. If you keep turning the switch on the sconces on and off and on and off and on and off, no, you'll never get to a point where the light comes on.
If you wake the innkeeper up to tell her the breaker must be tripped because the lights won't come on, be guaranteed she will come to your room in her fuzzy bathrobe and Mr Potato Head slippers to prove you wrong. And embarrass you in front of your girlfriend. And pretty much insure she'll never see you in her inn again. Sigh.
We affixed a strip of lath to the door frames so guests couldn't see the hall light while in their rooms. Keeps them now from turning the hall lights off. It really was a problem in some rooms given where the bed was in relation to the door. And the new carpet isn't squished flat so that helps, too.
Hate those blue alarm clock lights. Would not complain to an innkeeper but I will tuck the clock under the bed or drape a towel over it.
Yeah, I know you didn't need me to comment, but I can't help myself.